Muscle Actions Flashcards
The lateral pterygoid, supra hyoid, and infra hyoid all _ the _ joint.
The _, _ and _ pterygoid all elevate the temporomandibular joint.
The TEMPORALIS, MASSETER, and MEDIAL pterygoid all elevate the . . .
The masseter, lateral pterygoid, and medial pterygoid all _ the temporomandibular joint
. . All PROTRUDE the temporomandibular joint
_ of the TMJ is caused by the temporalis, masseter, and digastric muscles
RETRUSION of the TMJ is caused by . . .
Side to side movement of the TM joint occurs due to the _ _, _ _, _ and _ muscles.
Side to side movement of the TM joint occurs due to the LATERAL PYTERGOID, MEDIAL PYTERGOID, TEMPORALIS, and MASSETER muscles.
Name the 3 movements that the lateral pterygoid produces? Medial pterygoid? (3)
Lateral: (DiPS)
-Depress*, protrusion, side to side
Medial: (PEnS)
- protrude, elevate*, side to side
- =specific to muscle
The Masseter assists with which 4 movements of the TMJ?
-Protrusion, elevate, retrusion, side to side
The _ and _ muscles are responsible for C/S flexion, rotation and lateral bending.
The STERNOCLEIDOMASTOID and SCALENE muscles are responsible . . .
The C/S flexes due to activation of _, _ _ and _ muscles.
Flexes due to activation of STERNOCLEIDOMASTOID, LONGUS COLLI, and SCALENES muscles
The _ _, _ _, _ and _ _ assist with extension, rotation and lateral bending of the cervical spine.
Splenius cervicis, longissimus cervicis, _ _, iliocostalis cervicis, _ and _ all assist with cervical spine extension.
Splenius cervicis, longissimus cervicis, SEMISPINALIS CERVICIS, iliocostalis cervicis, MULTIFIDUS and TRAPEZIUS all assist with . . .
Sternocleidomastoid, scalenes, Splenius cervicis, longissimus cervicis, iliocostalis cervicis, multifidus, and _ _ all assist with rotation and lateral bending.
. . . Multifidus, and LEVATOR SCAPULAE all assist with rotation and lateral bending.
Which 3 muscles assist in flexion of the T/S and L/S?
- Internal oblique
- rectus abdominus
- external oblique
Which 3 muscles assist in T/S and L/S extension?
- erector SPINAE
- Quadratus lumborum
- Multifidus
Psoas major, QL, external and internal obliques, Multifidus, longissimus Thoracis, and rotatores all assist in T/S and L/S _ and _ _.
. . . All assist in T/S and L/S ROTATION and LATERAL BENDING
Upper trapezius and levator scapulae assist with scapular _.
. . .assist with scapular ELEVATION
Latissimus dorsi, pectoralis Major and minor, and lower trapezius assist in scapular _.
. . . Assist in scapular DEPRESSION
Scapular protraction is produced by _ _ and _ _. Scapular retraction is produced by _ _ and _.
Scapular Retraction- MIDDLE TRAPEZIUS and RHOMBOIDS.
Upward rotation of the scapula is produced by the _ and _ _ and the _ _ muscles.
Upward rotation of the scapula is produced by the UPPER and LOWER TRAPEZIUS, and the SERRATUS ANTERIOR muscles.
_, _ _, and _ _ assist with downward rotation of the scapula.
RHOMBOIDS, LEVATOR SCAPULAE, and PECTORALIS MINOR all assist with downward rotation of the scapula.
What are the 3 muscle actions that occur at the scapula from pec minor?
- protraction
- depression
- downward rotation
What movements at the scapula is SERRATUS anterior responsible for? (2)
Protraction and upward rotation
The lower traps assist with _ _ and _. The LEVATOR scapulae muscles assist with _ _ and _.
Lower traps: depression and upward rotation
Levator scapulae: elevation and downward rotation
What action are the anterior deltoid, coracobrachialis, pec major (clavicular head), and biceps brachii responsible for at the shoulder joint?
What action do middle deltoid and supraspinatus perform at the shoulder?
Shoulder extension is performed by the _ _, _ _, teres _, and _ _.
Extension is performed by the LATISSIMUS DORSI, POSTERIOR DELTOID, teres MAJOR, and TRICEPS BRACHII (long head).
Shoulder Adduction is performed by the _ _, _ _ and teres _ muscles.
Adduction is performed by the PECTORALIS MAJOR, LATISSIMUS DORSI, and teres MAJOR muscles.
The posterior deltoid, infraspinatus and teres minor all perform _ _ at the shoulder joint.
