muscles of wrist and hand Flashcards
origin and insertion of felxor carpi radialis
O: medial epicondyle of humerus
I: palmar surface of prox end of 2nd/3rd metacarpel
actions of flexor carpid radialis
eblow: flexion
wrist: -flexion
- radial flex
origin and insertion of flexor carpid ulnaris
O: medial epicondyle of humerus
I: -palmer surface of medial carpels
-palmar surface of prox end of 5th metacarpel
actions of flexor carpi ulnaris
elbow: flexion
wrist: -flexion
- ulnar flexion
origin and insertion of extensor carpi radialis (both)
O: lateral epicondyle of humerus
I: dorsal surface of prox end of 2nd and 3rd metacarpel
actions of extensor carpi radialis (both)
elbow: extension
wrist: -extension
- radial flexion
origin and insertion of extensor carpi ulnaris
O: lateral epicondyle of humerus
I: dorsal surface of prox end of 5th metacarpel
actions of extensor carpi ulnaris
elbow: extension
wrist: -extension
- ulnar flexion
actions of flexor digitorum superficialis
elbow: flexion
wrist: flexion
fingers: flexion of digits 2,3,4,5
actions of flexor digitorum profundus
wirst: flexion
fingers: flexion of digits 2,3,4,5
actions of exntesor digitorum communis
elbow: extenson
wrist: extension
fingers: extension of digits 2,3,4,5
actions of extensor indicis
wrist: extension
fingers: extension of 2nd digit @ MP jnt
actions of extensor digiti minimi
elbow: extension
wrist: extension
fingers: extension of 5th digit
actions of flexor pollicis longus
wrist: flexion
fingers: flexion of 1st digit
actions of extensor pollicis longus
wrist: extension and radial flexion
fingers: extension of 1st digit
actions of abductor pollicis longus
wrist: radial flexion
fingers: abduct 1st digit
eblow: flexion
wrist: -flexion
- radial flex
actions of flexor carpid radialis
elbow: flexion
wrist: -flexion
- ulnar flexion
actions of flexor carpi ulnaris
elbow: extension
wrist: -extension
- radial flexion
actions of extensor carpi radialis (both)
elbow: extension
wrist: -extension
- ulnar flexion
actions of extensor carpi ulnaris
elbow: flexion
wrist: flexion
fingers: flexion of digits 2,3,4,5
actions of flexor digitorum superficialis
wirst: flexion
fingers: flexion of digits 2,3,4,5
actions of flexor digitorum profundus
elbow: extenson
wrist: extension
fingers: extension of digits 2,3,4,5
actions of exntesor digitorum communis
wrist: extension
fingers: extension of 2nd digit @ MP jnt
actions of extensor indicis
elbow: extension
wrist: extension
fingers: extension of 5th digit @ MP jnt
actions of extensor digiti minimi
wrist: flexion
fingers: flexion of 1st digit
actions of flexor pollicis longus
wrist: extension and radial felxion
fingers: extension of 1st digit
actions of extensor pollicis longus
wrist: radial flexion
fingers: abduct 1st digit
actions of abductor pollicis longus
origin and insertion of flexor digitorum superficialis
O: -med epicondyle of humerus
- mid 1/3 of coronoid process
- ant surface of mid 1/3 of radius
I: palmer side of mid phalanx of digits 2,3,4,5
origin and insertion of extensor digitorum communis
O: lat epicondyle of humerus
I: dorsal side of mid and distal phalanx of digits 2,3,4,5
origin and insertion of extensor digit minimi
O: lat epicondyle of humerus
I: dorsal surface of prox phalanx of 5th digit
action of adductor pollicus
adduction 1st digit