Muscles of Mastication and Facial Expression - JC Flashcards
muscles of mastication from what arch?
1st branchial. trigeminal innervates 4 main masseter muscles
4 true muscles
medial pterygoidlateral pterygoidmassetertemporalis
O/I of lateral pterygoid
2 heads: superior and inferior.superior O on infratemporal crest. inferior O on lateral of lateral pterygoid. I on pterygoid pit. Only one that depresses
medial pterygoid
O on medial of lateral pterygoid in fossa. I on pterygoid pit. elevates the mandible
O on temporal fossa. I on coronoid process. elevates mandible
superficial: anterior 2/3 of zygo arch to angle of mandibledeep: posterior 1/3 of zygo arch to periosteum of ramus
what is pterygomandibular space?
where lingual N and inferior alveolar NAV pass. want to anesitize here. lateral by medial ramus. medial and superior by lateral pterygoid. inferior by medial pterygoid
what do you hit if go too far through pterygomandibular space
parotid gland. CN 7 - facial N. paralysis half of face
2 round muscles
orbicularis orisorbicularis oculi
2 muscles with nose
nasalis - constrict noseprocerus - botox site
2 from zygo bone
zygomaticus major zygomaticus minorboth help smile
2 lip elevators
levator labii superiorus levaror labii superiorus alaeque nasi - flares nostrils too
2 at mouths angle
levator anguli orisdepressor anguli oris
2 with lower lip
depressor labii inferioris mentalis
2 with cheek
buccinator - food bolusrisorius - moves lateral
2 on top
2 exceptions
platysmacorrugator supercilli - botox site
facial muscles innervated by what?
CN 7 -facial (skin overlaying is CN5)
arteries of facial muscles
facial - branch of external carotidsuperficial temporal- from external carotid