Muscles of Respiration Flashcards
Inserts into the central tendon
Originates in the transverse processes thoracic vertebrae, inserts into the subjacent ribs, elevates the rib cage, and is innervated by the intercostal nerves
Levators costarum brevis and longus
This muscle of inspiration originates in the transverse process of the cervical verbetrae and inserts into ribs 1 & 2
Scalenus medius
This muscle of expiration originates in the lower ribs- lumbar vertebrae, inserts into the linea alba via aponeurosis, inguinal ligament, is in charge of compressing the abdomen, and is innervated by T7-T12.
External Oblique Abdominis
This muscle of inspiration is innervated by cranial nerve XI
This muscle of inspiration originates in the transverse process of the cervical vertebrae and inserts into rib 2
Scalenus posterior
This muscle of inspiration originates in the clavicle, sternum, ribs 1-6 and inserts into the humerus. It is incharge of adducting the humerus and elevating the ribs when the humerus is fixed. Innervated by the brachial plexus.
Pectoralis Major
This muscle of inspiration originates in the spinous processes and upper thoracic vertebrae and inserts into subjacent ribs at rib angle
Serratus posterior superior
This muscle of expiration originates in the lateral margin of the sternum, inserts into the chondral surface of ribs 2-6, is innervated by the intercostal nerves, and is in charge of depressing the ribs.
Transversus Thoracis
Originates in the sternum and clavicle and inserts into the mastoid process
This muscle of inspiration originates in the transverse processes of the cervical vertebrea and inserts into the first rib
Scalenus Anterior
This muscle of expiration originates in the ilium- lumbar vertebrae, inserts into the linea alba, compresses the abdomen, and innervates T7-T12 and L1
Transversus Abdominis
This muscle of expiration originates in the xiphisternum, and chondral portions of the lower ribs, inserts into the pubis, compresses the abdomen, and is innervated by T7-T12
Rectus Abdominis
This muscle of inspiration originates in the inferior clavicle and inserts into rib 1. It elevates the rib cage and innervates the brachial plexus.
What 3 muscles are innervated by the cervical nerves?
Scalenus Anterior, Medius, and Posterior
Originates in the lower margin rib cage, xiphoid process, and vertebral column (L1-4)
These two muscles of inspiration originate in the lower surface of ribs 1-11 and insert into the upper surface of the subjacent rib
External and Internal intercostals
Flattens diaphragm, expands thoracic cavity vertically
These muscles (can be 2) of respiration originates in the inferior margin of ribs 1-11, inserts in the superior surface of hte subjacent rib, is innervated by the intercostal nerves, and is in charge of depressing the ribs.
Internal intercostals and Innermost intercostals
Innervates phrenic nerves C3, C4, and C5, but mostly C4
Elevates rib cage, increases anterior dimension and innervates intercostal nerves (T1-11) & Subcostal T12
External intercostals
This muscle of inspiration originates in ribs 2-5 and inserts into the coracoid proces of the scapuls where it pulls the caracoid inferiorly and is innervated by the brachial plexus.
Pectoralis minor
This muscle of inspiration originates in ribs 1-9 and inserts vertebral border of scapula. It is in charge of pulling the shoulders antero-laterally and elevates the ribs when shoulders are fixed; It innervates the brachial plexus
Serratus Anterior
This muscle of expiration originates in the iliac crest- lumbar vertebrae, inserts into the linea alba, compresses the abdomen, and innervates T7-T12 and L1.
Internal Oblique Abdominis
This muscle of inspiration tilts the head and elevates the rib cage when the head is fixed