Multiple Sclerosis Flashcards


General definition of multiple sclerosis? Evolution of the disease over time?


Muliple sclerosis is a chronic, mostly progressive, inflammatory, demyelinating and neurodegenerative disorder of the CNS. The most accredited theory explaining the pathological background of MS is that inflammatory demyelination and neurodegenerative axonal damage act together.

The diseases’ evolution over time can be defined in stages : preclinical, relapsing, secondary progressive and burnt out.
In the preclinical phase the biology of the disease is present without any clinical event.
From here most patients (85%) end up in the relapsing-remitting phase where they continuously relapse and then partially or completely recover.
50-60% of these patients then due to RAW will progress to the secondary progressive phase, where the disease progresses also in between relapses, aka PIRA.
Finally there is the burnout stage, where the disease is advanced and disability is high.

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Concepts of RAW and PIRA in MS?


RAW, relapse associated worsening, refers to the accumulation of disabilities that occur as a direct result of relapses. Most common in the relapsing-remitting phase.

PIRA, progression independent relapse activity, describes the gradual worsening of the disability in the absence of any relapses. Most common in the secondary progressive phase.

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Epidemiology, mortality and geographical distribution?


Epidemiology —> 2.5 million people affected, huge socioeconomic burden due to disability, affects women 2/3 times more frequently, starts around 20/30 years of age. 5% of patients experience demyelinating event during childhood. MS is rarely diagnoses after 65 as it is not a disease of the elderly.

Mortality —> MS patients have an increased mortality rate, 7/14 years reduced life expectancy. 50% of MS deaths are due to lesions in brainstem controlling heart and lungs. Other complications include infections in bedridden patients. Patients also could commit suicide to stop their sufferance.

Geographical distribution —> Higher prevalence at the poles and lower prevalence at the equator.
There are three main explanations which are not mutually exclusive.
The first one is that since MS is autoimmune, ,myelin is the target, and vitamin D is associated to the synthesis of myelin. At the poles where there is less sunlight, people have less vitamin D therefore less myelin production, exacerbating the damage caused by MS.
The second reason is a genetic aspect. Scandinavian countries have higher incidence and they inhabited the UK which had an empire. Leading to the distribution of affected genetics.
The last reason is the hygiene hypothesis. It states that individuals living in hyper clean environments lack the exposure to immune tolerizing microbes. The strongest known risk factor for MS is EBV.

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Genetic susceptibility and environmental factors?


A genetic background is necessary but not sufficient. Genetic predisposition is characterized by specific HLA complex such as HLA-DRB15.01.
Environmental factors are associated with the development of MS. A study by askerio showed that people who had been infected by EBV had a 32 fold higher risk of developing MS. Other transmissible agents such as HHV6, MS associated human endogenous retrovirus and chlamydia pneumoniae are also associated to MS. Low sun exposure and smoking are also risk factors.

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What is the pathology of MS characterized by?


Primary demyelination is the partially selective destruction of myelin with relative preservation of axons. Partially because recent studies show that although demyelination is prominent, neuro degeneration including axonal damage is present as well.
In the early phase of the disease the body can recover from damage with remyelinization. However as the disease progresses this process becomes less efficient. The newly formed myelin sheaths are generally thinner that the original. This leads to impaired nerve conduction, possibly a conduction block. In addition the alteration of the nodes of ranvier make the saltatory conduction more difficult.

Perivascular inflammation, macrophage involvement, reactive astrocytosis, axonal swelling.

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What is perivascular inflammation, macrophage involvement, reactive astrocytosis and axonal swelling?


Perivascular inflammation —> at the microscopic level we see T cells lead the inflammation. They move from the bloodstream inside the CNS, crossing the BBB. It is evident from the presence of mononuclear cells surrounding vessels.

Macrophages are filled with proteolipid protein, positive particles which is myelin debris. This means that macrophages are bringing myelin away from the CNS.

Reactive astrocytosis —> abnormal increase of astrocytes in response to damage within the CNS. They contribute to the formation of glial scars which form around demyelinated plaques, inhibiting remyelination and exacerbating axonal damage.

Axonal swelling —> it occurs when axons are stripped of myelin. This leads to axonal stress, ion accumulation inside the axon, leading to swelling. This causes further degeneration and contributes to neurological deficits.

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Different type of lesions of MS?


Acute active lesions —> newly formed lesions. Vast amount of transected axons, highly inflamed and immune cell infiltration. These lesions represent the early stages of tissue damage is MS. The lesions are damaged but not yet irreversibly lost.

