Multiple Choice Flashcards
Which of the following is a limitation when talking about the density of a neighborhood?
A. Density does not describe distribution.
B. Density is less accurate in large cities.
C. Density is less accurate in small towns.
D. Density implies undesirability.
A - A limitation to using density when describing a neighborhood is that it does not describe distribution; a density of 500 could imply that the 500 people are evenly distributed across 10 acres or crowded together in a single building. Density is not more or less accurate when discussing large cities or small towns. Density once implied undesirability, but many people now prefer to live in more densely populated locations where they may encounter more people and have more things to do.
Los Angeles may be defined by which of the following urban development patterns? Select 2
A. Expanding grid B. Star pattern C. Megalopolis D. Satellite pattern E. Field pattern
C, E - Los Angeles can be defined as either a field pattern (where the pattern is amorphous and has no real shape) or as a megalopolis (which occurs when two or more major urban areas grow into each other as the area between them is developed.
In Life Cycle Analysis planning, one critical aspect of materials evaluation is the embodied energy in building materials. Which of the following materials has the highest embodied energy?
A. Copper
B. Sand
C. Brick
D. Glass
A - Approximate embodied energy values:
Sand 18 BTU/LB
Brick 2200 BTU/LB
Glass 11,100 BTU/LB
Copper 29,600 BTU/LB
Which of the following is the difference between an expanding grid and a strict grid?
A. An expanding grid allows for continuous expansion until stopped by a natural feature; a strict grid is limited by the local jurisdiction
B. An expanding grid allows for continuous expansion until stopped by a natural feature; a strict grid is confined to a smaller space.
C. An expanding grid grows indefinitely as the population grows; a strict grid restricts growth.
D. An expanding grid grown indefinitely as the population grows; a strict grid is confined to a smaller space.
B - An expanding grid allows for continuous expansion until stopped by a natural feature and a strict grid is confined to a smaller space. Strict grids are prominent in smaller cities.
Which of the following are benefits to developing a superblock? Select 2
A. Increased pedestrian circulation
B. Decreased automobile intrusion
C. Increased parking spaces
D. Increased housing developments
A, B - Superblocks are designed to increase the pedestrian circulation and decrease automobile intrusion. Superblocks function as continuous streets with cul-de-sacs.
Which of the following are you most likely to find in a large city?
A. Planned unit developments
B. Superblocks
C. Open space
D. Transit-oriented development
D - In a large city, you are most likely to find transit-oriented development, where construction takes place close to transit stops. You are less likely to find planned unit developments or superblocks, both of which have a component of open space, which is also not likely to be available in a large city.
Which of the following is one of AIA’s Top 10 Principles for Livable Communities? Select 3
A. Encourage mixed-use development.
B. Conserve landscapes.
C. Design on an urban scale.
D. Create a neighborhood identity.
A, B, D - Design should be carried out on a human, not urban, scale - with compact, pedestrian-friendly communities with easy access to shops, services, resources, and jobs.
Which of the following would best detain water runoff for supplemental irrigation?
A. Catch basin.
B. Detention basin.
C. Bio basin.
D. Infiltration basin
D - An infiltration basin would detain water runoff. A catch basis is used to contain runoff until it can flow into a storm sewer, which will not contribute to supplemental irrigation. A bio basin will treat water but is not used for irrigation. Detention basins are used for flood protection, not irrigation.
Which of the following can contribute to sustainable design on-site during construction? Select 2.
A. Increased parking
B. Relocating existing vegetation
C. Limiting travel routes
D. Installing permanent vegetation
C, D - Limiting travel routes and installing permanent vegetation can contribute to sustainable design. Increasing parking and relocating existing vegetation are not sustainable practices and will not contribute to sustainable design; vegetation especially should be protected, not removed and relocated.
The Architect is designing a new house on a lot in a temperate climate with prevailing winds coming from the northwest direction. Which of the following represents where trees should be planted?
A. Coniferous on South, Deciduous on North
B. Deciduous on the South, Coniferous on the North
C. Coniferous on North and South
D. Deciduous on North and South.
B - Deciduous lets light in during the winter and blocks light in the summer; therefore, Deciduous trees should be on the south side. Coniferous trees have leaves all year and blocks wind all year.
An Architect is working on a small office building in the cold, dry climate of Colorado. After surveying the property together, the client has decided they would like the house to be situated at least halfway up the large hill in order to capture some of the expansive views. Where on the hill should the Architect suggest building?
A. Halfway up the south side of the hill.
B. On top of the hill.
C. Halfway up the north side of the hill.
D. On the bottom of the east side of the hill.
A - In a dry, cold climate, a house on the south side of the hill would be warm and sunny in the summer and winter and out of the wind found at the top of the hill.
When considering the normative planning method, public participation techniques can benefit the planning process during which of the following phases? Select 3
A. Analysis B. Development C. Planning D. Adopting E. Implementation
C, D, E - The planning, adopting, and implementation phases are most likely to enjoy the benefit of public participation. Analysis and developing strategies are more likely to be conducted by the planner without community participation.
NFPA 252 is used to evaluate which of the following?
A. How well doors or other openings resist the passage of heat, flame, and gases.
B. How well windows resist the passage of heat, flame, and gases.
C. How well wall assemblies and floor/ceiling assemblies resist the passage of heat, flame, and gases.
D. How well interior finishes resist the passage of heat, flame, and gasses.
A - How well doors and other openings resist the passage of heat, flames, and gasses. Windows are evaluated with NFPA 257, wall assemblies and floor/ceiling assemblies are evaluated with ASTM E119, and ASTM E84 rates interior finishes and other building materials.
If a soil is analyzed as being primarily silty, how should it be characterized?
A. very fine material of organic matter.
B. Rigid particles with moderately high bearing capacity.
C. particles with some cohesion and plasticity in their behavior.
D. smaller particles with occasional plastic behavior.
D - Option A describes organic material, option B describes gravels, and option C describes clays.
The construction of a large general hospital is being planned for a neighborhood that lies between an outer edge of a downtown area and a medium- to high-density housing area. There are already smaller clinics and doctors’ offices in the area. The following concerns have been addressed in the design of the hospital building. In presenting the project to the city planning board, which concern should the architect emphasize?
A. The proposed street closure, planned in order to expand the building site, will not affect traffic.
B. Sufficient parking will be made available on the project site.
C. The bulk of the building design will not block sunlight from the housing.
D. Sewer and water services will not have to be expanded to serve the building.
B - All these issues are important, but the architect wants to tailor the presentation toward the key concerns of the planning board and the community at large. In this type of neighborhood, parking already would be in short supply considering the number of downtown worker,s housing, and high-traffic needs of clinics and doctors’ offices. Therefore, parking likely would be the most important concern to the community.
This problem requires an understanding of all the major elements of planning a project and their effect on transportation services, traffic, utilities, ecology, drainage, and aesthetics. You may be asked questions about what types of drawings or other documentation could best show a proposed project in its neighborhood context. IN general, know how the surroundings affect the project and how the project affects the surrounding community.
An architect is developing a site plan for a building that is adjacent to a highway. Which of the following strategies is best for attenuating noise?
A. Maximize the distance between the new building and the highway.
B. Construct a masonry wall as high as possible next to the highway.
C. Plant combination of deciduous and evergreen trees 100 ft. deep.
D. Locate the building as far from the highway as possible and plant a row of evergreen trees.
B - All of the strategies listed would help mitigate the noise problem, but building a solid, high mass wall would be the most effective.
Although increasing the distance between a noise source and the receiver helps to reduce the sound level, it would not make a significant difference in this case. Even though noise from a point source decreases as the square of the distance increases, noise from a linear source, such as a highway, only decreased directly as the distance increases. Doubling the distance would only decrease the sound level by about 3 decibels, which is barely noticeable.
Trees help attenuate sound, but only if they are planted in a deep row and in a combination of deciduous and evergreen trees is used. A deep row of trees consists of several rows perpendicular to the direction of the sound. The greater the number of rows, the better the sound attenuation will be. Planting a combination of deciduous and evergreen trees is helpful because their different densities attenuate different sound frequencies. However, trees are most effective in attenuating sound at higher frequencies and may not be very useful in dealing with the low frequencies of highway noise.
