Muscles of the foot Flashcards
does epriderms have blood vessels ?
There are no blood vessels in the epidermis..nutrients and wastes are via diffusion
Does dermis have vascularization?
yes it contains vascular supply for dermis and epidermis and vareity of nerve endings
dermis is divided into
- Papillary layer
2. Reticular layer
sebacous glands on the dorsum of the foot
secrete sebum into the hair follicle to waterproof and moisturize the hair
skin appendages are derived from
skin appendages on the dorsum of the foot includes
- hair follicle
- sebaceous glands,
- sweat glands
- nails
arrector pili muscles and bundle of smooth muscles attaching to the hair follicles are derived from
superficial fascia on the dorsum of the foot is absent at what level
subcutaneous surface
deep fascia on the dorsum of the foot forms ——–around the ankle
deep fascia on the dorsum of the foot forms
- Superior extensor retinaculum ( transverse crural ligament)
- inferior extensor retinaculum ( cruciate crural lig)
- flexor retinaculum (laciniate ligament)
- fibular retinaculum
Superior extensor retinaculum
attaches laterally to the dostal aspect of the shaft of fibula and medially to the distal aspect of shaft of tibia
Superior extensor retinaculum binds down the tendons of
- tibialis anterior
- Fibularis tertius
Inferior extensor retinaculum is attached laterally to
sinus tarsi of the calcaneous
Inferior extensor retinaculum is a Band courses medially as a double layer enclosing the tendons of
- Fibularis tertius
2. EDL
where is superior and inferior limb of Inferior extensor retinaculum formed
at the medial border of EDL
The superior limb of inferior extensor retinaculum encloses the tendons of
2. Tibialis Anterior
The inferior limb of inferior extensor retinaculum encloses the tendons of
2. tibialis anterior
Where does the superior limb of inferior extensor retinaculum attach to
medial malleolus
Where does the inferior limb of inferior extensor retinaculum attach to
plantar apeoneurosis
flexor retinaculum attaches to
medial malleolus and medial surface of the calcaneous
posterior to medial malleolus the following are arranged from medial to lateral just before they pass into tunnels that are formed deep to flexor retinaculum
- tendon of tibialis posterior
- tendon of FDL
- posterior tibial artery with veins on either side
- tibial nerve
- tendon of FHL
where is the common site for taking posterior tibial pulse and performing tibial nerve block
posterior to medial malleolus
what is tarsal tunnel syndrome?
Entrapment of tibial nerve or its (medial plantar /lateral plantar branch) in the tunnel beneath the flexor retinaculum
beneath the flexor retinaculum there are individual tunnes for each of the following
- tendon of tibialis posterior
- tendon of FDL
- Tendon of FHL
- medial plantar vessles and nerves
- lateral plantar vessles and nerves
superior and inferior portion of fibular retinaculum bind down the tendons of
fibularis longus
fibularis brevis
superior fibular retinaculum attached to
lateral malleolus and lateral surface of the calcaneous
inferior fibular retinaculum attaches to
lateral surface of calcaneous including fibular tubercle
fibular retinaculum is continuous with
inferior extensor retinaculum
tendons of lumbricales and interossei course along the side of the digits and are continuous with
Extensor hood
interdigital infections can spread along interossei and lumbrecales tendons and go to
plantar surface of the foot
name 2 intrinsic muscles on the dorsum of the foot?
2. EDB
origin of EHB
- sinus tarsi of calcaneous
2interosseious talocalcaneal lig - inferior extensor retinaculum
course of EHB
obliquely from lateral to medial deep to tendon of EHL
insertion of EHB
dorsum of the base of the proximal phalanx of the hallux
action of EHB
dorsiflex the proximal phalanx of the hallux
origin of EDB
- sinus tarsi of calcaneous
- interosseous talocalcaneal lig
- inferior extensor retinaculum
course of EDB?
obliquely from lateral to medial deep to tendons of EDL and divides into 3 tendons
insertion of EDB?
into the lateral side of EDL tendons of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th toes at the level of base of the proximal phalanges and contribute to the extensor hood
Action of EDB?
dorsiflex the proximal phalanges of 2nd, 3rd and 4th toes
what are the extrinsic muscles on the dorsum of the foot
- tibialis anterior
- fibularis tertius
TA insert into
medial and plantar surfaces of the 1st cuneiforms and the bases of the first metatarsal (1st ray)
EDL trifurcate at what level?
