Muscles of Facial Expression Flashcards
What is the name of the tendon connecting the frontalis muscle?
epicranial aponeurosis
Which muscle wrinkles skin over the bridge of the nose?
procerus muscle
The orbicularis oculi has two parts, what are these?
palpebral part - very thin fibres present for blinking
orbital part - coarse fibres arranged in oval shape
What is the function of the zygomaticus major and minor muscles?
pulls corners of lips upwards and lateral
What is the function of the risorius muscle? Where is this roughly located?
pulls mouth out to the side
located at the corner of the lips inferiorly
What is the function of the levator labii superiorus alaeque nasi muscle?
pulls lips and nose upwards together
What are the names of the levator and depressor facial muscles?
levator labii superiorus m.
levator anguli oris m. (left and right)
depressor labii inferiorus m.
depressor anguli oris m. (left and right)
Name the muscle that wrinkles the forehead and raises eyebrows.
Frontalis m.