Mutations Flashcards
genetic state of an organism, different from the wild type
structural alteration of DNA in a mutant, always change in base sequence of DNA
physical or chemical agent that causes mutations
process of producing a mutation
spontaneous vs. induced mutagenesis (background level of mutation, about 1 per 107-109 divisions)
- wildtype - normal state of the MO
- base substitution
- base addition or insertion
- base rearrangement (recombination)
- base deletion
Point mutation
single base pair changed
Multiple mutation
2 or more bp change
_____ sequence> __ ___ sequence >___ ___ ____
base sequence, AA sequence, 3D protein structure
Silent mutation
does not alter AA sequence
Neutral mutation
AA substitution - no effect- does not change structure of protein
Leaky mutation
reduction but not loss of activity
not in active site
Conditional Mutations
affected by temperature - exhibit mutant phenotype under certain conditions.
Missense mutation
change in AA - substitution
Nonsense mutation (chain termination)
(amber, ochre, opal - stop codons) - codon stops protein synthesis
Detection of Mutants - Screening
- plate a large number of bacteria on agar with antibiotic or any compound in agar
- sugar-utilization mutants
color indicator plates
EMB agar (pH colonies) incorporate dyes or not (Lac+ black or Lac- white)
MacConkey, tetrazolium agars - leucine requiring - mutant (Leu-)
Replica plating for Ts mutants
- grow at different temperatures.
- only mutant cells will grow
1. antibiotic resistance mutants
2. grown on substrates that normally cannot be used
- spontaneous mutation - Leu- 1 per 107 cells, 5x104 plates
- induced mutation rate - 1x105, 500 plates
- need to favor growth of mutant over wildtype
Example: Penicillin Selection Techinque
cells in Leu- media, synthesize Leu+ grow & explode
99% die Leu-, now 1/104, need only 50 plates
2nd cycle repeat pen enrichment 1 leu-/102
Origin of Spontaneous Mutations
- errors during replication
corrected by Pol III proofreading
corrected by recombination repair - spontaneous alteration of a nucleotide - deamination
spontaneously deaminated MeC->T - depurination - N glycosylic bond for purine breaks
errors during replication
corrected by Pol III proofreading
corrected by recombination repair
can happen if:
-tautomerision of nucleotides pg. 197
boat & chair forms