at the head of the proximal phalanx
the central slip of the EDL inserts into
dorsum of the base of the middle phalanx
the 2 collateral slips unite at
the head of the middle phalanx
the 2 collateral insert into the
dorsum of the base of distal phalanx
FT insert into
dorsum of 5th metatarsal base
what tendons form the extensor hood
2. EHL
the extensor hood extends from the
head of the metatarsal to the distal aspect of proximal phalanx
the proximal component of teh extensor hood is
sling portion
fibers of sling portion
encircle the capsule of MTP
fibers of sling portion of extensor hood blend with
- Plantar plate
- deep transverse metatarsal ligaments
- flexor sheaths
distal component of the hood is
wing portion
fibers of wing portion are arranged
obliquely on the sides of the digits
what contribute to the extensor hood on lesser digits
tendons of
- dorsal interossei
- plantar interossei
- lumbricales
- 1st,2nd,3rd tendons of EDB
what contribute to the extensor hood on hallux
tendons of
- abductor hallucis
- flexor hallucis brevis
- adductor hallucis
what FORMS the extensor hood?
tendons of
what is the action of the extensor hood?
dorsiflexion of the proximal phalanx through the sling mechanisms
what is the function of extensor hood?
helps maintain the central position of the EDL tendons and the tendon of EHL
EHL and TA
have their own synovial sheaths
EDL and FT
have a common synovial sheath
the skin on plantar surface of the foot
thick, hairless, composed of an epidermis and a dermis
differences between plantar and dorsum of the foot
the epidermis on the plantar surface has an additional layer statrum lucidum and all layaers are much more thicker
The only skin appendages present on the plantar surface is sweat glands
what is the natural orientation of collagen fibers in the DICT of the dermis called?
langer’s lines, cleavage lines, or relaxed skin tension lines
what are these langer’s lines important for?
they are important for surgical incisions. they also represent the natural tension created on the skin from underlying structures
superficial fascia on the plantar surface of the foot forms distinct pad at
calcaneal tuberosity, metatarsal heads and distal phalanges
the fat pad over the calcaneal tuberosity might be compressed resulting in
heel bruise or stone bruise (periostitis)
deep fascia on the plantar surface of the foot is also called
plantar aponeurosis or plantar fascia
plantar aponeurisis divided into 3 portions
central portion of plantar aponeurosis
triangular shaped with base attached to medial process of calcaneal tuberosity
At what region the central portion of plantar aponeurosis divide into 5 slips?
at metatarsal shaft
each slip then divide into deep and superficial slip
the superficial slips are connected togethere by
transverse metatarsal lig
The deep slips divide into 2 slips which course on either side of the tendons of
the deep slips then blend with
- plantar plate
- deep transverse metatarsal lig
- and distally with the flexor sheaths
plantat fascitis
inflammation of the attachment of central portion of plantar aponeurosis to medial process of calcaneal tuberosity
what is the windlass effect of the central portion of plantar aponeurosis
dorsiflexion of the toes winds the plantar aponeurosis around the metatarsal heads
medial portion of the deep fascia on the plantar surface covers
the abductor hallucis
lateral portion of deep fascia on the plantar surface covers
the abductor digiti minimi
lateral portion of deep fascia on the plantar surface attach to
lateral process of calcaneal tuberosity
an interoseous septa separates the central compartment from
interosseous compartment
1st layer of plantar muscles
- abductor hallucis
- abductor digiti minimi
- flexor digitorum brevis
2nd layer of plantar muscles
- lumbricales
- quadratus pantea
- flexor hallucis longus
- Flexor digitorum longus
FHL is connected to FDL by a fibrous cord called
knot of Henry
3rd layer of plantar muscles
- flexor hallucis brevis
- Adductor hallucis
3.flexor digiti minimi brevis
tendon of tibialis posterior and fibularis longus are also in this layer
4th layer of plantar muscles
3 plantar interossei
4 dorsal interosssei
bent toward the midline of the body
bent away from the midline of the body
Abductor Hallucis
O: Medial process of calcaneal tuberosity
flexor retinaculum
deep surface of flexor retinaculum