Chronic active lesions —> the prior lesions over time transition in chronic. These lesions have a core region that has become inactive due to longstanding damage. The active aspect is seen at the margins of the lesions where the inflammatory processes continue to damage and gradually grow in size.

Slowly expanding lesions —> they have an inactive core and inflammatory activity at the margins but to a lesser degree than the chronic active lesions.

Inactive lesions —> the tissue has been fully destroyed. These lesion occur in the later stages of the disease.

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What are shadow plaques?


Remyelination occurs when the body attempts to repaired the damaged myelin. Shadow plaques indicate regions where this has occurred.

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Different types of cortical lesions and their distribution?


Type I —> mixed white and grey matter lesion. 1/3 of cortical lesion. Very typical lesion of MS.

Type II —> small lesion in the grey matter. 16% of cortical lesions.

Type III —> subpial lesion. Affects only a few outer layers of the cortex.

Type IV —> subpial lesion. Full cortical ribbon affected.

Type III and IV account for 50% of cortical lesions.

Cortical lesion can appear in various phases of MS include acute MS. In RRMS cortical lesion start to emerge and are present alongside white matter plaques. In PPMS and SPMS cortical lesions become much more frequent.

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What are subpial lesions?


They occur just under the pia mater, the delicate membrane that lines the brains surface. This positioning means that they only affect the outer layers of the cortex.
Subpial demyelination is specific to MS and does not occur in conditions like Progresssive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy or Subacute Sclerosing Panencephilitis.

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What is normal appearing white matter? Types of tissue damage in NAWM? Imaging?


NAWM refers to white matter areas in the brain which look unaffected on conventional MRI scans, but exhibit subtle pathological changes contributing significantly to MS symptoms.
The diffuse damage is most common in progressive MS, especially in SPMS.
Types of tissue damage :
- Chronically activated microglia —> these immune cells remain persistently activated and contribute to low level inflammation.
- Degenerating axons.
- Reactive astroglia.
- Compromised BBB

MRI is not sensitive enough to detect these subtle changes. Non conventional approaches like Magnetization Transfer Ratio and Diffuse Tensor Imaging have been developed to examine NAWM in vivo.

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Pathology in the spinal cord in MS?


Since MS typically affects highly myelinated areas, regions with more extensive myelination such as the periventricular regions in the brain and the spinal cord are commonly affected.
In the spinal cord the primary affected areas are posterior columns which contain fibers critical for the proprioceptive system and the lateral columns which contain major nerve tracts such as the corticospinal and the spinothalamic tract. There is also grey and white matter involvement.

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Pathology of MS?


Early phase —> initial inflammation occurs because of immune cells crossing the BBB. T cells cross into the CNS and recognize antigens with the help of APC. Then the B cells release pro inflammatory chemicals like cytokines and chemokines that lead the attack on myelin. As axons are damaged they become more vulnerable.

Later phase —> as MS progresses inflammation becomes compartmentalized within the CNS leading to lower intensity but persistent immune activity. This gradual process of tissue damage is associated with PIRA. Persistent inflammation mediators like TNF-alpha contribute to axonal loss, demyelination and oligodendrocyte apoptosis.

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Clinical phenotypes of MS?


Relapsing Remitting MS —> most common initial form, 80% of cases, between the ages of 20-40, higher incidence in female 3:1. Characterized by episodes of symptoms followed by periods of recovery, in time leading to gradual accumulation of disabilities.

Primary Progressive MS —> 15% of cases, generally beginning at the age of 40, nearly equal gender distribution. Manifests with continuous disability accumulation, 9th out distinct relapses.

Secondary Progressive MS —> Most RRMS cases transition to SPMS. Studies show 41% of RRMS cases develop SPMS within 6-10 years, increasing to 58% in 11-15 years and up to 80% in 20 years.

Benign MS —> rare case of MS where after 15-20 years disability remain minimal. Defined as Expanded Disability Status Scale below 3 after 15 years.

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What is EDSS?


Expanded Disability Status Scale. It is a 10 point scale. 0 means no disability with normal neurological examination, until 10 which is death due to MS. The scale evolves in half points.

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Clinical manifestations in RRMS?


