Muscular system Flashcards

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A muscle fiber is a cell containing the usual cellular components (see Section 3.2), but special names have been assigned to some of these components (Table 13.1).


This is a muscle fiber

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Upon completion of this section, you should be able to

Summarize the role of the muscular and skeletal systems in movement.

Summarize the role of the muscular system in body temperature homeostasis.


13.5 Homeostasis

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troponin molecule


During contraction of a muscle, calcium ions bind to the

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Simply put, the muscular system


The muscular system is involved with movement. This may be the movement of the entire organism (walking or running) or the movement of materials (blood, food) within the organism. The muscular system is made up of muscles. The structure of a muscle allows it to provide movement by contracting, or shortening.

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Cardiac muscle fibers are


striated and

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  • vertebrates (see Section 23.3): internal vertebral column, a skeleton, and jointed appendages.
  • Our skeletal muscles are attached to the skeleton, and their contraction causes the movement of bones at a joint.
  • How many muscles are there in the human body?
  • Most experts agree that there are over 600 muscles in the human body. The exact number varies, because some experts lump muscles together under one name and others differentiate them. The smallest of these, the stapedius, is a 1.27-mm-long muscle in the middle ear. The longest muscle is the sartorius, which starts at the hip and extends to the knee. The biggest muscle (in terms of mass) is the gluteus maximus, the muscle that makes up the majority of the buttocks.

Human beings are _____________ meaning we have a internal vertebral column, skeleton, and jointed appendages.

__________causes movement of bones at joints

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Skeletal Muscles of the Body

Humans belong to a class of animals called the vertebrates (see Section 23.3). Vertebrate animals possess an internal vertebral column, a skeleton, and jointed appendages. Our skeletal muscles are attached to the skeleton, and their contraction causes the movement of bones at a joint.


How many muscles are there in the human body?

Most experts agree that there are over 600 muscles in the human body. The exact number varies, because some experts lump muscles together under one name and others differentiate them. The smallest of these, the stapedius, is a 1.27-mm-long muscle in the middle ear. The longest muscle is the sartorius, which starts at the hip and extends to the knee. The biggest muscle (in terms of mass) is the gluteus maximus, the muscle that makes up the majority of the buttocks.

Functions of Skeletal Muscles

The skeletal muscles of the body have a wide variety of functions, including the following:

Support. Skeletal muscle contraction opposes the force of gravity and allows us to remain upright.

Movements of bones and other body structures. Muscle contraction accounts not only for the movement of arms and legs but also for movements of the eyes, facial expressions, and breathing.

Maintenance of a constant body temperature. Skeletal muscle contraction causes ATP to break down, releasing heat, which is distributed throughout the body.

Movement of fluids in the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems. The pressure of skeletal muscle contraction keeps blood moving in cardiovascular veins and lymph moving in lymphatic vessels.

Protection of the internal organs and the stabilization of joints. Muscles pad the bones, and the muscular wall in the abdominal region protects the internal organs. Muscle tendons help hold bones together at joints.

Basic Structure of Skeletal Muscles

Skeletal muscles are well organized. A whole muscle contains bundles of skeletal muscle fibers called fascicles (Fig. 13.2). These are the strands of muscle we see when we cut red meat and poultry. Within a fascicle, each fiber is surrounded by connective tissue; the fascicle is also surrounded by connective tissue. Muscles are covered with fascia, a type of connective tissue that extends beyond the muscle and becomes its tendon. Tendons quite often extend past a joint before anchoring a muscle to a bone. Small, fluid-filled sacs called bursae (sing., bursa) can often be found between tendons and bones. The bursae act as cushions, allowing ease of movement.

Figure 13.2 Connecting muscle to bone. Connective tissue separates bundles of muscle fibers that make up a skeletal muscle. A layer of connective tissue covering the muscle contributes to the tendon, which attaches muscle to bone.

Skeletal Muscles Work in Pairs

In general, each muscle is concerned with the movement of only one bone. To simplify the discussion, we will focus on the movement of a single bone and no others. The origin of a muscle is on a stationary bone, and the insertion of a muscle is on a bone that moves. When a muscle contracts, it pulls on the tendons at its insertion and the bone moves. For example, when the biceps brachii contracts, it raises the forearm.

Skeletal muscles usually function in groups. Consequently, to make a particular movement, your nervous system does not stimulate a single muscle. Rather, it stimulates an appropriate group of muscles. Even so, for any particular movement, one muscle does most of the work and is called the agonist, or prime mover. While a prime mover is working, other muscles called synergists function as well. Synergists assist the agonist and make its action more effective.

When muscles contract, they shorten. Therefore, muscles can only pull; they cannot push. This means that muscles work in opposite pairs. The muscle that acts opposite to a prime mover is called an antagonist. For example, the biceps brachii and the triceps Page 261brachii are antagonists. The biceps flexes the forearm (Fig. 13.3a), and the triceps extends the forearm (Fig. 13.3b). If both of these muscles contracted at once, the forearm would remain rigid. Smooth body movements depend on an antagonist relaxing when a prime mover is acting.

Figure 13.3 Skeletal muscles often work in pairs. a. When the biceps brachii contracts, the forearm flexes. b. When the triceps brachii contracts, the forearm extends. Therefore, these two muscles are antagonistic. The origin of a skeletal muscle is on a bone that remains stationary, and the insertion of a muscle is on a bone that moves when the muscle contracts.

Not all skeletal muscles are involved in the movement of limbs. For example, the facial muscles (Fig. 13.4) produce the facial expressions that tell us about the emotions and mood of a person and therefore play an important role in our interactions with other people.

Figure 13.4 Facial expressions. Our many facial expressions are due to muscle contractions.

(both photos): ©McGraw-Hill Education/J.W. Ramsey, photographer

Names and Actions of Skeletal Muscles

Figure 13.5a, b illustrates the location of some of the major skeletal muscles and gives their actions. (Not all the muscles mentioned are featured in Figure 13.5, but most are.)

Figure 13.5 The major skeletal muscles of the human body. a. Anterior view. b. Posterior view.

When learning the names of muscles, considering what the names mean will help you remember them. The names of the various skeletal muscles are often combinations of the following terms used to characterize muscles:

Size. The gluteus maximus is the largest muscle that makes up the buttocks. The gluteus minimus is the smallest of the gluteal muscles. Other terms used to indicate size are vastus (huge), longus (long), and brevis (short).

Shape. The deltoid is shaped like a triangle. (The Greek letter delta has this appearance: ∆.) The trapezius is shaped like a trapezoid. Other terms used to indicate shape are latissimus (wide) and teres (round).

Location. The external oblique muscles are located outside the internal obliques. The frontalis muscle overlies the frontal bone. Other terms used to indicate location are pectoralis (chest), gluteus (buttock), brachii (arm), and sub (beneath).

Direction of muscle fibers. The rectus abdominis is a longitudinal muscle of the abdomen (rectus means “straight”). The orbicularis oculi is a circular muscle around the eye. Other terms used to indicate direction are transverse (across) and oblique (diagonal).

Attachment. The sternocleidomastoid is attached to the sternum, clavicle, and mastoid process. The mastoid process is located on the temporal bone of the skull. The brachioradialis is attached to the brachium (arm) and the radius (forearm).

Number of attachments. The biceps brachii has two attachments, or origins, and is located on the arm. The quadriceps femoris has four origins and is located on the femur.

Action. The extensor digitorum extends the fingers, or digits. The adductor longus is a large muscle that adducts the thigh. Adduction is the movement of a body part toward the midline. Other terms used to indicate action are flexor (to flex or bend), masseter (to chew), and levator (to lift).Page 262


Which muscles are best to use for intramuscular injections?

When giving intramuscular injections, health-care providers have to choose muscles that are sufficiently large and well developed to tolerate the injections. But they must also avoid muscles that contain large blood vessels or nerves, because an injection in these muscles could pierce a blood vessel or damage a nerve. Typically, they choose one of three preferred injection sites. The deltoid muscle on the upper arm is usually well developed in older children and adults. The vastus lateralis on the side of the thigh (part of the quadriceps group) is the best site for infants and young children. The gluteus medius is on the lower back, above the buttock. However, a clinician injecting into the gluteus medius must be careful to avoid the gluteus maximus (buttock) muscle. The body’s largest nerve, the sciatic nerve, lies underneath and within the gluteus maximus.


State the three types of muscles in the human body and explain where each is found in the body.


Smooth muscle found in walls of internal organs; cardiac muscle of the walls of the heart; skeletal muscle attached to the skeleton.

Summarize the functions of skeletal muscles.


Support the body, make bones move, produce heat, increase fluid movement in cardiovascular and lymphatic vessels, protect internal organs, stabilize joints.

Explain how skeletal muscles work together to cause bones to move.


Skeletal muscles work in opposite groups, with one flexing and the other extending a joint.


For more information on the three types of muscles, refer to the following discussions:

Section 4.3 describes the general structure of cardiac, smooth, and skeletal muscle.

Section 5.3 examines the function of cardiac muscle in the heart.

Section 9.1 illustrates how smooth muscle lines the wall of the digestive tract.


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Skeletal Muscles of the Body

Humans belong to a class of animals called the vertebrates (see Section 23.3). Vertebrate animals possess an internal vertebral column, a skeleton, and jointed appendages. Our skeletal muscles are attached to the skeleton, and their contraction causes the movement of bones at a joint.


How many muscles are there in the human body?

Most experts agree that there are over 600 muscles in the human body. The exact number varies, because some experts lump muscles together under one name and others differentiate them. The smallest of these, the stapedius, is a 1.27-mm-long muscle in the middle ear. The longest muscle is the sartorius, which starts at the hip and extends to the knee. The biggest muscle (in terms of mass) is the gluteus maximus, the muscle that makes up the majority of the buttocks.

Functions of Skeletal Muscles

The skeletal muscles of the body have a wide variety of functions, including the following:

Support. Skeletal muscle contraction opposes the force of gravity and allows us to remain upright.

Movements of bones and other body structures. Muscle contraction accounts not only for the movement of arms and legs but also for movements of the eyes, facial expressions, and breathing.

Maintenance of a constant body temperature. Skeletal muscle contraction causes ATP to break down, releasing heat, which is distributed throughout the body.

Movement of fluids in the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems. The pressure of skeletal muscle contraction keeps blood moving in cardiovascular veins and lymph moving in lymphatic vessels.

Protection of the internal organs and the stabilization of joints. Muscles pad the bones, and the muscular wall in the abdominal region protects the internal organs. Muscle tendons help hold bones together at joints.

Basic Structure of Skeletal Muscles

Skeletal muscles are well organized. A whole muscle contains bundles of skeletal muscle fibers called fascicles (Fig. 13.2). These are the strands of muscle we see when we cut red meat and poultry. Within a fascicle, each fiber is surrounded by connective tissue; the fascicle is also surrounded by connective tissue. Muscles are covered with fascia, a type of connective tissue that extends beyond the muscle and becomes its tendon. Tendons quite often extend past a joint before anchoring a muscle to a bone. Small, fluid-filled sacs called bursae (sing., bursa) can often be found between tendons and bones. The bursae act as cushions, allowing ease of movement.

Figure 13.2 Connecting muscle to bone. Connective tissue separates bundles of muscle fibers that make up a skeletal muscle. A layer of connective tissue covering the muscle contributes to the tendon, which attaches muscle to bone.

Skeletal Muscles Work in Pairs

In general, each muscle is concerned with the movement of only one bone. To simplify the discussion, we will focus on the movement of a single bone and no others. The origin of a muscle is on a stationary bone, and the insertion of a muscle is on a bone that moves. When a muscle contracts, it pulls on the tendons at its insertion and the bone moves. For example, when the biceps brachii contracts, it raises the forearm.

Skeletal muscles usually function in groups. Consequently, to make a particular movement, your nervous system does not stimulate a single muscle. Rather, it stimulates an appropriate group of muscles. Even so, for any particular movement, one muscle does most of the work and is called the agonist, or prime mover. While a prime mover is working, other muscles called synergists function as well. Synergists assist the agonist and make its action more effective.

When muscles contract, they shorten. Therefore, muscles can only pull; they cannot push. This means that muscles work in opposite pairs. The muscle that acts opposite to a prime mover is called an antagonist. For example, the biceps brachii and the triceps Page 261brachii are antagonists. The biceps flexes the forearm (Fig. 13.3a), and the triceps extends the forearm (Fig. 13.3b). If both of these muscles contracted at once, the forearm would remain rigid. Smooth body movements depend on an antagonist relaxing when a prime mover is acting.

Figure 13.3 Skeletal muscles often work in pairs. a. When the biceps brachii contracts, the forearm flexes. b. When the triceps brachii contracts, the forearm extends. Therefore, these two muscles are antagonistic. The origin of a skeletal muscle is on a bone that remains stationary, and the insertion of a muscle is on a bone that moves when the muscle contracts.

Not all skeletal muscles are involved in the movement of limbs. For example, the facial muscles (Fig. 13.4) produce the facial expressions that tell us about the emotions and mood of a person and therefore play an important role in our interactions with other people.

Figure 13.4 Facial expressions. Our many facial expressions are due to muscle contractions.

(both photos): ©McGraw-Hill Education/J.W. Ramsey, photographer

Names and Actions of Skeletal Muscles

Figure 13.5a, b illustrates the location of some of the major skeletal muscles and gives their actions. (Not all the muscles mentioned are featured in Figure 13.5, but most are.)

Figure 13.5 The major skeletal muscles of the human body. a. Anterior view. b. Posterior view.

When learning the names of muscles, considering what the names mean will help you remember them. The names of the various skeletal muscles are often combinations of the following terms used to characterize muscles:

Size. The gluteus maximus is the largest muscle that makes up the buttocks. The gluteus minimus is the smallest of the gluteal muscles. Other terms used to indicate size are vastus (huge), longus (long), and brevis (short).

Shape. The deltoid is shaped like a triangle. (The Greek letter delta has this appearance: ∆.) The trapezius is shaped like a trapezoid. Other terms used to indicate shape are latissimus (wide) and teres (round).

Location. The external oblique muscles are located outside the internal obliques. The frontalis muscle overlies the frontal bone. Other terms used to indicate location are pectoralis (chest), gluteus (buttock), brachii (arm), and sub (beneath).

Direction of muscle fibers. The rectus abdominis is a longitudinal muscle of the abdomen (rectus means “straight”). The orbicularis oculi is a circular muscle around the eye. Other terms used to indicate direction are transverse (across) and oblique (diagonal).

Attachment. The sternocleidomastoid is attached to the sternum, clavicle, and mastoid process. The mastoid process is located on the temporal bone of the skull. The brachioradialis is attached to the brachium (arm) and the radius (forearm).

Number of attachments. The biceps brachii has two attachments, or origins, and is located on the arm. The quadriceps femoris has four origins and is located on the femur.

Action. The extensor digitorum extends the fingers, or digits. The adductor longus is a large muscle that adducts the thigh. Adduction is the movement of a body part toward the midline. Other terms used to indicate action are flexor (to flex or bend), masseter (to chew), and levator (to lift).Page 262


Which muscles are best to use for intramuscular injections?

When giving intramuscular injections, health-care providers have to choose muscles that are sufficiently large and well developed to tolerate the injections. But they must also avoid muscles that contain large blood vessels or nerves, because an injection in these muscles could pierce a blood vessel or damage a nerve. Typically, they choose one of three preferred injection sites. The deltoid muscle on the upper arm is usually well developed in older children and adults. The vastus lateralis on the side of the thigh (part of the quadriceps group) is the best site for infants and young children. The gluteus medius is on the lower back, above the buttock. However, a clinician injecting into the gluteus medius must be careful to avoid the gluteus maximus (buttock) muscle. The body’s largest nerve, the sciatic nerve, lies underneath and within the gluteus maximus.


State the three types of muscles in the human body and explain where each is found in the body.


Smooth muscle found in walls of internal organs; cardiac muscle of the walls of the heart; skeletal muscle attached to the skeleton.

Summarize the functions of skeletal muscles.


Support the body, make bones move, produce heat, increase fluid movement in cardiovascular and lymphatic vessels, protect internal organs, stabilize joints.

Explain how skeletal muscles work together to cause bones to move.


Skeletal muscles work in opposite groups, with one flexing and the other extending a joint.


For more information on the three types of muscles, refer to the following discussions:

Section 4.3 describes the general structure of cardiac, smooth, and skeletal muscle.

Section 5.3 examines the function of cardiac muscle in the heart.

Section 9.1 illustrates how smooth muscle lines the wall of the digestive tract.


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Skeletal Muscles of the Body

Humans belong to a class of animals called the vertebrates (see Section 23.3). Vertebrate animals possess an internal vertebral column, a skeleton, and jointed appendages. Our skeletal muscles are attached to the skeleton, and their contraction causes the movement of bones at a joint.


How many muscles are there in the human body?

Most experts agree that there are over 600 muscles in the human body. The exact number varies, because some experts lump muscles together under one name and others differentiate them. The smallest of these, the stapedius, is a 1.27-mm-long muscle in the middle ear. The longest muscle is the sartorius, which starts at the hip and extends to the knee. The biggest muscle (in terms of mass) is the gluteus maximus, the muscle that makes up the majority of the buttocks.

