Musical Periods and Styles Flashcards
When did Baroque music originate?
Baroque music comes from the period between approximately 1600 and 1750.
How is Baroque music recognised?
Baroque music is recognised for its use of:
How are melodies usually played in a piece Baroque music?
They are played alongside each other to create polyphonic music that contains contrapuntal phrases. These phrases weave in and out of the music as melodies are passed around from player to player. The result sounds as if the instruments are imitating each other. This will sometimes happen through the complete piece, sometimes only for part of it.
What instruments are common in Baroque Music?
-strings - violin, viola, cello and double bass
-woodwind - recorder or wooden flute, oboe, and bassoon
-brass - sometimes trumpet and/or horns
-percussion - timpani (kettledrums)
-key - harpsicord
What is common in Baroque Music?
Ornaments, e.g trills
What is a Concerto?
A common type of instrumental music found in this period is the concerto - a piece of music for a solo instrument accompanied by an orchestra.
Baroque concertos were called concerto gross - or great concertos - as the music would often be written for more than one solo instrument accompanied by an orchestra.
What was Baroque music mainly written for?
Church and Royalty
When did Classical music originate?
The classical music era is usually seen as the years between approximately 1750 and 1820.
How is Classical Music recognised?
Classical music is recognised for:
-beautiful melodies
What is common in Classical Music?
Alberti bass and ornaments.
What instruments are common in Classical music?
-strings - violin, viola, cello, double bass, and sometimes guitar
-woodwind - recorder or wooden flute, oboe, bassoon and clarinet
-brass - trumpet, horns (with valves by the end of the period)
-percussion - timpani (kettledrums) and sometimes triangle, hand cymbals and bass drum
-key - fortepiano
What is a symphony?
A symphony is a large piece of work with four movements. Each movement has a different tempo and mood.
What is a cadenza?
A cadenza consists of themes and melodies from the concerto arranged to display the technical virtuosity of the soloist. Some performers were so confident in their musical talent that they would improvise their cadenza rather than play a piece they had practiced.
What is Binary form?
AB) - where the music has two clear sections.