Clinically isolated syndrome is the first clinical episode suggestive of CNS demyelination, lasting 24 hours. It marks the earliest recognizable manifestation of MS but it still isn’t considered RRMS as an additional relapse is needed.
Symptoms may vary, such as unilateral sensory disturbances and vision loss but must occur in absence of fever or infection. This is because they rule out other DDX such as migraines, vascular events.
The absence of fever is also important to differentiate it from Acute Disseminated Encelophalomyelitis, an autoimmune condition typically seen in children.

There is a sub clinical phase where the patient might have had some demyelination. A rise in body temp whether by got shower, intense exercise or sun exposure, can worsen this condition and trigger a reaction.
Patients in RRMS phase are advised to not raise their body temo and may be put on paracetamol to avoid the temp increasing over 38 degrees.

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Clinical course for RRMS? What is a pseudorelapse?


RRMS affects approximately 85% of MS patients. This stage is characterized by episodes of acute or subacute neurological dysfunction, known as relapses. They typically develop over days and weeks, last at least 24h, reach a plateau and the partially or fully resolve. These relapses can recur at irregular intervals with an average of one a year during this phase.

A pseudorelaps can occur when external factors like elevated temperatures, stress and infections temporarily exacerbate MS symptoms.

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Clinical course of SPMS?


RRMS may transition into this progressively worsening from. This phase is marked by ongoing neurodegeneration. The likelihood of developing SPMS increases with time.

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Clinical course of SPMS and PPMS?


SPMS —> RRMS may transition into this progressively worsening from. This phase is marked by ongoing neurodegeneration. The likelihood of developing SPMS increases with time.

PPMS —> PPMS usually presents as gradual onset of asymmetric leg weakness or gait disturbances. Other presentations may include sensory, brianstem/cerebellar or sphincter dysfunctions. Patients tend to develop walking disabilities about 50% faster than those with RRMS because PPMS starts with progressive symptoms.

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Optic neuritis and its connection to MS?


Optic neuritis is a classic presentation in MS. It often provides the initial clue to the disease. The disease is characterized by : sudden vision loss, central scotoma, dyschromatopsia (impaired color vision), pain with eye movement (this is specific to MS as in infection there is constant pain while with vascular events no pain).

Diagnosis —> the optic disc may appear normal or slightly swollen. MRI may show hyper intense signal due to inflammatory demyelination. Vision loss occurs subacutely unlike due to retinal vein blockage which occurs instantly.

Optic neuritis usually gradually resolves over 2 to 4 weeks. Conditions like B12 deficiencies, as B12 is critical in the production of myelin, can cause more severe and sustained optic nerve damage.

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Typical characteristics of brain stem and cerebellar involvement in MS?


Brainstem :
CN VI involvement —> This nerve is frequently affected because it has a long path through the brainstem, making it susceptible to lesions. Damage to CN VI results in lateral gaze palsy, often presenting as double vision (diplopia).

Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia (INO) —> Caused by a small lesion in the medial longitudinal fasciculus , which connects CN VI with the contralateral CN III nerve, specifically the medial rectus component. INO results in a horizontal gaze palsy, where one eye fails to adduct properly when looking sideways.
Cerebellar :
They are uncommon at onset of MS but may appear as the disease progresses. Symptoms include nystagmus, dysarthria, limb ataxia, intention tremor, truncated ataxia and gait ataxia.

DDX could be infection if fever and meningismus or genetic causes.

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Spinal cord involvement in MS?


Spinal cord involvement is a common and often early manifestation in MS, presenting with a range of sensory, motor, and autonomic symptoms.

Sensory Symptoms :
- Altered Sensations : Patients may experience numbness, tingling, or a “pins and needles” sensation in affected limbs. During neurological examination, all sensory areas may reveal abnormalities, including both superficial (e.g., light touch, pain, temperature) and profound (e.g., vibration, proprioception) sensations.
- Severe Lesions and the “Oppenheim Hand”: A lesion in the posterior columns of the cervical spinal cord may cause a specific symptom called the “Oppenheim hand.” This condition is marked by the loss of proprioception, or position sense, in the hand, resulting in a “useless hand.” Patients lose the ability to perceive and control different segments of their hand, significantly impairing function and dexterity.

Motor impairments :
- Weakness and spasticity : lesions affecting the corticospinal tract can cause motor deficits such as muscle weakness, stiffness and spasticity. May also cause clonus.
- Anterior spinal cord : lesion in this area may lead to reduced muscle tone, weakness and muscle wasting.

