Murmurs Flashcards
Confused w/ VSD
Commonly heard on 2-7yrs old
Most common benign murmur
Stills murmur
Sounds similar to ASD, but S2 normal
Greatest frequency in adolescents 8-14 yrs
Pulmonary ejection
Heard best at LUSB
May rádiate to back & axillae
Need to document resolution by 4-5 months to rule out organic cause of valve involvement.
Often heard in preemies, LBW infants & infants up to 4 months of age.
Known as newborn pulmonary flow murmur
Peripheral pulmonic stenosis
Confused w/ aortic stenosis murmur
Decreases or diminishes w/ shoulder
Heard ABOVE the R&L clavicle w/ radiation to neck
Common at any age
Supraclavicular bruit
Mistaken for PDA
Can be increased by turning child’s head away from side of the murmur
Loudest when sitting
Heard beat below clavicles/ RUSB/ LUSB
Continuos low pitched hum throughout the cardiac cycle
diastolic physiologic murmur
Common in 3-6 yr olds
Venous Hum