Functions of Skeletal Muscles

The skeletal muscles of the body have a wide variety of functions, including the following:

Support. Skeletal muscle contraction opposes the force of gravity and allows us to remain upright.

Movements of bones and other body structures. Muscle contraction accounts not only for the movement of arms and legs but also for movements of the eyes, facial expressions, and breathing.

Maintenance of a constant body temperature. Skeletal muscle contraction causes ATP to break down, releasing heat, which is distributed throughout the body.

Movement of fluids in the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems. The pressure of skeletal muscle contraction keeps blood moving in cardiovascular veins and lymph moving in lymphatic vessels.

Protection of the internal organs and the stabilization of joints. Muscles pad the bones, and the muscular wall in the abdominal region protects the internal organs. Muscle tendons help hold bones together at joints.

Basic Structure of Skeletal Muscles

Skeletal muscles are well organized. A whole muscle contains bundles of skeletal muscle fibers called fascicles (Fig. 13.2). These are the strands of muscle we see when we cut red meat and poultry. Within a fascicle, each fiber is surrounded by connective tissue; the fascicle is also surrounded by connective tissue. Muscles are covered with fascia, a type of connective tissue that extends beyond the muscle and becomes its tendon. Tendons quite often extend past a joint before anchoring a muscle to a bone. Small, fluid-filled sacs called bursae (sing., bursa) can often be found between tendons and bones. The bursae act as cushions, allowing ease of movement.

Figure 13.2 Connecting muscle to bone. Connective tissue separates bundles of muscle fibers that make up a skeletal muscle. A layer of connective tissue covering the muscle contributes to the tendon, which attaches muscle to bone.

Skeletal Muscles Work in Pairs

In general, each muscle is concerned with the movement of only one bone. To simplify the discussion, we will focus on the movement of a single bone and no others. The origin of a muscle is on a stationary bone, and the insertion of a muscle is on a bone that moves. When a muscle contracts, it pulls on the tendons at its insertion and the bone moves. For example, when the biceps brachii contracts, it raises the forearm.

Skeletal muscles usually function in groups. Consequently, to make a particular movement, your nervous system does not stimulate a single muscle. Rather, it stimulates an appropriate group of muscles. Even so, for any particular movement, one muscle does most of the work and is called the agonist, or prime mover. While a prime mover is working, other muscles called synergists function as well. Synergists assist the agonist and make its action more effective.

When muscles contract, they shorten. Therefore, muscles can only pull; they cannot push. This means that muscles work in opposite pairs. The muscle that acts opposite to a prime mover is called an antagonist. For example, the biceps brachii and the triceps Page 261brachii are antagonists. The biceps flexes the forearm (Fig. 13.3a), and the triceps extends the forearm (Fig. 13.3b). If both of these muscles contracted at once, the forearm would remain rigid. Smooth body movements depend on an antagonist relaxing when a prime mover is acting.

Figure 13.3 Skeletal muscles often work in pairs. a. When the biceps brachii contracts, the forearm flexes. b. When the triceps brachii contracts, the forearm extends. Therefore, these two muscles are antagonistic. The origin of a skeletal muscle is on a bone that remains stationary, and the insertion of a muscle is on a bone that moves when the muscle contracts.

Not all skeletal muscles are involved in the movement of limbs. For example, the facial muscles (Fig. 13.4) produce the facial expressions that tell us about the emotions and mood of a person and therefore play an important role in our interactions with other people.

Figure 13.4 Facial expressions. Our many facial expressions are due to muscle contractions.

(both photos): ©McGraw-Hill Education/J.W. Ramsey, photographer

Names and Actions of Skeletal Muscles

Figure 13.5a, b illustrates the location of some of the major skeletal muscles and gives their actions. (Not all the muscles mentioned are featured in Figure 13.5, but most are.)

Figure 13.5 The major skeletal muscles of the human body. a. Anterior view. b. Posterior view.

When learning the names of muscles, considering what the names mean will help you remember them. The names of the various skeletal muscles are often combinations of the following terms used to characterize muscles:

Size. The gluteus maximus is the largest muscle that makes up the buttocks. The gluteus minimus is the smallest of the gluteal muscles. Other terms used to indicate size are vastus (huge), longus (long), and brevis (short).

Shape. The deltoid is shaped like a triangle. (The Greek letter delta has this appearance: ∆.) The trapezius is shaped like a trapezoid. Other terms used to indicate shape are latissimus (wide) and teres (round).

Location. The external oblique muscles are located outside the internal obliques. The frontalis muscle overlies the frontal bone. Other terms used to indicate location are pectoralis (chest), gluteus (buttock), brachii (arm), and sub (beneath).

Direction of muscle fibers. The rectus abdominis is a longitudinal muscle of the abdomen (rectus means “straight”). The orbicularis oculi is a circular muscle around the eye. Other terms used to indicate direction are transverse (across) and oblique (diagonal).

Attachment. The sternocleidomastoid is attached to the sternum, clavicle, and mastoid process. The mastoid process is located on the temporal bone of the skull. The brachioradialis is attached to the brachium (arm) and the radius (forearm).

Number of attachments. The biceps brachii has two attachments, or origins, and is located on the arm. The quadriceps femoris has four origins and is located on the femur.

Action. The extensor digitorum extends the fingers, or digits. The adductor longus is a large muscle that adducts the thigh. Adduction is the movement of a body part toward the midline. Other terms used to indicate action are flexor (to flex or bend), masseter (to chew), and levator (to lift).Page 262


Which muscles are best to use for intramuscular injections?

When giving intramuscular injections, health-care providers have to choose muscles that are sufficiently large and well developed to tolerate the injections. But they must also avoid muscles that contain large blood vessels or nerves, because an injection in these muscles could pierce a blood vessel or damage a nerve. Typically, they choose one of three preferred injection sites. The deltoid muscle on the upper arm is usually well developed in older children and adults. The vastus lateralis on the side of the thigh (part of the quadriceps group) is the best site for infants and young children. The gluteus medius is on the lower back, above the buttock. However, a clinician injecting into the gluteus medius must be careful to avoid the gluteus maximus (buttock) muscle. The body’s largest nerve, the sciatic nerve, lies underneath and within the gluteus maximus.


State the three types of muscles in the human body and explain where each is found in the body.


Smooth muscle found in walls of internal organs; cardiac muscle of the walls of the heart; skeletal muscle attached to the skeleton.

Summarize the functions of skeletal muscles.


Support the body, make bones move, produce heat, increase fluid movement in cardiovascular and lymphatic vessels, protect internal organs, stabilize joints.

Explain how skeletal muscles work together to cause bones to move.


Skeletal muscles work in opposite groups, with one flexing and the other extending a joint.


For more information on the three types of muscles, refer to the following discussions:

Section 4.3 describes the general structure of cardiac, smooth, and skeletal muscle.

Section 5.3 examines the function of cardiac muscle in the heart.

Section 9.1 illustrates how smooth muscle lines the wall of the digestive tract.


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Skeletal Muscles of the Body

Humans belong to a class of animals called the vertebrates (see Section 23.3). Vertebrate animals possess an internal vertebral column, a skeleton, and jointed appendages. Our skeletal muscles are attached to the skeleton, and their contraction causes the movement of bones at a joint.


How many muscles are there in the human body?

Most experts agree that there are over 600 muscles in the human body. The exact number varies, because some experts lump muscles together under one name and others differentiate them. The smallest of these, the stapedius, is a 1.27-mm-long muscle in the middle ear. The longest muscle is the sartorius, which starts at the hip and extends to the knee. The biggest muscle (in terms of mass) is the gluteus maximus, the muscle that makes up the majority of the buttocks.

Functions of Skeletal Muscles

The skeletal muscles of the body have a wide variety of functions, including the following:

Support. Skeletal muscle contraction opposes the force of gravity and allows us to remain upright.

Movements of bones and other body structures. Muscle contraction accounts not only for the movement of arms and legs but also for movements of the eyes, facial expressions, and breathing.

Maintenance of a constant body temperature. Skeletal muscle contraction causes ATP to break down, releasing heat, which is distributed throughout the body.

Movement of fluids in the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems. The pressure of skeletal muscle contraction keeps blood moving in cardiovascular veins and lymph moving in lymphatic vessels.

Protection of the internal organs and the stabilization of joints. Muscles pad the bones, and the muscular wall in the abdominal region protects the internal organs. Muscle tendons help hold bones together at joints.

Basic Structure of Skeletal Muscles

Skeletal muscles are well organized. A whole muscle contains bundles of skeletal muscle fibers called fascicles (Fig. 13.2). These are the strands of muscle we see when we cut red meat and poultry. Within a fascicle, each fiber is surrounded by connective tissue; the fascicle is also surrounded by connective tissue. Muscles are covered with fascia, a type of connective tissue that extends beyond the muscle and becomes its tendon. Tendons quite often extend past a joint before anchoring a muscle to a bone. Small, fluid-filled sacs called bursae (sing., bursa) can often be found between tendons and bones. The bursae act as cushions, allowing ease of movement.

Figure 13.2 Connecting muscle to bone. Connective tissue separates bundles of muscle fibers that make up a skeletal muscle. A layer of connective tissue covering the muscle contributes to the tendon, which attaches muscle to bone.

Skeletal Muscles Work in Pairs

In general, each muscle is concerned with the movement of only one bone. To simplify the discussion, we will focus on the movement of a single bone and no others. The origin of a muscle is on a stationary bone, and the insertion of a muscle is on a bone that moves. When a muscle contracts, it pulls on the tendons at its insertion and the bone moves. For example, when the biceps brachii contracts, it raises the forearm.

Skeletal muscles usually function in groups. Consequently, to make a particular movement, your nervous system does not stimulate a single muscle. Rather, it stimulates an appropriate group of muscles. Even so, for any particular movement, one muscle does most of the work and is called the agonist, or prime mover. While a prime mover is working, other muscles called synergists function as well. Synergists assist the agonist and make its action more effective.

When muscles contract, they shorten. Therefore, muscles can only pull; they cannot push. This means that muscles work in opposite pairs. The muscle that acts opposite to a prime mover is called an antagonist. For example, the biceps brachii and the triceps Page 261brachii are antagonists. The biceps flexes the forearm (Fig. 13.3a), and the triceps extends the forearm (Fig. 13.3b). If both of these muscles contracted at once, the forearm would remain rigid. Smooth body movements depend on an antagonist relaxing when a prime mover is acting.

Figure 13.3 Skeletal muscles often work in pairs. a. When the biceps brachii contracts, the forearm flexes. b. When the triceps brachii contracts, the forearm extends. Therefore, these two muscles are antagonistic. The origin of a skeletal muscle is on a bone that remains stationary, and the insertion of a muscle is on a bone that moves when the muscle contracts.

Not all skeletal muscles are involved in the movement of limbs. For example, the facial muscles (Fig. 13.4) produce the facial expressions that tell us about the emotions and mood of a person and therefore play an important role in our interactions with other people.

Figure 13.4 Facial expressions. Our many facial expressions are due to muscle contractions.

(both photos): ©McGraw-Hill Education/J.W. Ramsey, photographer

Names and Actions of Skeletal Muscles

Figure 13.5a, b illustrates the location of some of the major skeletal muscles and gives their actions. (Not all the muscles mentioned are featured in Figure 13.5, but most are.)

Figure 13.5 The major skeletal muscles of the human body. a. Anterior view. b. Posterior view.

When learning the names of muscles, considering what the names mean will help you remember them. The names of the various skeletal muscles are often combinations of the following terms used to characterize muscles:

Size. The gluteus maximus is the largest muscle that makes up the buttocks. The gluteus minimus is the smallest of the gluteal muscles. Other terms used to indicate size are vastus (huge), longus (long), and brevis (short).

Shape. The deltoid is shaped like a triangle. (The Greek letter delta has this appearance: ∆.) The trapezius is shaped like a trapezoid. Other terms used to indicate shape are latissimus (wide) and teres (round).

Location. The external oblique muscles are located outside the internal obliques. The frontalis muscle overlies the frontal bone. Other terms used to indicate location are pectoralis (chest), gluteus (buttock), brachii (arm), and sub (beneath).

Direction of muscle fibers. The rectus abdominis is a longitudinal muscle of the abdomen (rectus means “straight”). The orbicularis oculi is a circular muscle around the eye. Other terms used to indicate direction are transverse (across) and oblique (diagonal).

Attachment. The sternocleidomastoid is attached to the sternum, clavicle, and mastoid process. The mastoid process is located on the temporal bone of the skull. The brachioradialis is attached to the brachium (arm) and the radius (forearm).

Number of attachments. The biceps brachii has two attachments, or origins, and is located on the arm. The quadriceps femoris has four origins and is located on the femur.

Action. The extensor digitorum extends the fingers, or digits. The adductor longus is a large muscle that adducts the thigh. Adduction is the movement of a body part toward the midline. Other terms used to indicate action are flexor (to flex or bend), masseter (to chew), and levator (to lift).Page 262


Which muscles are best to use for intramuscular injections?

When giving intramuscular injections, health-care providers have to choose muscles that are sufficiently large and well developed to tolerate the injections. But they must also avoid muscles that contain large blood vessels or nerves, because an injection in these muscles could pierce a blood vessel or damage a nerve. Typically, they choose one of three preferred injection sites. The deltoid muscle on the upper arm is usually well developed in older children and adults. The vastus lateralis on the side of the thigh (part of the quadriceps group) is the best site for infants and young children. The gluteus medius is on the lower back, above the buttock. However, a clinician injecting into the gluteus medius must be careful to avoid the gluteus maximus (buttock) muscle. The body’s largest nerve, the sciatic nerve, lies underneath and within the gluteus maximus.


State the three types of muscles in the human body and explain where each is found in the body.


Smooth muscle found in walls of internal organs; cardiac muscle of the walls of the heart; skeletal muscle attached to the skeleton.

Summarize the functions of skeletal muscles.


Support the body, make bones move, produce heat, increase fluid movement in cardiovascular and lymphatic vessels, protect internal organs, stabilize joints.

Explain how skeletal muscles work together to cause bones to move.


Skeletal muscles work in opposite groups, with one flexing and the other extending a joint.


For more information on the three types of muscles, refer to the following discussions:

Section 4.3 describes the general structure of cardiac, smooth, and skeletal muscle.

Section 5.3 examines the function of cardiac muscle in the heart.

Section 9.1 illustrates how smooth muscle lines the wall of the digestive tract.


In your life and check yourself

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Naming skeletal muscles


Names and Actions of Skeletal Muscles

Figure 13.5a, b illustrates the location of some of the major skeletal muscles and gives their actions. (Not all the muscles mentioned are featured in Figure 13.5, but most are.)

Figure 13.5 The major skeletal muscles of the human body. a. Anterior view. b. Posterior view.

When learning the names of muscles, considering what the names mean will help you remember them. The names of the various skeletal muscles are often combinations of the following terms used to characterize muscles:

Size. The gluteus maximus is the largest muscle that makes up the buttocks. The gluteus minimus is the smallest of the gluteal muscles. Other terms used to indicate size are vastus (huge), longus (long), and brevis (short).

Shape. The deltoid is shaped like a triangle. (The Greek letter delta has this appearance: ∆.) The trapezius is shaped like a trapezoid. Other terms used to indicate shape are latissimus (wide) and teres (round).

Location. The external oblique muscles are located outside the internal obliques. The frontalis muscle overlies the frontal bone. Other terms used to indicate location are pectoralis (chest), gluteus (buttock), brachii (arm), and sub (beneath).

Direction of muscle fibers. The rectus abdominis is a longitudinal muscle of the abdomen (rectus means “straight”). The orbicularis oculi is a circular muscle around the eye. Other terms used to indicate direction are transverse (across) and oblique (diagonal).

Attachment. The sternocleidomastoid is attached to the sternum, clavicle, and mastoid process. The mastoid process is located on the temporal bone of the skull. The brachioradialis is attached to the brachium (arm) and the radius (forearm).

Number of attachments. The biceps brachii has two attachments, or origins, and is located on the arm. The quadriceps femoris has four origins and is located on the femur.

Action. The extensor digitorum extends the fingers, or digits. The adductor longus is a large muscle that adducts the thigh. Adduction is the movement of a body part toward the midline. Other terms used to indicate action are flexor (to flex or bend), masseter (to chew), and levator (to lift).Page 262

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13.1 Overview of the Muscular System


Upon completion of this section, you should be able to

List the three types of muscle tissue and provide a function for each.

Describe the general structure of a skeletal muscle.

Recognize how skeletal muscles are named.


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Thoracic vertebrae


Know this rib cage shit

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Download all those photos

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Write study guide

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thick- myosin

actin- thin


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Inside a skeletal muscle cell, a set of small cylinders called _______ are assembled into larger cylinders called _______.


myofilaments; myofibrils

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This muscle is found in blood vessels of the body


What is smooth muscle

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Immediately after the cross-bridge is formed and ADP and phosphate are released, what happens to the actin filament?


It is pulled closer towards the center of the sarcomere, causing muscle contraction.