Autonomic dysfunctions :
- Bowel dysfunction : constipation is common in MS due to impaired bowel motility from spinal cord involvement.
- Bladder dysfunction : bladder issues are frequent and can impact QOL. They can cause urge incontinence (failure to store) or urinary hesitancy (failure to empty).
- Sexual dysfunction : can affect both men and women with arousal and sensation.

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Positive symptoms in MS?


Lhermitte’s symptom : most important. It is due to a lesion in the cervical cord C2, when the patient flexes the neck they perceive a brief electrical sensation radiating down the back into the legs or arms.

Phosphenes : seeing light without light actually entering the eye, rustling from optic neuritis.

Hemifacial spasm or facial myokymia : involuntary, spontaneous, localized contractions of muscles on one side of the face.

Epilepsy : abnormal neuronal charges can cause epilepsy originating from the juxtacortical or cortical lesion. Seen 2-3 times more commonly in MS patients.


Relevance of infections, pregnancy and vaccines in MS patients ?


Infections : infections can trigger relapse or symptoms exacerbation, specifically systemic infections. They are difficult to prevent therefore treatment is very important.

Pregnancy : relapse rates decline peripartum as the immune system is temporarily reduced. Although there is a rebound phase post partum.

Vaccines : they are useful for MS patients as they decrease the risk of infections.


Diagnosis of MS?


Based on 3 main principles.

  1. Exclusion of alternative conditions : clinical assessment, la tests, paraclinical test and imaging are used to exclude any DDX. Early diagnosis and treatment are very important to start early treatment.
  2. Proven dissemination of the disease in space : multiple lesions in different sites of the CNS.
  3. Proven dissemination of the disease in time : lesions have different evolutions with respect to one another. There also must be at least a month between relapses.

MRI brain lesions in MS for diagnosis?


T2 weighted MRI shows hyper intense lesions where there is inflammation, if there are multiple lesions we can confirm dissemination in space.

With a T1 weighted MRI with gadolinium enhancement we can observe the different stages of the disease. This is because gadolinium is a paramagnetic contrast media that is heavy enough to cross the BBB only where it is disrupted. So active lesions will be hyper intense, chronic active lesions will have ring enhancement. Non active lesions will be black, hypo dense, as there is no more tissue to damage and is a sign of irreversible tissue damage. These different evolutions of the disease prove dissemination in time.


Location of MS lesions?


They are more frequently located in highly myelinated areas.
- Periventricular region touching the ventricles.
- Infratentorial region, cerebellum and brainstem frequent at onset. If lesion at center of brainstem it is more likely to be a vascular event as it is less vascularized.
- Corpus callosum, highly suggestive of MS as it is fully myelinated and highly vascularized from both sides, therefore it is difficulty to have a cerebrovascular lesion.
- Subcortical region, U fibers are fully myelinated white matter fibers connecting the adjacent gyri. Finding of U shaped subcortical lesions is very typical of MS. Again this region is highly vascularized.


Lesion shape and distribution in MS?


Usually lesions form around vessels (bc the first event is from the periphery) and have an oval shape (parallel to the major axis of the vessel) with irregular margins. There is formation of Dawson fingers, which are due to lesions along the ventricles which produce finger like shapes seen on MRI.

Lesions are usually not bilateral and not symmetrical, which instead is more typical of genetic conditions and metabolic conditions.


Evolution of lesions in MS?


Each lesion is independent from each other unlike in : acute disseminated encephalopmyelitis (lesion formation happens altogether), in vasculitis ( flares of lesions form together). In MS each lesion evolves independently.


Lesions in the spinal cord?


Although a brain MRI is always done first both in diagnosis and for treatment monitoring, an MRI of the spinal cord or at least of the cervical cord is also quite important. Lesions in the brain can be at time aspecific, especially in the elderly (due to chronic vascular disease). On the other hand spinal lesions are always specific therefore very informative.

Spinal lesions are typically small short and slim lesions (<2 vertebral segments in length), normally only affect the white matter.


CSF analysis for MS?


We look for immunopathological processes in the CNS. Two parameters are usually looked at.

  • Calculation of IgG index. It looks at IgG synthesis within the CNS, since MS is an autoimmune disease this parameter is indicative of the disease. The calculation is given by : IgG-CSF/IgG-Serum / albumin-CSF/albumin-Serum. Albumin is included in the formula as it is produced in the liver and doesn’t typically enter the CSF. It is a general marked that can help to understand the permeability of the BBB and the protein migration. Calculating the IgG index 0.7 is a sign of immunopathological event.
  • Oligoclonal bands which ate bands of immunoglobulins, typically IgGs, that are detected in the CSF. They represent localized antibody production within the CNS. They are detected by electrophoresis, they appear as discrete bands. Although they are not specific to MS they can help support a MS diagnosis.

