Muscle contraction (BIOL5) Flashcards
Features of skeletal muscle
- Made up of bundles of muscle fibres:
sacrolemma - cell membrane of muscle fibre cells
- bits of sacrolemma fold inwards across muscle fibes, stick into sacroplasm - muscle cell cytoplasm
- folds called T tubles help spread e- impulses across sacroplasm so they reach all parts of muscle fibre
sacrolemma - cell membrane of muscle fibre cells
Sacroplasmic reticulim - network of int membranes runs through sacroplasm
- stores/releases Ca+ needed for muscle contraction
- Muscle fibres have lots of mitochondria to provide ATP needed to contraction
- multinucleate - have many nuclei for protein synthesis (enzymes)
- have myofibrils - made up of proteins h specialised for contraction
Features of myofibrils
- Contain thick/thin myofilaments:
- thick made up of protein myosin
- thin made up of protein actin
- Under e- microscope, you see alternating dark/light bands:
- dark - have thick myosin filaments; A-bands
- light - have thin actin filaments; I-bands
- Made up of short units calls sacromeres:
- ends marked w/ Z-line
- mid of sacromeres is M-line - mid of myosin filaments
- around M-line is H-zone - only contain myosin
Features of the sliding filament theory
Myosin/actin filaments slide over e/o to make sacromeres contract
- myofilaments don’t contract!
- Simultaneous contraction of sacromeres means myofibrils and muscle fibres contract
- A-bands stay same length
- I-band gets shorter
- H-zones get shorter
- Sacromeres get shorter!
- Sacromeres return to original length as muscle relaxes
Features of myosin and actin filaments
- Myosin filaments have hinged globular heads - move back/forth
- Myosin heads have binding sites for actin head & ATP
- Actin filaments have binding sites for myosin heads - actin-myosin binding sites
Proteins, tropmyosin and troponin found b/w actin filaments:
- attached together, help myofilaments move past e/o
- In resting, actin binding site blocked by tropmyosin, held in place by tropism
- filaments can’t slide past e/o as myosin heads can’t bind to site on actin filament
Muscle Contraction
- AP stimulates muscle cell, sacrolemma depolarised
- Depolarisation spreads down T-tubles to sacroplasmic reticulum, causes release of Ca+ into sacroplasm
- Ca+ bind to troponin, cause change in shape. Attached tropomyosin pulled out of actin myosin binding site on actin filament - exposes binding site
- Myosin head binds to actin filament, forms actin-myosin cross bridge
- Ca+ activate ATPase, b/d ATP to provide energy for contraction
- Energy from ATP moves myosin head, pulls action filament along
- ATP gives energy to break bridge, so myosin head detaches from atin filament
Myosin heads reattches to diff binding site on actin filament.
- New actin-myosin filament cross bridge formed and cycle repeated
- Many bridges form/break v rapidly, pulling actin filaments along
- Shortens sacromere, causing muscle to contract
- Cycle continues as long as Ca+ present and bound to troponin
When excitation stops…
Ca+ leave troponin binding site, moved by active transport into sacroplasmic reticulum (need ATP)
troponin back to original shape, pulling attached tropomyosin w/ them
- tropomyosin molecules block actin-myosin binding site again
- muscles aren’t contracted as no myosin heads are attached to actin - no bridges!
- actin filaments slide back to relaxed position - lengthens sacromere
troponin back to original shape, pulling attached tropomyosin w/ them
Aerobic respiration provides ATP for contraction…
- Most ATP generated via oxidative phosphorylation
- Needs O2
Anaerobic respiration provides ATP for contraction…
- ATP made rapidly by glycolysis
- End product is pyruvate, converted into lactate by lactate fermentation
ATP-Phosphocreatine (PCr) system in provides ATP for muscle contraction…
- ATP made by phosphorylating ADP - adding P taken from PCr
- PCr stored inside cells
- ATP-PCr generates ATP v quickly
- PCr runs out after few secs
- Is anaerobic (no O2) and alactic (no lactate made!)
Features of slow twitch muscle fibres
- Fibres contract slowly
- Used for posture
- Used for long w/o tire
- Energy released slowly by aerobic resp
- Reddish colour - rich in myoglobin
Features of fast twitch muscle fibres
- Contract v. quickly
- Used for fast movement, h proportion
- Good for bursts of speed/power
- Energy released quickly by anaerobic resp
- Whitish colour - don’t have much myoglobin