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Muscle contractions are made by


actin filaments sliding past myosin filaments.

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Upon completion of this section, you should be able to

Summarize the role of the muscular and skeletal systems in movement.

Summarize the role of the muscular system in body temperature homeostasis.

In this section, our discussion centers on the contribution of the muscular system to homeostasis (Fig. 13.13). In many cases, the muscular system works closely with the skeletal system—for example, in the protection of body parts and movement.

Figure 13.13 The muscular system and homeostasis. The muscular system works with these body systems to assist in homeostasis.

Both Systems Produce Movement

Movement is essential to maintaining homeostasis. The skeletal and muscular systems work together to enable body movement. This is most evidently illustrated by what happens when skeletal muscles contract and pull on the bones to which they are attached, causing movement at joints. Body movement of this sort allows us to respond to certain types of changes in the environment. For instance, if you are sitting in the sun and start to feel hot, you can get up and move to a shady spot.

The muscular and skeletal systems work for other types of movements that are just as important for maintaining homeostasis. Contraction of skeletal muscles associated with the jaw and tongue allows you to grind food with the teeth. The rhythmic smooth muscle contractions of peristalsis move ingested materials through the digestive tract. These processes are necessary for supplying the body’s cells with nutrients. The ceaseless beating of your heart, which propels blood into the arterial system, is caused by the contraction of cardiac muscle. Contractions of skeletal muscles in the body, especially those associated with breathing and leg movements, aid in the process of venous return by pushing blood back toward the heart. This is why soldiers and members of marching bands are cautioned not to lock their knees when standing at attention. The reduction in venous return causes a drop in blood pressure, which can result in fainting. The pressure exerted by skeletal muscle contraction also helps squeeze interstitial fluid into the lymphatic capillaries, where it is referred to as lymph.

Both Systems Protect Body Parts

The skeletal system plays an important role by protecting the soft internal organs of your body. The brain, heart, lungs, spinal cord, kidneys, and liver and most of the endocrine glands are shielded by the skeleton. In particular, the nervous and endocrine organs must be defended so they can carry out activities necessary for homeostasis.

The skeletal muscles pad and protect the bones, and the tendons and bursae associated with skeletal muscles reinforce and cushion the joints. Muscles of the abdominal wall offer additional protection to the soft internal organs. Examples of these muscles include the rectus abdominis and external oblique muscles illustrated in Figure 13.5.Page 275

Muscles Help Maintain Body Temperature

The muscular system helps regulate body temperature. When you are very cold, smooth muscle constricts inside the blood vessels supplying the skin. Thus, the amount of blood close to the surface of the body is reduced. This helps conserve heat in the body’s core, where vital organs lie. If you are cold enough, you may start to shiver. Shivering is caused by involuntary skeletal muscle contractions. This is initiated by temperature-sensitive neurons in the hypothalamus of the brain. Skeletal muscle contraction requires ATP, and using ATP generates heat. You may also notice that you get goose bumps when you are cold. This is because arrector pili muscles contract. These tiny bundles of smooth muscle attached to the hair follicles cause the hairs to stand up. This is not very helpful in keeping humans warm, but it is quite effective in our furrier fellow mammals. Think of a cat or dog outside on a cold winter day. Its fur is a better insulator when standing up than when lying flat. Goose bumps can also be a sign of fear. Although a human with goose bumps may not look very impressive, a Page 276frightened or aggressive animal whose fur is standing on end looks bigger and (it is hoped) more intimidating to a predator or rival.


Summarize the importance of movement in homeostasis.


Muscle movement allows body movement in response to environmental change. It is also necessary for breathing, peristalsis, moving gametes, and childbirth. Also, it moves fluid in blood and lymph vessels, ureters, and the urinary bladder.

Summarize how the muscular system works to maintain body temperature.


Smooth muscles in blood vessels at body surfaces can constrict, diverting blood internally to conserve heat; contraction of skeletal muscle and involuntary shivering can produce heat.

Explain how the muscular system interacts with the digestive system.


Muscle contraction accounts for chewing and peristalsis; the digestive system absorbs nutrients needed for muscle contraction.


For more information on calcium and body temperature homeostasis, refer to the following discussions:

Section 4.8 explores how the body maintains homeostasis using feedback mechanisms.

Figure 4.18 examines how the hypothalamus is involved in body temperature regulation.

Section 16.3 describes how the thyroid and parathyroid glands are involved in calcium homeostasis.


There are several different classes of muscular dystrophy. In the most common types of muscular dystrophy, symptoms occur very early in life. In Kate’s case, the relatively late onset of the disease suggested she had a rarer form called Becker muscular dystrophy. For Kate, the good news was that this is a much slower-progressing form of the disease, with most patients living well into their thirties. Furthermore, many of the symptoms of Becker muscular dystrophy can be controlled with medication. Becker muscular dystrophy is known to cause heart problems later in life, but researchers are actively studying whether it may be possible to use gene therapy (see Section 22.4) to replace the defective dystrophin gene. In the interim, patients of Becker muscular dystrophy, such as Kate, are recommended to regularly exercise to slow the loss of muscle tissue over time.


13.5 Homeostasis

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motor neurons


branches to muscle fibers- if one motor neuron- doesn’t have to deal with so many- fine motor control

playing the piano- braiding hair- typing on keyboard

large motor units- one somatic neuron- invade a whole bunch of cells - at the same time- gross- bulk movements- quadriceps- lifting weights

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For example, the plasma membrane is called the sarcolemma (sarco means “muscle”); the cytoplasm is the sarcoplasm; and the endoplasmic reticulum is the sarcoplasmic reticulum.


The plasma membrane of a muscle fiber is called:

The cytoplasm is called:

The endoplasmic reticulum is called

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Label this diagram

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parts of sarcolema- close to reticulum- terminal -

myofibrals- bundles of filaments- contractal

gives skeletal- alternating light and dark bands

  • striations


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The region where the end of an axon from a neuron comes into close contact with a muscle fiber is called


neuromuscular junction.

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Muscular disorders include spasms, convulsions, cramps, and facial tics.

Muscular system injuries include strains, sprains, tendinitis, and bursitis.

Diseases of the muscular system include myalgias (fibromyalgia); muscular dystrophy (Duchenne muscular dystrophy); myasthenia gravis; and cancer of the muscles (sarcomas).


13.4Muscular Disorders

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My walls are composed of compact bone.


What is medullar cavity?

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actin filaments sliding past myosin filaments.


Muscle contraction is caused by

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Skeletal muscle is involuntary



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Drink water

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Part 2 of 5

0.04/0.04points awarded





Item 10

Required information

Required information

Animation: Sarcomere contraction

Skip to question

View the animation below, and then answer the following questions to test your knowledge of the concept.

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Current Time 0:00


Duration 0:53


H zones and I bands

Which of the following statements about H zones and I bands is true?

Multiple Choice

H zones contain only myosin, whereas I bands contain only actin.Correct

H zones contain only actin, whereas I bands contain only myosin.

H zones contain only myosin, whereas I bands contain both actin and myosin.

H zones contain both actin and myosin, whereas I bands contain only actin.

H zones and I bands each contain both actin and myosin.


H zones - only myosin, I bands- only actin

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This type of muscle tissue has tapered spindle like cells.


Smooth muscle

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Muscle fibers are stimulated to contract by motor neurons whose axons are grouped together to form nerves. The axon of one motor neuron can stimulate from a few to several muscle fibers of a muscle, because each axon has several branches (Fig. 13.7a). Each branch of Page 266an axon ends in an axon terminal that lies in close proximity to the sarcolemma of a muscle fiber. A small gap, called a synaptic cleft, separates the axon terminal from the sarcolemma (Fig. 13.7b). This entire region is called a neuromuscular junction.


Neuromuscular contraction action

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Three types of muscles

Classify the following descriptions based on the type of muscle they represent.


Review muscle types in section 13.1 and figure 13.1.


Hmmm- Muscles PLQ

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What is the part of a sarcomere that contains only thin filaments?


I band

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Integrate those notes

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Muscular System Back

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Study this diagram.


Smooth muscle fibers are shaped like narrow cylinders with pointed ends. Each has a single nucleus (uninucleated). The cells are usually arranged in parallel lines, forming sheets. Striations (alternating light and dark bands) are seen in cardiac and skeletal muscle but not in smooth muscle. Smooth muscle is located in the walls of hollow internal organs (see Section 9.1) and blood vessels (see Section 5.2) and causes these walls to contract. Contraction of smooth muscle is involuntary, occurring without conscious control. Although smooth muscle is slower to contract than skeletal muscle, it can sustain prolonged contractions and does not fatigue easily.

Cardiac muscle forms the heart wall (see Section 5.3). Its fibers are generally uninucleated, striated, and tubular. Branching allows the fibers to interlock at intercalated discs. The plasma membranes at intercalated discs contain gap junctions (see Section 3.5) that permit contractions to spread quickly throughout the heart wall. Cardiac fibers relax completely between contractions, which prevents fatigue. Contraction of cardiac muscle is rhythmic. It occurs without outside nervous stimulation and without conscious control. Thus, cardiac muscle contraction is involuntary.

Skeletal muscle fibers are tubular, multinucleated, and striated and make up the skeletal muscles attached to the skeletal system (see Chapter 12). Fibers run the length of the muscle and Page 260can be quite long. The myocytes of skeletal muscle are commonly called muscle fibers. Skeletal muscle is voluntary; we can decide to move a particular part of the body, such as the arms and legs.

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These looked tapered


Smooth muscle cells

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Skeletal muscle


through tendons, muscles attached through bone or skin

long cylindrical cells- muscle fibers- description- super long- more than one nucleus- control centers- need this protein in which area- actin and myosin- striated appearance

  • voluntary
  • move both bone and skin
  • somatic motor neurons individually stimulated
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Smooth, skeletal, cardiac

functions: skeletal muscle-

how muscles are named- variety- location, shape, function

major muscles of human body

skeletal muscles- muscle fibers- structured- overall shape

how contract- and different types do

sending messages to muscles

atp- contractions take place- where comes from

muscle fibers- fast twitch and slow twitch fibers

muscular conditions diseases and disorders

how skeletal and muscular system work together to maintain homeostasis



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Where are the fuel sources for muscle contraction? • Stored in the muscle • Glycogen • Lipid • In the blood • Glucose • Fatty acids 0 1 2 3 4 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Exercise time (hr) muscle triglycerides plasma fatty acids blood glucose muscle glycogen Percentage of energy expenditure Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. Figure 13.10 The sources of energy for muscle contraction. 13.3 Whole Muscle Contraction 2 What are the sources of ATP for muscle contraction? • Limited amounts of ATP



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Names and Actions of Skeletal Muscles

Muscles are named for their size, shape, location, direction of fibers, number of attachments, and action.


How are muscles named? What are the 6 different ways?

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Muscles Have Motor Units

A muscle contains motor units: several fibers under the control of a single motor axon.

Motor unit contraction is described in terms of a muscle twitch, summation, and tetanus.

The strength of muscle contraction varies according to recruitment of motor units.

In the body, a continuous slight tension, called muscle tone, is maintained by muscle motor units that take turns contracting.


What is motor unit contraction?

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pre-fixes myo, mis, sarco- flesh

myo and mis- muscle

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Orbicularis oris:


This is the kissing muscle.

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movement, both externally and internally.


Smooth muscle is involuntary and occurs in walls of internal organs.

Cardiac muscle is involuntary and occurs in walls of the heart. Cardiac muscle has intercalated discs that permit rapid contraction.

Skeletal muscle is voluntary, and contains bundles of cells called muscle fibers arranged into fascicles, usually attached by tendons to the skeleton.

Skeletal muscle is involved in support, movement, and protection. Skeletal muscles are connected to bones by tendons. Bursae provide a cushion between the muscle and bone.

Names and Actions of Skeletal Muscles

Muscles are named for their size, shape, location, direction of fibers, number of attachments, and action.


Overview of Muscular System

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Skeletal muscle cells


Long rod-shaped cells;

actin and myosin- microfilaments

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Axon terminals contain synaptic vesicles filled with the neurotransmitter acetylcholine (ACh). Nerve signals travel down the axons of motor neurons and arrive at an axon terminal. The signals trigger the synaptic vesicles to release ACh into the synaptic cleft (Fig. 13.7c). When ACh is released, it quickly diffuses across the cleft and binds to receptors in the sarcolemma. Now, the sarcolemma generates electrical signals that spread across the sarcolemma and down the T tubules. Recall that the T tubules lie adjacent to the sarcoplasmic reticulum, but the two structures are not connected. Nonetheless, signaling from the T tubules causes the release of Ca2+ from the sarcoplasmic reticulum, which leads to sarcomere contraction, as explained in Figure 13.8.


ACH is released when

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All skeletal muscles possess both an origin (stationary point) and an insertion (movement point). When achieving movement, some muscles are prime movers, some are synergists, and others are antagonists.


What is an origin? What is a movement point?

These are the three types of muscles in achieving movement.




The muscle fibers within muscle cells are divided into myofibrils, which are further divided into _____, the contractile units of muscles.


My muscles are well-organized in bundles and surrounded by connective tissue





• Muscles are responsible for all types of
• Skeletal muscle cells look elongated
• Contraction of muscles is due to the movement
of microfilaments
• All muscles share some terminology
• Prefix myorefers to muscle
• Prefix mysrefers to muscle
• Prefix sarcorefers to flesh and therefore


Characteristics of Muscles



Check yourself



State the three types of muscles in the human body and explain where each is found in the body.


Smooth muscle found in walls of internal organs; cardiac muscle of the walls of the heart; skeletal muscle attached to the skeleton.

Summarize the functions of skeletal muscles.


Support the body, make bones move, produce heat, increase fluid movement in cardiovascular and lymphatic vessels, protect internal organs, stabilize joints.

Explain how skeletal muscles work together to cause bones to move.


Skeletal muscles work in opposite groups, with one flexing and the other extending a joint.



Humans have three types of muscle tissue: smooth, cardiac, and skeletal (Fig. 13.1). The cells of these tissues are collectively called myocytes.


These are the types of muscle tissue and what the cells are called collectively.



uring the overall process of muscle contractions, the sarcomeres _____ as they slide the actin filaments past the myosin filaments.




Label the cranium



overlapping thick and thin filaments.


The A Band contains



only thick filaments.


H Band



CHAPTER 13 Muscular System 2 Key Concepts to Focus on • What are the three types of muscle tissue? Discuss their characteristics and function. • What are the functions of the muscular system? • How are muscles named and what are the muscles of the human body? • How are skeletal muscles and muscle fibers structured? • How do skeletal muscles contract? What are the different types of muscle contraction? • How do skeletal muscle cells acquire ATP f






Choose the best answer for each question.

13.1Overview of the Muscular System

In an examination of a sample of muscle tissue, you notice that the sample consists of striated cells with multiple nuclei in each cell. This suggests that the sample is from which of the following types of muscle?




Both b and c are correct.

Which of the following terms is not linked to its correct definition?

insertion—the end of the muscle that is attached to a movable bone

synergists—muscles that make the action of the prime mover more effective

origin—attachment point of a muscle that is stationary

antagonist—muscle that moves opposite to the prime mover

All of these are correct.

13.2Skeletal Muscle Fiber Contraction

Impulses that move down the T tubules of a muscle fiber initially cause

movement of tropomyosin.

attachment of the cross-bridges to myosin.

release of Ca2+ from the sarcoplasmic reticulum.

hydrolysis of ATP to ADP.

The ______ is the plasma membrane of a muscle fiber.


sarcoplasmic reticulum



As ADP and Ⓟ are released from a myosin head,

actin filaments move toward the H band.

a sarcomere shortens.

myosin filaments pull toward the thin filaments.

All of these are correct.

Label each of the indicated items in the diagram below.

13.3Whole Muscle Contraction

Which of these pathways provides the quickest means for a muscle fiber to produce ATP?

cellular respiration


creatine phosphate pathway

All of these provide ATP at the same rate.

Which of the following represents the maximal amount of muscle contraction?





Fast-twitch muscle fibers have which of the following characteristics?

fewer number of mitochondria

rely on fermentation and creatine phosphate pathways

primarily anaerobic

provide for a quick release of energy

All of these are correct.Page 278

13.4Muscular Disorders

A ______ is an injury to muscle due to twisting or stretching.





Cancers that occur in soft tissues, such as muscles, are referred to as

muscular dystrophies.


myasthenia gravis.


None of these are correct.


Which of the following is not a role of the muscular system in homeostasis in the body?

produce movement

protect body parts

produce heat

store calcium



The dystrophin protein is located between the sarcolemma and the outer myofilaments of the muscle. It is responsible for conducting the force of the muscle contraction from the myofilaments to the connective tissue of the muscle. In Kate’s case, a mutation in this protein was causing the symptoms of muscular dystrophy.

Why would a loss of dystrophin protein cause weakness and a loss of coordination?

Muscular dystrophy is frequently referred to as a muscle-wasting disease, in which the muscles lose mass over time. How would a defect in dystrophin contribute to the wasting of muscle tissue?

