Mutations Flashcards

- It transports serotinin from the synaptic cleft to the presysnaptic neuron after an action potential has ocurred.
- This means the presynaptic neurson is able to reuse srotinin and it stops serotinin recpeots being activated in the post-synaptic neuron to allow the post-synaptic neuron to repolarise.

The promoter region controls how likely RNA polymerase is to attach to and transcribe the DNA of the serotonin receptor gene.
A mutation might result in more or less transcirption of a gene resultiung in greater or lesser numbers of the serotonin recpetor in the presynaptic membrane iof the neuron.

No effect because teh intron regions are noncoding and cut out of teh mrna after transcription so are not translated into polypeptides so dont affect the AA sequence

There ius a correlation.
So it is possible trhat there is a relationship between teh short SERT allel and anxious poersonalityv traits
But the evidence shown doesnt suggest that the allele causes anxious perosnality traits