MVL Epi 22 Phrases Flashcards
¡Qué divertido!
What fun!
Ahí está el camino
There is the path
Ten cuidado
Be careful
Destrucción en la costa
Destruction of the coast
Investigado por la policía
Investigated by the police
Se investigan sus actividades
Are investigated his activities
En el sector de la construcción
In the building sector
Hay alegaciones de corrupción
There are allegations of corruption
Pagos ilegales
Illegal payments
Los lagartos toman el sol
The lizards bask in the sun
Y unos pocos turistas pasean
And some few tourists walk around
Por sus espléndidas dunas
Its magnificent sand dunes
Unicas en el mundo
Unique in the world
El constructor tiene planes
The developer has plans
Para convertir este paraíso terrenal
To turn this paradise on earth
Es un enorme complejo turístico
Is a huge tourist complex tourist
Los métodos del constructor
The methods of the developer
Son simples
They are simple
Pagos ilegales a las autoridades
Illegal payments to the authorities
Amenazas físicas
Physical threats
Amenazas de violencia
Threats of violence
Yo he sido víctima
I have been victim
De sus colaboradores
From his associates
Documentos con una lista secreta
Documents with a secret list
Proyectos urbanísticos ilegales
Illegal tourist projects
Por toda la costa de la Península
By all the coast of the Peninsula
Por su parte
In his defense
El billonario ha declarado
The billionaire has declared
Son invenciones de periodistas
They are inventions of journalists
Las acusaciones son falsas
The accusations are untrue
Partidarios de los ecologistas
Supporters of the environmentalists
¿Has recibido mi artículo?
Have you received my article?
Estoy muy contenta
I am very happy
Estoy nominada para un premio
I’m nominated for a prize
Tengo sospechas
I have suspicions
Personas cercanas a mí
People close to me
No sé
I don’t know
¿Tú recuerdas alguien sospechoso?
Do you remember someone suspicious?
Tengo muchas ganas de verte
I have much desire to see you
Ya sabes
You know
¿Cuándo vienes de nuevo?
When do you come again?
Ven pronto
Come soon
Hemos tenido acceso
We’ve had access
English to Spanish
What fun!
¡Qué divertido!
English to Spanish
There is the path
Ahí está el camino
English to Spanish
Be careful
Ten cuidado
English to Spanish
Destruction of the coast
Destrucción en la costa
English to Spanish
Investigated by the police
Investigado por la policía
English to Spanish
Are investigated his activities
Se investigan sus actividades
English to Spanish
In the building sector
En el sector de la construcción
English to Spanish
There are allegations of corruption
Hay alegaciones de corrupción
English to Spanish
Illegal payments
Pagos ilegales
English to Spanish
The lizards bask in the sun
Los lagartos toman el sol
English to Spanish
And some few tourists walk around
Y unos pocos turistas pasean
English to Spanish
Its magnificent sand dunes
Por sus espléndidas dunas
English to Spanish
Unique in the world
Unicas en el mundo
English to Spanish
The developer has plans
El constructor tiene planes
English to Spanish
To turn this paradise on earth
Para convertir este paraíso terrenal
English to Spanish
Is a huge tourist complex tourist
Es un enorme complejo turístico
English to Spanish
The methods of the developer
Los métodos del constructor
English to Spanish
They are simple
Son simples
English to Spanish
Illegal payments to the authorities
Pagos ilegales a las autoridades
English to Spanish
Physical threats
Amenazas físicas
English to Spanish
Threats of violence
Amenazas de violencia
English to Spanish
I have been victim
Yo he sido víctima
English to Spanish
From his associates
De sus colaboradores
English to Spanish
Documents with a secret list
Documentos con una lista secreta
English to Spanish
Illegal tourist projects
Proyectos urbanísticos ilegales
English to Spanish
By all the coast of the Peninsula
Por toda la costa de la Península
English to Spanish
In his defense
Por su parte
English to Spanish
The billionaire has declared
El billonario ha declarado
English to Spanish
They are inventions of journalists
Son invenciones de periodistas
English to Spanish
The accusations are untrue
Las acusaciones son falsas
English to Spanish
Supporters of the environmentalists
Partidarios de los ecologistas
English to Spanish
Have you received my article?
¿Has recibido mi artículo?
English to Spanish
I am very happy
Estoy muy contenta
English to Spanish
I’m nominated for a prize
Estoy nominada para un premio
English to Spanish
I have suspicions
Tengo sospechas
English to Spanish
People close to me
Personas cercanas a mí
English to Spanish
I don’t know
No sé
English to Spanish
Do you remember someone suspicious?
¿Tú recuerdas alguien sospechoso?
English to Spanish
I have much desire to see you
Tengo muchas ganas de verte
English to Spanish
You know
Ya sabes
English to Spanish
When do you come again?
¿Cuándo vienes de nuevo?
English to Spanish
Come soon
Ven pronto
English to Spanish
We’ve had access
Hemos tenido acceso