Muscle Innervation Flashcards
pharyngeal n
maxillary n (V2) s, pgs (n of pterygoid canal), pgp (pterygopalatine ganglion) = mucosa of nasopharynx and auditory tube
lateral posterior superior nasal n
maxillary (V2)
s, pgs (n of pterygoid canal), pgp (pterygopalatine ganglion) = mucosa of lateral wall of nasal cavity
medial posterior superior nasal n
maxillary (V2)
s, pgs (n of pterygoid canal), pgp (pterygopalatine ganglion) = mucosa of nasal septum and anterior hard palate
nasopalatine n
maxillary (V2), medial posterior superior nasal n
s, pgs (n of pterygoid canal), pgp (pterygopalatine ganglion) = gingiva associated with hard palate
greater palatine n
maxillary (V2)
s, ss (taste, greater petrosal), pgs (n of pterygoid canal), pgp (pterygopalatine ganglion) = mucosa of inferior concha, hard palate, associated gingiva
lesser palatine n
maxillary (V2)
s, ss (taste, greater petrosal), pgs (n of pterygoid canal), pgp (pterygopalatine ganglion) = oral/anterior mucosa, pharyngeal/posterior mucosa of soft palate
zygomatic n
maxillary (V2)
s, pgs (external carotid plexus) = skin overlying zygomatic arch
pgp (pterygopalatine ganglion) = lacrimal gland via lacrimal n
posterior superior alveolar n
maxillary (V2)
s, pgs (external carotid plexus) = upper molars
s, pgs (external carotid plexus), pgp (pterygopalatine ganglion) = mucosa of maxillary sinus, buccal gingiva
infraorbital n
maxillary (V2)
s, pgs (external carotid plexus) = skin of upper lip, cheek, lateral nose, lower lid
s, pgs (external carotid plexus), pgp (pterygopalatine ganglion) = mucosa of upper lip, labial gingiva and maxillary sinus
middle superior alveolar n
maxillary (V2), infraorbital
s, pgs (external carotid plexus) = premolars
s, pgs (external carotid plexus), pgp (pterygopalatine ganglion) = maxillary sinus
anterior superior alveolar n
maxillary (V2), infraorbital
s, pgs (external carotid plexus) = upper canines, incisors
s, pgs (external carotid plexus), pgp (pterygopalatine ganglion) = maxillary sinus
meningeal branch
mandibular (V3)
s, pgs (maxillary a from external carotid plexus) = cranial dura mater
n to medial pterygoid
mandibular (V3)
s, pgs (maxillary a from external carotid plexus), m (trigeminal motor nucleus) = medial pterygoid, tensor palatini, tensor tympani muscles
masseteric n
mandibular (V3)
s, pgs (maxillary a from external carotid plexus), m (trigeminal motor nucleus) = masseter muscle
deep temporal n
mandibular (V3)
s, pgs (maxillary a from external carotid plexus), m (trigeminal motor nucleus) = temporalis muscle
n to lateral pterygoid
mandibular (V3)
s, pgs (maxillary a from external carotid plexus), m (trigeminal motor nucleus) = lateral pterygoid muscle
long buccal n
mandibular (V3)
s, pgs (maxillary a from external carotid plexus) = buccal skin, buccal mucosa and gingiva
auriculotemporal n
mandibular (V3)
s, pgs (maxillary a from external carotid plexus) = TMJ, external auditory meatus, skin anterior to ear
s, pgs (maxillary a from external carotid plexus), pgp (otic ganglion) = parotid gland
lingual n
mandibular (V3)
s, pgs (maxillary a from external carotid plexus) = mucosa overlying anterior 2/3 of tongue, floor of oral cavity, adjacent gingiva
ss (taste, chorda tympani) = anterior 2/3 of tongue
s, pgs, (maxillary a from external carotid plexus), pre-gp (chorda tympani), pgp (submandibular ganglion) = submandibular, sublingual, lingual glands
inferior alveolar n
mandibular (V3)
s, pgs (maxillary a from external carotid plexus) = lower teeth, adjacent buccal and labial gingiva
mental n
mandibular (V3), inferior alveolar
s, pgs (maxillary a from external carotid plexus) = skin overlying chin, lower lip, labial mucosa and gingiva
n to mylohyoid
mandibular (V3), inferior alveolar
s, pgs (maxillary a from external carotid plexus), m (trigeminal motor nucleus) = mylohyoid, anterior digastric muscles
lacrimal n
ophthalmic (V1)
s, pgs (internal carotid plexus) = lacrimal gland, skin overlying lateral aspect of upper lid and forehead
pgp (pterygopalatine ganglion via zygomatic) = lacrimal gland
supraorbital n
ophthalmic (V1), frontal
s, pgs (internal carotid plexus) = skin overlying forehead, mucosa of frontal sinus
supratrochlear n
ophthalmic (V1), frontal
s, pgs (internal carotid plexus) = skin overlying medial aspect of forehead
anterior ethmoidal n
ophthalmic (V1), nasociliary, infratrochlear
s, pgs (internal carotid plexus) = mucosa of frontal and ethmoidal sinuses, mucosa of superior nasal cavity, skin overlying nose
posterior ethmoidal n
ophthalmic (V1), nasociliary, infratrochlear
s, pgs (internal carotid plexus) = mucosa of superior nasal cavity
long ciliary n
ophthalmic (V1), nasocilary
s, pgs (internal carotid plexus) = eye
