Music Theory Notes 2 Flashcards
What are the key concepts of Diatonic Harmony?
Key Concepts of Diatonic Harmony
1. Diatonic Scales:
o Major Scale: Consists of whole and half steps in the pattern W-W-H-W-W-W-H. For example, the C major scale includes the notes C, D, E, F, G, A, and B.
o Natural Minor Scale: Consists of whole and half steps in the pattern W-H-W-W-H-W-W. For example, the A minor scale includes the notes A, B, C, D, E, F, and G.
2. Diatonic Chords: Chords that are constructed from the notes of the diatonic scale. In any given key, these chords are formed by stacking thirds on each scale degree.
Diatonic Chord Construction in Major and Minor Keys
In a Major Key (e.g., C Major):
* I (Tonic): C major (C-E-G)
* ii (Supertonic): D minor (D-F-A)
* iii (Mediant): E minor (E-G-B)
* IV (Subdominant): F major (F-A-C)
* V (Dominant): G major (G-B-D)
* vi (Submediant): A minor (A-C-E)
* vii° (Leading Tone): B diminished (B-D-F)
In a Natural Minor Key (e.g., A Minor):
* i (Tonic): A minor (A-C-E)
* ii° (Supertonic): B diminished (B-D-F)
* III (Mediant): C major (C-E-G)
* iv (Subdominant): D minor (D-F-A)
* v (Dominant): E minor (E-G-B)
* VI (Submediant): F major (F-A-C)
Define Diatonic Harmony
Diatonic harmony: the use of chords that are built from the notes of a single diatonic scale. A diatonic scale is a seven-note scale that consists of five whole steps and two half steps in each octave. The most common diatonic scales are the major and natural minor scales.
Explain the importance of tension and resolution.
Tension and resolution are fundamental to musical structure and expression. They create emotional arcs and narrative drive within a piece of music, guiding the listener through cycles of expectation and fulfilment. The interplay between tension and resolution keeps music engaging and dynamic, allowing composers and performers to evoke a wide range of emotions and responses from their audience.
Importance of diatonic harmony
Diatonic harmony is fundamental in Western music because it provides a clear and cohesive framework for composition. It establishes a strong sense of key and tonality, which helps to guide the listener’s ear through the music. By using chords derived from a single scale, diatonic harmony maintains a sense of unity and consistency, making it a foundational concept in music theory and practice.
What is the first key characteristic of counterpuntal music?
- Independence of Voices: Each voice in contrapuntal music has its own distinct melody. These voices move independently of each other, though they often harmonise when heard together.
What is the 2nd key characteristic of counterpuntal music?
- Harmonic Interdependence: While each voice is melodically independent, they are designed to work together harmonically, creating consonance and controlled dissonance.
What is the 3rd key characteristic of counterpuntal music?
- Imitative and Non-Imitative Counterpoint:
o Imitative Counterpoint: This involves repetition of a melodic idea in different voices, either at the same pitch or at different pitches. A fugue is a classic example, where a theme is introduced by one voice and then imitated by others.
o Non-Imitative Counterpoint: In this type, the voices have different melodic material that works together harmonically without direct imitation.
Define Counterpoint
Counterpoint: a technique in music composition where two or more independent melodic lines (or voices) are combined harmoniously. These lines are rhythmically and melodically distinct but interact with each other to create a cohesive musical texture. The practice of counterpoint dates back to the Mediaeval and Renaissance periods and was particularly prominent during the Baroque era.
Discuss the development of harmonic progression.
Development: Tonal harmony evolved from the polyphonic modal tradition of the Renaissance, which in turn was based on the rules of counterpoint.
Discuss the chord succession of harmonic progression.
Chord Successions: Certain chord successions are typical of tonal harmony and are essential for composing convincing tonal music. Some progressions create a sense of movement toward a goal, while others seem aimless
Define Sequence
Sequences: A sequence is a pattern repeated immediately in the same voice, starting on a different pitch class. It can be tonal (within the same key) or real (modulating to a new key).
Imitation vs. Sequence
Imitation vs. Sequence: Imitation occurs between two or more voices, while a sequence occurs within a single voice.
Tonic Triad (I):
A strong chord that often precedes the tonic triad, providing resolution and closure.
Dominant Chord (V):
A strong chord that often precedes the tonic triad, providing resolution and closure.
The II Chord
- Pre-dominant Function: The ii chord usually precedes the V chord in a progression, creating a strong pre-dominant to dominant movement.