Muscles of the Lower Limb - Gluteal Region Flashcards
Identify muscles/Learn innervations of muscles/Learn origins and insertions of muscles/Learn functions of muscles (more key info in bold)
Name muscle A

A - Obturator internus
Name nerves A to D

A - Nerve to quadratus femoris muscle
B - Superior gluteal nerve
C - Inferior gluteal nerve
D - Posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh
What are the origin and insertion sites for muscle A?

Origin - External surface of ilium (between inferior and anterior gluteal lines)
Insertion - Greater trochanter of femur (linear facet on anterolateral aspect)
A - Gluteus minimus

What is the innervation of muscle A?

Superior gluteal nerve
A - Tensor fasciae latae
What are the origin and insertion sites for muscle A?

Origin - Wall of true pelvis (anterolateral), deep surface of obturator membrane and surrounding bone
Insertion - Greater trochanter of femur (medial side)
A - Obturator internus
Name muscle A

A - Quadratus femoris
Name ligaments A and B

A - Sacrotuberous ligament
B - Sacrospinous ligament
Name muscle A

A - Piriformis
Name muscles A and B

A - Gluteus medius
B - Gluteus minimus
Name muscle A and structure B

A - Tensor fasciae latae
B - Iliotibial tract
Name muscle A

A - Gluteus medius
What are the origin and insertion sites for muscle A?

Origin - External surface of ilium (between anterior and posterior gluteal lines)
Insertion - Greater trochanter of femur (elongate facet on lateral surface)
A - Gluteus medius
What is the innervation of muscle A?

Nerve to quadratus femoris (L5, S1)
A - Inferior gemellus
What are the origin and insertion sites for muscle A?

Origin - Sacrum (anterior surface between anterior sacral foramina)
Insertion - Greater trochanter of femur (medial side of superior border)
A - Piriformis

Name muscles A to E

A - Piriformis
B - Superior gemellus
C - Inferior gemellus
D - Quadratus femoris
E - Obturator internus
What is the function of muscle A?

- Extension of hip
- Lateral rotation of thigh
- Abduction thigh
A - Gluteus maximus
What is the innervation of muscle A?

Branches from S1 and S2
A - Piriformis
What is the innervation of muscle A?

Nerve to obturator internus (L5, S1)
A - Obturator internus
Name muscle A

A - Gluteus minimus

What is the innervation of muscle A?

Superior gluteal nerve
A - Gluteus medius
Name muscle A, and its distal attachments B and C

A - Gluteus maximus
B - Attachment at iliotibial ract
C - Attachment (of deep fibres) at gluteal tuberosity (of femur)
Name muscles A and B

A - Piriformis
B - Obturator internus
Name ligament A

A - Sacrospinous ligament
Name ligament A

A - Sacrotuberous ligament
What is the innervation of muscle A?

Nerve to obturator internus (L5, S1)
A - Superior gemellus
What is the function of muscle A?

- Abduction of hip joint
- Medial rotation of thigh
- Prevents pelvic drop (Trendelenburg’s test)
A - Gluteus medius

What are the origin and insertion sites for muscle A?

Origin - Ischial tuberosity (upper region)
Insertion - Along length of obturator internus tendon, greater trochanter of femur (medial side)
A - Gemellus inferior
What is the function of muscle A?

- Abduction of hip joint
- Medial rotation of thigh
- Prevents pelvic drop (Trendelenburg’s test)
A - Gluteus minimus

What is the function of muscles A and B?

- Lateral rotation of extended femur
- Abduction at hip joint
A - Gemellus superior
B - Gemellus inferior
What is the innervation of muscle A?

Inferior gluteal nerve
A - Gluteus maximus
What are the origin and insertion sites for muscle A?

Origin - Ischial spine (external surface)
Insertion - Along length of obturator internus tendon, greater trochanter of femur (medial side)
A - Gemellus superior
What is the function of muscle A?

Stabilises the knee in extension
A - Tensor fascia latae
What is the innervation of muscle A?

Superior gluteal nerve
A - Gluteus minimus

Name muscle A

A - Piriformis
What is the function of muscle A?

- Lateral rotation at hip joint
- Abduction at hip joint
A - Obturator internus
What is the function of muscle A?

Lateral rotation at hip joint
A - Quadratus femoris
What is the function of muscle A?

- Lateral rotation at hip joint
- Abduction at hip joint
A - Piriformis
Name nerve A

A - Sciatic nerve
Name foramen A

A - Lesser sciatic formamen
Name the muscles labelled A

A - Gemelli (superior and inferior)
Name muscle A

A - Tensor fasciae latae
What is the innervation of muscle A?

Nerve to quadratus femoris (L5, S1)
A - Quadratus femoris
Name muscle A

A - Gluteus maximus
What are the origin and insertion sites for muscle A?

Origin - Lateral aspect of crest of ilium (between ASIS and tubercle of iliac crest)
Insertion - Iliotibial tract (of fascia lata)
A - Tensor fasciae latae

Name muscle A

A - Gluteus medius

Name nerves A, C and C

A - Pudendal nerve
B - Nerve to obturator internus
C - Sciatic nerve
What are the origin and insertion sites for muscle A?

Origin - Lateral aspect of ischium (anterior to ischial tuberosity)
Insertion - Quadrate tubercle (on intertrochanteric crest) of proximal femur
A - Quadratus femoris
What are the origin and insertion sites for muscle A?

Origin - Fascia covering gluteus medius, external surface of ilium, fascia of erector spinae, lower sacrum (dorsal surface), coccyx (lateral margin), sacrotuberous ligament
Insertion - Iliotibial tract (posterior aspect), gluteal tuberosity of proximal femur
A - Gluteus maximus