History of DNA Flashcards
1865- Plant Genetics paper
Friedrich Miescher (Swiss)
1869- purified nuclei of pus cells (later used salmon sperm)
gelantinous material - organic PO4 –> nuclein
70% protein (histones)
Discovery of nucleic acid
Albrecht Kossel
nuclein had organic bases, sugar
Richard Altman (student of Miescher)
1889 deproteinized yeast DNA –> started name nucleic acid
A. Ascoli
1901 uracil in yeast RNA
P.A. Levene
1908-1929 P.A. Levene - 2’-deoxy-D-ribose as DNA sugar
tetranucleotide theory
(very influential biochemist)
DNA, RNA separate molecules
Levene & Bass
1931 - tetranucleotide theory
- 4 bases in a plane
- incapable of carrying genetic info
nucleic acids attracted very little attention
Fred Griffith 1928
Used Streptococcus pneumonia
transforming principle, rough and smooth (capsules) cultures
rough cells plus heat-killed smooth cells –> dead mouse
Initial reasoning: R cells restored viability to the S cells - not true
since he used cell-free extract of S cells and still changed R cells to S cells
Avery, MacLeod, McCarty (15 yrs later)
Partially purified the transforming principle
Demonstrated it was DNA, used modified known techniques
1. purified S culture DNA plus R cells –> plated it out
Results: culture with both S and R colonies isolated colonies,
replated - pure colonies
2. Attempted to use polysaccharide material as transforming material - no results
DNA extraction method
Avery, MacLeod, McCarty
- very impure (other evidence required)
1. chemical analysis, COP, nucleic acid
2. physical measurements very viscous - nucleic acid
3. Enzyme treatment
not lost with proteolytic enzymes - trypsin chymotrypsin
not lost with ribonuclease
lost when treated with DNase
no pure DNase - therefore, elaborate tests to confirm
Difficult time convincing the scientific community (published in 1944)
Avery, MacLeod, McCarty
- tetranucleotide
- not enough variation with only 4 bases
- genes- chromosomal protein
a. TP (transforming principle) was actually a contaminating protein
b. DNA had a regulatory effect on capsule manufacture
Erwin Chargaff - 1952
Disproved tetranucleotide theory
Reason for tetranucleoside eukaroyotic cells - ATGC equimolar
used paper chromatography and UV absorbance
isolated DNA from wide variety prokaryotes
showed that molar concentrations of bases varied widely between different organisms
showed enough variation for DNA to be genetic material
Hershey and Chase
Blender experiment
Blender experiment
E. coli phage T2 (DNA in a protein shell)
DNA - phosphorus
Proteins - (methionine, cysteine) sulfur
grow with 32PO43- phosphate, radioactive “hot” DNA
35SO43- sulfate, radioactive “hot” proteins
hot or labeled phage 32P not 35S injected
blendor - tear off phage from bacteria see what goes inside
Blender experiment Proceedure
- label phage
- attach phage and centrifuge
- resuspend
- blendor then centrifuge
- 80% 35S in supernatant
20% 35S in pellet (tail fragments attached)
70% 32P in pellet
30% 32P in supernatant (breakage of bacteria during blending)
or defective phage
Transfer Experiment (confirmation experiment)
one step further - isolate phage progeny
half 32P was transferred to progeny, no 35S
Structure of the DNA molecule
Early experiments established:
- large MW
- extended chain
- highly ordered structure
1945 Astbury
- proposed a single chain molecule
1950 Chargaff
disproved tetranucleotide [A]=[T]=[C]=[G],
actually [A+G]=[T+C] or purines = pyrimidines
1952 Pauling
- helix with bases on the outside
Cavendish laboratory at Cambridge Univ.