According to the principles of crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED), which of the following are the most useful strategies? Select 4.
A. Adding security guards at critical points.
B. Using territorial reinforcement.
C. Placing bars on ground floor windows.
D. Employing electronic methods of protection.
E. Requiring the use of keypad locks.
F. Locating windows to overlook public areas.
A, B, D, F - Of the options listed, simply placing bars on windows would be the least effective crime prevention technique, according to the principles of CPTED. CPTED is the process of designing security into architecture. The various strategies it uses are implemented through architectural design, electronic methods, and organizational methods. Architectural design methods include the use of defensible space concepts that deny admission to a target and create a perception that there is a risk in selecting a target; such concepts include natural access control, natural surveillance, territorial reinforcement, and legitimate activity support.
Mechanical access control including locks and window bars supplement natural and electronic access-control measures. Natural access control elements include fences, hedges, and gates, which create the perception that selecting the target is a risk.
Electronic methods include the use of locks, alarms, access control electronic surveillance, and similar techniques.
Organizational methods include the use of human resources such as guards, door attendants, receptionists, and the like.
A building in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, figured prominently in the Civil War and is now used as a small private museum. The brick structure is adjacent to a battlefield and has been maintained largely as it was in 1863, with the exception of a small wood frame addition built in the 1960s. The addition is deteriorating and will be removed. This project is an example of which historic building treatment?
A. rehabilitation
B. restoration
C. reconstruction
D. preservation
B - Restoration focuses on the most important time period in the life of a structure. In this case, the most significant time was the Battle of Gettysburg, July 1 - 3, 1863. Therefore, any additions built at other times could be removed. The materials and character of the original structure should be repaired.
Rehabilitation is often used when the property is being converted to a use other than its historical function. It allows more flexibility in the materials and methods of construction that can be used to repair the building, as long as the historic character of the building is maintained.
Reconstruction is the process of rebuilding a lost structure based on historic documentation. One of the most familiar examples of this approach is the buildings and environs at Colonial Williamsburg.
Preservation is the most historically accurate approach. It maintains additions made over time and chronicles the history of the building through the modifications.
The owner of the lot described below wants to develop a building with the maximum allowable gross square footage. If the floor area ratio (FAR) is 2.0 and the owner builds only full stories to the setback lines, how high will the building be?
Lot description: 200ft x 300ft. 10ft and 20ft side setbacks running parallel with the 200ft length.
a 30ft rear setback and 40ft front setback.
A. 2 stories
B. 3 stories
C. 4 stories
D. 5 stories
B - The area of the lot is 60,000 sf. If the floor area ratio is 2, the maximum amount of the floor areas that can be built is 120,000 sf. The available ground areas that can be covered within the setbacks is 270ft x 130ft, or 35,100 sf. Dividing this figure into 120,000 gives 3.42 stories, which indicates that three full stories can be built.
Which of these can zoning ordinances do? Select 4
A. Influence building form.
B. Determine the allowable flooring loading based on occupancy.
C. Stabilize property values.
D. Determine required amounts of parking.
E. Allow city governments to predict infrastructure needs.
F. Establish the required number of toilet facilities at a municipal stadium.
A, C, D, E - Zoning ordinances are enacted in municipalities to control what types of structures are built in certain locations. Zoning requirements such as setbacks, floor area ratios, and height limitations influence the form of the building that can be constructed on a site and consequently influence the appearance of a neighborhood. Zoning regulations prohibit construction of incongruent building types within a specific area; for example, zoning ordinances would likely separate residential neighborhoods from heavy industrial uses, helping to stabilize property values. Zoning also helps governments plan for the future by restricting the capacity of the land and helping predict the types and capacities of utility systems necessary in a specific area.
Which of the following are required components of an incentive zoning plan? Select 3.
A. Base floor area ratio B. Bonus ratio C. Specific plan for development D. Floor area ratio (FAR) cap E. Floor area ratio cap F. Bonus cap
A, B, C - Incentive zoning is a way to encourage private developers to provide amenities for public use in exchange for the opportunity to build a larger or taller structure on a site. An example of incentive zoning is the bonus floor area given to developers of skyscrapers in NYC, NY, who include a public plaza on the ground floor level.
Incentive zoning plans must include a base floor area ratio (the standard against which to compare) and a bonus ratio - the FAR that is provided if the public space is a part of the design, along with a specific plan for the development that will trigger the bonus. The plans may include caps on the FAR and a bonus FAR - for example, a bonus may be given for providing public parking in an underground garage to increase from the base FAR of 1.5, but the bonus FAR may not exceed 2. For incentive zoning to be a true incentive, the value of the additional (leasable) floor area must exceed the cost of providing the public amenity.
Which of the following would be included in a zoning ordinance? Select 4.
A. Maximum building heights. B. Maximum number of occupants. C. Minimum parking requirements. D. Minimum setbacks from property lines. E. Minimum width for utility easements. F. Minimum number of loading spaces.
A, C, D, F - A zoning ordinance is a set of rules enacted by a local governing body or by a board that the governing body has designated, such as a zoning or planning commission. This set of rules regulates the types of buildings and development that are permitted in certain areas of a jurisdiction.
Zoning ordinances specify what uses are permitted in certain areas and may separate the land within the jurisdiction into, commercial, industrial, and residential zones. In addition, zoning ordinances typically dictate how a site may be developed by establishing floor area ratios, minimum lot sizes and dimensions, maximum lot coverage requirements, maximum building heights, minimum setbacks from property lines, and parking requirements, including minimum number and sizes of loading spaces.
Sometimes a zoning ordinance gives different requirements from the building code in effect in the same region. This often happens, for example, with requirements for maximum height and area. Building codes determine these maximums on the basis of occupancy groups and types of construction, which are modified by factors such as whether the building will be sprinklered and whether access for firefighting equipment will be provided. If the local zoning ordinance and the building code give different maximum heights or areas, the lower of the tow takes precedence.
A zoning ordinance would not determine the maximum number of occupants permitted in a structure. This requirement is established by the building code in the jurisdiction, in accordance with the occupancy group and type of construction of the building. in addition, a zoning ordinance would not include requirements for or widths of utility easements.
Which of the following are typically regulated by zoning ordinances? Select 4.
A. How a property is used. B. Type of exterior materials. C. Floor area ratios. D. Number of loading spaces. E. Minimum amount of window exposure. F. Distances from property line to building.
A, C, D, F - Exterior material types are not regulated by zoning ordinances, though they may be governed by covenants, development restrictions, and to some extent by building codes. Zoning ordinances do not regulate either minimum or maximum window area.
According to IBC, when two exits are required, they must be at least what distance apart on the diagonal (measured on the floor plan)?
A. 1/3 the diagonal
B. 1/2 the diagonal
C. 1/4 the diagonal
D. 1/5 the diagonal
B - According to IBC, Where two exits are required from any portion of the exit access, they shall be placed a distance apart equal to not less than one-half of the length of the maximum overall diagonal dimension of the building or area being served measured in a straight line between them. Interlocking or scissor stairways shall be counted as one exit stairway.
- where interior exit stairways or ramps are interconnected by a 1-hour fire-resistance-rated corridor, the required exit separation shall be measured along the shortest direct line of travel within the corridor.
- Where a building is equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system, the separation distance shall be not less than one-third of the length of the maximum overall diagonal dimension of the area served.
Which of the following ADA requirements need to be considered in the construction of a library with an open stair in an atrium in the path of egress?
A. No adjustments are required as long as floor area is clear.
B. Hang a warning sign.
C. Recommend guardrail underneath the lower portion of the stair and a planting area be placed underneath the stair.
D. Paint the back of the treads a bright color.
C - ADA requirements necessitate a vertical surface that can be detected by a cane or other tool used by the visually impaired. It is also needed to ensure someone with a visual impairment is protected from injury.
Which of the following are typically regulated as part of a site’s zoning requirements. Select 3.
A. Stormwater runnoff from roof drains
B. Easements from property lines
C. Parking and loading spaces
D. Green spaces.
B, C, D - Stormwater runnoff is regulated by the International Plumbing Code while all others are regulated by zoning.
An Architect has decided to enter a local competition for a new museum. Before beginning the initial floor plan and massing studies the Architect should consult building codes to determine which of the following design criteria? Select all that apply.
