muscles of the anterior axio appendicular shoulder Flashcards
Introduce Pectoralis major
Origin/insertion/action/nerve supply
Pec major is one of the anterior axioappendicular muscles
Origin 2 heads
-Clavicular head: medial 1/2 of clavicle
-Sternocostal head: anterior sternum and the first 6 costal cartilages
-Aponeurosis of the external oblique
-Lateral lip of the bicipital groove
-adduction and internal rotation of GH joint
-clavicular head: induces humeral flexion
-sternocostal head: induces humeral extension
Nerve supply
-Lateral pectoral and medial pectoral nerve
Introduce the pectoralis minor
Origin/insertion/action/nerve supply
Pec minor is one of the anterior axioappendicular muscles. It lies deep to pec major Origin -superior borders of ribs 3-5 Insertion -medial border of the coracoid process Action - draws the scapula inferiorly -stabilises scapula -protracts scapula Nerve supply -Medial pectoral nerve
Introduce the subclavius
Origin/insertion/action/nerve supply
Subclavius is one of the anterior axioappendicular muscles
-in between the 1st rib and 1st costal cartilage
-inferior surface of the clavicle where the groove for subclavius lies
-depression of the clavicle
-stabilises clavicle
-stabilises sternoclavicular joint during movement by pulling the clavicle medially
Nerve supply
-nerve to subclavius
Introduce the serratus anterior
Origin/insertion/action/nerve supply
Serratus anterior is one of the anterior axioappendicular msucles
-lateral surfaces of ribs 1-8
-superficial and deep fascia covering the intercostal spaces
-anterior aspect of the medial border of the scapula
-stabilises scapula against the thoracic wall
-protracts scapula
-laterally rotates scapula
Nerve supply
-Long thoracic