Muscles of Mastication Flashcards
4 True Muscles of Mastication
- Medial Pterygoid
- Lateral Pterygoid
- Temporalis
- Masseter
Nerve innervation of the muscles of mastication
Origin of Medial Pterygoid
Medial surface of the lateral pterygoid plate and pterygoid fossa
Insertion of Medial Pterygoid
Medial surface of the ramus and angle of mandible, on the interior surface
Action of Medial Pterygoid
Elevate and laterally deviate
Origin of Superior Head of Lateral Pterygoid
Infratemporal Crest (great wing of sphenoid bone)
Origin of Inferior head of Lateral Pterygoid
Lateral surface of lateral pterygoid plate
Insertion of Lateral Pterygoid
Articular disc of TMJ and neck of mandibular condyle
Action of Lateral Pterygoid
Can actively depress the mandible, the only muscle of mastication that can do this
Temporalis Origin/Insertion/Action
O: Temporal Line of the Temporal Fossa
I: Coronoid process and anterior border of mandibular ramus
A: Elevate the mandible, retract mandible
Superfical Part of Masseter O/I/A
O: Zygomatic process of maxilla and anterior 2/3 of inferior border of the zygomatic arch
I: Angle and lower lateral ramus of mandible
A: Elevate mandible, centric occlusion, protrusion
Deep Part of Masseter O/I/A
O: Inner surface of posterior 1/3 of zygomatic arch
I: Superior part of mandibular ramus and lateral surface of coronoid process
A: Retract the jaw when it has been protruded
Accessory muscle of mastication
Action and Innervation of Buccinator
A: Compresses cheek and manages food bolus
Innervation: CNVII (Facial)
Lateral Boundary of Pterygomandibular Space
Medial surface of mandibular ramus
Medial Boundary of Pterygomandibular Space
Lateral surface of medial pterygoid
Superior Boundary of Pterygomandibular Space
Lateral Pterygoid
Inferior Boundary of Pterygomandibular Space
Insertion of medial pterygoid
Contents of Pterygomandibular Space
- Lingual Nerve
2. Inferior alveolar nerve and artery
Innervation of Muscles of Facial Expression
Derived from 2nd branchial arch, facial nerve (CNVII)
9 Groups of 2
- Round
- Nose
- Zygomatic bone
- Lip Elevators
- Angle of the mouth
- Lower Lip
- Cheek
- Top
- Exceptions
2 Round Landmarks
Orbicular Oculi
Orbicularis Oris
Orbicular Oculi
- Surrounds Orbit
2. Closes the eye
Orbicular Oris
- Surrounds the mouth
2. Closes the mouth/moves the lips
2 with the Nose
- Procerus
2. Nasalis
- Superficial
- Midline, above bridge of nose
- Involved in transverse wrinkling of skin btwn the eyes
Transversely Oriented
Compression and dilation of the nostril
2 From the Zygomatic Bone
- Zygomaticus Major
2. Zygomaticus Minor
Zygomaticus Major
Lateral and longer
Zygomaticus Minor
More medial
2 Lip Elevators
- Levator Labii Superioris
2. Levator Labii Superioris alaeque Nasi
Levator Labii Superiors
Inserts into lip itself
Levator Labii Superioris Alaeque Nasi
To medial Campi of the eye
Causes nostrils to flare out
2 at the angle of the mouth
- Levator Anguli Oris
2. Depressor Anguli Oris
Levator Anguli Oris
- Elevate the angle of the mouth
2. Smiles
Depressor Anglui Oris
- Depress the angle of the mouth
2. Frowns
2 With the lower lip
- Depressor Labii Inferioris
2. Mentalis
Depressor Labii Inferioris
Depresses lower lip
Wrinkles the skin on chin
Pout and frown
2 With the Cheek
- Buccinator
2. Risorius
Compression of cheek
Moves angle of mouth laterally
2 On Top
- Frontalis
2. Occipitalis
Frontalis (where is it and what it does)
Covers frontal part of bone, goes to tendon, then back to occiptal bone
Raising eyebrow, skin on forehead
2 Exceptions
- Platysma
2. Corrugator Supercili
Covers neck, wrinkle skin over neck
Corrugator Supercilli
Draws eyebrow down and medially when frowning
General Innervation of the Face
Muscles = CN7 Skin = CN5
Trigeminal Nerve (CNV) breakdown in the Face
- Ophthalmic
- Maxillary
- Mandibular
Ophthalmic Nerve in the face
- Forhead and around eye/nose
- Supra orbital, supratrochlear, palpebral branch of lacrimal, infratrochlear, external nasal branch of anterior ethmoidal
Maxillary Nerve in the face
Infra orbital, zygomaticofacial, zygomaticotemporal
Mandibular Nerve in the Face
Mental, buccal, auricotemporal nerves
Arteries in the face
Superficial Temporal
What do the Facial and Superficial Temporal artieries have in common
Both are branches off the external carotid artery
Veins of the Face
Superficial Temporal
-same as the artery