pgs (internal carotid plexus) = dilator muscle of the iris
short ciliary n
ophthalmic (V1), nasociliary
s, pgs (internal carotid plexus) = eye
pgs (internal carotid plexus), pgp (ciliary ganglion, EWN) = dilator (sympathetic) muscle of the iris, constrictor (parasympathetic) muscle of the iris
ophthalmic (V1), nasociliary
s, pgs (internal carotid plexus) = skin overlying bridge of nose
trochlear n
s (ophthalmic n in SOF), pgs (internal carotid plexus), m (trochlear nucleus) = superior oblique muscle
superior ramus
oculomotor n (III) s (ophthalmic n is SOF), pgs (internal carotid plexus), m (oculmotor nucleus) = superior rectus, levator palpebrae
inferior ramus
oculomotor (III)
s (ophthalmic n in SOF), pgs (internal carotid plexus), m (oculomotor nucleus) = medial rectus, inferior rectus, inferior oblique
pre-gp (EWN), pgp (ciliary ganglion) = dilator (sympathetic) muscle of the iris, constrictor (parasympathetic) muscle of the iris
abducens n
s (ophthalmic n in SOF), pgs (internal carotid plexus), m (abducens nucleus) = lateral rectus muscle
n to stapedius
facial (VII)
m (facial motor nucleus) = stapedius muscle
chorda tympani n
facial (VII)
ss (taste) = lingual nerve, then mucosa of anterior 2/3 of tongue
pre-gp (superior salivatory nucleus) = submandibular ganglion
pgp (submandibular ganglion) = lingual nerve, then sublingual and submandibular glands
greater petrosal n
facial (VII)
pre-gp (superior salivatory nucleus) = pterygopalatine ganglion
pgp (pterygopalatine ganglion) = branches of maxillary, zygomatic/lacrimal, lesser palatine, greater palatine
ss (taste) = mucosa of palate
n to stylohyoid
facial (VII)
motor (facial motor nucleus), pgs (external carotid) = stylohyoid muscle
n to posterior digastric
facial (VII)
motor (facial motor nucleus), pgs (external carotid) = posterior digastric muscle
temporal branch
facial (VII)
motor (facial motor nucleus), pgs (external carotid) = frontalis, orbicularis oculi muscles
zygomatic branch
facial (VII)
motor (facial motor nucleus), pgs (external carotid) = levator anguli oris, levator labii superioris, orbicularis oculi, zygomaticus major muscles
buccal branch
facial (VII)
motor (facial motor nucleus), pgs (external carotid) = buccinator, depressor anguli oris, levator anguli oris, levator labii superioris, orbicularis oris, zygomaticus major muscles
marginal mandibular branch
facial (VII)
motor (facial motor nucleus), pgs (external carotid) = depressor anguli oris, depressor labii inferioris, mentalis, orbicularis oris muscles
cervical branch
facial (VII)
motor (facial motor nucleus), pgs (external carotid) = platysma muscle
tympanic n to lesser petrosal n
glossopharyngeal (IX)
s, pgs (superior cervical ganglion) = middle ear
pre-gp (inferior salivatory nucleus) = otic ganglion
pgp (otic ganglion) = auriculotemporal (V3) to parotid gland
carotid branch
glossopharyngeal (IX)
s = carotid sinus and body
pharyngeal branches
glossopharyngeal (IX)
s, pgs (superior cervical ganglion) = mucosa of upper pharynx
tonsilar branches
glossopharyngeal (IX)
s, pgs (superior cervical ganglion) = tonsilar mucosa
lingual branches
glossopharyngeal (IX)
s, ss (taste), pgs (superior cervical ganglion) = mucosa of posterior 1/3 of tongue, oral pharynx
n to stylopharyngeus
glossopharyngeal (IX)
s, pgs (superior cervical ganglion), m (nucleus ambiguus) = stylopharyngeus muscle
auricular branch
vagus (X)
s, pgs (superior cervical ganglion) = skin of external auditory meatus and ear
pharyngeal plexus
vagus (X)
s, pgs (superior cervical ganglion), m (nucleus ambiguus) = all muscles of pharynx (except stylopharyngeus) and the palate (except tensor palatini)
carotid n
vagus (X)
s, pgs (superior cervical ganglion) = carotid sinus and body
internal laryngeal n
vagus (X), superior laryngeal
s, ss (taste) = epiglottis
pgs (superior cervical ganglion), pre-gp (dorsal motor nucleus) = mucosa of oral and laryngeal pharynx, epiglottis, larynx superior to vocal folds
external laryngeal n
vagus (X), superior laryngeal
s, pgs (superior cervical ganglion), m (nucleus ambiguus) = cricothyroid, inferior constrictor muscles
recurrent laryngeal n
vagus (X)
s, pgs (superior cervical ganglion), m (nucleus ambiguus) = all muscles of larynx (except cricothyroid), and inferior constrictor
s, pgs (superior cervical ganglion), pre-gp (dorsal motor nucleus) = tracheal, laryngeopharyngeal, laryngeal mucosa inferior to vocal folds
accessory n
pgs (superior cervical ganglion), m (spinal accessory nucleus C1-5) = trapezius and sternocleidomastoid muscles
hypoglossal n
s (lingual nerve near hyoglossus muscle), pgs (superoir cervical ganglion), m (hypoglossal nucleus) = genioglossus, styloglossus, hyoglossus, intrinsic tongue muscles