Bony landmarks, functions and attachments Flashcards
lesser palatine canal and foramen
PAL, F: transmits lesser palatine n (5-2), a, v
lateral surface of zygomatic bone
ZYG, A: zygomaticus major, masseter m
MAN, A: sphenomandibular lig
infraorbital margin
MAX, A: levator labii superioris m, orbicularis oculi m
anterior ethmoidal foramen
FRON, F: transmits anterior ethmoidal n (5-1), a, v
lateral surface of sphenoid
SPH, A: temporalis m, lateral pterygoid m
external surface of the mandible
MAN, A: depressor anguli oris m, platysma m
carotid canal
TEMP, F: transmits internal carotid a and carotid n (9)
internal auditory meatus
TEMP, F: transmits facial n (7) and vestibulocochlear n (8)
external occipital protuberance
OCC, A: ligamentum nuchae
vertebral notch
AXIS, F: transmits C3 spinal nerve
transverse foramen (atlas)
ATL, F: transmits vertebral a and v
oblique line
MAN, A: depressor labii inferioris
lesser cornu
HY, A: middle constrictor m, stylohyoid lig
foramen rotundum
SPH, F: transmits maxillary n (5-2)
lateral pterygoid plate
SPH, A: lateral and medial pterygoid m
posterior ethmoidal foramen
FRON, F: transmits posterior ethmoidal n (5-1), a, v
anterior tubercle
ATL, A: anterior longitudinal lig, longus colli m
superior genial tubercle
MAN, A: genioglossus m
sublingual fossa
MAN, F: houses sublingual gland
groove for superior sagittal sinus
PAR, F: houses superior sagittal sinus
greater cornu
HY, A: middle constrictor, hyoglossus, stylohyoid, intermediate tendon of digastric m
anterior clinoid processes
SPH, A: tentorium cerebelli
foramen spinosum
SPH, F: transmits middle meningeal a, meningeal n (recurrent branch of 5-3)
carotid groove
SPH, F: houses internal carotid a and carotid n (9)
nasolacrimal canal
MAX, F: transmits nasolacrimal duct
greater palatine canal and foramen
PAL, F: transmits greater palatine n (5-2), a, v
occipital groove
TEMP, F: houses occipital a
mastoid process
TEMP, A: sternocleidomastoid m, splenius capitis m, longissimus capitis m
crista galli
ETH, A: falx cerebri
sigmoid sulcus
TEMP, F: houses sigmoid sinus
sphenopalatine foramen
PAL, F: transmits sphenopalatine a and v, posterior superior nasal n (5-2)
inferior nuchal line
OCC, A: rectus capitis posterior major and minor, semispinalis capitis m
spinous process of cervical vertebrae
VERT, A: splenius capitis, splenius cervicis, semispinalis cervicis m
fossa for the lacrimal gland
FRON, F: houses lacrimal gland
superior sagittal sulcus
OCC, F: houses superior sagittal sinus
A: tensor tympani m
greater palatine canal
MAX, F: transmits greater palatine n (5-2), a, v
pterygoid hamulus
SPH, A: buccinator m, superior constrictor m, pterygomandibular raphe, F: deflects tendon of tensor veli palatini m
infraorbital foramen
MAX, F: transmits infraorbital n (5-2), a, v
posterior ethmoidal foramen
ETH, F: transmits posterior ethmoidal n (5-1), a, v
pharyngeal tubercle
OCC, A: pharyngeal raphe
digastric fossa
MAN, A: anterior digastric m
anterior surface of maxilla
MAX, A: nasalis m
foramen magnum
OCC, F: transmits spinal cord, vertebral a and v, accessory nerve (11)
horizontal plate of palatine bone
PAL, A: musculus uvulae m, palatopharyngeus m
occipital condyles
OCC, F: articulates with atlas
superior temporal line
PAR, A: temporal fascia
mandibular fossa
TEMP, F: articulates with TMJ disc
mandibular canal
MAN, F: houses inferior alveolar n (5-3), a, v within ramus
superior orbital fissure
SPH, F: transmits ophthalmic n (5-1), oculomotor n (3), trochlear n (4), abducens n (6), ophthalmic v
groove for vertebral artery
ATL, F: houses vertebral a and v, suboccipital n (C1)
styloid process
TEMP, A: stylohyoid m, stylopharyngeus m, styloglossus m, stylohyoid lig
fossa for the lacrimal sac
LAC, F: houses lacrimal sac
mental foramen
MAN, F: transmits mental n (5-3), a, v
pterygoid fovea
MAN, A: lateral pterygoid m
olfactory foramina
ETH, F: transmits olfactory n (1)
temporal crest
MAN, A: temporalis m
spine of sphenoid bone
SPH, A: tensor veli palatini m, sphenomandibular lig
A: stapedius m
body of hyoid
HY, A: geniohyoid, genioglossus, hyoglossus, mylohyoid, sternohyoid, omohyoid, thyrohyoid m
groove for transverse lig on dens
AXIS, F: houses transverse (cruciate) lig