A. Maximum square footage B. Maximum number of stories C. Potential construction methods and materials D. Soil requirements E. Maximum required exits
A, B, C - Area, number of floors, and construction method and materials are all items that are found in the building codes and are important to understand before initial design.
In order to provide clear access to an exit in a corridor, which of the following reductions of the required aisle width are permitted?
A. A door projection of 9 inches.
B. 7 inches when structural obstructions are present.
C. Handrails with maximum projection of 4.5 inches.
D. 3 inches maximum trim and decorative items.
C - Maximum projection of a door is 7 inches, no reductions in required width are provided for structural obstructions, and the maximum projection for trim and decorative items is 1.5 inches.
Which of the following tests are most commonly used to rate fire resistance of construction assemblies? Select 3.
A. ASTM E119
B. NFPA 252
D. NFPA 257
A, B, D - ASTM E84 is a flammability test not a fire-resistance test.
Which of the following is true of a conditional covenant?
A. The property will revert to the original owner when maximum square footage is reached.
B. The property requires a buyer to perform a specific duty in the future.
C. The property will revert to the original owner if deed restrictions are not followed.
D. The property will revert to the original owner if the site is not developed.
C - A conditional covenant provides for a property to revert to its original owner if deed restrictions are not followed. An affirmative covenant requires a buyer to perform a specific duty in the future, and a restrictive covenant is used to keep subdivisions uniform. Maximum square footage would not be a condition of a covenant.
According to NFPA 265, which of the following conditions must be met for a textile to receive a passing rating? Select 2.
A. During 40kW exposure, flames do not spread to outer extremities of 8’ x 12’ wall within 5 minutes.
B. During 40kW exposure, flames do not spread to the ceiling.
C. During 150 kW exposure, there is no flashover and no flame spread to the outer extremities of 8’ x 12’ wall.
D. During 150 kW exposure, flames do not spread to ceiling within 10 minutes.
B, C - According to NFPA 265, during 40kW exposure, flames cannot spread to the ceiling within 5 minutes and during 150 kW exposure, there can be no flashover and no flame spread to the outer extremities of a 8’ x 12’ wall within 10 minutes.
Which of the following is true for professionals who work in the planning profession?
A. There are no licensure requirements.
B. Certifications are not available.
C. Jurisdictions do not require certifications.
D. Degree programs are not available.
A - There are no licensure requirements for planning professionals; however, many jurisdictions do require certifications, which are available. Degree programs are also available and may provide a foundation for a certification program.
How are property taxes commonly expressed?
A. Finance charge
B. Improvement fee
C. Mill levy
D. Assessed value
C - Property taxes are commonly expressed as a mill levy, which is the number of thousandths of a dollar charged per $1,000 of assessed value.
During the programming phase, an architect is developing a project schedule and seeking information related to construction time. Which of the following would provide most accurate sources of information? Select 3.
A. Construction manager
B. Contractors with similar experience
C. Documents from similar projects
D. Other architects with similar experience
A, C, D - The construction manager, documents from similar projects, and architects with similar experience would all provide good, reliable information to inform the scheduling process.
Contractors may provide good information, but if they have not been awarded the project they may provide less reliable information.
When conducting a site analysis in a densely populated urban area, which of the following should be considered? Select 3.
A. Natural features B. Solar shading C. View analysis D. Subsurface conditions E. Historical context
B, C, E - Solar shading, a view analysis, and historical context would be important components of a site analysis. Natural features and subsurface conditions would be less impactful; an urban area will most likely not be impacted by natural features due to existing construction, and subsurface conditions are likely known and would not be necessary.
While creating a blocking and stacking diagram during the programming phase of a project, what information must be evaluated? Select 2.
A. Client’s pro forma
B. Geotechnical report
C. Planning adjacency matrix
D. Zoning envelope
C, D - The process of blocking and stacking requires knowledge of general sizes of building footprint and allowable stories to create viable designs later on. The size, quantity, and adjacency relationships of spaces is necessary in order to build out the conceptual floors of each level.
Which of the following are most likely to influence a project when using the design-bid-build method? Select 3
A. Bidding
B. Size
C. Complexity
D. Client
B, C, D - All choices are correct with the exception of bidding. Bidding would not have a significant impact on design-bid-build any more than it would on another method.
Which of the following is most often used to finance large projects?
A. Bridge loan
B. Hard money loan
C. Mezzanine loan
D. Mortgage loan
C - A mezzanine loan is most often used to finance large projects. A bridge loan finances projects before long-term financing is established. A hard money loan is usually used when working with foreclosed or distressed properties. A mortgage loan is common for individual home buyers, not for large projects.
Which of the following storage items would require moderate hazard for storage? Select all that apply.
A. Furniture B. Books C. Lumber D. Food products E. Porcelain
A, B, C - This question looks at the difference between combustible and non-combustible storage goods. Furniture, books, and lumber could be combustible goods
Which of the following is likely to be paid for by a general obligation bond? Select 2.
A. Residential home
B. School
C. Municipal building
D. Office park
B, C - This question looks at general obligation bonds, which are issued by a city or state and backed by tax revenue. Public buildings are most likely to be paid for using general obligation bonds, which means a school or other municipal building would be correct choices.
After completing a new building program, what information is required to determine the occupant load for the project? Select 2
A. Floor area ratio
B. Square footage per space
C. Construction type
D. Use per space
B, D - The program determines the quantity of spaces, their respective areas, and the expected users in each space, but the building code is required to determine the actual occupant load for the project. The use of each space and its square footage are aggregated to determine the total occupant load for a project. This is important for the architect to understand egress and other requirements.
You have been commissioned to renovate an existing warehouse into a new adaptive reuse office space. By the time the programming phase has completed, which of the following should you have learned? Select 3.
A. Zoning classification for the site and adjacent sites.
B. Allowable uses for the zoning classification
C. Occupant load and cost per square foot
D. Gross and net building areas
A, B, D - The correct answers listed represent existing factors that the architect will have to work with ion determining how the adaptive reuse project can proceed. The zoning, adjacent zoning, and allowable uses will determine what kinds of projects can be developed on site. The gross building areas and net building areas will be important in determining how much can be built within the existing warehouse. The parking requirements could rule out certain types of uses and occupant loads.
The process of architectural programming could be best-defined as which of the following?
A. Problem seeking
B. Problem stating
C. Problem solving
D. Problem studying
A - Programming is Problem Seeking - Programming is the act of defining the goals, collecting facts, testing ideas, and determining needs. The design process studies and solves problems, and problem stating is the end result of programming, not the process of doing programming.
Los Angeles may be defined by which of the following urban development patterns?
A. Expanding Grid B. Star pattern C. Megalopolis D. Satellite Pattern E. Field Pattern
C, E - Los Angeles can be defined as either a field pattern (where the pattern is amorphous and has no real shape) or as a megalopolis (which occurs when two or more major urban areas grow into each other as the area between them is developed).
An owner has taken possession of a historic property that has been updated with modern finishes. The owner would like to remove the modern finishes and retain only the materials that were present during the buildings original construction. Which of the following best describes the process that the owner would like to undertake?
A. Preservation
B. Reconstruction
C. Restoration
D. Rehabilitation
C - The owner would like to restore the building. The restoration process would allow the owner to retain the materials original to the building while removing materials that were added later in its history. Preservation would maintain all updates to the building in an effort to preserve its full history, not just history from a single time period. Reconstruction would recreate the building with new materials. Rehabilitation would repair but also replace historic items, which would be an imperfect solution based on the owner’s intent.
When working with masonry in a historic building, can the masonry be replaced?
A. Yes; it can be replaced with the same material.
B. No; it can only be maintained.
C. No; it can only be repaired.
D. Yes; it can be replaced with the same material or a similar material
D - When working with masonry in a historic building, masonry can be replaced with the same material or a similar material if the same material is not available.
An architect is working on a design for a 10-story office building in Virginia. The building will feature a large wall of windows that face toward the west. Which of the following can the architect recommend to avoid excessive sunlight from becoming an issue for tenants? Select 2.
