bones Flashcards
axial skeleton
- head
- spine
- rib cage
appendicular skeleton
- upper extremities
- lower extremities
long bone
cylindrical shaft
central cavity
examples of long bone
- humerus
- ulna
- femur
short bone
examples of short bone
- carpals
- tarsals
examples of flat bone
- sternum
- scapula
- ribs
- patella
- ilium
exmaples of irregular bones
- vertebrae
- ischium
- pubis
examples of sesmoid bones
- patella
- hyoid
- bones of ear
exaggerated curve of thoracic region
-even more concave
exaggerated curve of lumbar region
-even more convex
neck joint
3 of them
- head and C1
- C1-C2
- C7-T1
roation of head is done at…
C1-C2 joint
-dens process
what way does the superior and inferior articular surface of the vertebraes face
- sup:posterior
- inf: anterior
connection btwn the axial and appendicular skeleton is where?
sternoclavicular joint
total ribs
false ribs
dont directly connect to sternum
-8,9, and 10
floating ribs
dont have cartilage at end
11 and 12
shoulder joint is made up off
- glenoid process
- and humeral head
elbow joint is made up of
- btwn humeral condyles
- semilunar notch of ulna
how to tell anterior side of humerus
- lesser tuberosity
- humeral head is always medial
- coronoid fossa
anterior view of radius
can see the radial tuberosity
anterior view of ulna
can see the semi lunar notch
knuckles are the…
metacarpal phalangeal joint
posterior side of inominate bone
siatic notch
lateral side of inominate bone
medial side of inominate bone
illiac fossa
anterior side of inominate bone
pubic crest
anterior side of femur
intertrochanteric line
patellar groove
posterior side of femur
lesser trochanter
intertrochanteric crest
intercondylar fossa
linear aspera
rounder looks like a C
lateral side
more pointed
medial side
5 purposes of bones
- protect internal organs
- provide rigid kinematic links
- provide muscle attachment sites
- provide lever system for movement
- contain bone marrow to make blood cells
3 facts about bones
- highly vascularized
- dynamic
- matabolic
what is the purpose of inorganic salts in bones
% of bone
make bone hard and rigid (65-70%)
what is the purpose of organic materials in bones
% of bone
-make bone flexible and resiliant
differenece btwn intertochanteric line and crest
line: -ant side
- looks more straight
crest: -post side
- mroe curved
how many vertebraes are in:
cerv: 7
thor: 12
lum: 5
what vertebrae are the costal surfaces on
-ribs artic here
difference in structure of
lumbar vertebrae
cerv: smallest body
thoracic: longest spine (will be able to see from ant view)
- have costal surfaces in side views
lumbar: largest body/ shortest spine (cant see in ant view)