Less crucial but useful to look at CSF WBC count and CSF proteins which might be mildly increased.


Evoked potentials in diagnosis of MS?


Both sensory (visual and auditory), motor and somatosensory analysis is important. The most common is visual evoked potential, with the measurement of P100. If the signal takes more than 100 ms to reach the cortex than there may be demyelination along the visual pathway.


Diagnostic classification criteria?


We can confirm MS when we have DIS and DIT.

To show DIS the most recent criteria is Clinically Isolated Syndrome : at least 1 lesion (symptomatic or asymptomatic) in at least 2 of the 4 CNS areas (periventricular, juxtacortical, cortical, spinal cord or infratentorial).

To show DIT : simultaneous presence of Gd+ and Gd- lesions at any time (symptomatic or asymptomatic) or new Gd+ lesion on follow up or presence of CSF specific OBCs (because they take months/years to build so they are a sign of DIT).


Prognosis of MS?


The average risk of developing MS following a typical CIS is very high and the chance increases with the length of follow up.
Patients that presents with unilateral optic neuritis may have a lower risk of converting to MS than other presentation.
Moreover being a non Caucasian male worsen prognosis.

Poor prognostic factors include >10 brain lesions, > 2 infratentorial lesions, lesions in cortex and spinal cord.
Other factors worsening prognosis are : smoking, obesity.


General therapy for MS? Therapy during relapses in MS?


General therapy consists in therapy during relapses, disease modifiying drugs, symptomatic therapy and rehabilitation.

Therapy during relapses : almost all relapses respond well to corticosteroids. Usually methyprednisolone 1g IV for 3 to 5 days usually without oral tapering. Can be upped to 8-10 days if more severe. If unresponsive —> immunoglobulins 1g/kg for 3 days or 2g/kg for 5 days OR plasma exchange, 3 to 4 courses.


First line treatment?


It is heavily reliant on injectable therapies, especially in the earlier years. These include different formulations of IFN-beta and glatiramer acetate.

IFN-beta plays a critical role in modulating the immune response which drives the inflammatory process. It helps regulate immune activity, reduce T cell activation, promote regulatory cells, block pro inflammatory molecules and strengthen the BBB.

Glatiramer acetate is a medication that is made of synthetic proteins which mimics myelin. This helps distract the immune system, preventing it from attacking the actual myelin in the CNS.

Recently two new drugs, teriflunomide and dimethyl fumarate, have been developed. They are given orally and are replacing injectable drugs.

IFN-beta 1a —> Avonex, plegridy.
IFN-beta 1b —> Betaferon.
Glatiramer acetate —> Copaxone.


Second line treatment?


Second line treatments can be administered orally, through IV or subcutaneously. They are typically more effective but also have more side effects than first line treatments.

  • Immunosuppressants acting on both B and T cells —> Alemtuzumab aka lemtrada, (IV infusion, MAb targeting CD52 on B and T cells). Cladribine aka Mavenclad, (oral tablets, purine analogue thatcauses selective depletion of lymphocytes.
  • B cell depletion —> Ocrelizumab aka Ocrevus, (IV, CD20 targeting B cells). Ofatumumab aka Arzerra (subcutaneous injection, CD20 targeting B cells).
  • Lymphocyte sequestration —> these drugs prevent lymphocytes from entering into the CNS. Natalizumab aka Tysabri (IV, Mab that blocks alpha4 integrin on lymphocytes from crossing BBB).

Lymphocyte trafficking modulators —> these drugs prevent lymphocyte activation and migration. Ozanimod aka Zeposia (oral capsule, sphingosine 1 phosphate receptor modulator that prevents lymphocytes from exiting lymph nodes). Siponimod aka Mayzent, (oral capsule, similar to prior)


Ongoing trials for MS treatment?


In recent years, MS treatments have seen significant advancements. New treatments include BTK inhibitors, anti inflammatory molecules and neuroprotective agents which are being evaluated in ongoing trials.

BTK inhibitors —> Brutons Tyrosine Kinase inhibitors are oral drugs that can cross the BBB and work both peripherally and centrally. They target B cells and microglia, potentially reducing inflammation and damage to myelin. E.g Evobrutinib and more recently tolebrutinib.