tuberosity of the navicular
Course: distally along the medial side of the foot
I: Fibers blend with the medial tendon of FHB , the medial sesamoid , the plantar plate and the extensor hood
tendons then insert onto the medioplantar aspect of the proximal phalanx of the hallux
Action: abducts and aids in plantarflexion of teh hallux
origin of Flexor digitorum brevis
medial process of calcaneal tuberosity
deep surface of the plantar aponeruosis
course of Flexor digitorum brevis
ditally and it divides into 4 tendons for lesser digits, the tendon to the 5th toe may be absent
Insertion of Flexor digitorum brevis
Each tendon divides into 2 parts at the base of the proximal phalanx to allow the passage of tendon of FDL, the 2 parts then reunite at the head of the proximal phalanx and insert onto the plantar surface of the shaft of the middle phalanx
Action of Flexor digitorum brevis
plantarflex the proximal and middle phalanges of the lesser digits
origin of abductor digiti minimi
lateral margin of the medial process of calcaneal tuberosity
lateral process of calcaneal tuberosity
deep surface of plantar aponeurosis
tuberosity of base of the 5th metatarsal
Course of the abductor digiti minimi
distally along the lateral side of the foot
insertion of the abductor digiti minimi
lateral side of the base of proximal phalanx of the 5th toe
action of abductor digiti minimi
abduction of the 5th toe
entrapment od muscular branch of lateral plantar nerve to abductor digiti minimi causes
heel pain
origin of quadratus plantae
medial head: medial surface of the calcaneous
lateral head: inferior surface of the calcaneous just distal to the lateral process of the calcaneal tuberosity , and long plantar lig
the 2 head are seoerated by long plantar ligament and either head may be reduced or absent
insertion of quadratus plantae
FDL tendon
Action of quadratus plantae
assists FDL in plantar flexion of lesser digits
origin of lumbrical muscles
1st: medial side of the 1st tendon of FDL
2nd: adj side of 1st and 2nd tendo of FDL
3rd: adj side of the 2nd and 3rd tendon of FDL
4th: adj side of the 3rd and 4th tendon of FDL
course of lumbrical muscles
distally along the medial side of the FDL tendons and inferior to deep transverse metatarsal lig
insertion of lumbrical muscles
1st: extensor wing and extensor trifurcation of the 1st tenon of EDL ( of the 2nd toe)
2nd: extensor wing and extensor trifurcation of the 2nd tendon of EDL ( of the 3rd toe)
3rd: extensor wing and extensor trifurcation of the third tendon of EDL (of the 4th toe)
4th: extensor wing and extensor trifurcation of the 4th tendon of EDL ( of the 5th toe)
action of lumbrical muscles
plantar flex the proximal phalanges and extend the middle and distal phalanges of the lesser digits
origin of flexor hallucis brevis
form a Y shaped tendon
lateral arm from plantar surface of the cuboid and 3rd cuneiform
medial arm from the plantar portion of tendon of tibialis posteior
course of the flexor hallucis brevis
toward the 1st metatarsal ehad and divides into 2 tendons
insertion of the flexor hallucis brevis
medial tendon contains the medial sesamoid, blends with the plantar plate and tendon of abductor hallucis and contributes to the extensor hood
lateral tendon contains the lateral sesamoid, bend with the plantar plate and conjoined tendon of adductor hallucis and contribute to the extensor hood
the tendons then unite and insert into the plantar surface of the base of the proximial phalanx of hallux
action of the flexor hallucis brevis
plantar flex the proximal phalanx of the hallux
origin of Adductor hallucis muscle
oblique head:plantar surface of the base of 2nd , 3rd and 4th metatarsals and the tendon sheath of fibularis longus
Transverse head: plantar plates of the 3rd, 4th and 5th MTP’s and the deep transverse metatarsal ligament between them. the transverse head is sometimes referred to as transverse pedis
course of Adductor hallucis muscle
the 2 heads unite to form a conjoined tendon which courses through the split in the deep transverse metatarsal lig
inseriotn of the Adductor hallucis muscle
fibers blend with the lateral tendon of FHB and lateral seasomid, the plantar plate and contribute to the extensor hood
Tendon then insert into the lateroplantar aspect of the base of proximal phalanx of hallux
Action of Adductor hallucis muscle
adducts and aids in plantarflexion of the hallux.
