Muscles of the Pectoral Region Flashcards
attachments of Pectoralis Major
medial: medial half of clavicle, sternum, costal cartliges 1-7
lateral: lateral lip of intertubercular sulcus
torque of Pectoralis Major
medially rotates, flexes, and adducts the humerus
innervations of the Pectoralis Major
Lateral and Medial Pectoral Nerve
attachments of Pectoralis Minor
medial: ribs 3-5
lateral: coracoid process of scapula
torque of Pectoralis Minor
stabalizes pec during “long reach”
anteriorly tilts and depresses the scapula
innervation of Pectoralis Minor
medial pectoral nerve & pectoral brand of thoracoacromial artery
attachments of Subclavius
medial: Rib 1
lateral: clavicle
torque of Subclavius
stabilize and depress clavicle
stabilize SC joint
innervation of Subclavius
nerve to subclavius
attachments to Serratus Anterior
medial: Rib 1-8
lateral: medial boarder and inferior angle of scapula
torque of Serratus Anterior
protracts scapula
upward rotation
stabilize scapula on posterior thoracic wall