Muscle Energy- Keagan Flashcards
4 types of muscle motions
Active, passive, inherent, physiological
Active- patient move
Passive- doc move patient
Inherent- spontaneous motion of every cell, organ, system (ex. Respiration)
Physiological- changes in position of body structures
Concentric muscle contraction
Bring origin closer to insertion
Bicep curl up
Origin away from insertion
Drop weight down- bicep
Isolytic muscle contraction
Heavy weight overcome muscle contraction
Can’t curl 100 lbs
Isotonic muscle contraction
Muscle tone stays same- length changes
Curl 25 lbs
Isometric muscle contraction
Hold weight still
Muscle spindle vs golgi tendon organ
Muscle spindle
-located in muscle bellies
- innervated by Ia and II afferent fibers
- respond to muscle stretch
OMT aims to reduce firing of muscle proprioreceptors to decrease hypertonicity
Golgi tendon organ
- located in tendons
- innervated by Ib afferent fibers
-respond to increased tension by causing reflexive muscle relaxation
OMT aims to activate GTOs to produce muscle relaxation
Names of short and long restrictions
Short restrictor- monoarticular muscles (maintain Type II segmental dysfxns)
Long- polyarticular muscle (maintain Type I group dysfxns)
MET for muscle relaxation
Post-isometric relaxation
After contraction, NM in refractory state, passive stretching performed, take up slack, activate GTO= inhibits muscle contraction
MET for restoration of joint motion
Joint mobilization using muscle force
Use muscle contractions to free up restricted motion at joint
What does respiratory assistance MET do
Improves physiology with voluntary respiratory motion
Fulcrum applied by doc to places that have increased motion during respiration
When you look left while driving and steer left this is due to what reflex
Oculocephalic reflex MET
Cause reflex muscle contractions using eye motions
MET that lengthens muscle shoprtened by spasm
Reciprocal inhibition
Contraction of antagonist of hypertonic muscle results in reflex of spastic muscle
Sherrington second law
When muscle receive interaction, its antagonist will receive inhibitory innervation
Crossed extensor reflex
If left ham hypertonic
-contract right quad
-signals cords to spinal cord to relax left ham
Contract opposite side antagonist of hypertonic muscle
What MET reestablishes normal muscle tone and strength in a weakened muscle by hypertonicity of opposing group
Isokinetic strengthening
Ex.hypertonic bicep= weak tricep
—> apply force to tricep as patient is moving
Isolytic lengthening
Lengthen muscle shortened by contracture/fibrosis
Move muscle back and forth as patient contracts it- relaxes and lengthens muscle