A. Exterior louvers B. Interior louvers C. Deciduous trees D. Vertical sun baffles E. Window overhangs
A, D - Exterior louvers are most likely going to be the right choice for the building. The are effective because they block sunlight before it enters, which interior louvers do no do. Vertical sun baffles may also be a good choice because they are effective for buildings that face the east or west. Window overhangs are better for buildings facing north or south. Deciduous trees would not be appropriate due to the height of the building.
An owner is researching spaces upon which to build a small retail park. Proposed tenants will include a small convenience store, a barber shop, and a dentist. The owner expects to attract people from within a 5-mile radius who are in need of the tenants’ services. Which of the following should the owner use to select a location?
A. An undeveloped area close to a highway.
B. A residential catchment area.
C. An up-and-coming area where residential development is expected.
D. A densely populated part of a large city.
B - Based on the information presented, the owner should consider a residential catchment areas when selecting a space to build a retail park. The proposed tenants are likely to attract the people who live within the surrounding neighborhoods. It may seem like a densely populated area would be better, but it may be more difficult and more expensive to secure land, and it may be harder to attract tenants, depending on how many similar businesses operate in the area. An undeveloped area close to a highway would not be appropriate, as there would not be many people in the catchment area, and the up-and-coming area may be ideal when residential development is confirmed; until then, there may not be many people within the 5-mile radius.
Which of the following best describes how a building can be mad self-shading?
A. Design the building to be wider on higher stories than at ground level.
B. Design the building to be wider at the ground level than on higher stories
C. Incorporate natural vegetation around the perimeter.
D. Incorporate fixed shading devices on the south side of the building.
A - A self-shading building is wider on higher stories than at ground level. Incorporating fixed shading devices does not make the building self-shading, and adding trees around the perimeter does not impact the ability of the building to self-shade.
ASTM E119 is used to evaluate which of the following?
A. How well windows resist the passage of heat, flame, and gases.
B. How well doors and other openings resist the passage of heat, flame and gases.
C. How well interior finishes resist the passage of heat, flame, and gases.
D. How well the wall assemblies and floor/ceiling assemblies resist the passage of heat, flame and gases.
D - The correct answer is how well wall assemblies and floor/ceiling assemblies resist the passage of heat, flames, and gases. Windows are evaluated with NFPA 257, doors and other openings are evaluated with NFPA 252, and ASTM E84 rates interior finishes and other building materials.
Which of the following are variables to consider when developing a construction budget? Select 4
A. Compensation B. Time C. Quality of construction D. Space E. Budget F. Covenants
B, C, D, E - Time, quality, quantity, and funds are the variables that must be considered when budgeting. Compensation would be included in the budget, and covenants may influence decisions but would not directly impact the budgeting process.
Which of the following are sustainable design principles? Select 3.
A. Prioritize green building materials
B. Do no harm
C. Use a systems thinking approach
D. Foster environmental stewardship
B, C, D - Do no harm, systems thinking, and fostering an environmental stewardship are all components of sustainable design principles. Prioritizing green building materials, while often preferred, is not specifically a sustainable design principle.
During a site analysis, the architect notes that a feature of the site is a 7% slope that extends directly across the optimal building site. Which of the following is true of the building site with respect to the slope?
A. The slope can be built upon without much difficulty.
B. The slope is subject to erosion but can be built upon.
C. The slope is subject to erosion and cannot be built upon.
D. The slope can be built upon with some difficulty.
A - A slope of 7% can be built upon without much difficulty. Slopes of 4-10% are suitable for building. Erosion would not be a factor unless the slope were 25% or greater, at which point would be difficult and expensive to build upon.
An architect is concerned that runoff at a building site will be greater than the capacity of its natural draining. Which of the following should the architect recommend?
A. Increase the capacity of the current drainage solution.
B. Release existing draining before additional water is added.
C. Construct a temporary holding pond.
D. Construct a silt fence.
C - In this case, constructing a temporary holding pond is the best solution. Increasing the capacity of the current drainage solution may not be possible, and it may also not be feasible to release existing drainage. A silt fence filters out sediment from a construction site, but it does not provide a runoff solution.
Which of the following provides an example of a functional program that will be heavily influenced by space needs? Select 1.
A. Larger offices are assigned based on years with the company.
B. Classrooms will accommodate 25 students and one teacher.
C. Restaurant will seat up to 250 diners.
D. Workspace will facilitate open communication.
A - In this example, a requirement that large offices are assigned to employees who have been with the company for the longest will have the greatest impact on space needs. Offices will vary in size to reflect tenure, and so a determined number of larger and smaller offices will be required, which will impact space needs. A school with classrooms that will accommodate the same number of students will have less of an impact on space needs, and a restaurant’s furniture configuration can support changing space needs. This is also true for a workspace designed to facilitate open communications, where you can anticipate more open spaces.
Which of the following are examples of rights-of-way? Select 3.
A. Sidewalk
B. Street
C. Property line
D. Access easement
A, B, D - All are correct except for property line, which is a boundary that would separate a right-of-way from an adjacent property.
How are property taxes commonly expressed?
A. Finance charge
B. Improvement fee
C. Mill levy
D. Assessed value
C - Property taxes are commonly expressed as a mill levy, which is the number of thousandths of a dollar charged per $1,000 of assessed value.
Which of the following might be a challenge for a project that will be paid for by tax increment financing?
A. It may be viewed as an unfair tax break.
B. People in the district may not vote for it.
C. New public buildings may not be necessary.
D. Residential home prices may decrease.
A - Tax increment financing (TIF) is an incentive used to encourage the development of a district through funds generated from an increase in property tax revenues, which are generated by the new development itself. Some voters in the district may see this as an unfair tax break, which is the correct answer. A TIF does not require a public vote, and it does not provide for new public buildings. Residential home prices would be expected to increase, not decrease, after development.
Which of the following ground surface materials would be best-suited to a project where an architect would like to moderate the microclimate? Select 4.
A. Concrete B. Soil C. Clay D. Dark gravel E. Sand F. Grass
A, B, D, E - To moderate the microclimate, the architect should select materials with low albedo and high conductivity. Sand and soil have high conductivity, concrete and gravel have low albedo.
Which of the following is the proportion of the incident light or radiation that is reflected by a surface?
A. Insolation
B. Albedo
C. Reflectivity
D. Emissivity
B - Albedo is the proportion of the incident light or radiation that is reflected by a surface. Insolation is the total solar radiation on a horizontal surface. Reflectivity measures solar heat rejection. Emissivity is the ability for a surface to emit stored energy.
Which of the following buildings would most likely have the highest efficiency?
A. Hospital
B. Data Center
C. Hotel
D Residential Home
D - A residential home would have the highest efficiency of the choices listed. A hospital, data center, and hotel would likely have lower efficiency due to the structural systems and machinery necessary to house within the buildings, which would lower efficiency.
When selecting a building location, which of the following will most likely contribute to sustainable site design? Select 3.
A. Encourage mixed-use developments.
B. Incorporate multiple parking options.
C. Incorporate public transportation options.
D. Integrate numerous pedestrian walking paths.
E. Minimize solar shadows on adjacent properties.
A, C, E - The most sustainable practices encourage mixed-use developments, incorporate public transportation, and minimize solar shadows on adjacent properties. Incorporating multiple parking options and walking paths are less sustainable, as these should be minimized or consolidated.
A cost estimate is called for during programming of a new state agency facility with a fixed total cost. Three priorities established for the project are office spaces designed per agency SF guidelines, secure entry control from public lobby to workspace, and low annual maintenance cost. Which aspect of the cost estimate offers the most flexibility for meeting the overall project budget?
A. Cost / SF B. Professional fees C. Efficiency ratio D. Contingency E. Property acquisition and demolition
C - In this case, increasing the efficiency ratio offers the most flexibility since programmed sf and material selections are constrained.
Which of the following are the two distinct planning methodologies? Select 2
A. Required
B. Rational
C. Normative
D. Public Participation.
B, C - The two planning methodologies are rational and normative.
The Rational planning model initially emphasizes problem recognition and definition, which is a data-intensive process. Then, planning goals are established, along with evaluation criteria for making planning decisions. A wide range of planning alternatives is generated, and quantifiable methods are used for analyzing and selecting among the alternatives. Detailed implementation strategies are devised, and implementation progress is monitored. This monitoring contributes an important “feedback loop” to support the theories and knowledge base required for future planning endeavors. The planners roll is that of a scientific researcher and analyst (a skilled technician) rather than that of an imaginative designer and form-maker.
