Muscles of the Lower Limb - Posterior Leg and Popliteal Fossa Flashcards
Name structures A to D
(C is the same structure at two separate locations)

A - Popliteal vein
B - Popliteal artery
C - Posterior tibial artery
D - Fibular artery
Name structures A, B and C

A - Calcaneal tendon
B - Soleus
C - Gastrocnemius
What is the function of muscle A?

Flexion of lateral 4 toes
A - Flexor digitorum longus
Name nerves A and B

A - Common fibular nerve
B - Tibial nerve
What are the origin and insertion attachment sites for muscle A?

Origin (medial head) - Posterior surface of distal femur (just superior to medial condyle)
Origin (lateral head) - Upper posterolateral surface of lateral femoral condyle
Insertion - Posterior surface of calcaneus (via calcaneus tendon)
A - Gastrocnemius

What is the innervation of muscle A?

Tibial nerve (S1, S2)
A - Gastrocnemius
Name structures A to D
(N.B - D is posterior to the Calcaneal tendon)

A - Medial head of the gastrocnemius
B - Plantaris
C - Lateral head of the gastrocnemius
D - Tendon of plantaris
What is the innervation of muscle A?

Tibial nerve (S2, S3)
A - Flexor hallucis longus
What are the origin and insertion attachment sites for muscle A?

Origin - Inferior aspect of lateral supracondylar line of femur and oblique popliteal ligament of knee
Insertion - Potserior calcaneus (via calcaneus tendon)
A - Plantaris

What is the innervation of muscle A?

Tibial nerve (S2, S3)
A - Flexor digitorum longus
Name muscles A to D

A - Flexor hallucis longus
B - Flexor digitorum longus
C - Tibialis posterior
D - Popliteus
What are the origin and insertion attachment sites for muscle A?

Origin - Lateral femoral condyle
Insertion - Posterior surface of proximal tibia
A - Popliteus

What is the function of muscle A?

Flexion of great toe
A - Flexor hallucis longus
Name muscle A

A - Flexus hallucis longus
What are the origin and insertion attachment sites for muscle A?

Origin - Soleal line, proximal medial tibia, proximal posterior aspect of fibular head
Insertion - Posterior calcaneus (via calcaneal tendon)
A - Soleus

What is the innervation of muscle A?

Tibial nerve (L4, L5)
A - Tibialis posterior
Name muscle A

A - Popliteus
What is the function of muscle A?

Plantarflexion of foot
A - Soleus
Name muscle A

A - Popliteus
Name muscle A

A - Gastrocnemius
What is the innervation of muscle A?

Tibial nerve (S1, S2)
A - Plantaris
Name nerve A

A - Common fibular nerve
What is the function of muscle A?

- Plantarflexion of foot
- Flexion of knee
A - Plantaris
What is the function of muscle A?

- Plantarflexion of foot
- Flexion of knee
A - Gastrocnemius
What is the function of muscle A?

- Inversion of foot
- Plantarflexion of foot
- Support of medial arch of foot when walking
A - Tibialis posterior
Name structures A, B and C

A - Sciatic nerve
B - Posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh
C - Small saphenous vein

Name the veins at points A and B

A - Small saphenous vein
B - Popliteal vein
Name muscles A and B

A - Biceps femoris (muscle and tendon)
B - Semimembranosus
Name structures A to E

A - Adductor hiatus
B - Tibial nerve
C - Popliteal vein
D - Popliteal artery
E - Common fibular nerve

Name vessel A

A - Small saphenous vein
Name structures A, B and C

A - Soleus
B - Gastrocnemius
C - Calcaneal tendon
Name structures A, B and C

A - Femoral artery
B - Femoral nerve
C - Sciatic nerve

Name region A

A - Popliteal fossa

Name structure A

A - Adductor hiatus
What is the innervation of muscle A?

Tibial nerve (S1, S2)
A - Soleus
Name structures A to D

A - Sciatic nerve
B - Tibial nerve
C - Common fibular nerve
D - Small saphenous vein

Name tendon A

A - Calcaneal tendon (Achilles tendon)
What are the origin and insertion attachment sites for muscle A?

Origin - Posterior fibula and adjacent interosseous membrane
Insertion - Plantar surface of distal phalanx of great toe
A - Flexor hallucis longus

Name structures A, B and C

A - Popliteal fossa
B - Plantaris
C - Popliteus
Name muscles A and B

A - Gastrocnemius
B - Soleus
What is the function of muscle A?

- Stabilises knee joint (resists lateral rotation of tibia on femur)
- Unlocks knee joint (laterally rotates femur on fixed tibia)
A - Popliteus
Name structures A and B

A - Gastrocnemius
B - Calcaneal tendon
What are the origin and insertion attachment sites for muscle A?

Origin - Posterior surfaces of interosseous membrane, tibia and fibula
Insertion - Tuberosity of navicular and adjacent region of medial cuneiform
A - Tibialis posterior

Name vein A

A - Small saphenous vein
Name muscles A and B

A - Lateral head of the gastrocnemius
B - Medial head of the gastrocnemius
Name muscle A

A - Tibialis posterior
What are the origin and insertion attachment sites for muscle A?

Origin - Medial side of posterior tibia
Insertion - Plantar surfaces of bases of distal phalanxes of lateral 4 toes
A - Flexor digitorum longus

Name muscle A

A - Soleus
Name nerve A

A - Tibial nerve
Name muscle A

A - Flexor digitorum longus
What is the innervation of muscle A?

Tibial nerve (L4-S1)
A - Popliteus