Multistore Model of Memory - AO3 Flashcards
Controlled lab studies on capacity, duration and coding provide strong evidence for the existence of a separate STM and LTM.
Neuroimaging studies have shown that there is a difference between STM and LTM. Beardsley (1997) found that the prefrontal cortex is active during the STM but not the LTM tasks.
This evidence provides strong support for the MSM.
Evidence shows that different areas of the brain are involved in STM and LTM from studies of individuals with brain damage.
A man called HM had brain damage which was caused by an operation to remove his hippocampus from both sides of his brain to reduce severe epilepsy. His personality and intellect remained intact however, he could no longer form long term memories but could remember things before his surgery.
provides support of the MSM’s notion of separate stores because of his ability to retrieve info from before his surgery but can’t transfer info from his STM to LTM after his surgery.
However, because of his unique case of severe brain damage this research can not be generalised to the wider population. therefore lacking ecological validity.