muscle contraction Flashcards
What happens when a nerve impulse reaches a muscle fibre?
It triggers a sequence of chemical events such as a release of chemical energy which results in the shortening of the muscle fibre, known as contraction
What are motor neutrons?
Nerve cells responsible for transmitting impulses from the central nervous system to the muscles.
Why do muscles need to be supplied by nerves and blood?
As the nerves are needed to conduct and apply simulation and the blood vessels are needed to apply large amounts of nutrients and oxygen to supply the muscles with enough energy to work.
-the blood supply also carries aways waste products such as CO2
What usually accompanies each nerve penetrating a skeletal muscle?
One artery and one or two of the major veins.
What are the two types of voluntary muscle fibres?
Tonic (slow) fibres and Twitch (fast) fibres and they are both present in all muscles.
What are tonic fibres involved in?
Sustaining muscular contractions and are essential in maintaining the bodies posture.
What are twitch fibres used for?
Twitch fibres are used in locomotion.