Efficacy of existing treatments? Treatment strategies?


First line treatments —> they reduce relapse rates by 30% and new lesion formation by 40/50%.

Second line treatments —> 70-80% reduction in relapse rates, 90% reduction in new lesion formation, significant delay in disease progression and potential disability.

Treatment strategies —> escalation vs induction therapy.

Escalation therapy : is appropriate for patients with mild to moderate MS, as it allows for a more gradual approach, starting with less potent treatments and moving to stronger ones if necessary.

Induction therapy : is used for highly active MS, aiming for an aggressive, rapid control of disease activity to prevent long-term disability.


IFN-beta therapy mechanism of action? Side effects?


IFN-beta binds to cell surface specific receptors, initiating a cascade of signaling pathways promoting antiproliferation and immune modulators gene products.
IFN-beta-1b —> side effects include lymphopenia, injection site reaction, asthenia, flu like symptoms, elevated liver enzymes.
IFN-beta-1a —> side effects include injection site reaction, hematological abnormalities.


Glatiramer acetate mechanism of action? Side effects?


GA is a mimicked of the antigens in myelin that are attacked by T cells. Main side effects are skin injection site reactions in 15% of cases which causes chest tightness, anxiety and palpitations.
Generally GA has the most favorable adverse effect profile compared to other therapeutic options. Administered by subcutaneous injection either daily or a few times a week.


Teriflunomide mechanism of action? Side effects?


Mechanism of action : active metabolite which inhibits enzymes required for de novo synthesis in proliferating cells.

Side effects : alopecia is rare, hepatotoxicity but not severe, bone marrow effects, BP increase. Should not be used in case of pregnancy due to teratogenicity.

Orally administered once daily.
In case of severe side effects stop therapy and administer cholestyamine 8g 3 times for 11 days.


Dimethyl fumarate mechanism of action? Side effects?


Mechanism of action : activation of nuclear related factor 2 pathways which reduce oxidative stress and have anti inflammatory effects.

Side effects : most commonly GI issue such as abdominal pain, diarrhea and nausea. Can also cause flushing, elevation of hepatic transaminases. Not recommended during pregnancy.

Administered orally twice daily.


Natalizumab mechanism of action? Side effects?


Mechanism of action : it is a monoclonal antibody directed against the apha4 chain of integrins in the BBB. This prevents extravasation of leukocytes into the CNS. It can be used during pregnancy, and it is also significantly effective : 80/90% reduction of relapse rate, less new lesions formations and 40/60% improvement on disability progression. In terms of side effects, nothing major.

IV administration once a month.

The main issue is concerning Progressive Multifocal Encephalopathy. PML is a serious complication caused by the reactivation of the JC virus which in individuals with weakened immune system cause oligodendrocyte infection and widespread demyelination.
Use of Natalizumab has to be used according to risk stratification done. We must look at how long is the treatment plan, JC virus index and previous immunosupressants.

Distinguishing PML lesions from MS lesions can be challenging, especially early on, as both affect the white matter. However, PML lesions tend to be:
• Larger than typical MS lesions.
• Sharply bordered near gray matter but with a fuzzy outer edge.
• Found primarily in the white matter, whereas MS can also affect cortical gray matter.


Fingolimod mechanism of action? Side effects?


Mechanism of action : blocks the sphingosine 1 phosphate receptors (active on all 5 types of receptors) determining an inhibition of lymphocytes egress from lymph nodes and possible direct CNS effects.

Administered orally once capsule per day, helps reduce frequency of relapses.

Possible side effects include : bradyarrhythmia, macular edema, increased risk of infection, basal cell carcinoma, should not be used in pregnancy.


Siponimod mechanism of action? Side effects?


Mechanism of action : same class of fingolimod but high affinity to S1PR1 than S1PR5. This drug has been shown to be effective also in SPMS.
Patients need to be tested for CYP2C9 gene as hey do not respond to the drug.
Side effects include same ones as fingolimod.
It is administered orally and a dosage escalation is done over the first few days.


Ozanimod and Posenimod mechanism of action? Side effects?


Ozanimod blocks S1PR1 and S1PR5, approved for relapsing MS.
Posenimod is the newest drug of this class. Only blocks S1PR1 determining fewer side effects. Also for relapsing MS.

Side effects include bradyarrhythmias, macular edema, BP increase, elevation of liver enzymes, potential fetal risk.