You learned about rigor mortis in the Science feature “Rigor Mortis” (Section 13.3). Perhaps you’re also a fan of crime scene shows on television. If so, you know that the onset of rigor mortis in a deceased person can be influenced by a number of factors. Consider the following:

If a body was rapidly cooled after death, how would this affect the timing of rigor mortis?

Discuss what factors, besides cooling, might delay or accelerate the onset of rigor mortis.

Rigor mortis is usually complete within 1 to 2 days after death (depending on environmental variables). Why would rigor mortis diminish after several days?

Health Icon: ©Janis Christie/Digital Vision/Getty Images; Science Icon: ©Antenna/Getty Images; Bioethical Icon: ©JGI/Blend Images LLC


Testing Yourself

Click here for the answers to the Testing Yourself questions.


Testing Yourself: 1. c; 2. e; 3. c; 4. c; 5. d; 6. a. cross-bridge (myosin head); b. myosin; c. actin; d. Z line; e. H band; f. A band; g. I band; 7. c; 8. a; 9. e; 10. b; 11. d; 12. d

Thinking Critically

Click here for the answers to the Thinking Critically questions.


Thinking Critically: 1a. In the absence of dystrophin, the force of the muscle contraction from the myofilaments is not transferred to the connective tissue of the muscle. 1b. When dystrophin is absent, calcium leaks into the cell and activates an enzyme that dissolves muscle fibers. As muscle fibers die, fat and connective tissue take their place. 2a. ATP is required for muscle relaxation, so rigor mortis occurs as ATP is depleted. Rapid cooling delays the progression of rigor mortis, because it slows ATP depletion. 2b. Heat from the environment or generated as a fever can accelerate the onset of rigor mortis, as can extreme exercise right before death, which depletes ATP stores in the muscles. 3. Rigor mortis diminishes when enzymes released from lysozomes in dying cells break bonds between actin and myosin.


Just for shits and giggles








This is shortening of muscle



Energy for Muscle Contraction

A muscle fiber has three ways to acquire ATP for muscle contraction:

Creatine phosphate (CP) transfers a phosphate to ADP, and ATP results. The CP pathway is the most rapid.

Fermentation also produces ATP quickly. Fermentation is associated with an oxygen debt, because oxygen is needed to metabolize the lactate that accumulates.

Cellular respiration provides most of the muscle’s ATP but takes longer, because much of the glucose and oxygen must be transported in blood to mitochondria. The myoglobin in muscle cells delivers the oxygen to the mitochondria. Cellular respiration occurs during aerobic exercise and burns fatty acids in addition to glucose.F


These are the 3 ways to acquire ATP for muscle contraction.



  • myofibrils: actin and myosin filaments
  • Muscle contraction
  • sarcomeres shorten and actin filaments slide past myosin filaments.
  • Nerve impulses travel down motor neurons and stimulate muscle fibers at neuromuscular junctions
  • sarcolemma of a muscle fiber forms T (transverse) tubules that almost touch the sarcoplasmic reticulum, which stores calcium ions.
  • When calcium ions are released into muscle fibers, actin filaments slide past myosin filaments.
  • At a neuromuscular junction, synaptic vesicles release acetylcholine (neurotransmitter), which diffuses across the synaptic cleft.
  • When acetylcholine (ACh) is received by the sarcolemma, electrical signals begin and lead to the release of calcium.
  • Calcium ions bind to troponin, causing tropomyosin proteins to shift, thus exposing myosin-binding sites.
  • Myosin filaments break down ATP and attach to actin filaments, forming cross-bridges.
  • When ADP and Phosphate are released, cross-bridges change their positions.
  • This _sliding filament model_ pulls actin filaments to the center of a sarcomere.

Muscle fiber contraction



The muscular system is involved with movement. This may be the movement of the entire organism (walking or running) or the movement of materials (blood, food) within the organism. The muscular system is made up of muscles. The structure of a muscle allows it to provide movement by contracting, or shortening.


This is the primary function of the muscular system. Movement _________ and movement ____________.



IN your life



Which muscles are best to use for intramuscular injections?

When giving intramuscular injections, health-care providers have to choose muscles that are sufficiently large and well developed to tolerate the injections. But they must also avoid muscles that contain large blood vessels or nerves, because an injection in these muscles could pierce a blood vessel or damage a nerve. Typically, they choose one of three preferred injection sites. The deltoid muscle on the upper arm is usually well developed in older children and adults. The vastus lateralis on the side of the thigh (part of the quadriceps group) is the best site for infants and young children. The gluteus medius is on the lower back, above the buttock. However, a clinician injecting into the gluteus medius must be careful to avoid the gluteus maximus (buttock) muscle. The body’s largest nerve, the sciatic nerve, lies underneath and within the gluteus maximus.



The light microscope shows that skeletal muscle fibers have light and dark bands called striations (Fig. 13.6b). At the higher magnification provided by an electron microscope, one can see that the striations of skeletal muscle fibers are formed by the placement of myofilaments within myofibrils. There are two types of myofilaments. Thick myofilaments are made up of a protein called myosin, and thin myofilaments are composed of a second protein termed actin. Myofibrils are further divided vertically into sarcomeres. A sarcomere extends between two dark vertical lines called the Z lines. The I bands on either side of the Z line are light colored, because each contains only the thin actin myofilaments. The dark central A band within the sarcomere is composed of overlapping actin and myosin myofilaments. Centered within the A band is a vertical H band. In an uncontracted sarcomere, the H band lacks thin actin myofilaments and contains only thick myosin myofilaments.





Within a myofibril, the distance from one Z line to the next is called a(n)





Skeletal muscle cells- long rod shaped cells- microfilaments- actin and myosin- how interact together- produce contraction- shortening of muscle

a lot of structures- prefixed myo, mis and sarco


These are prefixes for muscle




go look at the chart now


increase in muscle contraction, until maximum contraction is reached- bring up book- hold - tetanus-



Memorize this



latent period- contraction, relax-

slowly bringing up book- going through a lot of neuron impulses- summation- sustained positon

add up - exhausting- so stop





Connecting muscles to bone- Check out this diagram


Figure 13.2 Connecting muscle to bone. Connective tissue separates bundles of muscle fibers that make up a skeletal muscle. A layer of connective tissue covering the muscle contributes to the tendon, which attaches muscle to bone.

Skeletal Muscles Work in Pairs

In general, each muscle is concerned with the movement of only one bone. To simplify the discussion, we will focus on the movement of a single bone and no others. The origin of a muscle is on a stationary bone, and the insertion of a muscle is on a bone that moves. When a muscle contracts, it pulls on the tendons at its insertion and the bone moves. For example, when the biceps brachii contracts, it raises the forearm.

Skeletal muscles usually function in groups. Consequently, to make a particular movement, your nervous system does not stimulate a single muscle. Rather, it stimulates an appropriate group of muscles. Even so, for any particular movement, one muscle does most of the work and is called the agonist, or prime mover. While a prime mover is working, other muscles called synergists function as well. Synergists assist the agonist and make its action more effective.

When muscles contract, they shorten. Therefore, muscles can only pull; they cannot push. This means that muscles work in opposite pairs. The muscle that acts opposite to a prime mover is called an antagonist. For example, the biceps brachii and the triceps Page 261brachii are antagonists. The biceps flexes the forearm (Fig. 13.3a), and the triceps extends the forearm (Fig. 13.3b). If both of these muscles contracted at once, the forearm would remain rigid. Smooth body movements depend on an antagonist relaxing when a prime mover is acting.

Figure 13.3 Skeletal muscles often work in pairs. a. When the biceps brachii contracts, the forearm flexes. b. When the triceps brachii contracts, the forearm extends. Therefore, these two muscles are antagonistic. The origin of a skeletal muscle is on a bone that remains stationary, and the insertion of a muscle is on a bone that moves when the muscle contracts.

Not all skeletal muscles are involved in the movement of limbs. For example, the facial muscles (Fig. 13.4) produce the facial expressions that tell us about the emotions and mood of a person and therefore play an important role in our interactions with other people.

Figure 13.4 Facial expressions. Our many facial expressions are due to muscle contractions.

(both photos): ©McGraw-Hill Education/J.W. Ramsey, photographer


The function of myoglobin is


deliver oxygen directly to mitochondria.



What are fast twitch and slow twitch muscle fibers?


ast-Twitch and Slow-Twitch Muscle Fibers

Fast-twitch fibers, for sports such as weightlifting, rely on anaerobic means of acquiring ATP; have few mitochondria and myoglobin, but motor units contain more muscle fibers; and are known for explosive power but fatigue quickly.

Slow-twitch fibers, for sports such as running and swimming, rely on aerobic respiration to acquire ATP and have a plentiful supply of mitochondria and myoglobin, which gives them a dark color.



The muscular system is involved in movement, both externally and internally. Muscle tissue is composed of cells called myocytes.

Smooth muscle is involuntary and occurs in walls of internal organs.

Cardiac muscle is involuntary and occurs in walls of the heart. Cardiac muscle has intercalated discs that permit rapid contraction.

Skeletal muscle is voluntary, and contains bundles of cells called muscle fibers arranged into fascicles, usually attached by tendons to the skeleton.

Skeletal muscle is involved in support, movement, and protection. Skeletal muscles are connected to bones by tendons. Bursae provide a cushion between the muscle and bone.S


Function of Muscular system

This is what muscle cells are called

This type of movement occurs in smooth muscle, this in skeletal, and this in cardiac.



Types of Muscles

Humans have three types of muscle tissue: smooth, cardiac, and skeletal (Fig. 13.1). The cells of these tissues are collectively called myocytes.

Figure 13.1 The three classes of muscles in humans. Human muscles are of three types: (a) skeletal, (b) smooth, and (c) cardiac. Each muscle type has different characteristics.

(photos) (a, c): ©Ed Reschke; (b): ©McGraw-Hill Education/Dennis Strete, photographer

Smooth muscle fibers are shaped like narrow cylinders with pointed ends. Each has a single nucleus (uninucleated). The cells are usually arranged in parallel lines, forming sheets. Striations (alternating light and dark bands) are seen in cardiac and skeletal muscle but not in smooth muscle. Smooth muscle is located in the walls of hollow internal organs (see Section 9.1) and blood vessels (see Section 5.2) and causes these walls to contract. Contraction of smooth muscle is involuntary, occurring without conscious control. Although smooth muscle is slower to contract than skeletal muscle, it can sustain prolonged contractions and does not fatigue easily.

Cardiac muscle forms the heart wall (see Section 5.3). Its fibers are generally uninucleated, striated, and tubular. Branching allows the fibers to interlock at intercalated discs. The plasma membranes at intercalated discs contain gap junctions (see Section 3.5) that permit contractions to spread quickly throughout the heart wall. Cardiac fibers relax completely between contractions, which prevents fatigue. Contraction of cardiac muscle is rhythmic. It occurs without outside nervous stimulation and without conscious control. Thus, cardiac muscle contraction is involuntary.

Skeletal muscle fibers are tubular, multinucleated, and striated and make up the skeletal muscles attached to the skeletal system (see Chapter 12). Fibers run the length of the muscle and Page 260can be quite long. The myocytes of skeletal muscle are commonly called muscle fibers. Skeletal muscle is voluntary; we can decide to move a particular part of the body, such as the arms and legs.


The 3 types of muscles in depth



The muscular system is involved in movement, both externally and internally. Muscle tissue is composed of cells called myocytes.

Smooth muscle is involuntary and occurs in walls of internal organs.

Cardiac muscle is involuntary and occurs in walls of the heart. Cardiac muscle has intercalated discs that permit rapid contraction.

Skeletal muscle is voluntary, and contains bundles of cells called muscle fibers arranged into fascicles, usually attached by tendons to the skeleton.

Skeletal muscle is involved in support, movement, and protection. Skeletal muscles are connected to bones by tendons. Bursae provide a cushion between the muscle and bone.

Skeletal Muscles of the Body

All skeletal muscles possess both an origin (stationary point) and an insertion (movement point). When achieving movement, some muscles are prime movers, some are synergists, and others are antagonists.

Names and Actions of Skeletal Muscles

Muscles are named for their size, shape, location, direction of fibers, number of attachments, and action.

13.2Skeletal Muscle Fiber Contraction

Muscle fibers contain myofibrils, and myofibrils contain actin and myosin filaments. Muscle contraction occurs when sarcomeres shorten and actin filaments slide past myosin filaments.

Nerve impulses travel down motor neurons and stimulate muscle fibers at neuromuscular junctions.

The sarcolemma of a muscle fiber forms T (transverse) tubules that almost touch the sarcoplasmic reticulum, which stores calcium ions.

When calcium ions are released into muscle fibers, actin filaments slide past myosin filaments.

At a neuromuscular junction, synaptic vesicles release acetylcholine (neurotransmitter), which diffuses across the synaptic cleft.

When acetylcholine (ACh) is received by the sarcolemma, electrical signals begin and lead to the release of calcium.

Calcium ions bind to troponin, causing tropomyosin proteins to shift, thus exposing myosin-binding sites.

Myosin filaments break down ATP and attach to actin filaments, forming cross-bridges.

When ADP and Ⓟ are released, cross-bridges change their positions.

This sliding filament model pulls actin filaments to the center of a sarcomere.

Page 277

13.3Whole Muscle Contraction

Muscles Have Motor Units

A muscle contains motor units: several fibers under the control of a single motor axon.

Motor unit contraction is described in terms of a muscle twitch, summation, and tetanus.

The strength of muscle contraction varies according to recruitment of motor units.

In the body, a continuous slight tension, called muscle tone, is maintained by muscle motor units that take turns contracting.

Energy for Muscle Contraction

A muscle fiber has three ways to acquire ATP for muscle contraction:

Creatine phosphate (CP) transfers a phosphate to ADP, and ATP results. The CP pathway is the most rapid.

Fermentation also produces ATP quickly. Fermentation is associated with an oxygen debt, because oxygen is needed to metabolize the lactate that accumulates.

Cellular respiration provides most of the muscle’s ATP but takes longer, because much of the glucose and oxygen must be transported in blood to mitochondria. The myoglobin in muscle cells delivers the oxygen to the mitochondria. Cellular respiration occurs during aerobic exercise and burns fatty acids in addition to glucose.

Fast-Twitch and Slow-Twitch Muscle Fibers

Fast-twitch fibers, for sports such as weightlifting, rely on anaerobic means of acquiring ATP; have few mitochondria and myoglobin, but motor units contain more muscle fibers; and are known for explosive power but fatigue quickly.

Slow-twitch fibers, for sports such as running and swimming, rely on aerobic respiration to acquire ATP and have a plentiful supply of mitochondria and myoglobin, which gives them a dark color.

13.4Muscular Disorders

Muscular disorders include spasms, convulsions, cramps, and facial tics.

Muscular system injuries include strains, sprains, tendinitis, and bursitis.

Diseases of the muscular system include myalgias (fibromyalgia); muscular dystrophy (Duchenne muscular dystrophy); myasthenia gravis; and cancer of the muscles (sarcomas).


The muscles and bones produce movement and protect body parts.

The muscles produce the heat that gives us a constant body temperature.



Choose the best answer for each question.

13.1Overview of the Muscular System

In an examination of a sample of muscle tissue, you notice that the sample consists of striated cells with multiple nuclei in each cell. This suggests that the sample is from which of the following types of muscle?




Both b and c are correct.

Which of the following terms is not linked to its correct definition?

insertion—the end of the muscle that is attached to a movable bone

synergists—muscles that make the action of the prime mover more effective

origin—attachment point of a muscle that is stationary

antagonist—muscle that moves opposite to the prime mover

All of these are correct.

13.2Skeletal Muscle Fiber Contraction

Impulses that move down the T tubules of a muscle fiber initially cause

movement of tropomyosin.

attachment of the cross-bridges to myosin.

release of Ca2+ from the sarcoplasmic reticulum.

hydrolysis of ATP to ADP.

The ______ is the plasma membrane of a muscle fiber.


sarcoplasmic reticulum



As ADP and Ⓟ are released from a myosin head,

actin filaments move toward the H band.

a sarcomere shortens.

myosin filaments pull toward the thin filaments.

All of these are correct.

Label each of the indicated items in the diagram below.

13.3Whole Muscle Contraction

Which of these pathways provides the quickest means for a muscle fiber to produce ATP?

cellular respiration


creatine phosphate pathway

All of these provide ATP at the same rate.

Which of the following represents the maximal amount of muscle contraction?





Fast-twitch muscle fibers have which of the following characteristics?

fewer number of mitochondria

rely on fermentation and creatine phosphate pathways

primarily anaerobic

provide for a quick release of energy

All of these are correct.Page 278

13.4Muscular Disorders

A ______ is an injury to muscle due to twisting or stretching.





Cancers that occur in soft tissues, such as muscles, are referred to as

muscular dystrophies.


myasthenia gravis.


None of these are correct.


Which of the following is not a role of the muscular system in homeostasis in the body?

produce movement

protect body parts

produce heat

store calcium



The dystrophin protein is located between the sarcolemma and the outer myofilaments of the muscle. It is responsible for conducting the force of the muscle contraction from the myofilaments to the connective tissue of the muscle. In Kate’s case, a mutation in this protein was causing the symptoms of muscular dystrophy.

