Muscle, Joints and Movements Flashcards
What do the tendons do?
They join MUSCLE to BONE.
What do ligaments do?
They join BONES to BONES. They’re strong and flexible.They’re made of elastic connective tissue. They restrict movement at the joint.
What is the function of the synovial membrane?
It secretes synovial fluid. Synovial fluid acts as a lubricant.
What is the purpose of cartilage?
Absorbs synovial fluid and acts as a shock absorber.
What’s the point of fibrous capsules?
It encases joints.
What is it meant when muscles work in ANTAGONISTIC pairs? Why must muscles work antagonistically?
Muscles which work in a pair in order to create an action such as move a bone. Muscles work in pairs as they can only contract themselves and not stretch. It’s the pull created by the contraction of antagonistic muscle that stretches the muscle when it’s in a relaxed state.
What are the characteristics of fast-twitch muscle fibres?
- Fewer mitochondria: ATP from anaerobic respiration (glycolysis).
- Little myoglobin and few capillaries. muscle is light coloured.
- High glycogen content.
- High levels of cretin phosphate.
What are fast-twitch muscle fibres?
Muscle fibres specialised to produce rapid, intense contractions in short bursts.
- They fatigue quickly.
What are slow-twitch muscle fibres?
Muscle fibres which are specialised for slower, sustained contraction and can cope with long periods of exercise.
- They’re fatigue resistant.