Muscle Structure & Physiology Flashcards
Mature muscle cells have multiple nuclei within a single cytoplasm with many mitochondria
What are they called?
Is skeletal muscle smooth or striated?
Which muscle filaments are thin, and aligned and connected to the Z line by nebulin?
Which muscle filaments are thick, and connected to the Z line by titin?
Actin is a thin filament in striated muscle
What aligns and connects it to the Z line?
Myosin is a thick filament in striated muscle
What connects it to the Z line?
Muscles consist of fibers:
Extrafusal fibers are responsible for ___ and have ___ neurons
responsible for movement (contraction) and have motor neurons
Muscles consist of fibers:
Intrafusal fibers have ___, and ___ neurons
have stretch receptors (muscle spindle organs) and motor and sensory neurons
Which muscle fibers are responsible for movement/contraction?
Extrafusal fibers
Which muscle fibers are responsible for sensing stretch?
Intrafusal fibers
What is the epimysium?
Fascia containing the whole muscle
What is the perimysium?
Fascia containing a fascicle of muscle fibers
What is endomysium?
Fascia containing myofiber/muscle cell
Which muscle fascia is involved in compartment syndrome?
Myofilament (actin and myosin) is found within bundles called ___ which make up myofiber
Myofibers are comprised of ___ and ___ filaments
thick (myosin) and thin (actin) filaments
When at rest, the binding site on thin filaments is ___ by the troponin-tropomyosin complex
When at rest, the binding site on thin filaments is blocked by the ___
troponin-tropomyosin complex
How are binding sites on actin unblocked?
Calcium binds to troponin to unblock the site
What is the function of titin in the myofiber?
Provides elasticity and stabilizes myosin
What is the function of nebulin in the myofiber?
Helps align actin
Troponin holds ___ in place
How does the muscle fiber react when motor neurons fire and release Ach?
- Acetylcholine release opens Na+ channels
- Na+ travels through T tubules
What is a sarcomere?
Functional myofibril unit (z-band to z-band)
The T tubule of a muscle is a channel for ___
Na+ (sodium)
What is the function of the terminal cisterna of sarcoplasmic reticulum in the muscle?
Ca+ (calcium) storage
When the muscle is not contracting, there is active pumping of ___ from the muscle to ___
pumping of Ca+ from muscle to sarcoplasmic reticulum
What is the Z-band?
Electron dense band that anchors thin actin filaments (end of sarcomere)
What is the I-band?
Zone where actin filaments extend from Z-band to A-band
What is the A-band?
Structure composed of myosin filaments.
Actin filaments overlap myosin filaments to a variable extent, depending on the degree of muscle contraction.
Thin filaments form a hexagonal array around each thick filament.
What is the H zone?
Pale region in the midportion of the A band where actin filaments end (only myosin present)