Assists in pulling the metatarsal heads tohgether
seasomid apparatus is composed of
- planar plate of MTP
- Medial and Lateral sesamoids
- abductor hallucis
- flexor hallucis brevis
- adductor hallucis
origin of flexor digiti minimi brevis
- inferior surface of the base of 5th metatarsal
- tendon sheath of fibularis longus
course of flexor digiti minimi brevis
distally and slightly laterally
insertion of flexor digiti minimi brevis
lateroplantar aspect of the base of proximal phalanx of 5th toe
action of flexor digiti minimi brevis
plantarflexes the proximal phalanx of the 5th toe
Origin of plantar interossei muscle
1st: inferior surface of the base and medial surface of the shaft of 3rd metatarsal
2nd: inferior surface of the base and medial surface of the shaft of 4th metatarsal
3rd: inferior surface of the base and medial surface of the shaft of the 5th metatarsal
course of the plantar interossei muscle
tendons course distally, superior to deep transverse metatarsal lig
insertion of plantar interossei muscle
1st: medial side of the base of the proximal phalanx of the 3rd toe and into the extensor hood (sling and wing) of the 3rd toe
2nd: medial side of the base of the proximal phalanx of the 4th toe and into the extensor hood (sling and wing) of the 4th toe
3rd: medial side of the base of the proximal phalanx of the 5th toe and into the extensor hood (sling and wing) of the 5th toe
action of plantar interossei muscle
adducts the 3rd, 4th, 5th toes
origin of dorsal interossei muscles
1st: adj sides of the shafts of the 1st and 2nd metatarsals
2nd: adj side of shaft of 2nd and 3rd meatarsals
3rd: adj side of the shaft of 3rd and 4th metatarsals
4th: adj side of the shaft of 4th and 4th metatarsals
course of dorsal interossei muscles
tendons course distally, superior to deep transverse metatrsal lig
insertion of dorsal interossei muscles
1st: MEDIAL side of the base of the proximal phalanx of the 2nd toe and into the extensor hood (sling and wing) of the 2nd toe
2nd: LATERAL side of the base of the proximal phalanx of the 2nd toe and into the extensor hood (sling and wing) of the 2nd toe
3rd: LATERAL side of the base of the proximal phalanx of the 3rd toe and into the extensor hood (sling and wing) of the 3rd toe
4th: LATERAL side of the base of the proximal phalanx of the 4th toe and into the extensor hood (sling and wing) of the 4th toe
Action of dorsal interossei mucles
abducts the 2nd, 3rd, 4th toes
extrinsic muscles on the plantar, medial, lateral and posterior surfaces of the foot
- tibialis posterior
4.gastroc - soleus
6.plantaris - Fibularis brevis
8;Fibularis longus
insertion of the main component of tibialis posterior
tuberosity of navicular and plantar surface od the 1st cuneiform
insertion of the plantar component of tibialis posterior
2nd, 3rd cuneiforms
2nd, 3rd, 4th metatarsal bases
insertion of the recurrent portion of tibilais posterior
sustentaculum tali
from posterior surface to medial surface and then to the plantar surface where it divides to 4 tendons for the lesser digits
each tendon courses through the split in the tendon of FDB in the shaft of a proximal phalanx and then inserts on the plantar surface of the base of the distal phalanx
tendon courses from posterior surface to medial surface and then to the plantar surface where it inserts on the plantar surface of the base of the distal phalanx of the hallux
Gastroc and soleus
form the tendocalcaneous on the posteior surface which inserts into the middle 1/3rd of the posterior surface of the calcaneous
course on the posterior side to insert on the medial side of the middle 1/3rd pf the posterior surface of the calcaneaous
Fibularis Brevis
course on the lateral surface to insert on the tuberosity of base of the 5th metatarsal
Fibularis Longus
courses on the lateral surface to the plantar surface where it courses the foot to insert on the lateral side of 1st cuneiform and the base of the 1st metatarsal (1st ray)
synovial sheath of tibialis posterior
beneath the flexor retinaculum
synovial sheath of FDL
beneath the flexor retinaculum
each tendon within the flexor sheaths of lesser digits
synovial sheath of FHL
beneath the flexor retinaculum
and enclosed in a synovial sheath within the flexor sheath of hallux
synovial sheath of gastrocnemius and soleus
they unite to form a tendo calcaneous which does not course beneath a retinaculum and is not enclosed in a synovial sheath
bursa between tendocalcaneous and calcaneous
bursa between tendocalcaneous and skin
synovial sheath of plantaris
does not course benath a retinaculum and is not enclosed in a synocial sheath
synovial sheath of fibularis longus and brevis
both tendons are enclosed in a common synovial sheath as they coarse beneath the superior and inferior fibular retinaculae
The tendon of fibularis longus is also enclosed in a synovial sheath in the fibular sulcus
The synovial sheaths have connections to the long and short flexor tendons what are those connection called?
vincula tendinum which carry blood vessles to the tendons
vincula brevia are locatd
near the insertion of tendons
vinvula longa are located
along the course of the tendons
all of the intrinsic muscles function in ———-phase of gait
biomechanical function of quadratus plantae
convert the oblique pull of FDL to a more posterior pull
biomechanical function of sesamoid apparatus
stablizes the 1st metatarsal head against the ground during propulsion
biomechanical function of lumbricals, dorsal interossei and plantar interossei
These muscles convert the lesser toes into rigid beams during propulsion. (rigid beam efect)
fibularis digiti minimi ( variation)
slip from fibularis brevis that inserts inti the 5th toe
Extensor hallucis capsularis ( variation(
slip from the tendon of EHL that insert into the capsule of 1st MTP