muscle endurance Flashcards
relative muscle endurance
bent knee sit ups in 1 min
pull ups, modified pulls us and flexed arm hang
push ups
%1 Rm to failure
% of body weight (repetitions to failure)
50th percentil for bent knee sit ups in one inute
absolute muscle endurance
YMCA bench press test
NFL combine test
YMCA bench press test
80 pounds to failure for males
35 pounds to failure for females
all reps are conducted with a metronome at 30 beats per minute
NFL combine test
225 pounds to failure
curl ups (crunch test)
supine with knees bent to 90 degress
arms by side and hand flat on teh floor fingers facing forward
fingertips touching the near edge of a strip of tape place at right angles to the body
a second strip of tape is placed either 3 or 4 inches away
metronome of 40 bpm
low back flat on floor throughout with trunk lifted to about 30 for each curl up
what two variables did researchers use to investigate the safety and efficacy of 12 different abdominal exercises
MEG activity during execution of the exercises
lumbar and spinal compression during the exercises
what 12 abdominal exercises did researchers study
straight leg sit up bent leg sit up curl up with feet held curl up, free feet quarter sit up straight leg raise bent leg raise dynamic cross kne curl up static cross knee curl up hanging straight leg raise hanging bent leg raise ixometric side support
what are the conclusions for the abdomincal exercise research
no single exercise recruited all abdominals simultaneously
anchoring feet did not make a difference
no differences in lumbar spinal compression between st. leg and bent leg sit ups
straight and bent leg raises while supine were not recommended due to high lumbar compression effects
standard push ups
hands shoulder width apart back straight head neutral on balls of feet lower until chin touches mat (elbows at 90)
relationship between absolute strenght adn maximum number of push-ups
push-up number alone is a weak to poor reflection of absolute strength
relationship between maximum number of standard push ups, modified pushups, and relative strength
it appears that the maximumnumber of push-ups is a more accurate expression of a person’s relative strenght
relationships between number of traditional pull ups and relative strength
it appears that pull-up tests are measures of relative strength and not absolute strength or relative muscle endurance
the relationship between the modified flexed arm hang timed to 90 degrees of elbow extension adn relative isometric strength
the flexed arm hang is a test of relative isometric strength and scores do not suggest any type of absolute strenght or any type of muscle endurance