Musculoskeletal Flashcards
Temporal Mandibular Joint
Open Mouth - 3-6cm or three fingers
Lateral Motion - 1-2cm
Stick out lower jaw, looking for protrusion without deviation
Order of Examination for Musculoskeletal Exam
Range of Motion
Muscle Testing
Cervical Spine
Chin to chest - 45
Lift chin to ceiling - 55
Ear to shoulder - 40
Turn chin to shoulder(shoulder check) - 70
Forward flex action (move arm from side straight up above head) 0 at hip, 180 above head
Hyperextension (from hip pushed back) 50
Abduction from side to above head 0-180
Adduction from hip across 50
Internal rotation (hands Palm out, on small of back) 90
External rotation (hands behind head) 90
Bend and straighten elbow 160 flexion, 0 extension
Pronation 90
Supination 90
Wrist and Fingers
Flexion of Wrist 90 Hyperextension of Wrist 70 Flexion of Fingers 90 Hyperextension of Fingers 30 Radial Deviation 20 Ulnar Deviation 55 Fist Spread Fingers 20 Touch thumb to each finger and base of little finger
Flexion with straight Knee 90 Flexion with bent Knee 120 Internal rotation 40 External rotation 45 Adduction 30 Abduction 45 Hyperextension 15
Flexion 130
Hyperextension 0 - 15
Foot and Toes
Plantar flexion 45
Dorsal flexion 20
Eversion 20
Inversion 30
Flexion 90
Extension 30
Lateral bending 35 each side
Rotation 30 each side
Cervical Spine
Inspect alignment of head, which should be held erect and on the midline. Musculature should be bilaterally symmetrical
Palpate spinous process
Palpate sternomastoid, trapezius, and paravertebral muscles. They should be firm and without spasm or tenderness
Range of motion: extension, flexion, lateral bending, and rotation
Repeat motions against resistance of your hand to test muscle strength
Inspect and compare both shoulders prosteriorly and anteriorly. Look at size and contour of joint, colour, for swelling, masses or deformities. Look for muscular atrophy.
Palpate both shoulders noting muscle spasm, atrophy, swelling, heat, or tenderness. Start at clavical and methodically explore: acromioclavicular joint, scapula, greater tubercle or numerous, area of subacronomical bursa, biceps groove, and the anterior aspect of the glenhumoral join. Palpate the auxilla, no adenopathy or lumps should be present
Feel for crepitus during range of motion testing
Range of motion: forward flexion, hyperextension, internal rotation, abduction, adduction, external rotation
Have patient flex shoulder forward and up, then abduct them against your resistance.
Inspect area around joint expecting no swelling or discolouration, comparing bilaterally for symmetry and similar appearance. Looking at the shape and contour. There should be no masses or deformity
Support patients wrist and palpate elbow with arm at 70 degrees.
Palpate olecronin process, medial and lateral grooves of the epicondyles of the humerus. Thumb on lateral and fingers on medial groove. Note the temperature, any swelling, synovial thickening, tenderness, nodules or masses. Palpate the muscles, bony articulations and area of joint capsule.
Test range of motion: flexion, pronation and supination
Test strength by stabilizing patients arm at elbow and applying resistance to flexion and extension with your hand distal to their wrist
Temporomandibular Joint Exam
Inspect area anterior to ear, there should be no swelling, discolouration, masses or deformity. Note size and contour of joint. It should be symmetrical bilaterally
Palpate the joint with first to fingers on sides of face in front of ears. Note the temperature, any swelling, tenderness, or masses. Palpate the muscles,crony articulations and area of joint capsule.
Have patient open mouth while you feel for crepitus. Should open 3-6 cm. patient should bite down while you palpate temporalis and masseter muscles. Compare bilaterally for evenness in size, firmness and strength. Have patient open mouth a little and move side to side, should move 1-2cm. Have patient move jaw forward. There should be no deviation.
Movements should be repeated against your resistance
Hand and Wrist Exam
Inspect the hands and wrists on dorsal and palmar sides. Note position, contour and shape. Normally there is no swelling, redness, deformity,or nodules are present. Skin should look smooth with wrinkles over knuckles. There should be no lesions. Muscles are full, in particular at base of them and pinky
Palpate the wrist with thumbs on dorsal side. Joints should feel smooth, without swelling, boggyness, nodules or tenderness.
Palpate metacarphalangeal joint with thumbs. Use thumb and index finger to Palpate interphalangeal joints. Normally no thickening, tenderness, warmth or nodules are present.
ROM: extension of fingers and of wrist. Flexion of fingers and wrist, radial and ulnar deviation, abduction of fingers, fist, touch thumb to fingers and base of pinky.
Test strength by placing one hand on forearm and other in hand. Have them flex against resistance.
Phalen test and tinel’s sign
Inspect while standing. Note iliac crests, gluteal folds and equal-sized buttocks. Have them take a few steps, gait should be smooth and even. Check hyper extension at this time!
With patient in supine position, Palpate joints. They should feel stable and symmetrical without tenderness or crepitation
Test ROM flexion with straight leg, flexion with bent knee, external and internal rotation, abduction, adduction and hyperextension
Inspect standing and laying
Leg should extend on same axis as thigh. Inspect thought for atrophy. Inspect shape and contour. Noting swelling, colour.
Palpate in supine position starting 10cm up thigh. Explore supra patellar pouch. Muscle and soft tissue should feel solid, the joint smooth with no warmth, tenderness, thickening or nodularity. Inspect tibiofemoral joint, noting smooth margins and absence of pain. Palpate infra patellar fat pad and patella.
Check for crepitus by holding hand on patella as knee is flexed and extended.
ROM: flexion, extension, ambulation
While seated, ask patient to maintain flexion while you try to pull leg forward
Have patient rise from squat or low chair without using hands for support
Ankle and Foot
Inspect while patient is sitting in a non weight bearing position, while standing and while walking. Compare both feet noting position of toes. Normally in line with long axis of lower leg. Note contour of joints
Weight bearing should be in the middle of foot from heel, along the mid foot, to between the second third toes.
Toes point straight forward and lie flat. Normally skin is smooth without lesions and with even colour
Palpate ankle by grasping heel with fingers while palpating with thumbs. Explore joint spaces, which should feel smooth and depressed, with no fullness, swelling or tenderness.
Spine Examination
With patient standing, inspect back with gown open. Note if spine is straight from head through spinous process and down through the gluteal cleft. Note equal horizontal position of shoulders, scapulae, iliac crests, and gluteal folds. Space between lateral sides for thorax and arms should be symmetrical. Feel and knees should be aligned with trunk and be pointed forward.
Normally from side the is a convex thoracic and concave lumbar curve.
Palpate spinous process, normally straight and non tender. Paravertebral muscles should feel firm with no tenderness or spasm
Forward flexion, extension, lateral bends, rotation
Walk on toes, walk on heels