Municipal Law* Flashcards
Boston Ordinances are what kind of offenses?
Misdemeanor offense in the officer’s presence
Local municipalities cannot _______ laws or ordinances that affect _______ ______
General legislation
Enabling Statue - MGL c40 s21
Grants to the city and towns the power to make and enforce laws in certain areas
The Enabling Statute: Reasons for which a city can enact ordinances are?
Protection of the public interest
The welfare of the general public
Maintenance of peace and good order
Any officer’s right of arrest must be exercised with ________, _________, and _________.
Prudence, Intelligence, and Common Sense
Local governments receive the authority to exercise police powers from 2 sources:
- Massachusetts Constitution
- Massachusetts General Laws
True or False: When MA General Laws and city ordinances are duplicated, officers should utilize the MA General Laws because they take precedence over the city ordinance and are easier to prove.
Home Rule
Revise local laws
Can further restrict certain activities, but cannot undo or go against the state law that currently exists
local laws where statutory offenses take precedence
___% of all violations of city ordinances will not result in an arrest.
To successfully prosecute any violation of an ordinance which does not result in arrest, the following must occur:
-Complain is either issued or denied
-If denied; the matter is finished
-if issued; Arraignment, Trial, and Sentencing (if found guilty)
Can officers arrest juveniles who violate municipal laws?
-Officers cannot arrest or apply for a criminal complaint for juveniles
-Can only pursue civil violations for juveniles (21D)
Police Officers duties at Polling Places
-INSPECT voting machines prior to the opening of polls
-VERIFY the “protective counter” setting on the machine
-MARK each voter’s name who casts a ballot
-REPORT machine malfunctions, irregularities, or disturbances to the station house and Election Committee
Roof Deck Permits
-only applies if 3 or more residential units; owner would need to obtain a permit from the Inspectional Services Department
Permits for Street Work shall specify:
-Size and use of such opening
Permits for Street Work will be granted if the following conditions are made:
-Restoration of the paving
-Proper lighting
-Safe and convenient travel
-Sanitary accommodations for employees
-A BPD officer on special duty
Leash Laws: In any street or public, space a dog must be on a chain or less not exceeding…
10 ft in length
A Dangerous or vicious dog shall mean:
- has bitten or attacked any person
- attempted to bite or attack any person
- a known tendency to attack or threaten the safety of domestic animals
While ON an owner’s or keeper’s property, a dangerous or vicious dog must be…
- Securely confined indoors
- In a securely enclosed and locked pen
The owner or keeper of a dangerous dog shall display:
- A sign/signs facing out from all sides
- The sign must be visible within 20 ft
- Display a sign within a symbol warning children who cannot read
While OFF premise, a dangerous or vicious dog must be…
- Muzzled
- Restrained by an approved lead not to exceed 3 ft
- under the control of an adult, able-bodied person
True or False: An animal may be forever banned from the City of Boston if they are found on property not owned or controlled by its owner/keeper, or not restrained in a secure area on two separate occasions within a twelve-month period.
Dog fouling - Duty to Dispose
Dog owners have a duty to dispose of any feces and carry poop bags with them
What are the exceptions for the duty to dispose of dog fouling?
The regulation shall not apply to:
-A handicapped person
-Individual over 65 years old