The Normative planning model is manifested in collaboration, community engagement, and consensus-building. The thoughts, beliefs, and emotions of stakeholders are driving forces in planning decision making and action. In this process, the planner works with the community to define their “vision” for the future or what they want their community to be. Implementation strategies frequently involve the best actions to take as defined by the planning stakeholders. The planners roll is that of facilitators, communicators, and “political” strategists.
An architect is working on a new office building for a client whose main goals are energy efficiency and budget. Which of the following design options should the Architect consider at the start of the project? Select all that apply.
A. Building orientation with regard to wind.
B. Building orientation with regard to sun.
C. Solar panels.
D. Daylighting strategies.
E. LED lighting layout.
A, B, D - The correct items are all design strategies that can passively reduce the energy consumption of the building (without additional cost) and need to be considered during the early stages of design; The incorrect options are more costly and are not necessary to consider at the initial stages of design.
Which of the following is the best traffic controller for the intersection of a collector street and a local road?
A. Roundabout
B. Stoplight
C. Controller not necessary
D. Stop sign
D - A stop sign is advantageous at the intersection of a collector street and a local road, where volume may not be as significant as the intersection between a collector street and an arterial street.
A house is being designed for a new development in a suburban location. The nearest water main is one block away, about 300 ft, and the city currently has no plans to extend the line in the near future. City and county regulations do permit the drilling of wells. What action should the architect recommend to the client regarding the water supply?
A. Estimate the cost of extending the municipal line, since the water quality is known and it would ensure a long-term supply. Consult with nearby property owners who plan to build in the area to see if they would be willing to share in the cost of extending the line.
B. Drill a test bore to determine the depth, potential yield, and water quality of a well, and compare this information with the cost of extending the municipal line.
C. Assist the owner in petitioning the city to accelerate its plans for extending the water line to serve new development.
D. Consult with nearby property owners who use wells and with well drillers to estimate the depth and yield of wells in the area. Compare the estimated cost and feasibility of drilling with the feasibility of extending the municipal line at the owner’s cost.
A - Even though the nearest water line is 300ft away, the best recommendation would be to use city water, where the quality and quantity are known and a long-term supply is assured. Although nearby property owners might or might not be willing to share the cost, the owner still would be best advised to extend the line.
Drilling a test bore could help determine the depth, potential yield, and water quality, but that would cost almost as much as drilling a well.
Petitioning the city to extend the line would be time-consuming and probably not successful if the city had already decided against it.
Asking nearby property owners who use wells about there experience would yield useful information, but even if the cost and water quality were acceptable, extending the municipal line would still be the preferred course of action.
In the terminology of Kevin Lynch’s 1960 book, The Image of the City, an area that is preceived as a symbol of a part of a city is a
A. Node
B. Landmark
C. District
D. Core
D - A core is the focus of a district that may be perceived as a symbol of that part of the city. The core is often located a the junction of primary paths, or it could be an element or feature that influences the rest of the area. For example, a core might be a large open air market, a baseball stadium, or a street with lots of shops and restaurants. A core attracts people to the area, is served by the major transportation paths, and is the first image that most people associate with that part of the city.
The Image of the City discusses the legibility of cities and ways to “read” them. It also focuses on the mental images of cities that people use to find their way. There are five elements in Lynch’s city; in Lynch’s words, these are
- Paths: channels along which the observer customarily, occasionally, or potentially moves.
- Edges: linear elements not used or considered paths by the observer
- districts: sections of the city which the observer mentally enters ‘inside of’ and which are recognizable as having some common, identifying character.
- nodes: points, the strategic spots in a city into which an observer can enter, and which are the intensive foci to an from which he is traveling.
- landmarks: another type of reference, but in this case, the observer does not enter within them, they are external.
An architect is planning an infill building in an urban setting. To maintain the continuity of the public space enclosure defined by the other buildings, the architect should be most sensitive to the
A. Building height
B. Recess line
C. Setback
D. Transition line
B - To maintain the continuity of the public space enclosure defined by the other buildings, an architect should be most sensitive to the recess line. In urban site planning, the recess line is the top of the full-width plane of a building facade, which effectively defines the enclosure of public space relative to the distance between it and an opposite facade. If there is a portion of the building above the recess line, it is setback to provide daylighting or views, so it does not affect the sense of enclosure of the public space. The building height and the recess line are not necessarily at the same elevation.
A setback is simply the minimum horizontal distance between the property line and the building. The transition line is a line running the full width of the facade and that may be expressed as a change of material or limited projection. The transition line may divide the facade somewhere below the recess line without altering the overall composition of the space.
In a dense urban context, site analysis prior to design should include studies of which of the following? Select 4.
A. solar shading B. drainage C. imageability D. surrounding historical context E. land values F. views
A, C, D, F - A solar shading study would show how the proposed building would block sunlight on other buildings as well as on streets and outdoor areas. An imageability study determines how existing buildings, streets, and public spaces contribute to the neighborhood’s image; that is , those elements defined by Kevin Lynch in his book, The Image of the City. This information could then be used to suggest ways that the proposed building could reinforce the existing urban context.
A study of the neighborhood’s historic context would reveal significant historic structures and influences and may suggest how the proposed building could better fit into the community. A view analysis would how the significant views from the site and indicate where windows, entries, an other features on the proposed building should be positioned.
In a dense urban area, drainage would not be an important consideration for early site analysis, as most of the site would be taken up with buildings. Land values would have already had an effect on the decision to purchase the site and is not critical for site analysis prior to design.
If land is limited, which of the following is the best way to plan parking lots?
A. Two-way direction with 90 degree parking on both sides of a drive.
B. 30 degree parking on both sides of a one-way loop system.
C. combining service circulation with parking at a 45 degree angle.
D. 90 degree parking on one side of a one-way circulation drive.
A - 90 degree parking layouts are always the most efficient if space is limited. A single-loaded circulation drive providing access to parking is not as efficient as two rows of parking sharing one drive.
In the Northern Hemisphere, the optimum tilt angle of an active solar collector for year-round use is approximately equal to the
A. solar altitude on the spring and fall equinoxes
B. solar altitude on the winter solstice
C. building’s latitude
D. building’s latitude plus 15 degrees
C - The best orientation of solar panels, either for heating or photovoltaics, is approximately the latitude of the building location or slightly greater. For space heating systems, an angle of latitude of 15 degrees is optimum for winter heating season.
Which of the following statements are correct about site slopes? Select 4.
A. Roads in northern climates can safely have up to a 12% grade.
B. a 1.5% slope is suitable for rough paving.
C. Landscaped areas near buildings should have at least a 2% slope away from the structure.
D. A safe sidewalk slopes in the direction of travel no more than 2.5%
E. Sidewalk cross slopes must be a maximum of 2%.
F. Slopes for grass for recreational use can have up to a 5% slope.
B, C, D, E - Most roads should be kept to a grade of less than 10%; very short roads and parking garage ramps are exceptions. In northern climates, where snow and ice are a problem, it is even more important to maintain gentle slopes. A 12% grade would not be safe and could make driving difficult. Grass slopes for grass for recreation should have a maximum 3% slope
A topographic survey of a small office building indicates that the east side yard has a horizontal to vertical slope of 40% along a 30 ft length between the property line and the elevation at which the grade must contact the proposed building. To be compatible with the adjacent property landscaping, the owner wants to put in mowed grass landscaping. What is the least expensive way of reworking this area to make this possible?
A. Build a 5 ft high wall at the property line, and regrade between the wall and building.
B. Build one 4 ft high retaining wall midway between the property line and the building.
C. Build 2 4ft high retaining walls at the third points between the property line and building.
D. Terrace the slope with three short retaining walls.
B - Building a 5 ft wall is more expensive and does not achieve the owner’s goal of being compatible with the neighboring landscaping. Building two or three retaining walls also works but is more expensive.
In order to landscape with mowed grass, a maximum slope of 3:1 , or about 33%, is required. The current slope is 40%, so it will have to be reduced. Because the grade at the property line cannot be changed and the grading at the building is fixed, one or more retaining walls will be required.
