Music History Flashcards
3 important subjects during Greek? Era education
- Cognitive
- Psychomotor
- Music
Nickname of the first half of 500-1000 CE of the Middle Ages
Dark Ages
What religion triumped against Paganism in Europe during the Middle Ages?
2 centers of power during Middle Ages
- Church
- State
The inspiration for culture and music during the Middle Ages which made music at that time largely religious
Two structures witnessed to be built during the high middle ages (1000-1400)
Other word for Gregorian Chant
Elements of gregorian chant
- single-line melody
- monophonic
- lacks dimension of harmony
- free from regular accent
- words are in latin
- always sung in acapella
Language that Catholic churches still use
3 Melodic types of Gregorian Chant
- Syllabic (one note/syllable
- Neumatic (2-3 notes/syllable
- Melismatic (5-6 notes or until 60 in more prolix melismas)
Who compiled the Gregorian Chant?
Pope Gregory the Great
earliest form of polyphonic music
Types of Music
Belief of the sacred church towards instruments
They believe that instruments are incarnal
2 types of secular music (in the Medieval Period)
Only indoor music that survived during the medieval period and is used as accompaniment during dancing, dinner, etc.
Southern french musicians who play outdoor music by wandering and playing music on the street
Northern French outdoor musicians who were contemporary with and influenced by the troubadours
Musical Era during the years 1450-1600
Another word for renaissance that sparked the revival of interests in philosophy and human creativity of arts in Ancient Greece and Rome.
Church that identifies the theology of Martin Luther in Protestantism
Lutheran Church
Elements of Mass
- liturgical music (celebration of Christ)
- highest form of worship
- sacred polyphonic choral composition
5 sections of a Mass
- Kyrie
- Gloria
- Credo
- Sanctus
- Agnus Dei
Type of Gregorian Chant that has one note per syllable
Type of Gregorian Chant that has 2-5 notes per syllable
Type of Gregorian Chant that has five or more notes per syllable
Type of secular music in the Renaissance era that was mostly written in Italian, is contrapuntal and is sung through many imitations or in an imitative polyphonic style
Another polyphonic religious work, written in Latin that was different from a Mass
Another Term for the Baroque Period
Age of Grandeur
Which period of music history is characterized for its largely religious content in music
Middle Ages
Which period im music history is characterized for its ability to capture the congregation, extreme use of polyphonic texture and is marked with the age of enlightenment
This period of music is characterized with more complex melodies, highly imitative melodies, big works and have highly decorative styles as well as having and instrumental virtuosity
singers who are artificial sopranos
Introduced in the Baroque Period, which is an al-sung secular performance that were originally written in Italian and were later translated to English
A sacred version of the Opera
Also known as the father of oratorios
George Frideric Handel
A musical performance that is characterized as a conversation between an instrument and an orchestra
this age is also known as the age of balance
Classical Period
This period of music is characterized by short and clearly defined melodies, strict following of the rule, the use of the homophonic texture, the conception of the orchestra
Classical Period
a type of musical work in the Classical period that is composed by three distinct movements: an exposition, development and a recapitulation
three parts of a sonata
this part of the sonata is where the themes and the main melody of the work is introduced
this part of the sonata is where the themes that were introduced in the first part departs into a slightly different tonality but still is within the same theme
this part of the sonata is where the themes and the “adventured” tonalities explored in the second part cum together
Another term for the Classical Period
Age of Balance
2 biggest Inspiration for Classical Music
Ancient Greece and Rome
What kind of melody does Classical Music incorporate?
short and clear
Artificial Sopranos
Castratos (Castrated Men)
Master of the Italian Opera and Oratorio
George Fredrich Handel
Who marked the High Point of Baroque Music
Johann Sebastian Bach
Polyphonic Composition based on one main theme
He is considered the bridge of Classical and the Romantic Period
Ludwig Van Beethoven
Prolithic Musician who died at an Early Age
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Another Prolithic Musician who went deaf near the end of his age
Ludwig Van Beethoven
Famous Oratorio
The Messiah
One of the Greatest Concertos composed by Antonio Vivaldi
The Four Seasons
The most prominent form of music in the Classical Period
Period in Music that started during the (1825 - 1900)
Romantic Period
Another term for the Romantic Period
Age of Freedom
Also called as the Age of Freedom
Romantic Period
A period in music was marked by free enterprise individualism and also saw a change in the musical landscape, moving towards more emotionally charged pieces rather than intellectual ones.
Romantic Period
The Romantic period also saw the height of what instrument as it saw its full completion
Characteristics of the Romantic Period
high dynamics
longer melodies
richer harmonies
more passionate
more emotional
One of the most prominent Romantic Period Musicians that drew inspiration from Polish music and mainly plays the piano
Frédéric Chopin
A form of music that are “studies” or exercises for the fingers that help one play the piano
A type of scale that grew into prominence in the romantic period that features half-steps
Chromatic Scale
Another Romantic Period musician who was born in Russia that would be featured heavily in his works
Peter Illich Tchaikovsky
music that is played before a musical
Grand works that feature narrative-style structure with each narrative having its own specific style or type of music
One of the most famous Suites composed by Peter Illich Tchaikovsky
The Nutcracker Suite
music that is played in the evenings
a romantic period french composer who was known for his most famous opera “Carmen”
George Bizet
George Bizet’s most famous opera
a period of music that featured and explored new sounds that was “anti-romantic”
20th Century Period
Two Musical Periods that arose in the 20th Century Period
French Period (Impressionism)
Another term for the French Period
Another Term for Impressionism
French Period
A period in the 20th Century Music that was a prelude to modern music
French Period (Impressionism)
French Period composer who has works that are fleeting and with mystique atmosphere
Claude Debussy
A musical scale that has a “fantastical” quality to it
Whole Tone Scale
a period in the 20th Century period of music marked by the extreme exaggeration of emotions
the style of music in the Expressionism period
atonal style
melodies in this period of music are extremely dissonant, frenzied, dispersed, and played harshly
known for his atonal music style that was new and now widely adopted
Arnold Schoenberg
Nickname of Antonio Vivaldi
“The Red Priest”