. . . All perform HORIZONTAL ABDUCTION at the shoulder joint
Horizontal adduction of the shoulder is performed by _ _ and _ _.
Horizontal adduction is performed by the ANTERIOR DELTOID and PECTORALIS MAJOR
External or lateral rotation of the shoulder is performed by _ _, _ and _ _.
ER of the shoulder is performed by POSTERIOR DELTOID, INFRASPINATUS, and TERES MINOR.
Subscapularis, teres major, pec major, latissimus dorsi and anterior Deltoid all act as _ or _ _ at the shoulder.
. . . All act as MEDIAL or INTERNAL rotators AT THE SHOULDER JOINT
Which 3 muscles flex the elbow? Extend the elbow (2)?
Flex the elbow
-biceps brachii, brachioradialis, brachialis
Extend the elbow
-triceps brachii, anconeus
Which 2 muscles perform elbow supination? Elbow pronation?
-supinator and biceps brachii
-pronator teres and pronator quadratus
What 3 muscles flex the wrist joint?
Flexor carpi Radialis
Flexor carpi ulnaris
Palmaris longus
Which 3 muscles extend the wrist?
Extensors carpi Radialis brevis and longus
Extensors carpi ulnaris
Which 5 muscles assist in radial deviation? Which 2 assist in ulnar deviation?
Radial (FEEEE)
-flexor carpi Radialis, extensor carpi Radialis brevis and longus, and extensor pollicis longus and brevis
-flexor carpi ulnaris, extensor carpi ulnaris
Which 5 muscles perform finger flexion?
Flexor digitorum profundus and superficialis
Flexor digiti minimi
Which 3 muscles extend the fingers?
Extensor digitorum (AKA extensor digitorum communis)
Extensor digiti minimi
Extensor indicis
Which 2 muscles perform finger abduction? Which ones assists with adduction of the fingers?
-dorsal interossei and abductor digiti minimi
-palmar interossei
Which 3 muscles flex the thumb? Extend the thumb?
- flexor pollicis brevis and longus
- opponens pollicis
- extensor pollicis brevis and longus
- abductor pollicis longus
Which 2 muscles perform thumb abduction? Which 1 performs thumb Adduction?
-abductor pollicis brevis and longus
-Adductor pollicis
Which 4 muscles perform thumb opposition?
Opponens pollicis
Opponens digiti minimi
Flexor pollicis brevis
Abductor pollicis brevis
Which motion is performed by the Iliopsoas, sartorius, rectus femoris, and pectineus muscles?
Hip flexion
Which 5 muscles assist with hip extension?
Gluteus medius and Maximus
Biceps femoris
Which action does gluteus medius and minimus, piriformis, Obturator internus and TFL all assist with?
Which 4 muscles assist in hip Adduction?
Adductor Magnus, longus and brevis
TFL, Gluteus medius and minimus, pectineus, and adductor longus all assist with which movement?
Medial (Internal) rotation
Gluteus Maximus, Obturator internus and externals, piriformis, gemellus superior and inferior and sartorius all assist with?
All assist with lateral rotation/ ER
Which muscle is both and IR and an ER depending upon the amount of hip flexion?
Biceps femoris, semitendinosis, semimembranosis and sartorius all assist with _ _.
. . . All assist with KNEE FLEXION
Which 4 muscles perform knee extension?
Rectus Femoris
Vastus lateralis, medialis and intermedius
Tibialis posterior, gastrocnemius, Soleus, peroneus/ Fibularis longus and brevis, plantaris and flexor hallucis all assist with _ _.
All assist with PLANTAR FLEXION
Which 4 muscles perform Dorsiflexion of the ankle?
- peroneus/ Fibularis tertius
- extensor hallucis longus
- tibialis anterior
- extensor digitorum longus
Which 3 muscles perform ankle inversion? Which 3 perform eversion?
-tibialis posterior and anterior, flexor digitorum longus
-peroneus/ Fibularis longus, brevis, and tertius
What are the 5 muscles that flex the toes? What are the 2 muscles that flex the big toe?
Toe flexion
-flexor digitorum brevis and longus, flexor digiti minimi brevis, quadratus plantae, lumbricals
Big toe flexion
-flexor hallucis longus and brevis
What 3 muscles perform toe extension? Which 2 perform big toe extension?
Toe extension
-extensor digitorum longus and brevis, lumbricals
Big Toe extension
-extensor hallucis longus and brevis
Which 2 muscles assist with toe abduction? Which 1 with toe Adduction?
Toe ABducton
-abductor digiti minimi, dorsal interossei
Toe ADDuction
-plantar interossei
Which muscles perform big toe abduction? Adduction?
-abductor hallucis
-adductor hallucis