Both oral medications and administered with dose escalation over the first days.


Alentuzumab mechanism of action? Side effects?


It is the strongest Mab, directed against CD52 which is expressed both on B and T cells. It results in their depletion.

Mode of administration is 5 consecutive administrations in the first year and 3 consecutive administrations in the second year. Being a strong immunodepleting agent, the side effects of this drug are quite serious : infusional reactions, transient lymphopenia and neutropenia, infections, risk of cancers such as thyroid, melanoma and lymphoma.


Ocrelizumab mechanism of action? Side effects?


Humanized Mab directed at CD20, expressed on B lymphocytes, resulting in their depletion. It is given IV with first 2 administrations separated by 2 weeks followed by one every 6 months. It is the first and only drug approved from progressive MS.


Ofatumumab mechanism of action? Side effects?


It is a fully human monoclonal antibody directed against CD20, expressed on B lymphocytes. It needs subcutaneous administration of 20mg every month.
Side effects : infusion related reaction, headache, hematologic risks, increases risk of breast cancer and skin cancer.


Cladribine mechanism of action? Side effects?


It is a drug originally developed for oncology and now it is used to treat relapsing forms of MS. It is a purine analog that is selectively activated in lymphocytes. It interferes with DNA processing by inhibiting adenosine deaminase, leading to the destruction of rapidly proliferating cells, such as B and T cells.

It is an oral drug and the regimen is divided into two annual courses over the span of 2 years.
Each course consists of 2 treatment weeks separated by 1 month break.
The total dosage for 2 years is 3.5 mg per kilo. So per year is 1.75 mg per kilo.
E.g 70 kg adult needs 245 mg total. 122.5 mg per year. The first year the patient takes half a tablet for 5 days then one month break and then half a tablet for other 5 days. Then the year after same thing.

Side effects include hematologic conditions, infection and increased chance of developing cancer.

Should not be used in pregnancy rather natalizumab or ofatumamab should be used.


Symptomatic therapy for MS?


For general fatigue and effective drug is Amantadine which despite its effect on fatigue being unclear it is known to have monoaminergic, cholinergic and glutaminergic effects.
Other drugs that can be used include : baclofen, cannabis and gabapentin.


Pediatric MS?


Epidemiology—> 10% of MS patients have clinical onset before the age of 18. Typically the initial clinical course in most patients is relapsing remitting. In pediatric MS it is less likely yo have spinal cord involvement since they are more likely to have multifocal onset and more cerebellar involvement. It is also more common to see bilateral optic neuritis as in adults its typically monolateral.

Clinical course —> pediatric MS displays more inflammation, in untreated MS the risk of relapsing is higher. There is less time in between the first and second attack compared to adult MS, 6 months vs 14 months. In pediatric MS patients reach the SP phase in about 16 to 28 years compared to the 7-19 years of adults. They take longer the reach it but are on average 10 years younger when they reach the SP phase. Therefore there is a huge debate on which MS is clinically worse.

MRI —> very rare but typical, especially in patients below 11 years old, is a heterogenous lesion with a mass effect (ventricles compressed and displaced). It is importantly to distinguish it from a pseudotumoral lesion. To distinguish it is important to remember that is a MS lesion you would find edema while in a tumor proliferating cells. Therefore a mass spectroscopy can be used or doing a follow up and analyzing the evolution of the lesion (shrink if MS, same or bigger if tumor). Another important aspect is as younger patients have an increased ability to repair, lesions are typically larger than those seen in the adult population but typically resolve and then appear again which would never happen in adults.
A complete resolution could suggest DDX with ADEM.

Diagnostic criteria —> the McDonald criteria is applied to children 11 years or older. In younger patients first ADEM must be excluded which usually means a necessary subsequent attack characteristic of MS to diagnose it.


Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis?


Epidemiology —> generally occurs in children and young adults, mean age onset 5-8 years of age. Typically follows febrile illness or vaccination by 1 to 4 weeks. Most frequently associate to childhood associate exanthemas such as measles, rubella and varicella. Post vaccination ADEM is less frequent.

Pathophysiology —> ADEM is considered immunomediated rather than by direct damage from infections. It has been proposed that the infection or vaccination cross activated an immune reaction to myelin through molecular mimicry. In this disease there are multiple peri venous zones of demyelination in cerebral white matter. The multiple lesions are generally homogenous in appearance and of same age.