groove for superior petrosal sinus
TEMP, F: houses superior petrosal sinus
granular foveolae
PAR, F: houses arachnoid granulations
alveolar canals
MAX, F: transmits superior alveolar n (5-2), a, v
superior nuchal line
OCC, A: trapezius, sternocleidomastoid, semispinalis capitis, splenius capitis m
lesser wings
SPH, A: levator palpebrae superioris m
canine fossa
MAX, A: levator anguli oris m
tegmen tympanii
TEMP, F: sliver of bone in squamotympanic fissure
anterior ethmoidal foramen
ETH, F: transmits anterior ethmoidal n, a, v
alveolar part of mandible
MAN, A: buccinator m, F: houses roots of teeth
transverse process (axis)
AXIS, A: levator scapulae, middle scalene
trigeminal impression
TEMP, F: houses trigeminal ganglion
jugular fossa
TEMP, A: transmits internal jugular v, glossopharyngeal n (9), vagus n (10), accessory n (11)
mandibular (sigmoid) notch
MAN, F: transmits n (5-3) and a to masseter m
sulcus chiasmatis
SPH, F: houses optic chiasm (2)
anterior surface of sternum
ST, A: sternocleidomastoid m
body of cervical vertebrae
VERT, A: longus colli m
mastoid notch
TEMP, A: posterior belly of digastric m
pterygoid canal
SPH, F: transmits nerve of pterygoid canal (7)
foramen ovale
SPH, F: transmits mandibular n (5-3), accessory meningeal a
temporal surface of temporal bone
TEMP, A: temporalis m
impressions for the alar lig on dens
AXIS, A: alar lig
transverse processes of cervical vertebrae
VERT, A: longus capitis, longus coli, anterior, medial, posterior scalene, semispinalis capitis, splenius cervicis m
petrotympanic fissure
TEMP, F: transmits chorda tympani n (7)
intervertebral foramen
VERT, F: transmits spinal nerves and radicular vessels
posterior tubercle
ATL, A: ligamentum nuchae, rectus capitis posterior minor m
inferior surface of temporal
TEMP, A: levator veli palatini m
grooves for middle meningeal a
PAR, F: houses middle meningeal a
sulcus for transverse sinus
OCC, F: houses transverse sinus
mylohyoid line
MAN, A: mylohyoid m
incisive fossa
MAX, F: transmits nasopalatine n (5-2) and a, greater palatine a
alveolar process
MAX, A: buccinator m, F: houses roots of upper teeth
superior articular facet
AXIS, F: articulates with atlas
pterygoid fossa
SPH, A: medial pterygoid
transverse foramen (axis)
AXIS, F: transmits vertebral a and v
submandibular fossa
MAN, F: houses submandibular gland
superior facet
ATL, F: articulates with occipital condyles
scaphoid fossa
SPH, A: tensor palatini m
inferior facet
ATL, F: articulates with axis
hypoglossal canal
OCC, F: transmits hypoglossal n (12)
body of the sphenoid
SPH, A: superior oblique m
coronoid process
MAN, A: temporalis m
jugular notch and foramen
OCC, F: transmits internal jugular v, glossopharyngeal n (9), vagus n (10), accessory n (11)
orbital surface
MAX, A: inferior oblique m
optic canal
SPH, F: transmits optic n (2) and ophthalmic a
supraorbital notch or foramen
FRON, F: transmits supraorbital n, a, v
stylomastoid foramen
TEMP, F: transmits facial n (7)
infraorbital groove and canal
MAX, F: transmits infraorbital (5-2) n, a, v
incisive fossa
MAN, A: mentalis m
superior border of temporal bone
TEMP, A: tentorium cerebelli
canaliculus for the tympanic
TEMP, F: transmits tympanic n (9)
inferior genial tubercle
MAN, A: geniohyoid m
internal occipital protuberance
OCC, A: falx cerebelli
external surface of parietal bone
PAR, A: temporalis m
superior surface of clavicle
CL, A: sternocleidomastoid m
inferior temporal line
PAR, A: temporalis m
transverse process (atlas)
ATL, A: levator scapulae, obliquus capitis inferior and superior
squamotympanic fissure
TEMP, A: articular disc
hypophyseal fossa of sella turcica
SPH, F: houses pituitary
posterior surface of sternum
ST, A: sternohyoid and sternothyroid m
groove for superior sagittal sinus
FRON, F: houses superior sagittal sinus
supraorbital margin
FRON, A: orbicularis oculi
spinous process (axis)
AXIS, A: semispinalis cervicis, rectus capitis posterior major, inferior oblique m
anterior lacrimal crest
MAX, A: medial palpebral lig
mandibular foramen
MAN, F: transmits inferior alveolar n (5-3), a, v
angle of mandible
MAN, A: masseter, medial pterygoid m
mylohyoid groove
MAN, F: houses mylohyoid nerve (5-3)
sulcus for sigmoid sinus
OCC, F: houses sigmoid sinus