Music Theory Notes 1 Flashcards
Define Suspension
a note that is held over (or sustained) from a previous chord into the current chord, creating a temporary dissonance that is eventually resolved by stepping down (or occasionally up) to a consonant note. This creates a sense of tension and releases information about the harmony.
What are the key elements of a suspension?
- Preparation: The note that will be suspended is consonant with the previous chord.
- Suspension: The note is held over into the next chord, creating a dissonance because it does not belong to the new chord.
- Resolution: The suspended note resolves down (or sometimes up) by a step to a consonant note that fits into the new chord.
What is the role of suspensions in music?
- Creating Tension and Release: Suspensions add expressiveness by delaying harmonic resolution, which creates a moment of tension followed by a satisfying resolution.
- Voice Leading: Good voice leading often incorporates suspensions to smooth the transition between chords.
- Emotional Impact: The use of suspensions can heighten the emotional content of a piece, providing depth and nuance.
In which periods were suspensions used?
- Baroque and Classical Music: Composers like Johann Sebastian Bach and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart frequently used suspensions to create intricate harmonic textures.
- Romantic and Modern Music: Later composers continued to use suspensions, often in more complex ways, to enhance emotional expression.
What is Tierce de Picardie (or Picardy third)
the practice of ending a piece of music in a minor key with a major chord instead of the expected minor chord. This unexpected resolution from a minor tonic chord to a major tonic chord creates a sense of brightness and uplift at the end of a piece, contrasting with the prevailing minor tonality.
What are the Characteristics of a Tierce de Picardie
- Change from Minor to Major: The minor third of the tonic chord is raised by a half step to create a major chord. For example, in A minor, the tonic chord is A-C-E. To form a Picardy third, the C is raised to C#, making the chord A-C#-E.
- Emotional Impact: This technique can provide a surprising and uplifting conclusion to a piece that might otherwise have ended on a sombre or unresolved note.
- Historical Usage: The Tierce de Picardie was particularly popular during the Renaissance and Baroque periods, though it is found in music from various eras. Composers like Johann Sebastian Bach frequently employed this technique.
* Bach’s Chorales: Many of Bach’s chorales end with a Picardy third, giving a sense of finality and resolution.
* Baroque Music: In Baroque keyboard and choral music, the Picardy third is often used at the end of movements in a minor key.
How is teirece de picardie indicated in musical notation?
In musical notation, the Tierce de Picardie is indicated simply by the final chord. For example, if a piece in A minor ends with an A major chord, this would be the Picardy third.
Discuss its usage in Modern Music
While not as common in contemporary music, the Picardy third can still be used to create a surprising or uplifting conclusion to a piece or section in a minor key.
Examples of a Picardy Third in C minor
- C Minor Chord: C-E♭-G
- C Major Chord (Picardy Third): C-E-G
By raising the E♭ to E, the chord changes from minor to major, producing the characteristic Picardy third.
The Tierce de Picardie remains an effective tool for composers and musicians to alter the emotional tone at the end of a piece, providing a sense of closure and unexpected brightness.
Define tension
Tension: the sense of instability or suspense created by certain musical elements that seek resolution. Tension is a crucial aspect of music because it drives the music forward, creating emotional engagement and interest for the listener. It is resolved by moving to a more stable, consonant state, providing a sense of release or relaxation.
WHere can you find tension in music?
- Harmony and Dissonance
- Melody
- Rhythm and Meter
- Dynamics and Articulation
Define Dissonance
Dissonance: A combination of musical notes that sounds tense, clashing, or unstable, often creating a feeling of unresolved tension.
Define Consonance
Consonance: A combination of musical notes that sounds smooth, stable, and pleasant, often giving a sense of resolution or harmony.
Define Harmonic progressions
Harmonic progressions: A sequence of chords played in a specific order to create movement and structure in music.
Define Melody
Melody: A sequence of musical notes arranged to form a tuneful and recognisable pattern, often the main theme of a piece.