Why would a loss of dystrophin protein cause weakness and a loss of coordination?

Muscular dystrophy is frequently referred to as a muscle-wasting disease, in which the muscles lose mass over time. How would a defect in dystrophin contribute to the wasting of muscle tissue?

You learned about rigor mortis in the Science feature “Rigor Mortis” (Section 13.3). Perhaps you’re also a fan of crime scene shows on television. If so, you know that the onset of rigor mortis in a deceased person can be influenced by a number of factors. Consider the following:

If a body was rapidly cooled after death, how would this affect the timing of rigor mortis?

Discuss what factors, besides cooling, might delay or accelerate the onset of rigor mortis.

Rigor mortis is usually complete within 1 to 2 days after death (depending on environmental variables). Why would rigor mortis diminish after several days?

Health Icon: ©Janis Christie/Digital Vision/Getty Images; Science Icon: ©Antenna/Getty Images; Bioethical Icon: ©JGI/Blend Images LLC


Testing Yourself

Click here for the answers to the Testing Yourself questions.


Testing Yourself: 1. c; 2. e; 3. c; 4. c; 5. d; 6. a. cross-bridge (myosin head); b. myosin; c. actin; d. Z line; e. H band; f. A band; g. I band; 7. c; 8. a; 9. e; 10. b; 11. d; 12. d

Thinking Critically

Click here for the answers to the Thinking Critically questions.


Thinking Critically: 1a. In the absence of dystrophin, the force of the muscle contraction from the myofilaments is not transferred to the connective tissue of the muscle. 1b. When dystrophin is absent, calcium leaks into the cell and activates an enzyme that dissolves muscle fibers. As muscle fibers die, fat and connective tissue take their place. 2a. ATP is required for muscle relaxation, so rigor mortis occurs as ATP is depleted. Rapid cooling delays the progression of rigor mortis, because it slows ATP depletion. 2b. Heat from the environment or generated as a fever can accelerate the onset of rigor mortis, as can extreme exercise right before death, which depletes ATP stores in the muscles. 3. Rigor mortis diminishes when enzymes released from lysozomes in dying cells break bonds between actin and myosin.


Overview of Muscular System



Muscular system front



Neuromuscular junctions



The muscular system is involved in movement, both externally and internally. Muscle tissue is composed of cells called myocytes.

Smooth muscle is involuntary and occurs in walls of internal organs.

Cardiac muscle is involuntary and occurs in walls of the heart. Cardiac muscle has intercalated discs that permit rapid contraction.

Skeletal muscle is voluntary, and contains bundles of cells called muscle fibers arranged into fascicles, usually attached by tendons to the skeleton.

Skeletal muscle is involved in support, movement, and protection. Skeletal muscles are connected to bones by tendons. Bursae provide a cushion between the muscle and bone.

Skeletal Muscles of the Body

All skeletal muscles possess both an origin (stationary point) and an insertion (movement point). When achieving movement, some muscles are prime movers, some are synergists, and others are antagonists.

Names and Actions of Skeletal Muscles

Muscles are named for their size, shape, location, direction of fibers, number of attachments, and action.

13.2Skeletal Muscle Fiber Contraction

Muscle fibers contain myofibrils, and myofibrils contain actin and myosin filaments. Muscle contraction occurs when sarcomeres shorten and actin filaments slide past myosin filaments.

Nerve impulses travel down motor neurons and stimulate muscle fibers at neuromuscular junctions.

The sarcolemma of a muscle fiber forms T (transverse) tubules that almost touch the sarcoplasmic reticulum, which stores calcium ions.

When calcium ions are released into muscle fibers, actin filaments slide past myosin filaments.

At a neuromuscular junction, synaptic vesicles release acetylcholine (neurotransmitter), which diffuses across the synaptic cleft.

When acetylcholine (ACh) is received by the sarcolemma, electrical signals begin and lead to the release of calcium.

Calcium ions bind to troponin, causing tropomyosin proteins to shift, thus exposing myosin-binding sites.

Myosin filaments break down ATP and attach to actin filaments, forming cross-bridges.

When ADP and Ⓟ are released, cross-bridges change their positions.

This sliding filament model pulls actin filaments to the center of a sarcomere.

Page 277

13.3Whole Muscle Contraction

Muscles Have Motor Units

A muscle contains motor units: several fibers under the control of a single motor axon.

Motor unit contraction is described in terms of a muscle twitch, summation, and tetanus.

The strength of muscle contraction varies according to recruitment of motor units.

In the body, a continuous slight tension, called muscle tone, is maintained by muscle motor units that take turns contracting.

Energy for Muscle Contraction

A muscle fiber has three ways to acquire ATP for muscle contraction:

Creatine phosphate (CP) transfers a phosphate to ADP, and ATP results. The CP pathway is the most rapid.

Fermentation also produces ATP quickly. Fermentation is associated with an oxygen debt, because oxygen is needed to metabolize the lactate that accumulates.

Cellular respiration provides most of the muscle’s ATP but takes longer, because much of the glucose and oxygen must be transported in blood to mitochondria. The myoglobin in muscle cells delivers the oxygen to the mitochondria. Cellular respiration occurs during aerobic exercise and burns fatty acids in addition to glucose.

Fast-Twitch and Slow-Twitch Muscle Fibers

Fast-twitch fibers, for sports such as weightlifting, rely on anaerobic means of acquiring ATP; have few mitochondria and myoglobin, but motor units contain more muscle fibers; and are known for explosive power but fatigue quickly.

Slow-twitch fibers, for sports such as running and swimming, rely on aerobic respiration to acquire ATP and have a plentiful supply of mitochondria and myoglobin, which gives them a dark color.

13.4Muscular Disorders

Muscular disorders include spasms, convulsions, cramps, and facial tics.

Muscular system injuries include strains, sprains, tendinitis, and bursitis.

Diseases of the muscular system include myalgias (fibromyalgia); muscular dystrophy (Duchenne muscular dystrophy); myasthenia gravis; and cancer of the muscles (sarcomas).


The muscles and bones produce movement and protect body parts.

The muscles produce the heat that gives us a constant body temperature.



Choose the best answer for each question.

13.1Overview of the Muscular System

In an examination of a sample of muscle tissue, you notice that the sample consists of striated cells with multiple nuclei in each cell. This suggests that the sample is from which of the following types of muscle?




Both b and c are correct.

Which of the following terms is not linked to its correct definition?

insertion—the end of the muscle that is attached to a movable bone

synergists—muscles that make the action of the prime mover more effective

origin—attachment point of a muscle that is stationary

antagonist—muscle that moves opposite to the prime mover

All of these are correct.

13.2Skeletal Muscle Fiber Contraction

Impulses that move down the T tubules of a muscle fiber initially cause

movement of tropomyosin.

attachment of the cross-bridges to myosin.

release of Ca2+ from the sarcoplasmic reticulum.

hydrolysis of ATP to ADP.

The ______ is the plasma membrane of a muscle fiber.


sarcoplasmic reticulum



As ADP and Ⓟ are released from a myosin head,

actin filaments move toward the H band.

a sarcomere shortens.

myosin filaments pull toward the thin filaments.

All of these are correct.

Label each of the indicated items in the diagram below.

13.3Whole Muscle Contraction

Which of these pathways provides the quickest means for a muscle fiber to produce ATP?

cellular respiration


creatine phosphate pathway

All of these provide ATP at the same rate.

Which of the following represents the maximal amount of muscle contraction?





Fast-twitch muscle fibers have which of the following characteristics?

fewer number of mitochondria

rely on fermentation and creatine phosphate pathways

primarily anaerobic

provide for a quick release of energy

All of these are correct.Page 278

13.4Muscular Disorders

A ______ is an injury to muscle due to twisting or stretching.





Cancers that occur in soft tissues, such as muscles, are referred to as

muscular dystrophies.


myasthenia gravis.


None of these are correct.


Which of the following is not a role of the muscular system in homeostasis in the body?

produce movement

protect body parts

produce heat

store calcium



The dystrophin protein is located between the sarcolemma and the outer myofilaments of the muscle. It is responsible for conducting the force of the muscle contraction from the myofilaments to the connective tissue of the muscle. In Kate’s case, a mutation in this protein was causing the symptoms of muscular dystrophy.

Why would a loss of dystrophin protein cause weakness and a loss of coordination?

Muscular dystrophy is frequently referred to as a muscle-wasting disease, in which the muscles lose mass over time. How would a defect in dystrophin contribute to the wasting of muscle tissue?

You learned about rigor mortis in the Science feature “Rigor Mortis” (Section 13.3). Perhaps you’re also a fan of crime scene shows on television. If so, you know that the onset of rigor mortis in a deceased person can be influenced by a number of factors. Consider the following:

If a body was rapidly cooled after death, how would this affect the timing of rigor mortis?

Discuss what factors, besides cooling, might delay or accelerate the onset of rigor mortis.

Rigor mortis is usually complete within 1 to 2 days after death (depending on environmental variables). Why would rigor mortis diminish after several days?

Health Icon: ©Janis Christie/Digital Vision/Getty Images; Science Icon: ©Antenna/Getty Images; Bioethical Icon: ©JGI/Blend Images LLC


Testing Yourself

Click here for the answers to the Testing Yourself questions.


Testing Yourself: 1. c; 2. e; 3. c; 4. c; 5. d; 6. a. cross-bridge (myosin head); b. myosin; c. actin; d. Z line; e. H band; f. A band; g. I band; 7. c; 8. a; 9. e; 10. b; 11. d; 12. d

Thinking Critically

Click here for the answers to the Thinking Critically questions.


Thinking Critically: 1a. In the absence of dystrophin, the force of the muscle contraction from the myofilaments is not transferred to the connective tissue of the muscle. 1b. When dystrophin is absent, calcium leaks into the cell and activates an enzyme that dissolves muscle fibers. As muscle fibers die, fat and connective tissue take their place. 2a. ATP is required for muscle relaxation, so rigor mortis occurs as ATP is depleted. Rapid cooling delays the progression of rigor mortis, because it slows ATP depletion. 2b. Heat from the environment or generated as a fever can accelerate the onset of rigor mortis, as can extreme exercise right before death, which depletes ATP stores in the muscles. 3. Rigor mortis diminishes when enzymes released from lysozomes in dying cells break bonds between actin and myosin.


Overview of Muscular System



muscular system works with skeletal system—for example, in the protection of body parts and movement.

see: Figure 13.13 The muscular system and homeostasis. The muscular system works with these body systems to assist in homeostasis.

Produce Movement

  • essential to maintaining homeostasis. skeletal and muscular systems work together to enable body movement. This is most evidently illustrated by what happens when skeletal muscles contract and pull on the bones to which they are attached, causing movement at joints. Body movement of this sort allows us to respond to certain types of changes in the environment. For instance, if you are sitting in the sun and start to feel hot, you can get up and move to a shady spot.
  • The muscular and skeletal systems work for other types of movements that are just as important for maintaining homeostasis. Contraction of skeletal muscles associated with the jaw and tongue allows you to grind food with the teeth. The rhythmic smooth muscle contractions of peristalsis move ingested materials through the digestive tract. These processes are necessary for supplying the body’s cells with nutrients. The ceaseless beating of your heart, which propels blood into the arterial system, is caused by the contraction of cardiac muscle. Contractions of skeletal muscles in the body, especially those associated with breathing and leg movements, aid in the process of venous return by pushing blood back toward the heart. This is why soldiers and members of marching bands are cautioned not to lock their knees when standing at attention. The reduction in venous return causes a drop in blood pressure, which can result in fainting. The pressure exerted by skeletal muscle contraction also helps squeeze interstitial fluid into the lymphatic capillaries, where it is referred to as lymph.
  • Both Systems Protect Body Parts
  • The skeletal system plays an important role by protecting the soft internal organs of your body. The brain, heart, lungs, spinal cord, kidneys, and liver and most of the endocrine glands are shielded by the skeleton. In particular, the nervous and endocrine organs must be defended so they can carry out activities necessary for homeostasis.
  • The skeletal muscles pad and protect the bones, and the tendons and bursae associated with skeletal muscles reinforce and cushion the joints. Muscles of the abdominal wall offer additional protection to the soft internal organs. Examples of these muscles include the rectus abdominis and external oblique muscles illustrated in Figure 13.5.Page 275
  • Muscles Help Maintain Body Temperature
  • The muscular system helps regulate body temperature. When you are very cold, smooth muscle constricts inside the blood vessels supplying the skin. Thus, the amount of blood close to the surface of the body is reduced. This helps conserve heat in the body’s core, where vital organs lie. If you are cold enough, you may start to shiver. Shivering is caused by involuntary skeletal muscle contractions. This is initiated by temperature-sensitive neurons in the hypothalamus of the brain. Skeletal muscle contraction requires ATP, and using ATP generates heat. You may also notice that you get goose bumps when you are cold. This is because arrector pili muscles contract. These tiny bundles of smooth muscle attached to the hair follicles cause the hairs to stand up. This is not very helpful in keeping humans warm, but it is quite effective in our furrier fellow mammals. Think of a cat or dog outside on a cold winter day. Its fur is a better insulator when standing up than when lying flat. Goose bumps can also be a sign of fear. Although a human with goose bumps may not look very impressive, a Page 276frightened or aggressive animal whose fur is standing on end looks bigger and (it is hoped) more intimidating to a predator or rival.

13.5 Homeostasis



The muscular system is involved in movement, both externally and internally. Muscle tissue is composed of cells called myocytes.

Smooth muscle is involuntary and occurs in walls of internal organs.

Cardiac muscle is involuntary and occurs in walls of the heart. Cardiac muscle has intercalated discs that permit rapid contraction.

Skeletal muscle is voluntary, and contains bundles of cells called muscle fibers arranged into fascicles, usually attached by tendons to the skeleton.

Skeletal muscle is involved in support, movement, and protection. Skeletal muscles are connected to bones by tendons. Bursae provide a cushion between the muscle and bone.

Skeletal Muscles of the Body

All skeletal muscles possess both an origin (stationary point) and an insertion (movement point). When achieving movement, some muscles are prime movers, some are synergists, and others are antagonists.

Names and Actions of Skeletal Muscles

Muscles are named for their size, shape, location, direction of fibers, number of attachments, and action.

13.2Skeletal Muscle Fiber Contraction

Muscle fibers contain myofibrils, and myofibrils contain actin and myosin filaments. Muscle contraction occurs when sarcomeres shorten and actin filaments slide past myosin filaments.

Nerve impulses travel down motor neurons and stimulate muscle fibers at neuromuscular junctions.

The sarcolemma of a muscle fiber forms T (transverse) tubules that almost touch the sarcoplasmic reticulum, which stores calcium ions.

When calcium ions are released into muscle fibers, actin filaments slide past myosin filaments.

At a neuromuscular junction, synaptic vesicles release acetylcholine (neurotransmitter), which diffuses across the synaptic cleft.

When acetylcholine (ACh) is received by the sarcolemma, electrical signals begin and lead to the release of calcium.

Calcium ions bind to troponin, causing tropomyosin proteins to shift, thus exposing myosin-binding sites.

Myosin filaments break down ATP and attach to actin filaments, forming cross-bridges.

When ADP and Ⓟ are released, cross-bridges change their positions.

This sliding filament model pulls actin filaments to the center of a sarcomere.

Page 277

13.3Whole Muscle Contraction

Muscles Have Motor Units

A muscle contains motor units: several fibers under the control of a single motor axon.

Motor unit contraction is described in terms of a muscle twitch, summation, and tetanus.

The strength of muscle contraction varies according to recruitment of motor units.

In the body, a continuous slight tension, called muscle tone, is maintained by muscle motor units that take turns contracting.

Energy for Muscle Contraction

A muscle fiber has three ways to acquire ATP for muscle contraction:

Creatine phosphate (CP) transfers a phosphate to ADP, and ATP results. The CP pathway is the most rapid.

Fermentation also produces ATP quickly. Fermentation is associated with an oxygen debt, because oxygen is needed to metabolize the lactate that accumulates.

Cellular respiration provides most of the muscle’s ATP but takes longer, because much of the glucose and oxygen must be transported in blood to mitochondria. The myoglobin in muscle cells delivers the oxygen to the mitochondria. Cellular respiration occurs during aerobic exercise and burns fatty acids in addition to glucose.

Fast-Twitch and Slow-Twitch Muscle Fibers

Fast-twitch fibers, for sports such as weightlifting, rely on anaerobic means of acquiring ATP; have few mitochondria and myoglobin, but motor units contain more muscle fibers; and are known for explosive power but fatigue quickly.

Slow-twitch fibers, for sports such as running and swimming, rely on aerobic respiration to acquire ATP and have a plentiful supply of mitochondria and myoglobin, which gives them a dark color.

13.4Muscular Disorders

Muscular disorders include spasms, convulsions, cramps, and facial tics.

Muscular system injuries include strains, sprains, tendinitis, and bursitis.

Diseases of the muscular system include myalgias (fibromyalgia); muscular dystrophy (Duchenne muscular dystrophy); myasthenia gravis; and cancer of the muscles (sarcomas).


The muscles and bones produce movement and protect body parts.

