Multiple Regression Flashcards
A tolerance = 1-R2
R2 = multiple R-squared
A tolerance of less than 0.1 indicates a collinearity problem.
Has nothing to do with Y.
Is correlation between 2 or more predictor variables. When predictor variables in the same regression model are correlated they cannot independently predict the dependent variable.
The multiple R2 shows the percent % variability in Y that can be……?
Explained by the model.
Adjusted R2
More improved way of assessing if a predictor variable adds value to the model or not. Has a maximum of 1.
Low adjusted R2 means poor model, the higher the adj R2 the better the model.
Pick model with the highest adjusted R2.
Lower the better model.
Lower the better model.
Takes into acc number of explanatory variables.
If only one more explanatory variable is added to the model, only a wat test??
a t-test is required to test if this explanatory variable adds value to the model or not.
Pick model with the higher or lower adj r2?
Pick the model with the higher or lower BIC?
Pick the model with the higher or lower AIC?
In multiple regression, do a partial f-test when one of the models being tested is….?
Nested within the original model.