Advanced plays Flashcards
Delayed Cbet
Target Hands: Top Pair weak kicker, Middle Pair
What will I do if they raise?
Vs Regulars
Masks strength of your hand
Creates deception value
Mixes up range
Great ass bluff catcher ag Aggros
ReRaise the Flop (preflop Caller)
IP Scare Card in our perceived range (vs NIT)
Combo draw: two overs, gutshot, back door flush (12-15 outs)
Donk Betting (as Preflop Caller)
Top Pair, Two Pair, 3+, etc
Big Combo Draws
Sometimes semi bluff vs Reg
NEVER Donk with nothing! Leaves no outs except aggression.
Float the Flop (as Pre-flop Caller IP) with Check/Raise
Vs Aggros villains with a very wide range (like 50% of hands) AND high Flop Cbet% and Turn Cbet%
They are positionally aware and exploiting weak limpers early.
Have SOME EQUITY in your hand (Flush draw, straight draw, Gutshot, MP, BP, two over cards, etc.)
Semi-bluff 50% of time and Nuts 50% of time
Extra: puts them on tilt, long memories and will pay you off again down the road.
Extra: they’ll think twice about barreling you off with impunity
Resolve to accept the variance here!
Pot Control to Avoid Bloat
3bet pots (sizing down)
Target hands: small over pairs, Top pair bad kicker, Middle Pair
(Consider delayed Cbet)
Multi-way Pot with Limp/Callers - IP
Open only top 15%
Consider LP shove if tight/nits
Target only those with high Fold to FCbet and TCbet %’s.
Squeeze Play: 3bet Bluff the Isolation Raise
Target Regs who understand position and are attacking weak limpers (particularly if they have high fold to 3bet %)
Use your value ranges & Strong Suited A’s and K’s (ex K9s).
If called multi-way, “play it honestly”
Bluffing a Reg
I have a hand with some equity, no showdown value, and decent fold equity….BET fold to reraise