Muscles Flashcards
Muscles of Facial Expression
Orbicularis Oris (Duck Face)
Orbicularis Oculi (Ocul-Eye)
Buccinator (Blow)
Platysma (Pout)
Frontalis (Front Eyebrowlis)
Orbicularis Oris
Orbital Shape around the mouth. Muscles of facial expression. Express ourselves non verbally. Pucker up.
Sphincter around mouth
Action = Closes and protrudes lips
Orbicularis Oculi (Ocul-EYE)
Orbital shape muscle around the eye. Allows us to squint our eyes closed.
Sphincter around eye
Action = Closes eyelid
Zygomaticus (ZMILE)
Angle of Zygomatic Bone. Major and minor muscles of our smile. Derive off of the Zygomatic Bones. Comes in from the sides of the mouth.
Origination = Zygomatic Bone
Insertion = Angle of the mouth
Action = Raise Angle of the Mouth, Smile
Next to Zygomaticus Major and Minor. One of the superficial muscles of facial expression and one of the muscles of the mouth.
Origination = Fascia of Masseter Muscle
Insertion = Angle of the mouth
Angle = Draws angle of mouth laterally as in tenseness; Retracts angle of the mouth
Buccinator (Blow)
Insert in the orbicularis oris. Help stabilize the side of the mouth. Muscle on the side.
Origination = Alveoli of Mandible and Maxilla
Insertion = Orbicularis Oris
Action = Compress cheek: blowing
Platysma (Pout)
Muscle of facial expression. Cat has cutaneous maximus. And it’s the muscle of the neck
Origination = Fascia over deltoid and pectoralis major muscles
Insertion = Mandible, skin of chin and cheek
Action = Depress mandible; Draws lips downward as in pouting: tightens and wrinkles skin of neck (monster and or turtle face)
Frontalis (Front EYEbrowlis)
More complex muscle, collectively in the occipital frontalis.
Origination = Galea Aponeurotica
Insertion = Skin and muscles of forehead
Action = Raises eyebrows, wrinkles forehead, draws scalp forward
Tension Headaches. Sharp stabbing pain above the eye. Origin is normally the stable base.
Origination = Occipital Bone
Insertion = Galea Aponeurotica
Action = Draws scalp backward
Muscles of Mastication
Chewing Muscles
Masseter (Mass)
Temporalis (Temple)
Digastric (Dojo)
Masseter (Mass)**
Powerful Muscle
Origination = Zygomatic Arch
Insertion = Ramus of mandible, near the angle.
Action = Elevates Mandible. Close the jaw for chewing.
Temporalis (Temple)
Close to the mandible
Origination = Temporal Line
Insertion = Coronoid Process of mandible
Action = Elevates and retracts mandible
Digastric (Dojo)
(Floor of oral cavity)
Two belleys. Anterior and Posterior. Involved in pulling the hyoid bone up. Important in swallowing.
Origination = Hyoid Bone
Insertion = Inner surface of lower border of mandible (chin): Mastoid process of temporal bone
Action = Elevates hyoid and larynx, depresses mandible
Muscles that move the head
Splenius Capitus
Muscles on peoples Necks on the Side. If we contract one side, it will turn the opposite direction. Rotation to the opposite side.
Origination = Sternum and Clavicle
Insertion = Mastoid Process of the temporal bone
Action = If both sides contract it flexes the neck. If one side of the neck contracts it rotates the head toward the opposite side
Splenius Capitus
Strongest muscles. Extension. Example is the neck. Keeps head in the proper position.
Origination = Ligamentum nuchae (neck ligament) and spines C7-T4 vertebrae
Insertion = Occipital Bone and Mastoid Process of Temporal Bone
Action = Both sides extend head; one side rotates head to the same side as the contracting muscle
Muscles that Move The Shoulder
Serratus Anteriror
Pectoralis Minor
Rhomboideus (Major and Minor)
Serratus Anterior
Each rib has it’s muscular slip. Pull the shoulder blade or the scapula down and forward. Stabilizing the shoulder blade for all the movements that we do
Origination = First 9 ribs
Insertion = Vertebral border of scapula, Ventral Side
Action = Abducts scapula
Pectoralis Minor
Deep to pectoralis major
Origination = Ribs 3-5 goes up and it inserts into the coracoid process
Insertion = Coracoid Process of scapula
Action = Depresses scapula: Protracts scapula
Rhomboideus (Major and Minor)
Minor is up above. Adductors bring the extremities towards the midline.
Origination = Spines of C7-T5 vertebrae
Insertion = Vertebral border of scapula
Action = Adducts scapula
Triangular Shape. Large broad sweeping origination.
Origination = Occipital bone, ligamentum nuchae, spines C7-T12
Insertion = Lateral Clavicle, Lateral Scapula, Acromion
Action = Elevates (upper portion) or depresses (lower portion) scapula. Adducts scapula, extends head
Muscles that Move the Arm
Pectoralis Major
Latissimus Dorsi
Rotator Cuff
Teres Major
Teres Minor
Pectoralis Major**
The most well known of all the muscles. Horse Shoe Shape. Horizontal Adduction. Allows us to bring the arms towards the midline.
Origination = Clavicle, Sternum, Costal Cartilages of ribs 2-6
Insertion = Lateral lip of the bicipital groove
Action = Flexes, adducts, and medially rotates the arm.
Latissimus Dorsi**
Origination = Spinous Process of T7 through all lumbar through the sacrum, posterior illiac crest, lumbodorsal fascia.
Insertion = Medial lip of the bicipital groove
Action = Extends, adducts and medially rotates arm
Origination = Lateral clavicle, acromion lateral and spine of scapula
Insertion = Deltoid tuberosity of humerus
Action = Abducts arm, forward flexion, extension of shoulder
Rotator Cuff
Rotate the shoulder, arises off of supraspinous fossa
Rotator Cuff Muscles (SITS)
Teres Minor
Help in shoulder stabilization. Pull the humeral head into the glenoid fossa.
30 degress. Most common injury. Involved in initiating first 30 degrees abduction. 90% of all rotator cuff injuries.
Origination = Supraspinous Fossa
Insertion = Greater Tubucle of humerus
Action = Abducts arm
Origination = Infraspinous fossa
Insertion = Greater tubucle of humerus
Action = Rotates arm laterally
Is the only rotator cuff muscle that internally rotates. The other three are considered external rotators
Origination = Subscapular fossa
Insertion = Lesser tubercle of humerus
Action = Rotates arm medially
Teres Major (Lats Little Helper)**
Because it assists in doing what it does. Adduction of bringing elbows towards the body.
Origination = Inferior angle of scapula
Insertion = Intertubercular groove of humerus (medial lip of bicipital groove)
Action = Medially rotates and adducts the arm
Teres Minor**
Origination = Lateral (axillary) border of scapula
Insertion = Greater tubercle of humerus
Action = Rotates arm laterally
Muscles that Move the Forearm
Biceps Brachii
Triceps Brachii
Pronator Teres
Pronator Quadratus
Biceps Brachii**
Origination = Above the glenoid fossa (long head); Coracoid Process of scapula (short head)
Insertion = Radial tuberosity
Action = Flexes forearm (elbow) and supinates forearm