Muscles Of The Head And Neck Flashcards
Anterior scalene
O: anterior tubercles of the transverse processes of C3-C6
I: scalene tubercle of the first rib
F: elevates the first rib; flexes and laterally bends the neck
O: 1) anterior- galea aponeurotica anterior to ear
2) superior- galea aponeurotica superior to ear
3) posterior- mastoid process
I: auricle anteriorly, superiority and posteriorly
F: wiggle擺動 the ears
O: pterygomandibular rap he, mandible, and the maxilla lateral to the molar teeth
I: angle of mouth and the lateral portion of the upper and lower lips
F: pulls the corner of mouth laterally; presses the cheek against the teeth
O: medial part of the superciliary arch
I: skin of the medial half of the eyebrow
F: pulls eyebrows together medially
Depressor anguli oris
O: oblique line of the mandible
I: angle of the mouth
F: pulls the corner of the mouth downward
Depressor labii inferioris
O: anterior surface of the mandible
I: skin of the lower lip
F: depresses the lower lip
Depressor sepi
O: maxilla near the midline above the incisor teeth
I: nasal septum
F: depresses the nasal septum; involved in flaring the nostrils
O: 1) anterior belly- digastric fossa of the mandible
2) posterior belly- mastoid birch of the temporal bone
I: body of the hyoid via a fibrous loop over an intermediate tendon
F: elevates the hyoid bone; depresses the mandible
O: 1) frontalis- galea aponeurotica 2) occipital: superior nuchal line I: 1) frontalis: skin of the eyebrows 2) occipital: galea aponeurotica F: elevates the eyebrows and wrinkles the forehead