Music and Speech Perception Flashcards
In sound analysis, a three-dimensional display that plots time on the horizontal axis, frequency on the vertical axis, and amplitude (intensity) on a color or gray scale.
tone chroma
A sound quality shared by tones that have the same octave interval.
tone height
A sound quality corresponding to the level of pitch. Tone height is monotonically related to frequency.
The perceived speed of the presentation of sounds.
categorical perception
For speech as well as other complex sounds and images, the phenomenon by which the discrimination of items is no better than the ability to label items.
The process through which vocal folds are made to vibrate when air pushes out of the lungs.
A combination of three or more musical notes with different pitches played simultaneously.
Any deviation from a regular rhythm.
The phenomenon in speech whereby attributes of successive speech units overlap in articulatory or acoustic patterns.
The interval between two sound frequencies having a ratio of 2:1.
The act or manner of producing a speech sound using the vocal tract.
The psychological aspect of sound related mainly to perceived frequency.
A sequence of notes or chords perceived as a single coherent structure.
A resonance of the vocal tract. Formants are specified by their center frequency and are denoted by integers that increase with relative frequency.
vocal tract
The airway above the larynx used for the production of speech. The vocal tract includes the oral tract and nasal tract.