Multiemployer Funding 431 Flashcards
What is the actuarial balance equation for Multiemployer Plans? UAL =
O/S Bases - Credit Balance + Debit Balance - ARA
How is the Actuarial Equation of Balance different for The Aggregate method?
No UAL, so no ARA
What are the only bases that could exist under the aggregate cost method?
Funding Waiver Bases
For multiemployer plans, the minimum required contributions are the difference between the charges and the credits. What are the charges and credits?
- Normal Cost
- Amortization Charge
- Debit Balance
- Contributions
- Full Funding Credit
- Credit Balance
- Waived funding deficiency
For multiemployer plans, when is the minimum required contribution calculated as of? When is the last date to pay a contribution?
Always the last day of the year.
Same as single employers - 8.5 months after end of plan year
For multiemployer plans, what is the excise tax on missed contributions and when can it be waived?
It is 5% and is waived if the plan is in endagerd or critical status.
How is the ARA rolled forward?
It is multiplied by (1+i)
What is the amortization period for the bases for multiemployers?
- 15 years always for Gain/Loss Bases and 10 years for change in funding method
- Else, 15 years after 2008 and 30 years before 2008
- IAL before 1/2/1974 is 40 years
For multiemployer plans, what is the initial accrued liability base if the plan does not credit past service?
For multiemployer plans, when is the initial accrued liability base 0 if the plan credits past service? I.e. which cost methods?
- Individual Level Premium
- The Aggregate
- Aggregate Individual
For multiemployer plans, when is the plan amendment amortized over the length of benefits paid?
When benefits are not paid as a life annuity and are paid on a period shorter than 15 years.
How would a multiemployer plan extend their amortization period by 5 years?
Automatic approval if meet:
- Without extension, expect funding deficiency in current or next 9 plan years
- Sponsor has adopted a plan to improve the plan’s “funding status”
- Plan will have sufficient assets to pay benefits plus expenditures over extension period
- Sponsor has provided advance notice under 431(d)(3) (Same as waiver for single employer)
How would a multiemployer plan extend their amortization period by 10 years?
Submit application - not automatic approval
- Extension provides adequate funding for plan
- Failure to grant extension results in risk of plan termination/reduction in benefit levels or employee compensation
- Failure to grant extension is adverse to interests of plan participants
How do you reamortize a multiemployer base using a new interest rate?
Determine the outstanding amount using the current interest rate and then amortize the outstanding amount over the same number of years using the new interest rate.
If contributions for multiemployer plans are made after the plan year ends, how are they adjusted with interest to be added to the MRC calculation?
They are not adjusted.
What adjustment needs to be made for withdrawal liability payments in the balance equation?
No special adjustment - treated as a normal contribution.
Do you use the ERISA FFL or the RPA ‘94 FFL?
Whichever is larger.
ERISA Full Funding Limit Definition
(1+i)*(accrued liability + normal cost - [Min(AVA, MVA),
reduced by credit balance])
- Cannot be negative
How are credit balances and debit balances reflected in the ERISA Full Funding Limit.
- Credit balances are used to reduce the assets
- Treat debit balance as zero credit balance
Which cost method do you use for the ERISA FFL?
- Use the valuation cost method
- If valuation cost method is aggregate type cost method, then use the Entry Age Normal method
Which benefits are included in the AAL for the ERISA FFL?
Accrued liability only includes benefits that are non-forfeitable upon plan termination
FFL RPA ‘94 Definition
90%*[(1+iCL)(NCCL+ALCL) - BP(1 + iCL/2)] - [(1+i)(AVA) - BP (1 + i/2)]
- iCL, NCCL, ALCL are based on current liability interest rate
- Assets are always adjusted with interest at valuation rate
Full Funding Limit Credit Definition
FFL - Accumulated Funding Deficiency
If a plan gets the full funding credit, what also happens?
The bases are wiped out Next Year.
In the year after a plan gets the full funding credit, all the bases are waived. How are bases calculated in the next year?
Force the UAL = Debit Balance - Credit Balance + O/S Bases - ARA
Amortize the O/S Base over 15 years.
For multiemployer plans, what is the limiting corridor on the AVA?
- Lesser of 85% AMV and 80% MVA
- Greater of 115% AMV and 120% MVA
For multiemployer plans, what is the average value method of determining the AVA?
Adjust prior assets values (not to exceed prior 5) with all items except the unrealized and realized gain/losses.
For multiemployer plans, what is the smoothed value method of determining the AVA?
Same as the single employer AVA smoothing method, except you can use up to 5 years.
What is the interest rate for current liability under RPA ‘94?
- Based on insurance company settlement rates
- Permissible range as 90% to 105% of the 4 year average yield on 30 year Treasury securities
What is the interest/mortality for ERISA current liability?
Valuation Assumptions
When can the valuation be for multiemployer plans?
It can be any date within the current plan year or up to one month prior.
Can use any val date within prior year if AVA > 100% current liability. But the initial year of the change in valuation date, the threshhold is 125%.
How is the accumulated Funding Deficiency calculated?
- Balance of the MFSA
- ignore credit balance
- ignore employer contributions for the year.
T/F You must adjust for significant differences in the number of participants if you use a valuation date in the prior year for multiemployer plans.
If a multiemployer plan gets a funding amortization extension, what is the restriction on amendments?
No amendments except de minimis amendments.