Muscles And Movements Flashcards
What is an accessory movement
- “A movement that a person cannot perform actively, but which can be performed on that person by an external force” (Maitland et al, 2001)
- They occur during all physiological movements
- They take the form of gliding 2 joint surfaces together
- The gliding may be medially, laterally, anteriorly, posteriorly, caudal or cephalad.
Accessory movements at hip
- Longitudinal Caudad (pulling leg to “tail”)
- Distraction (separating the joint surfaces)
- Antero-posterior (gliding backwards)
- Postero-anterior (gliding forwards)
Hip flexors
- Psoas Major
- Sartorius
- Iliacus
- Pectineus
- Rectus femoris
- Gracilis
•Limits Soft tissue/Hams
Ilio psoas
•Origins –Conjoined muscle and tendon of Psoas Major (TP T12-L4 and Iliacus (Iliac fossa) •Insertions –Lesser Trochanter •Action –Hip flexion/trunk flexion at hip •Innervation- L2-L3
•Origins –Superior pubic ramus •Insertions –Lesser trochanter to the linea aspera (Pectineal line) •Action –Flexes and adducts the thigh •Femoral Nerve L2-L4
Rectus femoris
•Origins –Long Head (straight) -AIIS –Short Head (reflected) - Ilium above acetabulum •Insertion –Quadriceps tendon of the Patella •Action –Extends the knee and flexes the hip •Femoral Nerve L2-L4
•Origins - ASIS
–Antero-medial surface of the proximal tibia
–Flexes, abducts, laterally rotates the thigh.
–Medially rotates the flexed knee
•Femoral Nerve - L2-L3
Hip extensors
- Gluteus Maximus
- Adductor Magnas (ext part)
- Biceps Femoris
- Semimembranosius
- Semitendinosus
•Limits All Ligts, close pack
Gluteus maximus
–Outer surface of Posterior ilium sacrum and coccyx
–Iliotibial band, Gluteal tuberosity of femur
–Extension of trunk and thigh, lateral rotation of the thigh
•Inferior Gluteal Nerve
Biceps femoris
–Long head-ischial tuberosity
–Short head-Linea aspera and lateral supracondylar ridge
–Head of fibular, lateral tibial condyle
•Action –Flexes and laterally rotates the knee, long head extends the hip
•Sciatic nerve L5, S1-S3
•Origins –Ischial tuberosity •Insertions –medial surface of the proximal tibia •Action –Extends the hip –Flexes and medially rotates the knee •Sciatic nerve L5,S1,S2
–Ischial tuberosity
–Posterior aspect of the medial tibial condyle
–Extends the hip, flexes and medially rotates the knee
•Sciatic nerve L5,S1,S2
Hip abductors
- Gluteus Med & Min
- Sartorious
- Piriformis (the flexed thigh)
Pubofem/Ilofem Med band
Gluteus medius
•Origins –Outer surface of the ilium •Insertions –Lateral greater trochanter •Action –Abducts and medially rotates the pelvis (Ant. fibres) •Superior Gluteal Nerve L4-L5,S1
Gluteus minimus
Origins Outer surface of the ilium Insertions Anterior surface of greater trochanter Action Abducts and medially rotates the pelvis (Ant fibres) Sup Gluteal Nerve L4-L5,S1
Tensor fasciae latae
•Origins –ASIS and lateral iliac crest •Insertions - via –Iliotibial band and Gerdy’s tubercle lateral aspect proximal tibia •Action –Flexes and medially rotates the thigh •Superior Gluteal nerve •L4 L5 S1
•Origins –Internal surface of sacrum and gluteal surface of ilium •Insertions –Greater trochanter •Action –Lat. Rotation (deep lateral rotator) and Abduction of the flexed hip •Nerve Supply –1st 2nd Sacral Nerves
Hip adductors
- Adductor Longus
- Adductor Brevis
- Adductor Magnus (add part)
- Pectineus
- Gracilis (very weak)
•Limits Iliofem Lat band/Teres
Adductor Magnus
–Inferior pubic ramus and ischial tuberosity
–Linea aspera, adductor tubercle
–Superior part Adducts, MR, Flex of the thigh
–Inferior part Adducts, (probably!), laterally rotates and extends
•Obturator nerve L3,L4 (Sup) Sciatic Nerve L4 (Inf)
Adductor longus
•Origins –Body of the pubis •Insertions –Middle 2/3 of linea aspera •Action –Adducts and medially rotates the thigh •Obturator nerve L3 L4
Adductor brevis
•Origins –Inferior pubic ramus •Insertions –Lesser trochanter to proximal linea aspera •Action –Adducts and medially rotates the thigh •Obturator nerve L3 L4
•Origins –Inferior ramus of pubis •Insertions –Upper aspect of medial shaft of tibia •Action –MR, adducts the hip –Flexes and MR the knee •Obturator nerve L3,L4
Hip medial rotators
•Gluteus Med & Min (Anterior fibres) •TFL •Adductor Magnus •Limits: Ischiofem/post capsule
Hip lateral rotators
- Gluteus Max
- Piriformis
- Obturator Int & Ext
- Gemellus Sup & Inf
- Quadratus Femoris
- Sartorious
•Limits Iliofem Lat band