Astbury -
primative x-ray diffraction 1. bases stacked 2. sugars in same plane as bases 3. single chain 4. internucleotide spacing 3.4 Å, 20 layers complete turn 20 Å diameter
Maurice Wilkins and Rosalind Franklin
high quality photos x-ray diffraction
Watson and Crick
own x-ray work - saw Franklin’s photos
model building
Watson and Crick Proposals
- double helix (density determinations)
- hydrogen bonds between AT GC
- antiparallel chain structure (sugars 3’ or 5’ on chain)
- worked out a method of replication
a. Purines/pyrimidines
b. Sugars (differences)
c. Backbone
d. Complimentary base pairing
a. Attachment N H (of base to sugar)
b. Ester bond or phosphdiester bond (phosphate in backbone 5’)
c. N-glycosylic bond, base to sugar
base linked to sugar
base, sugar + PO4
several nucleotides
3’ ______ terminusand 5’_______ terminus
OH terminus
-PO4 terminus
Two forces that hold DS-DNA together
- H bonds - base pairing
2. Hydrophobic interactions
Antiparallel 3’OH - 5’PO4
- each type of terminus at each end allows enzyme activity at either end
- strand orientation - different replication implications
DNA ___ _____ structure
Double helix
space models __, ___, ___ forms
B, C, Z
Forms of the Double Helix
majority are right-handed helices (natural forms)
B formm
92% relative humidity, low ionic strength
major groove-protein contact
minor grove -
Diameter 20 A
Watson & Crick model, standard form in organisms
10.4 bp/turn, in vivo cell form
A form
75% R.H., counter ions (sodium, cesium)
11 bp/turn, wider diameter
major groove much smaller (proteins inaccessible)
very close to DS-RNA (2’ hydroxyl group causes physical constraints)
Z form
left handed helix (in vitro –> in vivo)
most bp/turn 12, least twisted
diameter - 18 Å
name from Z form of backbone
only single groove, greater density negative charges
alternating purines & pyrimidines (CGCG…) but not always
possible in vivo conversion from B –> Z, B
Drawing Conventions
5’P Terminus ____
3’ OH terminus ___
Drawing Conventions
- p-5’-ATC-3’OH
- pApTpC
Variation of Base Composition
G+C content or percent G+C
([G] + [C])
[all bases]
Variation of base composition stats
higher organisms ∼ 50% (euk.) lower organisms - wide variation Clostridium .27 Sarcinia .76 E. coli .5
Fragility of DNA Molecules
very susceptible to shearing forces (pipeting, mixing, vortexing)
if MW less than 2x108 - OK (whole DNA - virus, phage)
bacterial DNA - fragmented ∼ 100 pieces
mean size - 2.5x107
native state
ordered state of a molecule commonly found in nature
denatured state
disrupted, random coil
transition from native –> denatured (hydrogen bonds, hydrophobic bonds) heated
DS - DNA (native DNA) ———>
bonding forces disrupted
definition: SS DNA =
denatured DNA
Melting curves
- A260 - DNA stable at higher temps then normally found in natural environment
- 6-8oC denaturation is total in this range
- rise is about 37% increase
melting temperature - temperature at which the rise is half complete
illustrate on graph - always set for organism etc.
G-C content vs Tm
higher the GC/higher the Tm
Base Stacking Considerations
- linear DS DNA has frayed ends, 7 bp broken
- short DS molecules have a low Tm, 3 bp not stable
- short paired regions - can’t maintain at physiological temperatures.
Denaturation Methods
- helix-destabilizing proteins (relaxation, melting proteins) ex. 32-protein E. coli T4 phage
used for replication - produced by all cells - Alkali conditions
pH 11.3 or higher eliminates H-bonds
best because heat breaks phosphodiester bonds - heat
after denaturing:
vary salt conc. to keep the strands separate
low salt + room temp - keep strands from coiling
denaturated DNA –> native form
Renaturation Uses
- determine genetic relatedness between DNA species
- detect RNA species RNA/DNA hybridization
- repeating sequences detected - copies of a particular gene
- locate specific base sequences
Conditions for Renaturation
- high salt conc. so PO4 on strands won’t repulse (.15 to .5 m NaCl)
- temp must be high enough to disrupt H-bonds randomly formed - 20-25oC below Tm
slow process - random collision of bases
once a few bases lined up - zip up quickly
bind by backbone- bases stick up
Filter Hybridization
radioactive DNA or RNA proberadioactive DNA or RNA probe
DNA Heteroduplexes
reannealing or renaturation and electron microscopy to search for deletions and mutations “loop” or “bubble” - shows on electron micrograph
Circular and Superhelical DNA
- intact DNA for most bacteria/viruses is circular
a. Covalently Closed Circle - 2 unbroken complimentary strands, nicked circle-interruption (nick) in 1 strand.
