Muscle Waekness Flashcards
Rehab physios
Rehabilitation physiotherapists aim to strengthen retrain and redevelop muscles and neural connections
Primary empowerment of the UMN results in…..
Loss of organist motor neurons
Reduced firing rate of Agonist motor units
Atrophy of fast contracting fibress
Hypertrophy of slow contracting fibres
Primary empowerment of the UMN causes
Weaker contractions
slowed activation
delayed relaxation times
Secondary muscular adaptations include….
Could be preventable
Decreased muscle length volume and cross-sectional area
Loss of sarcomeres
Remodelling of connective-tissue
Thickened perimysium and endomysium
Ageing in muscle is characterised by
Reduced number of motoneurons
Loss of muscle fibre is
Atrophy a fast contracting fibres
Age related atrophy and deconditioning
Aim of therapists in rehabilitation
Optimise motor function
Prevent the cycle of weakness – use -weakness that can eventually lead to muscle and joint contracture and irreversible mobility
The program is intended to….
Increase muscle contractility
Improve ability of muscles to generate time force production
Preserve or increase muscle compliance
Maintain or improve exercise capacity/aerobic fitness
Ability of the muscle to overcome a Force or resistance in one effort
Amplitude of peak force
Resistance increases this
Amount of force produced per unit time ability to Produced peak force rapidly
Alter load and speed
Sustain contraction over a long period of time
Progressive resistance training
Improves muscle force generation in numerous neurological conditions its recommended in clinical management e.g. MS Parkinson‘s
Want to overload muscle = stimulus for neural muscular increase strength
Progressive resistance training
Muscle specific priorities can result in strength gain without increasing hypertonia David et al 2012 Parkinson‘s
Grade resistance to suit ability
Start by training at submaximal loads 60–70% of rep max
Weak muscles = select muscle activation counterbalance gravity assisted starting positions feedback
Add load of resistance exercise machines inclines bodyweight
Progressive resistance training
Neurological function
Single joint open chain exercises promote contractility but after certain point task specific multi joint close chain exercise seems to be more appropriate and the practice of complex multi joint movements are critical for improving functional performance
Resistance training with a functional basis is associated with improved functional outcomes and reduction of disability status
Task specific training
How much practice is optimal for neurological adaptations
Intensity = training hours but the number of repetitions of purposeful movement performed within a single training session is really reported and the optimum number of repetitions remains unclear
Create the number of repetitions to sit there ability of patient
In order to calculate repetition rate observe maximum number of continuous repetitions achieved until mild muscle fatigue = one set
Short break then patient repeat and. I am for continuous repetition to the point of fatigue normal breathing rate should be maintained
Increased frequency and intensity improves outcomes within the first six months after/45 minutes of physiotherapy a day
Promoting intensity of practice
Create a stimulating learning environment with opportunities to practice
Supervised practice
Self monitor e.g. home exercise program and practice areas in a rehab unit
Group practice
Circuit training
Physical activity
Making functional activities more cardiovascular e.g. taking the stairs walking faster
150 minutes of moderate exercise or 75 minutes of vigourous exercise per week but those with the neurological disability are in active and they need to be more physically active to improve their condition