The muscles produce the heat that gives us a constant body temperature.



Choose the best answer for each question.

13.1Overview of the Muscular System

In an examination of a sample of muscle tissue, you notice that the sample consists of striated cells with multiple nuclei in each cell. This suggests that the sample is from which of the following types of muscle?




Both b and c are correct.

Which of the following terms is not linked to its correct definition?

insertion—the end of the muscle that is attached to a movable bone

synergists—muscles that make the action of the prime mover more effective

origin—attachment point of a muscle that is stationary

antagonist—muscle that moves opposite to the prime mover

All of these are correct.

13.2Skeletal Muscle Fiber Contraction

Impulses that move down the T tubules of a muscle fiber initially cause

movement of tropomyosin.

attachment of the cross-bridges to myosin.

release of Ca2+ from the sarcoplasmic reticulum.

hydrolysis of ATP to ADP.

The ______ is the plasma membrane of a muscle fiber.


sarcoplasmic reticulum



As ADP and Ⓟ are released from a myosin head,

actin filaments move toward the H band.

a sarcomere shortens.

myosin filaments pull toward the thin filaments.

All of these are correct.

Label each of the indicated items in the diagram below.

13.3Whole Muscle Contraction

Which of these pathways provides the quickest means for a muscle fiber to produce ATP?

cellular respiration


creatine phosphate pathway

All of these provide ATP at the same rate.

Which of the following represents the maximal amount of muscle contraction?





Fast-twitch muscle fibers have which of the following characteristics?

fewer number of mitochondria

rely on fermentation and creatine phosphate pathways

primarily anaerobic

provide for a quick release of energy

All of these are correct.Page 278

13.4Muscular Disorders

A ______ is an injury to muscle due to twisting or stretching.





Cancers that occur in soft tissues, such as muscles, are referred to as

muscular dystrophies.


myasthenia gravis.


None of these are correct.


Which of the following is not a role of the muscular system in homeostasis in the body?

produce movement

protect body parts

produce heat

store calcium



The dystrophin protein is located between the sarcolemma and the outer myofilaments of the muscle. It is responsible for conducting the force of the muscle contraction from the myofilaments to the connective tissue of the muscle. In Kate’s case, a mutation in this protein was causing the symptoms of muscular dystrophy.

Why would a loss of dystrophin protein cause weakness and a loss of coordination?

Muscular dystrophy is frequently referred to as a muscle-wasting disease, in which the muscles lose mass over time. How would a defect in dystrophin contribute to the wasting of muscle tissue?

You learned about rigor mortis in the Science feature “Rigor Mortis” (Section 13.3). Perhaps you’re also a fan of crime scene shows on television. If so, you know that the onset of rigor mortis in a deceased person can be influenced by a number of factors. Consider the following:

If a body was rapidly cooled after death, how would this affect the timing of rigor mortis?

Discuss what factors, besides cooling, might delay or accelerate the onset of rigor mortis.

Rigor mortis is usually complete within 1 to 2 days after death (depending on environmental variables). Why would rigor mortis diminish after several days?

Health Icon: ©Janis Christie/Digital Vision/Getty Images; Science Icon: ©Antenna/Getty Images; Bioethical Icon: ©JGI/Blend Images LLC


Testing Yourself

Click here for the answers to the Testing Yourself questions.


Testing Yourself: 1. c; 2. e; 3. c; 4. c; 5. d; 6. a. cross-bridge (myosin head); b. myosin; c. actin; d. Z line; e. H band; f. A band; g. I band; 7. c; 8. a; 9. e; 10. b; 11. d; 12. d

Thinking Critically

Click here for the answers to the Thinking Critically questions.


Thinking Critically: 1a. In the absence of dystrophin, the force of the muscle contraction from the myofilaments is not transferred to the connective tissue of the muscle. 1b. When dystrophin is absent, calcium leaks into the cell and activates an enzyme that dissolves muscle fibers. As muscle fibers die, fat and connective tissue take their place. 2a. ATP is required for muscle relaxation, so rigor mortis occurs as ATP is depleted. Rapid cooling delays the progression of rigor mortis, because it slows ATP depletion. 2b. Heat from the environment or generated as a fever can accelerate the onset of rigor mortis, as can extreme exercise right before death, which depletes ATP stores in the muscles. 3. Rigor mortis diminishes when enzymes released from lysozomes in dying cells break bonds between actin and myosin.


Overview of Muscular System



Do adaptive learning



The position of the tropomyosin threads shift, exposing myosin binding sites, allowing the myosin head to attach to the actin filament.


When calcium ions are released, what happens along actin filament


My fibers are striated and tubular.


Skeletal muscle

  • not part of the skull; part of the axial skeleton.
  • It is the only bone in the body that does not articulate with another bone (Fig. 12.5c). It is attached to the temporal bones by muscles and ligaments and to the larynx (see Fig. 10.1) by a membrane.
  • The hyoid bone anchors the tongue and serves as the site for the attachment of muscles associated with swallowing. Due to its position, the hyoid bone does not fracture easily. In cases of suspicious death, however, a fractured hyoid is a strong indication of manual strangulation.

What is they hyoid bone?



Muscle fibers/cells • Terminology for cell structure • (sarco = muscle flesh) • muscle fiber (cell) structure • Sarcolemma – cell membrane • Sarcoplasm – cytoplasm of muscle fiber • Sarcoplasmic reticulum – (SR) – elaborate endoplasmic reticulum • store calcium and release it when muscle fiber is stimulated to contract (final signal needed to have muscle contract) 13.2 Skeletal Muscle Fiber Contraction 2 •T-tubules = transverse tubulesinvaginations of sarcolemma to SR • Myofibrils – bundles of filaments = contractile portions of the m





13.4 Muscular Disorders


Upon completion of this section, you should be able to

Distinguish between common muscle conditions, such as strains and sprains.

Summarize the causes of fibromyalgia, muscular dystrophy, myasthenia gravis, and muscle cancer.

Muscular disorders are common for most people. However, some disorders can be life-threatening.

Common Muscular Conditions

Spasms are sudden and involuntary muscular contractions, most often accompanied by pain. Spasms can occur in smooth and skeletal muscles. A spasm of the smooth muscle in the intestinal tract is a type of colic sometimes called a bellyache. Multiple spasms of skeletal muscles are called a seizure, or convulsion. Cramps are strong, painful spasms, especially of the leg and foot, usually due to strenuous activity. Cramps can even occur when sleeping after a strenuous workout. Facial tics, such as periodic eye blinking, head turning, or grimacing, are spasms that can be controlled voluntarily, but only with great effort.


What is the difference between an eyelid tic and an eyelid twitch?

The answer is based on whether the action can be controlled. If the individual is able to control the movement, even temporarily, it is called a tic. If the movement cannot be controlled, it is considered to be a twitch. No one is precisely sure what causes a tic, although it has been shown that tics are not connected with medications for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Twitches are believed to be the result of signaling problems in a specific area of the brain. The severity of both tics and twitches may be influenced by stress and sleep problems.

A strain is caused by stretching or tearing of a muscle. A sprain is a twisting of a joint, leading to swelling and injury, not only of muscles but also of ligaments, tendons, blood vessels, and nerves. The ankle and knee are often subject to sprains. Tendinitis (also spelled as tendonitis) is the inflammation of a tendon due to an injury, such as a sprain. Tendinitis may irritate the bursae underlying the tendon, causing bursitis.

Muscular Diseases

These conditions are more serious and always require close medical care.

Myalgia and Fibromyalgia

Myalgia refers to achy muscles. The most common cause for myalgia is either overuse or overstretching of a muscle or group of muscles. Myalgia without a traumatic history is often due to viral Page 273infections. Myalgia may accompany myositis (inflammation of the muscles), either in response to viral infection or as an immune system disorder. Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition whose symptoms include widespread pain, tenderness, and stiffness of muscles. Its precise cause is not known; in some people, it occurs suddenly after an injury, while in others it has a more gradual progression.


The Importance of Exercise

Exercise programs improve muscular strength, muscular endurance, and flexibility. Muscular strength is the force a muscle group (or muscle) can exert against a resistance in one maximal effort. Muscular endurance is judged by the ability of a muscle to contract repeatedly or to sustain a contraction for an extended period. Flexibility is tested by observing the range of motion about a joint.

Exercise also improves cardiorespiratory endurance. The heart rate and capacity increase, and the air passages dilate, so that the heart and lungs are able to support prolonged muscular activity. The blood level of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) increases. HDL is the molecule that slows the development of artherosclerotic plaques in blood vessels (see Section 5.7). Also, body composition—the proportion of protein to fat—changes favorably when you exercise.

Exercise also seems to help prevent certain types of cancer. Cancer prevention involves eating properly, not smoking, avoiding cancer-causing chemicals and radiation, undergoing appropriate medical screening tests, and knowing the early warning signs of cancer. However, studies show that people who exercise are less likely to develop colon, breast, cervical, uterine, and ovarian cancers.

Physical training with weights can improve the density and strength of bones and the strength and endurance of muscles in all adults, regardless of age. Even men and women in their eighties and nineties can make substantial gains in bone and muscle strength that help them lead more independent lives. Exercise helps prevent osteoporosis, a condition in which the bones are weak and tend to break (see Section 12.5). Exercise promotes the activity of osteoblasts in young as well as older people. The stronger the bones when a person is young, the less chance of osteoporosis as that person ages. Exercise helps prevent weight gain, not only because the level of activity increases but also because muscles metabolize faster than other tissues. As a person becomes more muscular, the body is less likely to accumulate fat.

Exercise relieves depression and enhances the mood. Some people report that exercise actually makes them feel more energetic. Further, after exercising, particularly in the late afternoon, people sleep better that night. Self-esteem rises because of improved appearance, as well as other factors that are not well understood. For example, vigorous exercise releases endorphins, hormonelike chemicals known to alleviate pain and provide a feeling of tranquility.

A sensible exercise program is one that provides all these benefits without the detriments of a too strenuous program. Overexertion can be harmful to the body and may result in sports injuries, such as lower back strains or torn ligaments of the knees. The beneficial programs suggested in Table 13A are tailored according to age.

Table 13AStaying Fit

Table Summary:

ExerciseChildren, 7–12Teenagers, 13–18Adults, 19–55

AmountVigorous activity 1–2 hr dailyVigorous activity 1 hr, 3–5 days a week; otherwise, ½ hr daily moderate activityVigorous activity 1 hr, 3 days a week; otherwise, ½ hr daily moderate activity

PurposeFree playBuild muscle with calisthenicsExercise to prevent lower back pain: aerobics, stretching, or yoga

OrganizedBuild motor skills through team sports, dancing, or swimmingContinue team sports, dancing, hiking, or swimmingDo aerobic exercise to control buildup of fat cells

GroupEnjoy more exercise outside of physical education classesPursue sports that can be enjoyed for a lifetime: tennis, swimming, or horseback ridingFind exercise partners: join a running club, a bicycle club, or an outing group

FamilyParticipate in family outings: bowling, boating, camping, or hikingTake active vacations: hike, bicycle, or cross-country skiInitiate family outings: bowling, boating, camping, or hiking

(children): © basketball): ©Nancy Ney/Photodisc/Getty Images(biking): ©Stockbyte/Getty Images

Dr. Arthur Leon at the University of Minnesota performed a study involving 12,000 men, and the results showed that only moderate exercise is needed to lower the risk of a heart attack by one-third. In another study, conducted by the Institute for Aerobics Research in Dallas, Texas, which included 10,000 men and more than 3,000 women, even a little exercise was found to lower the risk of death from cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Increasing daily activity by walking to the corner store instead of driving and by taking the stairs instead of the elevator can improve your health.

Questions to Consider

At the level of the muscle fiber, how does exercise increase muscle strength?

How might an overly ambitious workout damage muscle fibers?

Page 274

Muscular Dystrophy

Muscular dystrophy is a broad term applied to a group of disorders characterized by a progressive degeneration and weakening of muscles. As muscle fibers die, fat and connective tissue take their place. Duchenne muscular dystrophy, the most common type, is inherited through a flawed gene on the X chromosome. The lack of a protein called dystrophin causes the condition. When dystrophin is absent, calcium leaks into the cell and activates an enzyme that dissolves muscle fibers. In an attempt to treat the condition, muscles are sometimes injected with immature muscle cells that do produce dystrophin.

Myasthenia Gravis

Myasthenia gravis is an autoimmune disease characterized by weakness that especially affects the muscles of the eyelids, face, neck, and extremities. Muscle contraction is impaired because the immune system mistakenly produces antibodies that destroy acetylcholine (ACh) receptors. In many cases, the first sign of the disease is a drooping of the eyelids and double vision. Treatment includes drugs that inhibit the enzyme that digests acetylcholine, so that ACh accumulates in neuromuscular junctions.

Muscle Cancer

Sarcomas are cancers that originate in connective tissues, such as those found in muscles. Soft tissue sarcomas occur in both smooth and skeletal muscles. One of the more common forms of smooth muscle cancer is leiomyoma, which occurs in the uterine wall. Rhabdomyosarcomas are a rare form of cancer that originate in the skeletal muscle or move into the muscle from another location in the body. Both of these types of sarcomas may be either benign or malignant.


Distinguish between a strain and a sprain.


In a strain, the muscle is stretched or torn. A sprain results in stretching and tearing of tendons and ligaments, as well as muscles, at a joint, and causing possible blood vessel and nerve damage.

Compare and contrast the potential causes of myalgia and myasthenia gravis.


Myasthenia gravis is an autoimmune disease in which antibodies are produced against acetylcholine receptors, resulting in impaired muscle contraction. Myalgia is achy muscles, which can result from overuse and overstretching, or from a viral infection.

Discuss the potential symptoms of muscular dystrophy.


Progressive degeneration and weakening of muscles due to a loss of muscle fibers.


For background information on the physiology of these diseases, refer to the following discussions:

Section 7.3 describes the inflammatory response.

Section 7.5 examines how an autoimmune response causes diseases in humans.

Section 21.4 provides additional information on sex-linked inheritance.


Muscular Disorders



The muscular system is involved in movement, both externally and internally. Muscle tissue is composed of cells called myocytes.

Smooth muscle is involuntary and occurs in walls of internal organs.

Cardiac muscle is involuntary and occurs in walls of the heart. Cardiac muscle has intercalated discs that permit rapid contraction.

Skeletal muscle is voluntary, and contains bundles of cells called muscle fibers arranged into fascicles, usually attached by tendons to the skeleton.

Skeletal muscle is involved in support, movement, and protection. Skeletal muscles are connected to bones by tendons. Bursae provide a cushion between the muscle and bone.

Skeletal Muscles of the Body

All skeletal muscles possess both an origin (stationary point) and an insertion (movement point). When achieving movement, some muscles are prime movers, some are synergists, and others are antagonists.

Names and Actions of Skeletal Muscles

Muscles are named for their size, shape, location, direction of fibers, number of attachments, and action.

13.2Skeletal Muscle Fiber Contraction

Muscle fibers contain myofibrils, and myofibrils contain actin and myosin filaments. Muscle contraction occurs when sarcomeres shorten and actin filaments slide past myosin filaments.

Nerve impulses travel down motor neurons and stimulate muscle fibers at neuromuscular junctions.

The sarcolemma of a muscle fiber forms T (transverse) tubules that almost touch the sarcoplasmic reticulum, which stores calcium ions.

When calcium ions are released into muscle fibers, actin filaments slide past myosin filaments.

At a neuromuscular junction, synaptic vesicles release acetylcholine (neurotransmitter), which diffuses across the synaptic cleft.

When acetylcholine (ACh) is received by the sarcolemma, electrical signals begin and lead to the release of calcium.

Calcium ions bind to troponin, causing tropomyosin proteins to shift, thus exposing myosin-binding sites.

Myosin filaments break down ATP and attach to actin filaments, forming cross-bridges.

When ADP and Ⓟ are released, cross-bridges change their positions.

This sliding filament model pulls actin filaments to the center of a sarcomere.

Page 277

13.3Whole Muscle Contraction

Muscles Have Motor Units

A muscle contains motor units: several fibers under the control of a single motor axon.

Motor unit contraction is described in terms of a muscle twitch, summation, and tetanus.

The strength of muscle contraction varies according to recruitment of motor units.

In the body, a continuous slight tension, called muscle tone, is maintained by muscle motor units that take turns contracting.

Energy for Muscle Contraction

A muscle fiber has three ways to acquire ATP for muscle contraction:

Creatine phosphate (CP) transfers a phosphate to ADP, and ATP results. The CP pathway is the most rapid.

Fermentation also produces ATP quickly. Fermentation is associated with an oxygen debt, because oxygen is needed to metabolize the lactate that accumulates.

Cellular respiration provides most of the muscle’s ATP but takes longer, because much of the glucose and oxygen must be transported in blood to mitochondria. The myoglobin in muscle cells delivers the oxygen to the mitochondria. Cellular respiration occurs during aerobic exercise and burns fatty acids in addition to glucose.

Fast-Twitch and Slow-Twitch Muscle Fibers

Fast-twitch fibers, for sports such as weightlifting, rely on anaerobic means of acquiring ATP; have few mitochondria and myoglobin, but motor units contain more muscle fibers; and are known for explosive power but fatigue quickly.

