Muscles of mastication Flashcards

Attachments: from the zygomatic arch to the angle of the mandible & lateral aspect of the ramus
Function: elevation, protraction & retraction (deep fibers) of the mandible
Innervation: mandibular n.
Blood supply: masseteric, facial & transverse facial a.

Attachments: from the temporal fossa to the coronoid process & anterior border (temporal crest) of the ramus of the mandible
Function: elevation & retraction (posterior aspect of the muscle) of the mandible
Innervation: mandibular n.
Blood supply: deep temporal a.
Lateral pterygoid

Attachments: from the infratemporal surface of the sphenoid & lateral surface of the lateral pterygoid plate to the pterygoid fovea of the mandible & the TMJ disc
Function: protraction of the mandible & acts with the ipsilateral medial pterygoid to rotate the mandible to produce side-to-side movements during trituration of food
Innervation: mandibular n.
Blood supply: pterygoid & ascending palatine a.
Medial pterygoid

Attachments: from the medial surface of the lateral pterygoid plate & adjacent pterygoid fossa to the medial aspect of the angle of the mandible
Function: elevation of the mandible & acts with the ipsilateral lateral pterygoid to rotate the mandible to produce side-to-side movements during trituration of food
Innervation: mandibular n.
Blood supply: pterygoid a.