Musculoskeletal Growth, Injury and Repair - Bones and Tendons Flashcards
Describe the structure of ligaments?
- Made of type 1 collagen fibres
- Fibroblasts in them
- Sensory fibres
- Proprioception (allows brain to know where the joint is in space)
- Stretch
- Sensory
- Vessels on the surface
- Vessels are crimped to allow stretching
What is the difference in the composition between ligaments and tendons?
- Composition, compared to tendons ligaments have
- Lower percentage of collagen
- Higher percentage of proteoglycans and water
- Less organised collagen fibres
- Rounder fibroblasts
When does ligament rupture occur?
Ligament rupture occurs when forces exceed strength of ligament:
- Can be complete or incomplete
- Maybe lead to stability loss or proprioception loss
Describe the process of ligaments healing?
- Haemorrhage
- Blood clot is made that is then resorbed and replaced with heavier cellular infiltrate
- Proliferative phase
- Production of scar tissue
- Disorganised collagenous connective tissue
- Remodelling
- Matrix becomes more ligament like
- Major differences in composition, architecture and function persist
What is the treatment for ligament rupture?
- Non-operative
- Indicated in partial tears, complete tears where no loss of stability or patient poor candidate for surgery
- Cast and immobilisation
- Operative
- Indicated in instability
- Can be repair, augmentation or replacement
When is non-operative treatment indicated in ligament ruptures?
In partial tears or no loss of stability
When is operative treatment indicated for ligament tears?
Indicated in instability
Can tendons be seperated from muscles?
Tendons cannot be separated from muscle so thought of as muscle/tendon composite unit
Describe the structure of tendons?
- Muscle origin (usually bone)
- Muscle belly
- Musculotendinous junction
- Tendon
- With or without sesamoid bone such as patella
- With or without tendon sheath
- Tendinous insertion (into bone), Sharpey’s fibres
Describe the layers of a tendon?
- Layers
- Collagen bundles covered by endotenon
- Making fascicles covered by paratenon
- Making tendon covered by epitenon
How does blood supply tendons?
- Blood supply comes through vinculum and forms fine network of vessels in paratenon
What are tendons formed from?
- Longitudinal arrangement of cells (mostly tenocytes) and fibres (collagen type 1)
Tendons are connected to tendon sheath by what?
- Tendons connected to sheath by vincula
What are the functions of tendons?
- Tendons are flexible and strong in tension
- Immobility reduces water content and glycosaminoglycan concentration falls reducing strength
How does immobility affect tendons?
- Tendons are flexible and strong in tension
- Immobility reduces water content and glycosaminoglycan concentration falls reducing strength
What are the different types of tendon injuries?
- Example of Achilles tendon
- Intrasubstance mucoid degeneration
- May be swollen, painful, tender
- Example of Achilles tendon
- Example de Quervain’s stenosing tenovaginitis
- Tendons of EPB and APL passing through common tendon sheath at radial aspect of wrist
- Swollen, tender, hot, rest
- Positive Finklestein’s test
- Example de Quervain’s stenosing tenovaginitis
- Inflammation at insertion to bone of muscle or tendon
- Usually muscle origin and not tendon insertion
- Due to repetitive injury
- Can also get it in ligaments, example is plantar fasciitis
- Inflammation at insertion to bone of muscle or tendon
Traction apophysitis
- Example is Osgood schlatter’s disease
- Insertion of patellar tendon into anterior tibial tuberosity with pain and swelling
- Usually in adolescent active boys
- Due to recurrent load with inflammatory component
- Treatment is rest
- Example is Osgood schlatter’s disease
Avulsion with or without bone fragments
- Failure at insertion
- Load exceeds failure strength while muscle contracting
- Classically called Mallet finger
- Insertion of extensor tendon into dorsum of base of distal phalanx of finger
- Treatment
- Conservative
- Limited application
- Retraction tendon
- Operative
- Reattachment tendon
- Fixation bone fragment
- Conservative
Tear in the intrasubstance (rupture)
- Happens when load exceeds failure strength
- Example of Achilles tendon
- Positive Simmond’s (squeeze) test
- Palpable tender gap
- Tear in musculotendinous junction
- Affects males more than females
- Normally young adults
- Repair surgically and early
What is the presentation of a degenerative tendon injury?
- Intrasubstance mucoid degeneration
- May be swollen, painful, tender
What is an example of an inflammatory tendon injury?
de Quervain’s stenosing tenovaginitis
What is the presentation of an inflammatory tendon injury?
- Swollen, tender, hot, rest
- Positive Finklestein’s test
What is enthesiopathy?
- Inflammation at insertion to bone of muscle or tendon
- Usually muscle origin and not tendon insertion
What is the cause of enthesiopathy?
- Due to repetitive injury
What is an example of traction apophysitis?
- Example is Osgood schlatter’s disease
- Insertion of patellar tendon into anterior tibial tuberosity with pain and swelling
- Usually in adolescent active boys
- Due to recurrent load with inflammatory component
- Treatment is rest
What is traction apophysitis?
When excessive pull on a large tendon causes damage to apophysis
What is avulsion with or without bone fragments?
- Failure at insertion of tendon
- Load exceeds failure strength while muscle contracting