superhelix or supercoil:
join a linear molecule - twist one end 360o get one crossover pt or node to relieve strain, 720o then 2 crossovers
DNA wants to maintain _____ with ___ bp/turn
right handed (positive), 10
all native superhelical DNA are______, therefore have _______ supercoils
underwound, left-handed (negative)
can occur only in closed structures, molecule that lacks supercoiling is relaxed (usually nicked on 1 strand)
Fluctuation in base pairing
base pairing, H-bonds are breaking and reforming, DS regions –> SS bubbles
(occurs naturally) - allows proteins to enter –> occurs in AT rich regions more often
Negative supercoils
-allow DNA to relieve torsional pressure
-reduces rotation per base pair (loosens the winding of the 2 strands) so DNA is underwound
when change in structure of DNA is needed, less energy is required if it is neg. supercoiled
supercoiled DNA undergoes structural transitions, relaxed DNA may not undergo (strand separation)
*all genomes examined have some neg supercoiling
Superhelix density or degree of twisting
1 negative twist/200 bp
Origin of supercoiling
DNA gyrase or topoisomerase - modify superhelical structure - covered during replication eukaryotes - underwinding is result of DNA wound around histones
Special Base Sequences - Structural Consequences
- common in regulatory regions, areas of enzyme activity
- impart other special properties (Pu/Pyr - left handed helices)
Special Base Sequences
reads the same either way
- also called inverted repeat
- inverted regions separated by spacer can assume other structures because of breathing
ribose sugar, uracil not thymine
1. typical cell has 10X as much RNA as DNA - why so much? Large # of roles.
2. single-stranded (viruses can have DS RNA)
3. types
ribosomal RNA (3-4 forms) rRNA
transfer RNA (50 forms) tRNA
messenger RNA (1000’s of forms) mRNA
4. about 1/2-2/3 of a RNA molecule actually paired
a. stem & loop
b. hairpin
Hydrolysis of Nucleic Acids
breaking apart backbone
Hydrolysis of Nucleic Acids (4)
- low pH (1) phosphodiester bonds broke + N-glycosidic bonds (sugar & base) both DNA & RNA - study base sequence - free bases produced
- pH 4, N-glycosylic bonds for purines (A,G) broken
apurinic acid - all purines are removed - heat removes methylated bases - CH3 (add - CH3 to A,G,C, first)
- pH 11 - RNA totally hydrolyzed to ribonucleotides
pH 13 - DNA resistant (37oC) very difference 2’-OH on sugar
- enzymes that depolymerize nucleic acids
Types of Nucleases
- DNase or RNase
- Cut DS or SS conformation (some work on both)
- site of reaction
a. exonucleases
b. endonucleases
c. ribozymes
act only on the termini, specific for 3’ or 5’ end
act within the strand, some at particular base sequences
RNA molecules with nucleolytic activity - cleave at specific phosphodiester bonds
Eukaryotic cells
– nucleus
Diploid (2 copies) or polyploidy (multiple copies
Prokaryotic cells
– nucleoid
Haploid (1 copy)
Plasmids often polyploidy with multiple copies
Genome vs. plasmids
essential cell functions vs. genes not required for growth
Most bacteria have only ____ genome
Bacterial genome is generally _____ eukaryotic genomes are ______
circular, linear
Circular chromosomes require
topoisomerase purpose
separate daughter molecules (catenated molecules)
No telomeres are required for _____ ______ to replicate
circular genomes
Eukaryotic DNA is wrapped around
Bacterial genomes have proteins __, __, __, ___ which DNA can be wrapped around
HU, HN-S, Fis, IHF
Sequence Motifs in Bacterial Genomes
- oriC region
- dif site –
- ter sites
- translocase sites
- chi sites –
- CTG sequence –
- Sequences involved in chromosome segregation during sporulation
oriC region
initiation of replication
dif site
resolution of dimer chromosomes
ter sites
– termination sequences in some bacteria, often redundant (multiple copies)
translocase sites
– chromosome segregation
chi sites
guide recombination proteins (involved in repair of DS-DNA breaks)
CTG sequence
priming lagging DNA strand