Slow-twitch fibers, for sports such as running and swimming, rely on aerobic respiration to acquire ATP and have a plentiful supply of mitochondria and myoglobin, which gives them a dark color.

13.4Muscular Disorders

Muscular disorders include spasms, convulsions, cramps, and facial tics.

Muscular system injuries include strains, sprains, tendinitis, and bursitis.

Diseases of the muscular system include myalgias (fibromyalgia); muscular dystrophy (Duchenne muscular dystrophy); myasthenia gravis; and cancer of the muscles (sarcomas).


The muscles and bones produce movement and protect body parts.

The muscles produce the heat that gives us a constant body temperature.



Choose the best answer for each question.

13.1Overview of the Muscular System

In an examination of a sample of muscle tissue, you notice that the sample consists of striated cells with multiple nuclei in each cell. This suggests that the sample is from which of the following types of muscle?




Both b and c are correct.

Which of the following terms is not linked to its correct definition?

insertion—the end of the muscle that is attached to a movable bone

synergists—muscles that make the action of the prime mover more effective

origin—attachment point of a muscle that is stationary

antagonist—muscle that moves opposite to the prime mover

All of these are correct.

13.2Skeletal Muscle Fiber Contraction

Impulses that move down the T tubules of a muscle fiber initially cause

movement of tropomyosin.

attachment of the cross-bridges to myosin.

release of Ca2+ from the sarcoplasmic reticulum.

hydrolysis of ATP to ADP.

The ______ is the plasma membrane of a muscle fiber.


sarcoplasmic reticulum



As ADP and Ⓟ are released from a myosin head,

actin filaments move toward the H band.

a sarcomere shortens.

myosin filaments pull toward the thin filaments.

All of these are correct.

Label each of the indicated items in the diagram below.

13.3Whole Muscle Contraction

Which of these pathways provides the quickest means for a muscle fiber to produce ATP?

cellular respiration


creatine phosphate pathway

All of these provide ATP at the same rate.

Which of the following represents the maximal amount of muscle contraction?





Fast-twitch muscle fibers have which of the following characteristics?

fewer number of mitochondria

rely on fermentation and creatine phosphate pathways

primarily anaerobic

provide for a quick release of energy

All of these are correct.Page 278

13.4Muscular Disorders

A ______ is an injury to muscle due to twisting or stretching.





Cancers that occur in soft tissues, such as muscles, are referred to as

muscular dystrophies.


myasthenia gravis.


None of these are correct.


Which of the following is not a role of the muscular system in homeostasis in the body?

produce movement

protect body parts

produce heat

store calcium



The dystrophin protein is located between the sarcolemma and the outer myofilaments of the muscle. It is responsible for conducting the force of the muscle contraction from the myofilaments to the connective tissue of the muscle. In Kate’s case, a mutation in this protein was causing the symptoms of muscular dystrophy.

Why would a loss of dystrophin protein cause weakness and a loss of coordination?

Muscular dystrophy is frequently referred to as a muscle-wasting disease, in which the muscles lose mass over time. How would a defect in dystrophin contribute to the wasting of muscle tissue?

You learned about rigor mortis in the Science feature “Rigor Mortis” (Section 13.3). Perhaps you’re also a fan of crime scene shows on television. If so, you know that the onset of rigor mortis in a deceased person can be influenced by a number of factors. Consider the following:

If a body was rapidly cooled after death, how would this affect the timing of rigor mortis?

Discuss what factors, besides cooling, might delay or accelerate the onset of rigor mortis.

Rigor mortis is usually complete within 1 to 2 days after death (depending on environmental variables). Why would rigor mortis diminish after several days?

Health Icon: ©Janis Christie/Digital Vision/Getty Images; Science Icon: ©Antenna/Getty Images; Bioethical Icon: ©JGI/Blend Images LLC


Testing Yourself

Click here for the answers to the Testing Yourself questions.


Testing Yourself: 1. c; 2. e; 3. c; 4. c; 5. d; 6. a. cross-bridge (myosin head); b. myosin; c. actin; d. Z line; e. H band; f. A band; g. I band; 7. c; 8. a; 9. e; 10. b; 11. d; 12. d

Thinking Critically

Click here for the answers to the Thinking Critically questions.


Thinking Critically: 1a. In the absence of dystrophin, the force of the muscle contraction from the myofilaments is not transferred to the connective tissue of the muscle. 1b. When dystrophin is absent, calcium leaks into the cell and activates an enzyme that dissolves muscle fibers. As muscle fibers die, fat and connective tissue take their place. 2a. ATP is required for muscle relaxation, so rigor mortis occurs as ATP is depleted. Rapid cooling delays the progression of rigor mortis, because it slows ATP depletion. 2b. Heat from the environment or generated as a fever can accelerate the onset of rigor mortis, as can extreme exercise right before death, which depletes ATP stores in the muscles. 3. Rigor mortis diminishes when enzymes released from lysozomes in dying cells break bonds between actin and myosin.


Overview of Muscular System





Produced through contraction



We don’t make more muscle cells, but we can increase the size


isometric contractions



Humans belong to a class of animals called the vertebrates (see Section 23.3). Vertebrate animals possess an internal vertebral column, a skeleton, and jointed appendages. Our skeletal muscles are attached to the skeleton, and their contraction causes the movement of bones at a joint.


Skeletal Muscles of the Body




axon terminal

synaptic cleft


These are the components of a neuromuscular junction





fundamental building blocks within muscle cell

take up most of intracellular space

nucleus- push up towards boundaries of sarcolema

not really bound in middle of cell



Smooth muscle


involuntary, non-striated, internal and hollow organs, stomach, bladder, respiratory passages, blood vessels



The muscles and bones produce movement and protect body parts.

The muscles produce the heat that gives us a constant body temperature.




During the overall process of muscle contractions, the sarcomeres _____ as they slide the actin filaments past the myosin filaments.





You must check this out !



muscle fibers - multinucleated- super long, striated-


muscle cells



A muscle fiber also has some unique anatomical characteristics.

One feature is its T (for transverse) system. The sarcolemma forms T (transverse) tubules, which penetrate, or dip down, into the cells. The transverse tubules come into contact—but do not fuse—with expanded portions of the sarcoplasmic reticulum.

The expanded portions of the sarcoplasmic reticulum are calcium storage sites. Calcium ions (Ca2+), as we will see, are essential for muscle contraction. Glycogen, a complex carbohydrate (see Section 2.4), is the preferred energy source for muscle contraction.


These are the unique anatomical characteristics of a muscle fiber:

These are calcium storage sites.

This is the complex carbohydrate that is preferred energy for muscle contraction



• Muscles are responsible for all types of
• Skeletal muscle cells look elongated
• Contraction of muscles is due to the movement
of microfilaments
• All muscles share some terminology
• Prefix myorefers to muscle
• Prefix mysrefers to muscle
• Prefix sarcorefers to flesh and therefore


Characteristics of Muscles



Skeletal muscle


The light microscope shows that skeletal muscle fibers have light and dark bands called striations (Fig. 13.6b). At the higher magnification provided by an electron microscope, one can see that the striations of skeletal muscle fibers are formed by the placement of myofilaments within myofibrils. There are two types of myofilaments. Thick myofilaments are made up of a protein called myosin, and thin myofilaments are composed of a second protein termed actin. Myofibrils are further divided vertically into sarcomeres. A sarcomere extends between two dark vertical lines called the Z lines. The I bands on either side of the Z line are light colored, because each contains only the thin actin myofilaments. The dark central A band within the sarcomere is composed of overlapping actin and myosin myofilaments. Centered within the A band is a vertical H band. In an uncontracted sarcomere, the H band lacks thin actin myofilaments and contains only thick myosin myofilaments.

The thick and thin filaments differ in the following ways:

Thick filaments. A thick filament is composed of several hundred molecules of the protein myosin. Each myosin molecule is shaped like a golf club, with the straight portion of the molecule ending in a globular head. The heads occur on each side of a sarcomere but not in the middle (Fig. 13.6).Page 264

Thin filaments. Primarily, a thin filament consists of two intertwining strands of the protein actin. Two other proteins, called tropomyosin and troponin, also play a role, as we will discuss later in this section.

Thin filaments. Primarily, a thin filament consists of two intertwining strands of the protein actin. Two other proteins, called tropomyosin and troponin, also play a role, as we will discuss later in this section.



Z lines are two vertical dark lines forming the boundary of the sarcomere. The I band contains only thin filaments.


Z line



During muscle contraction, the A band ____________ and the I band ______________


the A band remains the same and the I band narrows.



Slowly contract and slowly relax- use less atp-


Smooth muscle -



• smaller, branching cells
• connected cells, contract together
• usually 1 nucleus/cell
• Striated
• Neighboring cells connected at intercalated
• involuntary, pumps blood


What kind of muscle am I?


In contracting muscle, the Z lines drift apart. (true or false)





The skeletal muscles of the body have a wide variety of functions, including the following:

Support. Skeletal muscle contraction opposes the force of gravity and allows us to remain upright.

Movements of bones and other body structures. Muscle contraction accounts not only for the movement of arms and legs but also for movements of the eyes, facial expressions, and breathing.

Maintenance of a constant body temperature. Skeletal muscle contraction causes ATP to break down, releasing heat, which is distributed throughout the body.

Movement of fluids in the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems. The pressure of skeletal muscle contraction keeps blood moving in cardiovascular veins and lymph moving in lymphatic vessels.

Protection of the internal organs and the stabilization of joints. Muscles pad the bones, and the muscular wall in the abdominal region protects the internal organs. Muscle tendons help hold bones together at joints.


Functions of Skeletal Muscles



Must know 13.6 muscle chart


Did you look at it?


I am arranged in sheets and layers





13.3 Whole Muscle Contraction


Upon completion of this section, you should be able to

List the stages of a muscle twitch and explain what is occurring in each stage.

Explain how summation and tetanus increase the strength of whole muscle contraction.

Summarize how muscle cells produce ATP for muscle contraction.

Distinguish between fast-twitch and slow-twitch muscle fibers.

In order for a whole muscle, such as the biceps or triceps, to contract, the individual muscle fibers must be activated by signals from the nervous system.

Muscles Have Motor Units

In Section 13.2, we explored how each axon within a nerve stimulates a number of muscle fibers. A nerve fiber with all the muscle fibers it innervates is called a motor unit. A motor unit operates on the principle of “all-or-none.” Why? Because all the muscle fibers in a motor unit are stimulated at once. They all either contract or do not contract. What varies is the number of muscle fibers within a motor unit. For example, in the ocular muscles that move the eyes, the innervation ratio is one motor axon per 23 muscle fibers. By contrast, in the gastrocnemius muscle of the leg, the ratio is about one motor axon per 1,000 muscle fibers. Thus, moving the eyes requires finer control than moving the legs.

When a motor unit is stimulated by infrequent electrical impulses, a single contraction occurs. This response is called a muscle twitch and lasts only a fraction of a second. A muscle twitch is customarily divided into three stages. We can use our knowledge of muscle fiber contraction to understand these events. The latent period is the time between stimulation and initiation of contraction (Fig. 13.9a). During this time, we can imagine that the events that begin muscle contraction are occurring. The neurotransmitter acetylcholine (ACh) diffuses across the synaptic cleft, causing an electrical signal to spread across the sarcolemma and down the T tubules. The contraction period follows as calcium leaves the sarcoplasmic reticulum and myosin-actin cross-bridges form. As you know, the muscle shortens as it contracts. On the graph, the force increases as the muscle contracts. Finally, the relaxation period completes the muscle twitch. Myosin-actin cross-bridges are broken, and calcium Page 269returns to the sarcoplasmic reticulum. Force diminishes as the muscle returns to its former length.

Figure 13.9 The three phases of a single muscle twitch and how summation and tetanus increase the force of contraction. a. Stimulation of a muscle by a single electrical signal results in a simple muscle twitch: first, a latent period, followed by contraction and relaxation. b. Repeated stimulation results in summation and tetanus, which creates greater force, because the motor unit cannot relax between stimuli.


Rigor Mortis

When a person dies, the physiological events that accompany death occur in an orderly progression. Respiration ceases and the heart ultimately stops beating, and tissue cells begin to die. The first tissues to die are those with the highest oxygen requirement. Brain and nervous tissues have an extremely high requirement for oxygen. Deprived of oxygen, these cells typically die after only 6 minutes because of a lack of ATP. However, tissues that can produce ATP by fermentation (which does not require oxygen) can “live” for an hour or more before ATP is completely depleted. Muscle is capable of generating ATP by fermentation. Therefore, muscle cells can survive for a time after clinical death occurs. Muscle death is signaled by a process termed rigor mortis, the “stiffness of death” (Fig. 13B).

Figure 13B Rigor mortis. The level of rigor mortis can help estimate the time of death.

©Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Stiffness occurs because muscles cannot relax unless they have a supply of ATP. Without ATP, the muscles remain fixed in their last state of contraction. If, for example, a murder victim dies while sitting at a desk, the body in rigor mortis will be frozen in the sitting position. Rigor mortis resolves approximately 24 to 36 hours after death. Muscles lose their stiffness because lysosomes rupture. The lysosomes release enzymes that break the bonds between the muscle proteins actin and myosin.

Body temperature and the presence or absence of rigor mortis allow the time of death to be estimated. For example, the body of someone dead for 3 hours or less is still warm (close to body temperature, 98.6°F [37°C]) and rigor mortis is absent. After approximately 3 hours, the body is significantly cooler than normal and rigor mortis begins to develop. The corpse of an individual dead at least 8 hours is in full rigor mortis, and the temperature of the body is the same as the surroundings. Forensic pathologists know that a person has been dead for more than 24 hours if the body temperature is the same as the environment and there is no longer a trace of rigor mortis.

Questions to Consider

At the level of the sarcomere, explain what is happening during the onset of rigor mortis.

How do you think that the surrounding temperature influences the onset of rigor mortis?

If a motor unit is given a rapid series of stimuli, it can respond to the next stimulus without relaxing completely. Summation is increased muscle contraction until maximal sustained contraction, called tetanus, is achieved (Fig. 13.9b). Tetanus continues until the muscle fatigues due to depletion of energy reserves. Fatigue is apparent when a muscle relaxes, even though stimulation continues. The tetanus of muscle cells is not the same as the infection called tetanus. The infection called tetanus is caused by the bacterium Clostridium tetani. Death occurs because the muscles, including the respiratory muscles, become fully contracted and do not relax.

A whole muscle typically contains many motor units. As the intensity of nervous stimulation increases, more motor units in a muscle are activated. This phenomenon is known as recruitment. Maximum contraction of a muscle would require that all motor units be undergoing tetanic contraction. This rarely happens, because they could all fatigue at the same time. Instead, some motor units are contracting maximally while others are resting, allowing sustained contractions to occur.

Muscle Tone

One desirable effect of exercise is to have good muscle tone. Muscles that have good tone are firm and solid, as opposed to soft and flabby. The amount of muscle tone is dependent on muscle contraction. Some motor units are always contracted—but not enough to cause movement.

Energy for Muscle Contraction

Muscles can use various fuel sources for energy, and they have various ways of producing the ATP needed for muscle contraction.

Fuel Sources for Exercise

A muscle has four possible energy sources (Fig. 13.10). Two of these are stored in muscle (glycogen and triglycerides), and two are acquired from blood (glucose and fatty acids). The amount of each of these used depends on exercise intensity and duration. Figure 13.10 shows the percentage of energy derived from these sources due to submaximal exercise (65–75% of effort that an individual is capable of) over time. Notice that as the length of the Page 270exercise period is increased, use of muscle energy stores, such as glycogen and triglycerides, decreases and use of energy sources from the blood (glucose and fatty acids) increases.

Figure 13.10 The sources of energy for muscle contraction. The percentage of energy derived from each of the four major fuel sources during submaximal exercise (65–75% of effort) is illustrated. The amount from plasma fatty acids increases during the time span shown.

Blood glucose and plasma fatty acids are delivered to muscles by circulating blood. Many of us exercise to maintain or lose weight. Therefore, we are particularly interested in increasing the use of plasma fatty acids as an energy source by muscle cells. Adipose tissue is the source of plasma fatty acids for muscle contraction. Figure 13.10 shows that the amount of fat burned increases when more time is spent in exercise. Therefore, a diet that restricts the amount of fat eaten, when combined with exercise, will decrease body fat. Submaximal exercise burns fat better than maximal exercise, for reasons we will now explore.

Sources of ATP for Muscle Contraction

Muscle cells store limited amounts of ATP. Once stored ATP is used up, the cells have three ways to produce more ATP (Fig. 13.11). The three ways are (1) formation of ATP by the creatine phosphate (CP) pathway; (2) formation of ATP by fermentation; and (3) formation of ATP by cellular respiration, which involves the use of oxygen by mitochondria. Aerobic exercising depends on cellular respiration to supply ATP. Neither the CP pathway nor fermentation requires oxygen to form ATP; both are anaerobic processes.

