Multiple gestation Flashcards
Definition of multiple gestation?
> 1 fetus in uterus
Monozygotic twins?
Identical twins One fertilized ovum Ovum splits at different stages : >2 days - dichorionic, diamniotic 3-7 days - monochorionic, diamniotic 7-14 days - monochorionic, monoamniotic 14+ days - conjoined twins
Dizygotic twins?
Non-identical twins
Two separate ovum, independant fertilization
Dichorionic, Diamniotic
Risk factors of multiple pregnancy?
Race - more common in west African Advanced maternal age previous multiple pregnancy IVF Ovulation stimulation
Diagnosis of multiple pregnancy?
Symptoms - hyperemesis gravidarum, Weight gain, very large uterus very early, increased fetal movement
US - check for chorionicity -
monochorionic - one placenta, twin peak sign negative
Dichorionic - 2 placentas, lambda sign (twin peak sign) seen. (suggests twin membrane)
Auscultation - 2 fetal heart beats heard. Arnoux sign - superimposition of two fetus - sounds like a gallop rhythm.
complications of multiple gestation?
Maternal - hyperemesis gravidarum, gestational diabetes, spontaneous abortion, placenta previa and abruption, preterm labour, hypertension
Fetal - Preterm labour, IUGR, fetal demise, TTTS, malpresentation
What is it
Twin Twin Transfusion syndrome - complication of monochorionic twins.
Donor bleeds into the recipient via placental anastomosis.
Donor twin - anemia, IUGR, oligohydramnios
Recipient twin - polycythemia, larger size, Polyhydramnios, increased amniotic pressure.
Treatment- septostomy, reductive amniocentesis, selective vessel laser ablasion
What is TRAP
Twin Reversal Arterial Perfusion.
One twin has underdeveloped heart (acardiac twin)
The other twin maintains adequate perfusion through an anastomosis (pump twin)
Results in cardiac immaturity of the pump twin.
Treatment is cord ligation of the acardiac twin.
What is discordant growth ?
A greater than 25% weight difference in weight between the twins.
Common in monochorionic twins, especially in TTTS.
Method of delivery in multiple gestation?
If the presenting twin is in vertex position, then vaginal delivery.
If in breech position - C-Section, as risk of twin interlocking syndrome.