muscle tissue Flashcards
4 basic tissues
- epithelium
- connective tissue
- muscle tissue
- nervous tissue
muscle cells
- specialized cells capable of contraction to produce movement
- aka myocytes and myofibers
- spindle shaped
- originate from mesoderm (myoblasts)
- multinucleated tubes formed from fusion of mesenchymal cells (myoblasts)
- differentiate into myofilaments
satellite cells
cells that do not differentiate and remain as mesenchymal cells
cytoplasm of muscle cells, contains glycogen and myoglobin
plasma membrane of muscle cell
sarcoplasmic reticulum
highly specialized smooth endoplasmic reticulum of a muscle cell
what percentage of body weight does skeletal muscle make up?
what are some of the strongest muscles of the body?
tongue, masseter, and the heart
where are nuclei in myocytes?
peripherally, multiple
what kind of muscles are skeletal muscles? give examples
voluntary, fast contracting
- GI sphincter
- urinary sphincters
- muscle in esophagus
- tongue
skeletal muscle orgainzation
- surrounded by dense irregular CT: epimysium
- made up of smaller bundles: fascicles surrounded by perimysium
- each fascicle made up of muscle cells
- myofibrils contain bundles of myofibrils which contain bundles of myofilaments
CT surrounding each fascicle
reticular fibers surrounding individual myocytes
cylindrical multinucleated cells, peripheral/hypolemmal nuclei
contractile elements, composed of repeating sections of myofilaments: myosin and actin, create light and dark bands
contractile (actin and myosin) and regulatory proteins (tropomyosin)
contractile or functional unit of myocyte
A band
dark and corresponds to are where thick and thin filaments overlap, composed of actin and myosin
I band
pale and composed of only thin filaments
Z line
protein disk that bisect I band, actin filaments anchored to it
type 1 “red muscle”
- slow twitch
- rich in myoglobin
- aerobic metabolism-fatigue resistant (high fat low glycogen, many mitochondria)