Clinical features —> onset characterized by low grade fever, headache, meningism, development of drowsiness and encephalopathy leading to confusion and progression to coma. It is typically multifocal and includes seizures, hemiparesis, paraparesis, ataxia, visual loss, sensory disturbance, myeclonus. The evolution occurs quite rapidly over hours or days, but rarely fulminant.

Clinical course —> typically monophasic illness. Recovery takes place over weeks or months, full recovery in 1/3 of patients. Mortality is 5%. Worst prognosis associated to coma and seizures. Residual neurological defects include hemiparesis, ataxia, blindness and epilepsy.

MRI —> lesions in ADEM in respect to MS are bigger and fluffier, homogenous and in 40% of cases completely resolve. In the spinal cord there can be very long (more than 3 vertebre) lesions which is a big difference with MS.
Patterns of lesions include :
Pattern 1: small lesions (less than 5 mm), it is the most
common presentation.
Pattern 2 : large, confluent or tumefactive lesions, with frequent extensive perilesional edema and mass effect.
Pattern 3: symmetric bithalamic involvement.
Pattern 4 : acute hemorrhagic encephalomyelitis.

CSF may be normal in up to 50% of cases. It could have abnormalities such as : mild lymphocytosis, elevated proteins, oligoclonal bands, elevation in the opening pressure.

Treatment is same as MS with more frequent use of plasmapheresis and IG IV. First line is high done IV methylprednisone fro 3 to 5 days.


What is NeuroMyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorder?


It was originally considered a variant of MS, now it is a completely different disease. It is a secondary demyelinating condition of the CNS, more precisely an astrocytopathy. Most commonly occurs in female (4:1) with a mean age of 40. Familial cases have been reported.

It is frequently associated with autoimmune disorders such as SLE, Sjogrens, thyroid disorders.

NMOSD is an autoimmune disorder linked with the presence of anti aquaporin 4 antibodies. This cell membrane water channel is found in the membrane of foot processes of astrocytes, that is imprint for fluid balance and cell water homeostasis. This determines swelling of astrocytes and atrophic effect on oligodendrocyte.

Diagnosis is based on core clinical characteristic and exclusion of DDXs. In positive autoantibodies you need 1 core clinical characteristic in negative at least 2.
Core clinical characteristics include optic neuritis (typically bilateral unlike MS), acute myelitis, area postrema syndrome (unexplained hiccups or nausea and vomiting), acute brainstem syndrome, symptomatic narcolepsy, acute diencephalic clinical syndrome with typical lesions, symptomatic cerebral symptoms with typical lesions.

MRI —> brain usually results normal, with possible few and nonspecific white matter lesion. The lesions are typically present in the optic nerve and spinal cord. Although in the acute phase we can find some marble pattern in the brain and edematous lesions in the corpus callosum.
In the spinal cord lesions are long, extensive and longitudinal. They are usually located centrally and extend for 3 or more contiguous vertebral segments.
Optic nerve shows bilateral swelling and enlargement.

CSF presents with normal pressure but can have marked CSF pleocystosis (increased WBC in CSF) with >1000 cells mm^3, a cell count of more than 50 should cause for attention as it is not MS. Proteins can be mildly elevated, oligoclonal bands are rarely present and if they are present it may be transient .

Clinical course —> can be monophasic or relapsing. Most affected areas are optic nerve and spinal cord, can lead to tetraplegia and blindness. 70% of patient recover after first attack but may result in permanent deficits, 55% of patients relapse after 6 months.

Therapy —> acute phase is treated with high dose IV corticosteroid followed by maintenance oral steroids, IV immunoglobulins and plasma exchange.
Preventative treatment is based on immunosuppression : azathioprine, methotrexate, cyclophosphamide, rituximab anti CD20, tocilizumab anti-IL6, satralizumab anti-IL6, inebilizumab anti CD19 and eculizumab anti C5.
The last three classes reduce the risk for relapse by 90%.




When NMOSD was studies some antibodies against MOG (Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoproteins) were found. Nowadays we have another entity which is MOGAD, Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein Antibody Disorder. It is another demyelinating disorder with same possible events of NMSOD. Typical signs involve optic nerve and spinal cord.

DDX based on —>

Optic nerve :
• In MS we have monocular small lesions.
• In NMOSD, bilateral posterior long lesions.
• In MOGAD, bilateral anterior long lesions.

Spinal cord :
• In MS, small multiple lesions (slim and short).
• In MOGAD and NMOSD, long and large lesions. In MOGAD, lesions are typically located in the conus.