MVL Epi 19 Phrases Flashcards
Están aquí
They’re here
Tengo una idea
I have an idea
El dúplex de al lado se vende
The ‘dúplex’ next door is for sale
¿Puedes ir a la oficina?
Can you go to the office?
Y decir que quieres verlo
And say that you want to see it
Voy a intentar entrar
I’m going to try to get in
Yo voy a ___
I am going to ___
En el de ellos por ése
In the of them through that
La oficina está a cincuenta metros
The office is about 50 metres
Yo espero aquí para vigilar
I’ll wait here to keep watch
Quiero ver esta casa
I want to see this house
Tome asiento por favor
Take a seat please
Disculpe un momento
Excuse me for a moment
No hay problema
There is not problem
¿Puedo ayudarle?
Can I help you?
Sin ningún problema
Without any problem
Ésta es la casa
This is the house
Ésta es la entrada trasera
This is the rear entrance
Come in!
Como ve
As you see
Está completamente amueblada
It is fully furnished
¡Por supuesto!
Of course!
Éste es el dormitorio principal
This is the main bedroom
El ropero empotrado
A fitted wardrobe
El balcón con vistas al mar
The balcony with sea views
¿Le gusta?
Do you like it?
¿Qué le parece?
What do you think of it?
Tengo que pensarlo
I have to think about it
¿Cuánto es?
How much is it?
El precio de la vivienda es
The price of the house is
Trescientos noventa y seis mil
Three hundred ninety and six thousand
Con impuestos incluidos
With taxes included
La comunidad son ciento cincuenta
The service charge are 150
Eso es todo
That’s all
Aquí tiene una tarjeta
Here you have a card
Con nuestros datos
With our details
¿Todo bien?
Everything ok?
Hasta luego
Until later
Dichosa puerta
Happy door
Me ha costado mucho abrirla
It’s been really tough to open it
Vamos a mirar abajo
Let’s have a look downstairs
Aquí no está
She’s not here
English to Spanish
They’re here
Están aquí
English to Spanish
I have an idea
Tengo una idea
English to Spanish
The ‘dúplex’ next door is for sale
El dúplex de al lado se vende
English to Spanish
Can you go to the office?
¿Puedes ir a la oficina?
English to Spanish
And say that you want to see it
Y decir que quieres verlo
English to Spanish
I’m going to try to get in
Voy a intentar entrar
English to Spanish
I am going to ___
Yo voy a ___
English to Spanish
In the of them through that
En el de ellos por ése
English to Spanish
The office is about 50 metres
La oficina está a cincuenta metros
English to Spanish
I’ll wait here to keep watch
Yo espero aquí para vigilar
English to Spanish
I want to see this house
Quiero ver esta casa
English to Spanish
Take a seat please
Tome asiento por favor
English to Spanish
Excuse me for a moment
Disculpe un momento
English to Spanish
There is not problem
No hay problema
English to Spanish
Can I help you?
¿Puedo ayudarle?
English to Spanish
Without any problem
Sin ningún problema
English to Spanish
This is the house
Ésta es la casa
English to Spanish
This is the rear entrance
Ésta es la entrada trasera
English to Spanish
Come in!
English to Spanish
As you see
Como ve
English to Spanish
It is fully furnished
Está completamente amueblada
English to Spanish
Of course!
¡Por supuesto!
English to Spanish
This is the main bedroom
Éste es el dormitorio principal
English to Spanish
A fitted wardrobe
El ropero empotrado
English to Spanish
The balcony with sea views
El balcón con vistas al mar
English to Spanish
Do you like it?
¿Le gusta?
English to Spanish
What do you think of it?
¿Qué le parece?
English to Spanish
I have to think about it
Tengo que pensarlo
English to Spanish
How much is it?
¿Cuánto es?
English to Spanish
The price of the house is
El precio de la vivienda es
English to Spanish
Three hundred ninety and six thousand
Trescientos noventa y seis mil
English to Spanish
With taxes included
Con impuestos incluidos
English to Spanish
The service charge are 150
La comunidad son ciento cincuenta
English to Spanish
That’s all
Eso es todo
English to Spanish
Here you have a card
Aquí tiene una tarjeta
English to Spanish
With our details
Con nuestros datos
English to Spanish
Everything ok?
¿Todo bien?
English to Spanish
Until later
Hasta luego
English to Spanish
Happy door
Dichosa puerta
English to Spanish
It’s been really tough to open it
Me ha costado mucho abrirla
English to Spanish
Let’s have a look downstairs
Vamos a mirar abajo
English to Spanish
She’s not here
Aquí no está