A graywater system would be integrated most appropriately into a(n)
A. laundromat
B. office building
C. residence
D. restaurant
A - Graywater systems, when allowed by local building and health departments, are most appropriately used where the ratio of nonpotable to potable water needs is relatively high. A laundromat would produce a great amount of wastewater that could be captured for other purposes. a graywater system captures water - for example, from lavatories, washing machines, and other fixtures - that does not contain organic waste. The system then uses the water for irrigation or for nonpotable uses like flushing toilets.
What combination of lighting would be the most appropriate choice for a women’s clothing store?
A. color-improved mercury lamps with metal halide accent lighting.
B. limited natural daylight, warm white deluxe fluorescent for general illumination, and tungsten halogen for accent lighting.
C. incandescent general lighting with low-voltage accent lighting on displays.
D. daylighting for general illumination and incandescent fixtures for dressing areas and display lighting.
B - The combination of limited natural light, warm white fluorescent general illumination, and tungsten halogen accent lighting offers the best balance of appropriate color rendering and energy efficiency. Dayighting would provide natural light for viewing clothes and excellent color rendering, but would need to be limited in order to prevent damage to delicate fabrics. Warm white deluxe lamps would be energy efficient and provide a pleasant, overall light. The tungsten halogen accent lights will provide sparkle to jewelry displays and highlight featured merchandise.
Mercury lamps and metal halide lighting have cooler tones which may render colors inappropriately. Incandescent fixtures throughout would not be energy efficient. Using daylighting for general illumination could damage fabrics and would limit the store’s hours of operation to daylight hours.
Which of the following are typically part of the project schedule developed by the architect during the programming process? Select 4
A. architectural services negotiation B. pre-design phase C. bidding time D. construction E. commissioning F. construction schedule
B, C, D, E - The architect’s involvement in scheduling the overall project time-frame begins only after the architect is hired, which occurs after negotiating for the architect’s services. The architect cannot schedule construction - only the contractor can do that - although the architect may estimate the time required to help establish what type of project delivery method the client should consider.
Know the different types of scheduling techniques, such as the Gantt schedule (or bar chart) and the critical path method (CMP)
Which of the following building types would probably have the lowest efficiency?
A. shoe store in a shopping mall
B. community library
C. hospital
D. college chemistry building
C - Efficiency, also called the net-to-gross ratio, expresses the relationship of programmed spaces to circulation, structural, and utility spaces. It is calculated by dividing the sum of the programmed spaces (the net floor area) by the total building area (the gross floor area), and is expressed as a percentage.
Buildings with heavy mechanical and circulation requirements, like hospitals, often have much lower efficiencies than buildings such as offices and retail stores. Buildings that allocate a great deal of floor space to housing the structural system (ie, large columns, thick masonry walls), are generally less efficient than those that do not have these features. Although efficiency is determined in part by the building type, it is also dependent on the designer’s skill in creating a layout with a circulation plan that occupies a minimum amount of space, so that the majority of the building’s floor area can be allocated to programmed uses.
A hospital would have the lowest efficiency of the building types listed because of the space occupied by specialized mechanical systems, the wide clearances needed in hallways, and the complex circulation paths.
While developing the preliminary project schedule during the programming phase, which would be the most reliable sources of information about construction time? Select 3.
A. Historical documents on similar projects from the architect’s office.
B. Annual published costs and scheduling book.
C. The construction manager whom the client has hired for the job.
D. A contracting firm that has done work for the architect in the past.
E. Other architects who have completed similar projects.
F. Architectural and construction magazine articles on similar projects.
A, C, E - Records of similar projects that the architect has maintained would be a fairly accurate source of information about the time required to build. From this historical data, the architect could factor in any unique elements of the new project to arrive at a preliminary schedule that would work reasonably well for programming. The best source of current information would be the construction manager who is part of the building team because that person would have a great deal of experience with managing construction schedules. Other architects who have done similar projects would also be able to offer valuable information on construction time, including any problems they encountered related to completion time.
Annually published cost and scheduling books would not be a good choice because the scheduling information they contain is typically based on number of hours or manpower required to complete individual aspects of construction. Such books would be more useful for estimating time required to complete components of the overall project. Asking a contractor who previously worked with the architect would not be a good choice because, without assurances that they would be awarded the job, the contractor might not be inclined to give accurate information. Magazines are poor sources of information on construction time because they seldom include such information and the projects would be in different geographical locations, making any information unreliable.
A small medical clinic is being planned for a suburban location on an open, level site. It is to include services of general practice, obstetrics/family planning, testing and laboratories and dental offices, along with medical offices and an administration area. All together the building will have a net area of about 70,000 sf. Access to the building is primarily by automobile. The group developing the project wants the facility to be a comfortable, friendly place that minimizes the anxiety of a visit to the doctor and that makes it as easy as possible to get around. It expects the venture to be successful and each department to grow as the catchment areas grows.
In order to meet the goals of the client, which of the following design responses would be most appropriate? Select 4.
A. Group the waiting areas and the reception area together to encourage social interaction.
B. Specify furniture that is attached to the floor to maintain organized seating.
C. Base the size of the waiting rooms on a behavior setting where establishing territory should be encouraged.
D. Develop a different color scheme for each of the separate services.
E. Design a children’s play area in one corner of waiting areas.
F. Arrange individual chair seating against walls and other objects so if faces room entries.
C, D, E, F - Grouping the waiting areas and the reception area to encourage interaction would probably be the least desirable option for two reasons. People are usually a little nervous while waiting with strangers and prefer the option to avoid contact in sociofugal space. In addition, because there are different departments in a medium-sized facility, having everyone in one space would be inefficient as well as uncomfortable . One large waiting area would make people feel less at ease and therefore would be counter-productive to the client’s goals. Seating that is attached to the floor would seem unfriendly and would not allow for a small amount of personalization or for two or more people waiting together to adjust positions to make the experience more comfortable.
The process of strategic facility planning begins with the analysis of three basic business drivers. What are they?
A. company's geographic location B. company's overall sales C. company's revenue D. local business regulations E. market volatility F. number of employees in the company
B, C, F - Strategic facility planning is a niche service that some architectural firms offer. These firms have expanded the traditional definition of architectural programming to include market analysis and business planning for their clients. Architects who offer this specialty often team with professionals in allied fields such as business, law, industrial engineering, or real estate to offer a comprehensive package of services.
The process of strategic facility planning begins with the analysis of business drivers. Three basic business drivers are considered: the company’s revenue, its number of employees, and its overall sales. These data give the analysts a sense of where the company stands in relationship to its competitors.
The team then considers the type and goals of the organization. Corporate clients have a different approach to decision making than nonprofit and government sector clients, and the issues of greatest importance to each must be understood before a particular client can be advised. Demand-side factors (those that benefit the end user) and supply-side factors (those that benefit the landlord) are weighed as well. Depending on the client, these factors may or may not include geographic location, local business regulations, and market volatility. Finally, all these factors are considered in the development of a plan for space utilization and possible growth.
A developer who is purchasing farmland to convert to a housing development would most likely finance the project with a
A. Bridge loan
B. Mezzanine loan
C. Blanket loan
D. Conventional mortgage
C - A blanket loan is a common tool of developers and is used for the purchase of land that a developer intends to subdivide and resell. Generally it includes a clause that releases each subdivided plot from the loan as it is purchased and a portion of the debt is repaid.
A bridge loan is a short-term loan used to close quickly on a property or to finance a project that must begin immediately while waiting for another lender to approve a long-term loan. A hard money loan is similar and is based on the value of the property against which the loan is made. The amount of the loan depends on the quick-sale value of the property or the loan-to-value ratio.
Mezzanine loans, which are often used by developers, are large loans with a variable interest rate that increases substantially near teh time that the repayment is due. Stock in the developer’s company is used as collateral, as opposed to a conventional loan, where the property itself would serve as collateral. The loan requires a gamble that the property will produce enough revenue to repay the loan when the interest rates escalate.
A conventional mortgage, which may have either a fixed or adjustable interest rate, is secured by the property purchased. The party borrowing the money agrees to repay the loan over a period of time, and when the debt is repaid, the borrower has clear title to the property. If the borrower defaults, the lender may begin foreclosure and seize the property.
