Muscles unit 2 Flashcards
Iliopsoas: Iliacus attachments
O: Ilium, sacrum, ventral sacrosciatic ligament, tendon of the psoas minor
I: Lesser trochanter of the femur
Iliopsoas: Psoas major attachments
O: Last two ribs, transverse processes of lumbar vertebrae
I: Lesser trochanter of the femur
Quadriceps: Rectus femoris attachments
O: Body of the ilium
I: Tibial tuberosity
Quadriceps: Vastus lateralis attachments
O: Lateral surface of the femur
I: Tibial tuberosity, tendon of the rectus femoris
Quadriceps: Vastus intermedius attachments
O: Cranial surface of the femur
I: Tibial tuberosity
Quadriceps: Vastus medialis attachements
O: Medial surface of the femur
I: Tibial tuberosity, tendon of the rectus femoris, and medial patellar ligament
Tensor fasciae latae attachments
O: Tuber coxae
I: Fascia lata, lateral patellar ligament, cranial border of the tibia
Superficial gluteal attachments (equine only)
O: Tuber coxae, lateral ilium, gluteal fascia
I: Third trochanter of the femur
Middle gluteal attachments
O: Aponeurosis of the longissimus lumborum
I: Greater trochanter of the femur
Accessory gluteal attachments
O: Gluteal surface of the ilium, sacrosciatic ligament, gluteal fascia
I: Trochanteric crest
Deep gluteal attachments
O: Ischiatic spine and adjacent body of ilium
I: Greater trochanter of the femur
Biceps femoris attachments
O: Sacrosciatic ligament, gluteal fascia, ischiatic tuberosity
I: Caudal femur near third trochanter, patella, lateral patellar ligament, cranial border of the tibia, crural fascia, and calcanean tendon
Semitendinosus attachments
O: Ischiatic tuberosity and (in horse only) transverse processes of the first few caudal vertebrae
I: Tibial crest, crural fascia, and calcanean tuber
Semimembranosus attachments
O: Sacrosciatic ligament and ischiatic tuberosity
I: Medial epicondyle of the femur
Adductor attachments
O: Ventral surface of the pubis, ischium, and symphysial tendon
I: Caudal surface of femur and medial epicondyle of the femur
Gracilis attachments
O: Symphysial tendon
I: Medial patellar ligament, medial surface of patella, and (in bovine only) calcanean tuber
Pectineus attachments
O: Prepubic tendon, accessory femoral ligament, and cranial border of the pubis
I: Middle of medial surface of femur
Sartorius attachments
O: Iliac fascia, tendon of the psoas minor
I: Medial patellar ligament and tibial tuberosity
Cranial tibial attachments
O: Lateral condyle of the tibia, portion of the tibial tuberosity, and crural fascia
I (Bovine): 1st, 2nd/3rd, and 4th tarsal bones, dorsoproximal surface of the large metatarsal bone
I (Equine): 1st/2nd tarsal bone and dorsoproximal end of the 3rd metatarsal bone
Peroneus tertius attachments
O: Extensor fossa of the femur
I (Equine): Calcaneus, 3rd and 4th tarsal bones, proximal portion of the 3rd metatarsal bone
I (Bovine): 2nd/3rd tarsal bone, proximal end of the large metatarsal bone
Long digital extensor attachments
O: Extensor fossa of the femur
I (Equine): Extensor process of P3, dorsoproximal surface of extremities of P1 and P2
I (Bovine): Extensor process of P3 on Digits 3 and 4
Medial digital extensor attachments (bovine only)
O: Extensor fossa of the femur
I: Proximal extremity of P2 and extensor process of P3 on digit 3.
Short digital extensor attachments
O: Dorsal surface of the talus
I: Long digital extensor tendon at the level of the proximal metatarsus
Peroneus longus attachments (bovine only)
O: Proximal extremity of the fibula and lateral collateral ligament of the stifle
I: 1st tarsal bone
Lateral digital extensor attachments
O: Lateral collateral ligament of the stifle and adjacent tibia/fibula
I (Equine): Tendon of insertion of the long digital extensor
I (Bovine): Base and dorsal surface of P2 on digit 4
Gastrocnemius attachments
O (Equine): Supracondyloid crests of the femur
O (Bovine): Supracondyloid tuberosities and epicondyles of the femur
I: Calcanean tuberosity
Soleus attachments
O: Head of the fibula
I: Tendon of the gastrocnemius
Superficial digital flexor attachments
O: Supracondyloid fossa of the femur
I (Equine): Calcanean tuber and each side of the proximal extremity of P2/distal extremity of P1
O (Equine): Calcanean tuber, plantar aspect of P2 on D3&4
Deep digital flexor attachments
O: Caudal edge and lateral condyle of tibia, lateral border of tibia and fibula, and interosseous ligament
I (Equine): Flexor surface of P3
I (Bovine): Flexor surface of P3 on D3&4
Popliteus attachments
O: Lateral epicondyle of the femur
I: Popliteal surface on caudal surface of the tibia
Suspensory ligament attachments (equine only)
O: Distal row of tarsal bones, proximal extremity of the 3rd metatarsal bone
I: Abaxial surface of proximal sesamoids, tendon of insertion of the long and lateral digital extensors
Iliopsoas: Iliacus action
Flex hip
Iliopsoas: Iliacus innervation
Iliopsoas: Psoas major action
Flex hip
Iliopsoas: Psoas major innervation
Lumbar nerve
Femoral nerve
Quadriceps: Rectus femoris action
Extend stifle
Flex hip
Quadriceps: Rectus femoris innervation
Femoral nerve