Figure 13.11 The three pathways by which muscle cells produce the ATP energy needed for contraction. a. When contraction begins, muscle cells break down creatine phosphate to produce ATP. When resting, muscle cells rebuild their supply of creatine phosphate (red arrow). b. Muscle cells also use fermentation to produce ATP quickly. When resting, muscle cells metabolize lactate, re-forming as much glucose and then glycogen as possible (red arrow). c. For the long term, muscle cells switch to cellular respiration to produce ATP aerobically.

The Creatine Phosphate Pathway

The simplest and most rapid way for muscle to produce ATP is to use the CP pathway, because it consists of only one reaction (Fig. 13.11a), as shown in the following graphic:

This reaction occurs in the midst of sliding filaments; therefore, this method of supplying ATP is the speediest energy source available to muscles. Creatine phosphate is formed only when a muscle cell is resting, and only a limited amount is stored. The CP pathway is used at the beginning of submaximal exercise and during short-term, high-intensity exercise that lasts less than 5 seconds. The energy to complete a single play in a football game comes principally from the CP system. Intense activities lasting longer than 5 seconds also make use of fermentation.Page 271


The anaerobic processes of glycolysis and fermentation (see Section 3.6) produce two ATP molecules from the breakdown of glucose to lactate. This pathway is the one most likely to begin with glycogen. Hormones provide the signal to muscle cells to break down glycogen, making glucose available as an energy source.

Fermentation, like the CP pathway, is fast-acting, but it results in the buildup of lactate (Fig. 13.11b). We have all had the experience of heavy breathing following strenuous exercise. This continued intake of oxygen, called oxygen debt, is required, in part, to complete the metabolism of lactate and restore cells to their original energy state. The lactate is transported to the liver, where 20% of it is completely broken down to carbon dioxide and water. The ATP gained by this respiration is then used to reconvert 80% of the lactate to glucose and then glycogen. In persons who train, the number of mitochondria in individual muscles increases. There is a greater reliance on these additional mitochondria to produce ATP. Muscles rely less on fermentation as a result.

Cellular Respiration

Cellular respiration is the slowest of all three mechanisms used to produce ATP. However, it is also the most efficient, typically producing several dozen molecules of ATP from each food molecule. As was discussed in Section 3.6, cellular respiration occurs in the mitochondria. Thus, the process is aerobic and oxygen is supplied by the respiratory system. In addition, a protein called myoglobin in muscle cells delivers oxygen directly to the mitochondria. Cellular respiration can make use of glucose from the breakdown of stored muscle glycogen, glucose taken up from blood, and/or fatty acids from fat digestion (Fig. 13.11c). Also, cellular respiration is more likely to supply ATP when exercise is submaximal in intensity. According to Figure 13.9, if you are interested in exercising to lose weight, you should do so at a lower intensity and for a longer amount of time. Many exercise programs now target these levels. In effect, they are all maximizing the use of triglycerides, or fat, for making ATP by cellular respiration.

Fast-Twitch and Slow-Twitch Muscle Fibers

We have seen that all muscle fibers metabolize aerobically and anaerobically. However, some muscle fibers use one method more than the other to provide myofibrils with ATP. Fast-twitch fibers tend to rely on the creatine phosphate pathway and fermentation, anaerobic means of supplying ATP to muscles. Slow-twitch fibers tend to prefer cellular respiration, which is aerobic.

Fast-Twitch Fibers

Fast-twitch fibers are usually anaerobic and seem to be designed for strength, because their motor units contain many fibers (Fig. 13.12). They provide explosions of energy and are most helpful in sports activities such as sprinting, weightlifting, swinging a golf club, or throwing a shot. Fast-twitch fibers are light in color, because they have fewer mitochondria, little or no myoglobin, and fewer blood vessels than do slow-twitch fibers. Fast-twitch fibers can develop maximum tension more rapidly than slow-twitch fibers can. In addition, their maximum tension is greater. However, their dependence on anaerobic energy leaves them vulnerable to an accumulation of lactate, which causes them to fatigue quickly.

Figure 13.12 Fast-twitch and slow-twitch muscle fibers differ in structure. If your muscles contain many fast-twitch fibers (light color), you would probably do better at a sport such as weightlifting. If your muscles contain many slow-twitch fibers (dark color), you would probably do better at a sport such as cross-country running.

(weightlifter): ©Lawrence Manning/Corbis/Getty Images; (twitch fibers): ©Cultura RM/Alamy; (runner): ©John Giustina/Getty Images

Page 272

Slow-Twitch Fibers

Despite having motor units with smaller numbers of muscle fibers, slow-twitch fibers have more stamina and a steadier “tug.” These muscle fibers are most helpful in endurance sports, such as long-distance running, biking, jogging, and swimming. They produce most of their energy aerobically, so they tire only when their fuel supply is gone. Slow-twitch fibers have many mitochondria and are dark in color, because they contain myoglobin, the respiratory pigment found in muscles (Fig. 13.12). They are also surrounded by dense capillary beds and draw more blood and oxygen than fast-twitch fibers. Slow-twitch fibers have a low maximum tension, which develops slowly, but the muscle fibers are highly resistant to fatigue. Slow-twitch fibers have a substantial reserve of glycogen and fat, so their abundant mitochondria can maintain a steady, prolonged production of ATP when oxygen is available.


What causes muscles to be sore a few days after exercising?

Many of us have experienced delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS), which generally appears some 24 to 48 hours after strenuous exercise. It is thought that DOMS is due to tissue injury that takes several days to heal. Any movement you aren’t used to can lead to DOMS, but it is especially associated with any activity that causes muscles to contract while they are lengthening. Examples include walking down stairs, running downhill, lowering weights, and the downward motion of squats and push-ups. To prevent DOMS, try warming up thoroughly and cooling down completely. Stretch after exercising. When beginning a new activity, start gradually and build up your endurance gradually. Avoid making sudden, major changes in your exercise routine.


List the stages of a muscle twitch.


During a latent period between stimulation and the beginning of contraction, the muscle prepares to contract. This is followed by the contraction period when cross-bridges form between myosin and actin. During relaxation, the myosin-actin cross-bridges are broken.

Contrast the activities of a single muscle twitch with the action of summation and tetanus.


Stimulation of a muscle by a single electrical signal results in a simple muscle twitch (latent period, contraction, relaxation). Repeated stimulation results in summation and tetanus, which creates greater force because the motor unit cannot relax between stimuli.

Summarize how the CP pathway, fermentation, and cellular respiration produce ATP for muscle contraction.


CP pathway converts ADP to ATP while creatine phosphate is converted to creatine. During fermentation, ATP is produced while glucose is broken down to lactic acid. Aerobic respiration uses cellular respiration, glycolysis, citric acid cycle, and the electron transport chain to produce ATP.

Explain why weightlifters are not well adapted for distance running.


Due to weight training, their muscles contain more fast-twitch fibers, which fatigue more rapidly than slow-twitch fibers.


For more information on energy sources for muscle contraction and the pathways for generating ATP, refer to the following discussions:

Sections 2.4 and 2.5 describe the structure of carbohydrates and lipids and examine their function as energy nutrients.

Section 3.6 explores how ATP is generated by the cellular respiration and fermentation pathways.

Figure 3.21 illustrates the ATP–ADP cycle.


Whole Muscle Contraction



When calcium ions are released into muscle fibers, what happens along the actin filament?


The position of the tropomyosin threads shift, exposing myosin binding sites, allowing the myosin head to attach to the actin filament.


an ATP molecule binds to the myosin head.


The bond between the actin and myosin head is broken when



The sarcoplasmic reticulum of a muscle fiber is the


endoplasmic reticulum.


 Bone fractures are classified by: The position of the bone ends after fracture The completeness of the break The orientation of the bone to the long axis Whether or not the bones ends penetrate the skin




Functions of Skeletal Muscles

  • Support. Skeletal muscle contraction opposes the force of gravity and allows us to remain upright.
  • Movements of bones and other body structures. Muscle contraction accounts not only for the movement of arms and legs but also for movements of the eyes, facial expressions, and breathing.
  • Maintenance of a constant body temperature. Skeletal muscle contraction causes ATP to break down, releasing heat, which is distributed throughout the body.
  • Movement of fluids in the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems. The pressure of skeletal muscle contraction keeps blood moving in cardiovascular veins and lymph moving in lymphatic vessels.

Protection of the internal organs and the stabilization of joints. Muscles pad the bones, and the muscular wall in the abdominal region protects the internal organs. Muscle tendons help hold bones together at joints.


These are muscle functions


Basic Structure of Skeletal Muscles

Skeletal muscles are well organized. A whole muscle contains bundles of skeletal muscle fibers called fascicles (Fig. 13.2). These are the strands of muscle we see when we cut red meat and poultry. Within a fascicle, each fiber is surrounded by connective tissue; the fascicle is also surrounded by connective tissue. Muscles are covered with fascia, a type of connective tissue that extends beyond the muscle and becomes its tendon. Tendons quite often extend past a joint before anchoring a muscle to a bone. Small, fluid-filled sacs called bursae (sing., bursa) can often be found between tendons and bones. The bursae act as cushions, allowing ease of movement.

Figure 13.2 Connecting muscle to bone. Connective tissue separates bundles of muscle fibers that make up a skeletal muscle. A layer of connective tissue covering the muscle contributes to the tendon, which attaches muscle to bone.


These are the structures of skeletal muscles


This is how skeletal muscles work.



  • In general, each muscle is concerned with the movement of only one bone. To simplify the discussion, we will focus on the movement of a single bone and no others. The origin of a muscle is on a stationary bone, and the insertion of a muscle is on a bone that moves. When a muscle contracts, it pulls on the tendons at its insertion and the bone moves. For example, when the biceps brachii contracts, it raises the forearm.
  • Skeletal muscles usually function in groups. Consequently, to make a particular movement, your nervous system does not stimulate a single muscle. Rather, it stimulates an appropriate group of muscles. Even so, for any particular movement, one muscle does most of the work and is called the agonist, or prime mover. While a prime mover is working, other muscles called synergists function as well. Synergists assist the agonist and make its action more effective.
  • When muscles contract, they shorten. Therefore, muscles can only pull; they cannot push. This means that muscles work in opposite pairs. The muscle that acts opposite to a prime mover is called an antagonist. For example, the biceps brachii and the triceps brachii are antagonists. The biceps flexes the forearm (Fig. 13.3a), and the triceps extends the forearm (Fig. 13.3b). If both of these muscles contracted at once, the forearm would remain rigid. Smooth body movements depend on an antagonist relaxing when a prime mover is acting.
  • Figure 13.3 Skeletal muscles often work in pairs. a. When the biceps brachii contracts, the forearm flexes. b. When the triceps brachii contracts, the forearm extends. Therefore, these two muscles are antagonistic. The origin of a skeletal muscle is on a bone that remains stationary, and the insertion of a muscle is on a bone that moves when the muscle contracts.
  • Not all skeletal muscles are involved in the movement of limbs. For example, the facial muscles (Fig. 13.4) produce the facial expressions that tell us about the emotions and mood of a person and therefore play an important role in our interactions with other people.
  • Figure 13.4 Facial expressions. Our many facial expressions are due to muscle contractions.
  • (both photos): ©McGraw-Hill Education/J.W. Ramsey, photographer
  • Names and Actions of Skeletal Muscles
  • Figure 13.5a, b illustrates the location of some of the major skeletal muscles and gives their actions. (Not all the muscles mentioned are featured in Figure 13.5, but most are.)
  • Figure 13.5 The major skeletal muscles of the human body. a. Anterior view. b. Posterior view.
  • When learning the names of muscles, considering what the names mean will help you remember them. The names of the various skeletal muscles are often combinations of the following terms used to characterize muscles:
  • Size. The gluteus maximus is the largest muscle that makes up the buttocks. The gluteus minimus is the smallest of the gluteal muscles. Other terms used to indicate size are vastus (huge), longus (long), and brevis (short).
  • Shape. The deltoid is shaped like a triangle. (The Greek letter delta has this appearance: ∆.) The trapezius is shaped like a trapezoid. Other terms used to indicate shape are latissimus (wide) and teres (round).
  • Location. The external oblique muscles are located outside the internal obliques. The frontalis muscle overlies the frontal bone. Other terms used to indicate location are pectoralis (chest), gluteus (buttock), brachii (arm), and sub (beneath).
  • Direction of muscle fibers. The rectus abdominis is a longitudinal muscle of the abdomen (rectus means “straight”). The orbicularis oculi is a circular muscle around the eye. Other terms used to indicate direction are transverse (across) and oblique (diagonal).
  • Attachment. The sternocleidomastoid is attached to the sternum, clavicle, and mastoid process. The mastoid process is located on the temporal bone of the skull. The brachioradialis is attached to the brachium (arm) and the radius (forearm).
  • Number of attachments. The biceps brachii has two attachments, or origins, and is located on the arm. The quadriceps femoris has four origins and is located on the femur.
  • Action. The extensor digitorum extends the fingers, or digits. The adductor longus is a large muscle that adducts the thigh. Adduction is the movement of a body part toward the midline. Other terms used to indicate action are flexor (to flex or bend), masseter (to chew), and levator (to lift).Page 262
  • Which muscles are best to use for intramuscular injections?
  • When giving intramuscular injections, health-care providers have to choose muscles that are sufficiently large and well developed to tolerate the injections. But they must also avoid muscles that contain large blood vessels or nerves, because an injection in these muscles could pierce a blood vessel or damage a nerve. Typically, they choose one of three preferred injection sites. The deltoid muscle on the upper arm is usually well developed in older children and adults. The vastus lateralis on the side of the thigh (part of the quadriceps group) is the best site for infants and young children. The gluteus medius is on the lower back, above the buttock. However, a clinician injecting into the gluteus medius must be careful to avoid the gluteus maximus (buttock) muscle. The body’s largest nerve, the sciatic nerve, lies underneath and within the gluteus maximus.
  • State the three types of muscles in the human body and explain where each is found in the body.
  • Answer
  • Smooth muscle found in walls of internal organs; cardiac muscle of the walls of the heart; skeletal muscle attached to the skeleton.
  • Summarize the functions of skeletal muscles.
  • Answer
  • Support the body, make bones move, produce heat, increase fluid movement in cardiovascular and lymphatic vessels, protect internal organs, stabilize joints.
  • Explain how skeletal muscles work together to cause bones to move.
  • Answer
  • Skeletal muscles work in opposite groups, with one flexing and the other extending a joint.
  • For more information on the three types of muscles, refer to the following discussions:
  • Section 4.3 describes the general structure of cardiac, smooth, and skeletal muscle.
  • Section 5.3 examines the function of cardiac muscle in the heart.
  • Section 9.1 illustrates how smooth muscle lines the wall of the digestive tract.

The dystrophin protein is located between the sarcolemma and the outer myofilaments of the muscle. It is responsible for conducting the force of the muscle contraction from the myofilaments to the connective tissue of the muscle. In Kate’s case, a mutation in this protein was causing the symptoms of muscular dystrophy.

Why would a loss of dystrophin protein cause weakness and a loss of coordination?

Muscular dystrophy is frequently referred to as a muscle-wasting disease, in which the muscles lose mass over time. How would a defect in dystrophin contribute to the wasting of muscle tissue?


Thinking Critically: 1a. In the absence of dystrophin, the force of the muscle contraction from the myofilaments is not transferred to the connective tissue of the muscle. 1b. When dystrophin is absent, calcium leaks into the cell and activates an enzyme that dissolves muscle fibers. As muscle fibers die, fat and connective tissue take their place. 2a. ATP is required for muscle relaxation, so rigor mortis occurs as ATP is depleted. Rapid cooling delays the progression of rigor mortis, because it slows ATP depletion. 2b. Heat from the environment or generated as a fever can accelerate the onset of rigor mortis, as can extreme exercise right before death, which depletes ATP stores in the muscles. 3. Rigor mortis diminishes when enzymes released from lysozomes in dying cells break bonds between actin and myosin.


You learned about rigor mortis in the Science feature “Rigor Mortis” (Section 13.3). Perhaps you’re also a fan of crime scene shows on television. If so, you know that the onset of rigor mortis in a deceased person can be influenced by a number of factors. Consider the following:

If a body was rapidly cooled after death, how would this affect the timing of rigor mortis?

Discuss what factors, besides cooling, might delay or accelerate the onset of rigor mortis.

Rigor mortis is usually complete within 1 to 2 days after death (depending on environmental variables). Why would rigor mortis diminish after several days?


Thinking Critically: 1a. In the absence of dystrophin, the force of the muscle contraction from the myofilaments is not transferred to the connective tissue of the muscle. 1b. When dystrophin is absent, calcium leaks into the cell and activates an enzyme that dissolves muscle fibers. As muscle fibers die, fat and connective tissue take their place. 2a. ATP is required for muscle relaxation, so rigor mortis occurs as ATP is depleted. Rapid cooling delays the progression of rigor mortis, because it slows ATP depletion. 2b. Heat from the environment or generated as a fever can accelerate the onset of rigor mortis, as can extreme exercise right before death, which depletes ATP stores in the muscles. 3. Rigor mortis diminishes when enzymes released from lysozomes in dying cells break bonds between actin and myosin.