Muscle Action and Testing Flashcards
What type of bone is the patella?
Sesamoid bone
What muscles insert onto the tibial tuberosity?
The quadriceps femoris that extend the knee
Origin and insertion of extensor hallucis longus
Origin- middle 1/3 of the medial surface of the fibula
Insertion- The base of the distal phalanx of the hallux
Origin and insertion of the triceps surae
Origin- The lateral head of gastrocnemius from the posterolateral surface of the lateral femoral condyle. The medial head of gastrocnemius from the posterior surface of the medial femoral condyle.
Soleus originates from the soleal line on the medial border of the tibia, the head of the fibula, and the posterior border of the fibula
Both muscles insert via the calcaneal tendon onto the posterior surface of calcaneus
What are the origin, insertion, and function of gluteus medius?
Origin- the gluteal surface of the ilium
Insertion- the lateral aspect of the greater trochanter of the femur
Function- Thigh abduction, internal rotation of the thigh and pelvis stabilisation
What is the Trendelenburg sign?
A clinical sign of hip dysfunction, which indicates weakness in the hip abductor muscles- gluteus medius and gluteus minimus. This sign can be associated with congenital hip dislocation, osteoarthritis and rheumatic arthritis. The pelvis drops on the contralateral side during a single leg stand on the affected side
What is waddling gait?
A way of walking that’s caused by muscle weakness in the pelvic girdle- the gluteus medius and minimus. The patient uses circumduction to compensate for gluteal weakness
What muscles does the femoral nerve supply?
The quadriceps femoris and the hip flexors (pectineus, iliacus, sartorius)
What muscles does the sciatic nerve supply?
The hamstrings (muscles of the posterior thigh) (biceps femoris, semimembranosus, semitendinosus) and the hamstring portion of adductor magnus
What muscles does the common peroneal nerve supply?
The short head of biceps femoris, and the muscles in the anterior and lateral compartments of the leg
What muscles does the tibial nerve supply?
The posterior compartment of the leg and most of the intrinsic foot muscles
What is a myotome?
Muscle tissue that’s innervated by a single spinal nerve root
What movements is C5 responsible for?
Shoulder abduction
C5 I’m alive
What movements are C6 and C7 responsible for?
Shoulder adduction
C6 C7 down from heaven
What movements are C5 and C6 responsible for?
Elbow flexion
C5 C6 pick up sticks
What movements are C7 and C8 responsible for?
Elbow extension
C7 C8 lay them straight
What movements is C6 responsible for?
C6 Sea-sick
What movements are C7 and C8 responsible for?
C7 C8 time is late
What movements are C6 and C7 responsible for?
Wrist flexion and extension
C6 C7 fly up to heaven
What movements is C7 responsible for?
Finger extension
C7 Paper
What movements is C8 responsible for?
Finger flexion
C8 Rock
What movements is T1 responsible for?
Finger abduction and adduction
T1 scissors
What movements are L2 and L3 responsible for?
Hip flexion
L2 L3 lift my knee
What movements are L4 and L5 responsible for?
Hip extension
L4 L5 extend my thigh
What movements are L3 and L4 responsible for?
Knee extension
L3 L4 kick the door
What movements are L5 and S1 responsible for?
Knee flexion
L5 S1 kick my bum
What movements are L4 and L5 responsible for?
Ankle dorsiflexion
L4 L5 toes to the sky
What movements are S1 and S2 responsible for?
Ankle plantarflexion
S1 S2 stand on my shoe