Which of the following areas of a building are considered part of the means of egress. Select 4
A. Storeroom B. Corridor C. Public sidewalk D. Exterior courtyard E. City roadway F. Enclosed stairway
A, B, D, F - Public sidewalks and city roadways are not part of the means of egress because they are examples of public way. All of the other building areas listed are part of the exit access, the exit, or the exit discharge.
To support the roof of a building with an extra-long span, the most economical steel structural system is
A. Trusses
B. Arches
C. Rigid Frames
D. Steel Cables
D - For the roof of a building with an extra-long span, the most economical steel strutural system is a cable system. The cost of roof support per square foot using cables is generally lower than the cost of using other rigid steel structural systems.
It is estimated that based on normal allowable working stresses and a 10% sag for a suspended cable, a 36” W-shaped beam can carry its own weight for about 220 ft, while a steel cable can carry its own weight for 3.3 miles
For spans of 300 ft or more, the most appropriate steel structural system generally consists of
A. a skeleton frame comprising beams, girders, and columns.
B. steel trusses.
C. Steel rigid frames
D. Steel arches
D - For spans of 300 ft or more, the most appropriate steel structural system generally consists of steel arches. Steel arches are used extensively to support roofs covering large unobstructed floor areas in structures such as hangers, field houses, and exhibition halls with spans often exceeding 300 ft. Rigid frames are generally preferred for intermediate spans.
A reinforced concrete slab is generally considered a one-way slab when the ratio of long span to short span is
A. 1.0
B. 2.0 or more
C. 3.0 or more
D. 4.0 or more
B - A reinforced concrete slab is generally considered a one-way slab when the ratio of long span to short span is 2.0 or more, and it is considered a two-way slab when the ratio is less than 2.0. A one-way slab is reinforced for bending moment in the short direction, and for temperature and shrinkage stresses at the minimum ratio in the long direction. A two-way slab is reinforced for bending moment in both directions.
In lateral load resisting systems, a steel frame is often used in conjunction with concrete shear walls. What type of load does each component of this system carry?
A. The steel frame carries most of the vertical gravity load, and the concrete shear walls carry the lateral load.
B. The steel frame carries the lateral load, and the concrete shear walls carry most of the vertical gravity load.
C. Both components carry the vertical and lateral load.
D. The steel frame carries most of the vertical and lateral load.
A - The steel frame carries most of the vertical gravity load, and the concrete shear walls carry the lateral load. This system is commonly used, and the concrete shear walls are often placed around the building’s mechanical core, enclosing elevators and stairways. The shear walls transmit the lateral forces to the foundation and must be continuous.
In wood construction, what is the main benefit of using platform framing as opposed to balloon framing?
A. Reduced vertical shrinkage.
B. Increased fire resistance.
C. Better resistance for lateral loads
D. ease of construction
D - The main benefit of using platform framing is the ease of construction resulting from utilizing a platform in each story for wall and partition frame preassembly.
A building in an earthquake-prone areas is designed to have an open front and shear walls around the other three sides. This constitutes an irregularity. What is the correct and most practical solution in this case?
A. Add drag structs to the front.
B. Provide a moment-resisting frame in the front.
C. Increase the safety factors in the design calculations.
D. Change the entire design and close the front with a shear wall.
B - The correct and most practical solution is to provide a moment-resisting frame in the front. The rear is rigid and the front is open, so it is flexible. Providing a moment-resisting frame in the front will make the front as rigid as possible while maintaining the possibility of an opening there.
Drag structs will not solve the problem in this case. Increasing the safety factors in the design calculations is not a solution. Safety factors are normally given by building codes; designers do not select their own factors.
Also, increasing the safety factors does not resolve the irregularities resulting from a flexible front and a rigid rear. Changing the entire design and eliminating the opening would generally not be a practical solution.
Which of the following statements about concrete walls are true. Select 4.
A. Concrete has replaced stone and brick for foundation walls because it is more economical and more watertight.
B. Concrete foundation walls are often reinforced at a large reinforcement ratio.
C. Plain (unreinforced) concrete foundation walls withstand uneven settlement without serious cracking better than brick masonry walls do.
D. Columns may rest on a concrete bearing wall.
E. Foundation walls must resist vertical loads and lateral earth pressure.
F. Reinforcement in concrete foundation walls is necessary for temperature, shrinkage and uneven settlement.
A, D, E, F - B is false. Concrete foundation walls are frequently reinforced to better withstand temperature change, shrinkage, and uneven settlement, though reinforcement may be minimal.
Option C is also false. Brick masonry foundation walls withstand uneven settlement without serious cracking better than plain concrete.
A cost estimate is called for during programming of a new community center with a fixed total cost. Three priorities established for the project are creating an informal bu high quality environment, durability of materials, and creating memorable places. Which aspect of the cost estimate offers the most flexibility for meeting the overall project budget?
A. Cost / sf B. Programmed sf C. Efficiency ratio D. Property acquisition and demolition E. Site development
B - In this case, the quality of the environment and the degree of interaction called for limit the flexibility of both cost/SF and efficiency.
If an architect is looking to build on a flat urban in fill project on an empty lot, which of the following initial environmental information needs to be gathered before building?
A. Radon B. Brownfield survey C. Asbestos D. Structural inspection E. Topographic survey
A, B - There is no building to inspect for asbestos or structural. Because it is a flat site and the architect is still determining if the site is viable no topographical study is required at this time.
An architect is working on a residential project in the hot and humid climate of Huston, TX. After surveying the property together, the client has decided they would like the house to be situated at least halfway up the large hill in order to capture some of the expansive views. Where on the hill should the architect suggest building?
A. On top of the hill
B. Halfway up the south side of the hill
C. Halfway up the north side of the hill
D. On the bottom of the east side of the hill
A - In a hot and humid climate, the top of the hill will be the best location to take advantage of the wind and its evaporative cooling.
A theater company is building a new urban playhouse on a corner lot. Discussion of which of the following programming concepts should be facilitated by the programmer during workshops with the client? Select 2.
A. Levels of access
B. In-the-round seating
C. Centralization or decentralization of services
D. Distributed bar service stations
E. Roll-up doors along street-facing edges
A, C - This question looks at the use of programming concepts. The correct items are all programming concepts, whereas the incorrect items are potential design solutions/strategies.
The architect is evaluating plans to modify an existing 26,000 sf storage facility (S2 facility, non-sprinkler, Type 2B) by transitioning it to a business occupancy at 23,000 sf. Which of the following represent items that should be incorporated into the space to meet fire code requirements? Select all that apply.
A. Fire wall B. Sprinkler system C Fire barrier D. Fresh air vents E. Increase insulation
A, B - According to IBC chart 506.,2, construction type 2B and Business occupation can go up to 23,000 sf and be non-sprinklered. The remaining 3,000 sf of S2 occupancy must be considered. You can use sprinklers for the whole building to increase the allowable square footage or use a fire wall to separate the structure into separate occupancies. A fire barrier is not appropriate as it is just meant to control the spread of fire and not preserve the structure on either side of the wall.
A client is looking to buy a plot of land with an existing manufacturing plant on it. which of the following are questions that should be asked to determine if a Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) should be completed? Select all that apply.
A. Is the property in an area currently or historically used for industrial or commercial activities?
B. Do adjacent properties drain onto the site?
C. Is an on-site well required for the property?
D. How many cars travel by the site in a week?
E. When was the building built?
A, B, C - Hazard waste on or from adjacent properties could trigger water pollution when disturbed, causing potential life safety and other hazardous situations. Neither cars nor the building’s age would be a trigger to determine if an ESA needs to be completed.
An architect working on a project in a very cold climate is brainstorming with the landscape architect on ways to site the building and landscape to help block the cold. Which 3 options would be good to suggest?
A. Pushing the building into the site and building up the earth around it.
B. Adding low bushes to the south and evergreens to the north.
C. Splitting the building into multiple masses and creating a series of courtyards.
D. Incorporating a large wall along the south side of the property.
E. Constructing a compact shaped building.
A, B, E - For cold climates a compact building shape will reduce heat loss as well as an earth berm. Low bushes to the south provide a windbreak but allow winter access to the sun.
A small gasoline station, built in the 1930s along Route 66 in Missouri, has been abandoned for 10 years. New owners have bought the property and want to fix it up so they can operate an automotive museum and small restaurant on the property. The building is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The owners plan to apply for federal tax credits. According to the definitions established by the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties, which of the following treatments should be selected
A. preservation
B. Rehabilitation
C. Restoration
D. Reconstruction
B - The Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties are guidelines established for owners and architects contemplating projects at sites deemed to have historic value. They can be used for any project, but are only required to be followed when federal funding is sought for the project or if the owner plans to apply for Federal Historic Preservation Tax Incentives. Rehabilitation is the most lenient of the four approaches, and the one that best allows for new construction (additions or renovations) and adaptive reuse.
An architect is designing an office building for a site in Minnesota and draws a profile of the site based upon a topographic survey provided by the client. The client asks the architect’s opinion on the best location for the building. IN order to take advantage of the most favorable microclimate on the site, where should the building be located on the south facing hill?
A. Bottom of the hill
B. Lower half of the slope
C. Upper half of the slope
D. Top of the hill
B - In a cold climate, it is important to maximize exposure and warming effects of the sun while shielding the building from cold winter winds. Locating the building near the bottom of the slope will provide protection from the wind and exposure to the sun, and lifting the building to a higher elevation will avoid the effects of cold air collecting in the valley.
In a hot arid climate the building would be located at the bottom of the south face of the hill.
In a temperate climate the building would be located at the top half of the hill.
In a warm climate the building would be located at the top of the hill.
What is typically the maximum height building that can utilize an upfeed water supply system?
A. 20-30 ft
B. 30-40 ft
C. 50-60 ft
D. 70-80 ft
C - Upfeed water supply systems will work in buildings up to approximately 40-60 ft tall. The exact height depends on a variety of factors, including losses due to static head as well as the pressure at the water main, which is generally anywhere from 40-80 psi.
Static head is the amount of pressure required to lift water through a piping system in a building. 0.433 psi can lift water 1 ft. For each foot of building height, then .433 psi is lost. To determine water pressure at each floor of the building, multiple the static head by the building height and subtract that from the pressure at the building main. There must be enough pressure available to operate fixtures on the top floor. These calculations can help a designer to determine the most appropriate type of system for a project.
In what type of building is 120/208 voltage, three-phase power appropriate?
A. Industrial
B. small commercial
C. Residential
D. Large commercial
B - 120/208 voltage, three-phase power is appropriate for a small commercial building.
Residents typically have 120/240 voltage, single-phase systems. Larger buildings with greater demand require higher-voltage, three-phase services.
Which approaches are appropriate for passively cooling a building in Taos, New Mexico? Select 3.
A. roof ponds B. Evaporative coolers C. Materials with high thermal mass D. limited windows on the north side. E. Courtyards with fountains F. Large windows on the east and west
A, C, E - Evaporative coolers are only effective in this type of climate, but this is not a passive cooling technique. Limited windows on the north side do little to cool a building passively. Windows on the east and west sides of the building may not help with cooling in this climate. All the other choices are good ways to cool a building passively in New Mexico’s hot-arid climate. Roof ponds add thermal mass to the building; when used in tandem with high thermal mass building materials and night flushing, it is possible to take advantage of the cool nighttime temperatures. Courtyards help keep cooled are within the living space, and the fountains cool through evaporation and have a psychological effect of making the space seem cooler.
A small one-story building in a temperate climate has been designed with its long side oriented to the south. If a southern view is not a concern, The best passive solar heating method will be
A. direct gain space
B. Trombe wall
C. Greenhouse
D. Convective loop
B - A trombe wall is a type of thermal storage wall used in passive solar design. It uses mass to collect and store heat from the sun during the day. When heating is required, the stored heat in the mass is circulated by natural convection to the rest of the building. A trombe wall behind glass on the south side of a building, it blocks the views from inside the building.
If view is a consideration, a direct gain space, greenhouse, or convective loop using mass in the flooring and wall materials would be a better choice.
To conduct a preliminary code evaluation for a proposed project, the architect must possess a certain amount of information about the building. Which of the following are key pieces of information for the initial step of the code evaluation? Select 3.
A. Type of occupancy B. Separation from adjacent buildings C. means of egress D. Type of construction E. Required type of fire suppression system F. Fire district location
A, D, E - There are three questions an architect must answer at the beginning of a project to determine the permitted size and layout of a building. The questions must be answered simultaneously, and the answers to each question are often dependent on the answers to the others (eg, fully sprinklered buildings can often be larger and of a less fire-resistive type of construction than buildings for similar uses that do not include a sprinkler system). The questions are:
- What is the occupancy of this building?
- What type of fire-suppression system will be required?
What type of construction will be used?
When the architect has determined the answers to these three questions, the information may be applied to the tables in the code to determine required means of egress, fire-separation requirements, and other code requirements that will govern design and materials selection.
Which of the following are included in a contractor’s project overhead costs? Select 4.
A. Bond and insurance B. Payroll taxes C. Office rent D. Permits E. Temporary office and sanitary facilities F. Transportation expenses
A, D, E, F - Payroll taxes are considered to be part of labor costs.
General overhead costs are those expenses that a contractor cannot attribute directly to a project. Overhead expenses included things like rent and utilities, advertising, office supplies, general legal expenses, and staff wages.
Project overhead costs can be charged to a specific project, but they exclude labor, materials, and equipment. Overhead costs can include bonds and insurance, temporary facilities, permits, and transportation related to the project, as well as other expenses the contractor may incur in the course of the work.
Total overhead costs vary from 5-20% of the project costs. Overhead expenses are generally related to the size of the contractor’s operation. For example, a general contractor working from his home, advertising through word of mouth and coordinating the work through subcontractors rather than employing his own forces will have much lower overhead than a large construction company with hundreds of employees, large offices in a downtown high-rise, and an advertising campaign that makes their firm a household word.
Which of the following statements regarding building costs are true? Select 4.
A. The greater the floor area of the building, the greater the cost.
B. The longer the construction period, the greater the cost.
C. The higher the perimeter-to-floor area ratio, the greater the unit cost.
D. A cubic building costs less than a rectangular building of the same area.
E. The greater the floor-to-floor height, the greater the unit cost.
F. The taller the building, the greater the unit cost.
B, C, E, F - As the floor area of the building increases, the cost per unit of area decreases. This decrease is attributable to better perimeter-to-floor area ratios; (the exterior envelope is a costly building component) and more efficient utilization of the most expensive elements of the building, such as the HVAC system and elevators. In a similar vein, for the same areas, a cubic building has the least amount of exterior envelope compared to a rectangular building. The contractor can also capitalize on economies of scale, which means that the more materials purchased, the better the deal.
Larger buildings tend to have lower unit costs. AN exception is tall buildings: above 5 stories or so, costs per square foot tend to increase due to the need for elevators, additional fire protection measures, and specialized structural systems. As floor-to-floor heights increase, so do the unit costs; this may be attributed to a need to use nonstandard building materials. In wood framing construction, for example, exceeding an 8 ft ceiling height requires that sheets of gypsum board must be cut to fit.
In addition to design factors mentioned, the cost per unit may also be affected by the length of the construction period, unusual contractual requirements, and the quality of the materials specified.
Which of the following factors increases a building’s efficiency?
A. A central mechanical plant
B. Small rooms
C. A single-story building
D. Many offices requiring windows
C - Efficiency is the ratio of net area to gross area and is always a number between zero and one. A building’s program and design decisions made in the initial planning stages can have a great impact on a buildings efficiency. Deciding to build a new building designed specifically to meet the program requirements generally leads to a more efficient building than retrofitting an existing building to meet new needs. The site has an effect as well; sites with lots of open space and gentle grades can help to increase building efficiency. Consultants’ choices can also have a significant impact on efficiency; for example, placing mechanical units on the roof rather than in an interior mechanical room can help increase efficiency. Furthermore, programs that require large rooms, specify flexibility requirements regarding adjacencies and/or windows, and have a low population as defined by code (requiring smaller means of egress) tend to be more efficient. A designer can further increase the efficiency of a building by limiting the design to one story with a central core and using double-loaded corridors.